Jersey Coast Path

Pretty coast walk based in St Helier, Jersey. Part of the Channel Island Way

Length 48.5 miles
Toughness 4 out of 10

Jersey Official Leisure Map - This is a OS style map of Jersey, but you don't really need it for this walk if you have the Cicerone book

Walk Notes

This is a 48.5 mile clockwise 4 day walk around the coast of Jersey, one of the Channel Islands, just off the north coast of Brittany in northern France. Base yourself in the main town, St Helier, travelling to and fro each day with the very good bus service.

Day 1 starts out from St Helier, the walker follows St Aubin's Bay to reach St Aubins Harbour; thereafter, the Walk climbs up on to higher ground and continues to great views over St Brelade's, where lunch is had. Day 1's walking ends with a final section from St Brelade's to the start of St Quen's Bay at La Pulente.

Day 2 continues on from La Pulente and follows St Quen's Bay right round to Le Grand Etacquerel, where the path then climbs steeply to pass vivid memories of the German Occupation. Lunch is taken near Grosnez Castle. After that, it's on past Plemont before finishing the day at La Greve Lecq.

Day 3 starts out from yesterday's finishing point, veers inland slightly for a short while before returning to a delightful cliff walk to La Falaise. A short detour is made here to visit the 'Devil's Hole' before continuing on along the cliffs to Sorel. The walker passes a large quarry at Ronez, Jersey's most northerly point, before veering inland again to follow La Route du Nord to St John's. From there, it's back on to the cliffs for a section dominated by a transmitter mast. Wolf's Caves lie below.

Continuing day 3's walking from Wolf's Caves, lunch is had on a cliff bench overlooking Bonne Nuit Bay. Thereafter, it's down to said village before continuing on via Les Platons (Lower Path), La Belle Hougue, Le Petit Port, and so to Bouley Bay for tea at 'Mad Mary's'...

Day 4, and the final section, is the longest day of walking at approximately 14.5 miles. Starting out from Bouley Bay, the walker follows the cliffs to Rozel, almost the most northerly point of Jersey, before returning back inland for the section through to St Catherine's Tower. From here, it's back to coast walking for lunch at Archirondel (Anne Port). Thereafter, it's quiet road walking into Mont Orgueil Castle (Gorey) before rejoining the sea wall of Grouville Bay to walk past a magnificent beach to Fort Henry. After that, the walker passes a number of former defence towers before reaching the 'moonscape' of La Roque and St Clement's Bay. Luckily, the tide was out, so the walker was able to avoid the inevitable road walking into St Helier and take the beach route.

So concludes a wonderful circuit of the varied coast line of this little gem in the British Isles. Or, as Hugo put it, "morceaux de France tombes a la mer et ramasses par L'Angleterre"...

If the weather's good, a highly recommended walk; a very good bus service will easily enable walkers to undertake the sections outlined, without adding unnecessary traffic to the 'Green Lanes'. Enjoy!

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Start St Helier, Jersey Map Directions


National Rail: 03457 48 49 50 • Traveline (bus times): 0871 200 22 33 (12p/min) • TFL (London) : 0343 222 1234



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