Berwick to Birling Gap walk

via Wilmington, Jevington and Flagstaff point


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  • Berwick to Birling Gap, 8/8/13
    amib, Sep-13

    A wonderful 12 miles of walking across the South Downs, initially along the Wealdway, prior to lunch in either of the pub or the churchyard at Wilmington.

    After lunch, it's up past the 'Long Man' prior to some great views from up on high. The path passes through Jevington, where a later lunch break is possible. The walk then uses some quieter paths for the descent into East Dean.

    Hereafter, the scenery changes as the walker approaches the coast to join The South Downs Way into Birling Gap, where tea can be had prior to catching a bus back into Eastbourne.

    Another great day on the Downs!