Naturist / Nudist Beaches in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland
North Cotes - Northcoates Point - near Grimsby
Access along the sea wall path from Horseshoe Point car park now fine

Way to North Cotes beach
turn off the coast path here, and head for the beach. Taken by Mark A.
Jun-22 • Andrew Murphy on Flickr
nuffbeach nuffnorthcotes 52149746534
This 'traditional' naturist beach is situated on the Lincolnshire coast, south of Cleethorpes. Confusingly, the nearby village is called "North Cotes" while the beach is "Northcoates Point" and access is via "Horseshoe Point". Access reported as good!
A sandy beach and "virtually deserted". At low tide the sea may well be a (very) long way off! Further to the north the beach is a nature reserve and therefore off-limits. The usual reminders about east-coast beaches being subject to on-shore winds apply here too.
User feedback indicates that some people have found it difficult to locate the exact section of the beach 'traditionally' used by naturists. Experience elswhere suggests that going far enough from the nearest car park / access point is all that is required and remember that, while "strength in numbers" is reassuring, at really remote spots you may well be the only person there!
"It is worth noting that the tides on this beach can be quite dangerous. It is wise to check tide times and do not approach the sea when the tide is rising as you can very easily get cut off."
[Jun-22] Access Good
Getting There
Satnav: DN36 5UF
Travelling south from Cleethorpes on the A1031 a lane on the left leads out towards the coast. The turning is just beyond the outskirts of North Cotes, before you reach Marshchapel and immediately after a sharp right-hand bend in the road. The road to the car-park has a tourist sign (white lettering on brown background) "Horseshoe Point" Follow the lane eastward as far as it goes - at least 1 1/2 miles of well-surfaced single track road, passing the former airfield on the left. The car park at "Horseshoe Point" can accommodate about 10 cars and is located at the end of the lane - go slow as you cross the bridge at the entrance to the car-park, oncoming cars are invisible until you hit them!
Access is very straightforward now. There is no sign of the previous "Orsted work". From the car park walk northwards along the sea wall - a grassy bank at the left hand side / rear of the car-park but almost invisible from the car-park itself. Concrete blocks mark the start of the bank. The bank runs parallel to a large fen drain which passes along the end of the airfield.
There are numerous paths down to the beach from the bank - the section of the beach used by naturists is about 2/3 mile (1km) from the car park (NOT half a mile as previously stated). You come to a rather incongruous metal gate (see photo) on the right hand (sea) side. This appears to be standing on it's own although it is in fact connected to a wire fence which has been flattened at several point to allow access, along a well worn path to the beach.
If you walk north for a further 10 - 15 minutes, you reach the peninsula (referred to as an "island" in some comments) where it is possible to locate areas on softer sand that are facing in a number of different directions, providing some shelter if windy.
[Jun-22] Access updates from Mark A
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Marcus S15-Jun-20
First visit for two years on Monday and had a very pleasant morning. Four naturists present by 13:00 when I left. Walking North from the car park I always consider the “corner” (TA5388 4034) on the beach a good time to strip off. Walked North almost to Haile Sand Fort. The ability to walk naked for hours here is the real appeal. On return only covered up for last few yards to car park, although as I didn’t pass anyone I need not have.. Looking forward to next visit.
Mark A.15-Jun-20
Access is very straightforward now. There is no sign of the previous "Orsted work". Just follow the wide grassy path that runs north from the car park. This is far easier than walking along the beach, even at low tide.
After about a mile (NOT half a mile as previously stated), you will come across a rather incongruous metal gate on the right hand side (see photo). This appears to be standing on it's own although it is in fact connected to a wire fence which has been flattened at several point to allow access, along a well worn path to the beach. I stripped off as soon as I arrived at the beach and then walked north for a further 10 - 15 minutes to reach the peninsula (previously also referred to as an "island") where it is possible to locate areas on softer sand that are facing in a number of different directions, providing some shelter if windy.
Half a dozen of us on the peninsula today - four guys and a couple - and as we walked back we met a couple of guys walking out. Bit windy but a great day (except for some flies).
BJ Townsend thanks for that, just hoping That I find the correct spot When I pop down!
This is the perfect site for first timers or nervous people as never too busy and great sized beach!
Want to visit here my self and give it a try but a bit self conscious of my body due to being a larger guy !
Went yesterday and finally found the correct bit. Went into more shaded area. Quite a few other naturists about. Went into the sea and it was pleasant. Seemed great area and would love to go back soon. Would be great to chat to few naturists next time.
great day yesterday - a dozen around the peninsula, 8 blokes and two couples, then I met a single guy and a couple on the way back and told them it was a lot less windy on the other side of the peninsula.
When it's sunny - and not windy. But it's a huge beach so there's always plenty of room. Sundays seem to be the most popular
Whens the best times to visit here
I got a Messenger message which then disappeared, so I've no idea where it came from (I look at Facebook very rarely). But from the car-park, you have to turn left, then either walk along the beach for half-an-hour until you're round the corner and out of sight of the Orsted work, or walk along the top of the bank until you get to the barbed-wired gate and go down that path to the beach. Either way, that's where the naturist part starts
Thanks for the reply. Yes hoping to get there soon when the weather picks up!
Sorry, it's not an island, but it's the bit that sticks right out and almost goes out to the sea. The footpath goes behind it so it's a bit like an island. Some people stay at the edge of the gr
Hi Terry. Been today and found beach deserted. Whereabouts is the island?
Back to business for the year! Nine of us stripped off on teh beach today, nearly all up at the "island", which seems to be the place to go (although slightly fly-y). Lots of people with clothes on although few went near the island - two cyclists did and chatted to us without seeming bothered that we had no clothes on, perhaps because there were quite a few. We walked along the beach from the car-partk, but on the way back we found the "gate" is easily walked around
The gate now has new wire which would hinder a dogwalker but you can still climb round the gate. The dunes have been burned but are growing back - and they're only burned up to the island and it is beautiful past there. As always the beach was fantastic today - but i was the only one there!
Great day today, I counted 10-12 people, none clothed. Some I now know go beyond the "island" and it is certainly beautiful sand if you go that far. Walking along the beach was straightforward but simply walking along the top until you get to the 6 foot metal gate and turn right there is quicker and simpler. Apparently some have had tyres slashed in the Horsehoe Point car park, and Tetney Lock might be safer, but it is substantially longer to walk.
oh right terry well go bit further next time, thank you
The Orsted work now allows you simply to walk along the top main path (walking across the Orsted work) until after around 20 minutes walk from the car park you get the to the big nature reserve metal gate on the right. People seem to walk across the nature reserve from there and you're onto the beach. Much easier than walking along the beach, especially as a couple of weeks ago the tide was so high you wouldn't have been able to! Was there a couple of weeks ago but just a little chilly in the wind.
If I udnerstand your post correctly, most of us work further - past the work and on until the beach turns left. See next post!
Went yesterday don't know if we we're in right place we went up to the work crossing came back about hundred yards and stripped off there
OK I was wrong about the last chance! 23 degrees in the dunes, and fantastically windy out on the beach. Only two of us there the whole time on a huge beach. Orsted works on the beach have now all been cleared away, there’s just the bit going up the dune. It was so deserted I walked all the way back to the Orsted works naked – I got dressed there but in fact didn’t see another soul until nearly at the car park.
Probably the last chance yesterday - and the weather was glorious. Only three of us on the beach, all naked, although I only actually talked to one other. (Plus there was an early dog-walker). Even though it was high tide, you could walk all the way without getting your feet wet. Happy walks along the edge of the dunes, and out to the sea, all naked.
I went a couple of weeks ago and couldn't access, due to the works going on and an unusually high tide! (even the car park was flooded!) I ended up going down to Theddlethorpe and spent my entire time (two days) on the beach naked. The beach is big enough to be not within at least three or four hundred yards of anyone if you so wish. Met and chatted with three other naturists whilst there.
Good to hear this big quiet beach is without any problems. I'm hoping to give it a try within the next couple of weeks while the weather lasts.
Beach has got going again this year! Four of us there today sunning ourselves.....
Beach back in operation again this year. Three of us there on Saturday (although not very sociable with each other sadly). There are workmen still at the Hornea Project One cable landfall, but you just walk beyond them to the normal place and there is acres and acres of beach.
Beach back in operation again this year. Three of us there on Saturday (although not very sociable with each other sadly). There are workmen still at the Hornea Project One cable landfall, but you just walk beyond them to the normal place and there is acres and acres of beach.
Three couples on the beach today - all around the "island" near the end of the beach (where you're nearer the sea), plus a couple of individuals we saw one at each end of the day. Fantastic weather, fantastic beach.
Still on of the best beaches on the East Coast I think. Went there on earlier in the week and there were half a dozen people on a m
?? You just walk there from the car park along the beach. There are no gates and no signs, except for the more inland nature reserve. I've been there twice this year, on fantastic days - once I saw no-one, the second time four people, two naturist and two clothed, I think walking to the wildfowlers place (who ignored me). The beach is m
Naturists are generally a friendly bunch, maybe someone could help you? Have you trid the Naturist Campsite near Doncaster?
Del EvansJul-20
BEWARE - Northcotes beach is private and accessed only for authorised shooting. It is owned by wildfowlers
I'd like to visit here but i'm disabled so couldn't walk 1/2 mile just to get to the beach?!
Sorry, don't know. Maybe visit it, and let us know if its still there.
What happend to the free beach just south of Brid, It was marked last time I was there several years ago??.DaveR
Its good news at north cotes i think the fences are about to come down, they have reinstated all the farmers five bar gates across the embankment. Yes i know its a bit late for this year but remember last year it was still warm ish in october. Its easyer to find now because if you follow the embankment north there is a small stock fence at the bottom just keep going untill you get to a four ft gap that leads straight to the beach but remember its not an official beach, so if there are clothed people and dog walkers about stay out there way. Its easy to see if the coast is clear from the dunes and head out for a walk with some shorts for a quick cover up if needed. Ian.
Dave and Shell,Jul-20
Firstly we had a great day here. The day was forecast to be sunny and warm so crowds were expected at the beach - not here.
We arrived at about 10:30 to a very discouraging sight. Currently the sea wall is the subject of extensive engineering work by the Environment agency and the access to the path along the top as described in all the various previous reports was fenced-off. We nearly abandoned the plan there and then, but decided to persevere. The path going the opposite direction (i.e. south along the bank (which is an official right-of-way)) was likewise closed. Between the two however there's a small creek with a noticeable path beside it heading roughly north east, so we tried that. Soon there was the encouraging sight of a small patches of sand to the north, but quite an expanse of salt march between us and them. Eventually with some wading through muddy creeks and a short-cut across a bit of the salt marsh we reached one of them. (It was at OS map reference TA383 025). We stripped-off and settled-down. I guess it had taken about half an hour to get there. When at the beach I always like to do a bit of exploring so after a while I headed east toward the sea wall to see if there would be a way back that way. I found a fellow naturist in the next bit of open sand and had a chat with him. We stayed until nearly four and in that time only one other person came close enough to talk to, he was clothed but was not at all concerned about the fact that we were not. He was an occasional visitor and I got the impression that he was used to naturists being around. Throughout the day we saw people in ones and twos either walking along the beach by the sea wall or by the way we had come, but heading straight out to the sea, it was low tide so we didn't see the sea edge all day. With it being so quiet I took a few long walks out onto the sand, I must have walked about two miles in total, all naked except for a dog lead and a camera pouch, fantastic. We returned to the car park by skirting round the salt march until we got to the the end of the same creek that we had started off following in the morning and took that directly back, staying naked until we had a couple of hundred yards to go. Our first time here, but it won't be our last!
Hey I have been a few times but never anyone there .... I must go at a different time to everyone else :(
Just checking details of how to get there and whether this is still a good place to go. Hoping to pop down there with friends on Friday. I'm a beginner so any advice on the suitable of Northcoates Point gratefully accepted!
Paid my first visit Thursday last (28/07/11). Like others struggled to locate the correct area and ended up walking up the beach until I reached a roped fence (marking the start of the nature reserve, perhaps?). Over a mile, I reckon. Only saw one other person (clothed or otherwise - he was also naked) in the three hours I was there. Such was the solitude when I left it was possible to walk most of the way back down the beach towards the car park before dressing. Very enjoyable, but I do prefer the reassurance of naked company. I would certainly recommend this location to first-timers.
We went to here today (27-06-11) our first time at a nudist beach, and although we were only there for about 2 hours it was fantastic. The only down side is until we saw a guy walking towards us naked we did not know if we had gone far enough, as we walked round the beach way, we did see a few other people in the distance as well.
We will definitely be going back.
Had a couple of hours on the beach yesterday (16-05-11) the weather wasn't brilliant but it was nice to be nude again. Very quiet, I was the only one trying to enjoy the sun,I felt very lonely, couple of dog walkers said hi and a couple of others avoided me like the plague. Very nice beach though and not too far to walk from the car park.
I think people are getting confused it is not an official site,so there isnt any sings or anyone running around naked. People have to take care and not upset locals. So your in the car park walk along the top of the grass bank heading north after about 500 meters there is a big pond on your right walk past this, you will see a path heading towards the sand dunes follow it. On most sunney days there is a man sunbathing naked to the left as you get to the beach, say hello he wont mind. You might not see anyone else because they might be in the dunes. I think this is because they are shy around clothed people and you do get a lot of dog walkers at weekends. So if you dont mind the walkers pitch on the beach or go in the dunes, there is no funney buisness in there just sunbathing.If anyone wants anymore help just give me a shout on here.
Managed to get back for a quick visit. I found if you walk all the way along the grass bank on the top till it comes to the end there is a short path that takes you to the beach just past the tree stump. Took me about 30 mins to walk had a lovely hour in the sun...
My wife and I visited for the first time yesterday (25/08/2010) As we pulled into the carpark were surprised to see several cars all parked up, We had all our beach stuff in the back of the car , Cool box blanket pillows books etc etc. but before unloading we decided to have a walk along the path and check out the "nudist" part of the beach before joining in. We walked past the concrete blocks and the "pill box" and along the path, we must have walked over a mile, looking out for any sign of were the nudisum part of the beach was / is ? All we saw were families, several dog walkers, a guy with a camera and tripod, and numerous walkers, all dressed and wondering about, it was a warm day. Not hot but it would have been warm enough to strip off and laze about.
My (male) friend and I went to find this beach yesterday. Once we found the single track beside the airfield, then the carpark with concrete blocks I thought we were on right track. but I agree with previous comment about not being too sure if one is in the accepted place for nudity. We walked past a little pond which must be part of the fen drain and walked a bit further to an old tree sticking out of the sand. The vast flat beach was almost deserted and those who did come to walk clothed seemed to naturally go to the far sea side of the beach rather than by the grassy side - so hopefully we were where we should have been! It was a lovely experience, our first. My only disappointment was that the sea was sooo far out that had I walked to it I feel sure I would have been too close to the ships!
went to this beach on tuesday, my first nude experience in public!!! ...enjoyed a nice hour sat in the strong but warm wind reading my book. It was lovely!. Very few people around but wasn't really sure where to go naked so took a very long walk until I had travelled around a natural outcrop and felt very comfortable.
I have been coming to this beach for the last 8 years and probably neverseen more than 10 people on any ocasion. Usually I can go nude from the lagoon and keep walking to the island without seeing anyone although youre as well to keep an eye out for horse riders and dog walkers...
...found the car park ok and walked for what seemed ages as directed. No signs anywhere and no-one else around at all. Not even sure if I found the 'designated' area or not. Nice beach though if I was in the right place. And it was warm, very warm.
My wife and I often visit Horseshoe point in the summer months. Plenty of Dunes to shelter from the wind that can sometimes be present. Very often we have the beach to ourselves when we visit during the week, but at weekends, we have enjoyed the naked company of others for several hours. Lincolnshire's best kept secret!
I too found the beach deserted apart from a few dog walkers at car park end. It was great to have so much space and feel so free. I braved it and walked to the sea which was very clean, but you do need to check the tides first. If you go to the gap in sand dunes and head toward the sea, there is so much clean sand and open space, it's great.
Trip Report 2005-08Aug-20
I spent a pleasant 6 hours here. Using a cycle it only took a few moments to reach the naturist section of the beach from the car park and apart from one other person, who only stayed for a few minutes, I was on my own the whole time. The tide was right out, I would think over 400 yards, and as I did not bother to swim I can't comment on the water quality. However, I don't think that the beach was any more untidy than many other isolated beaches around the country. It may be busier on a weekend but on a Monday morning I was quite happy to have the place to myself.
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Way to North Cotes beach
turn off the coast path here, and head for the beach. Taken by Mark A.
Jun-22 • Andrew Murphy on Flickr
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The beach descriptions originally came from the closed NUFF website.
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