Naturist / Nudist Beaches in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland
Durdle Door - near Lulworth Cove
Steep but safe path down, then 1/3 mile walk along a pebble beach backed by tall chalk cliffs

Durdle Door
Breathtaking Durdledoor
Apr-23 • dearsundaram on Flickr
uknature mountainsandbeaches naturelove lulworthcove durdledoor beach beaches mountain nature nuffbeach nuffdurdledoor 52894123165

Durdle Door
Breathtaking Durdledoor
Apr-23 • dearsundaram on Flickr
uknature mountainsandbeaches naturelove lulworthcove durdledoor beach beaches mountain nature nuffbeach nuffdurdledoor 52894123155

Durdle Door
Breathtaking Durdledoor
Apr-23 • dearsundaram on Flickr
uknature mountainsandbeaches naturelove lulworthcove durdledoor beach beaches mountain nature nuffbeach nuffdurdledoor 52894123130
Durdle Door (sometimes 'Durdle Dor') beach is located on the coast of Dorset and takes its name from a natural arch structure which projects out into the sea just West of Lulworth Cove.
Getting There
OS Map Ref: SY8088810
Lulworth may be reached from the A352 at Wareham via the B 3070. Alternatively take the B3071 south from Wool. From West Lulworth an unclassified road runs westward for about a mile to a caravan and camping site at Newlands Warren. Drive through the caravan site to reach the cliff-top field set aside for car parking - fee £2.50 approx. From here a path leads south-westward to meet the coast path above Durdle Door. A cliff path gives access to the beach:
"The walk down and up is STEEP - and involves steps for the last 150 feet or so. The road past the caravan site is at approximately 500', and well under a mile away, so chunks of the non-steps walk are also STEEP!"
The area of the beach used by naturists: "..requires a stroll westwards along the shingle shore for about three quarters of a mile, to Bat's Head and Little Door (referred to as Bat's Hole on some maps - a small arch). The naturist area starts a few hundred yards from the western end of the beach."
Update August 2003 Small notices are reported to have been placed on the gate at the exit from the car park stating that the beaches are "not for naturists". Discretion is advised. The land in this area is in the ownership of the Lulworth Estate.
You can park for free on the road outside the caravan park, and walk through it (on a public footpath) to the beach. You can also walk from Lulworth Cove (expensive parking)
The beach is pebbles and pretty quiet with nice views. With chalk cliffs behind and chalk pebbles below the sun can be intense. "Lovely beach if you don't mind pebbles. Usual naturist beach requirement to walk some distance (walking boots recommended, or tough shoes), but very peaceful when you get there, and NO possibility of being gawped (several hundred feet of cliff!)."
Small shop in caravan park. Pub in West Lulworth. Pub and cafe at Lulworth Cove
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manek sangoi 22Jun-20
It is real joy to step down to this pebble beach, with lovely sight of the Durdle Door and clean sea water. For those having difficulty to access this beach if it does not come in way of spoiling the natural beauty, to have a funicular railway would be a blessings. Rope way may mar the pleasure of the beautiful view. Have a nice trip! Manek Sangoi
An absolute delight. Three visits over eight days saw about five other naturists in all and lots of walkers, some who often stopped for a (clothed) swim. People who walk this far on hard shingle do not worry about non-textiles. However, the beach IS overlooked from western coastal path descent and there was some shouting from teenage groups.
Overall well worth the kilometre slog from steps - one mile from car park which is now about six pounds for the day. No sign of warnings against naturism. Very clear water and interesting underwater life.
For most of the time there was just the two of us. We were not particularly close to the western end, as we'd "camped" where we could stow the food and drink in the shade of some rock. At first, there was a couple (she nude, he in shorts) at the far end, then they went. A little later a single bloke set up down that end and stripped. Later still a couple went right down the end (he nude, she in bikini bottoms). Perhaps four textile couples trundled up and back down. Also a textile chap with his two young textile kids spent a fair bit of time close to us, and messing around up the far end. He seemed completely unconcerned by us, and chatted happily a couple of times.
Trip Report - Family visit 25 AugustAug-20
A superb day. Warm sunshine, relaxed atomosphere, water wonderful. One of those days when you cannot believe how lucky you are.
Mike R, Wednesday July 17thJul-20
In contrast to Ringstead Bay, it is a delightful, if steep, ten minute clamber down to the beach. There was an ice cream van on the plateau that precedes the final vertiginous steps to sea level. Lots of people about, school parties and the usual beachgoers. This is a beautiful place, the sort that makes you wish you'd brought your camera.
The west cove is to the right and it is only 10 minutes end to end. The first and largest section was well populated by textiles. The smaller second section, partly hidden from view till you get there, would be ideal for naturists - but there were none there, just a few textiles. The third and smallest section - probably inaccessible at high tide, was completely deserted. Oh dear! Where have all the naturists gone? (Answer: Studland, probably - it's only 15 miles away.) What a shame. Though the second section is a little cheek by jowl with the textiles, this could be an 8 out of 10 beach if given naturist legitimacy. If only they'd put a sign up as at Studland!
I have just taken my future wife to this beech for our first try at naturism, it was a great day out. We went to the far end and saw a few others which made us brave enough to join in. The experience of swimming and sun bathing naked was one not to be missed. The water quality for your information was excellent, clear and just like the med only cleaner.
The clamber down at Durdle Dor from the caravan park is not for the infirm, nor is the crunchy walk of perhaps 1/3 mile along the pebbles to the naturist cove. Last time I went we left the car just outside Lulworth and walked from there - coastal walking in this area is excellent, as long as the army ranges are clear. From things I've heard, it seems possible that during peak summer this year people were shedding costumes much closer to Durdle Door than the little cove at the end of the beach.
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Durdle Door
Breathtaking Durdledoor
Apr-23 • dearsundaram on Flickr
uknature mountainsandbeaches naturelove lulworthcove durdledoor beach beaches mountain nature nuffbeach nuffdurdledoor 52894123165

Durdle Door
Breathtaking Durdledoor
Apr-23 • dearsundaram on Flickr
uknature mountainsandbeaches naturelove lulworthcove durdledoor beach beaches mountain nature nuffbeach nuffdurdledoor 52894123155

Durdle Door
Breathtaking Durdledoor
Apr-23 • dearsundaram on Flickr
uknature mountainsandbeaches naturelove lulworthcove durdledoor beach beaches mountain nature nuffbeach nuffdurdledoor 52894123130
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The beach descriptions originally came from the closed NUFF website.
Thanks to its authors.