Mile End and Victoria Parks Short Walk

Mile End Park, a green bridge, Regents Canal and a Victorian city park

Start Mile End underground station
Finish Mile End underground station


Time 1 hour 45 minutes.
Travel Central, District, or Hammersmith and City line underground. Mile End is in Travelcard Zone 2.
Walk Notes

This walk takes you through Mile End Park, along the Grand Union Canal to Victoria Park , finishing in Old Ford for refreshments.

Option: Extend the walk to take in Hackney Marshes. To be written.


Morgan Arms, 43 Morgan St, E3 5AA T: 020 8980 6389 or The Coborn Arms, 8 Coborn Road, E3 2DA T: 020 8980 3793. The Morgan Arms is a Gastropub whereas The Coborn Arms is a more traditional public house. (Featured in the 2009 CAMRA Good Beer Guide.)

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National Rail: 03457 48 49 50 • Traveline (bus times): 0871 200 22 33 (12p/min) • TFL (London) : 0343 222 1234


May-17 DAC

Copyright © Saturday Walkers Club. All Rights Reserved. No commercial use. No copying. No derivatives. Free with attribution for one time non-commercial use only.

Walk Directions

The directions for this walk are also in a PDF (link above) which you can download on to a Kindle, tablet, or smartphone. OpenStreetMap (not OS) mapping is used in the PDF for licence reasons.

  1. Coming out of Mile End underground station, turn left for 80 metres to cross over Burdett Road to enter Mile End Park. Having explored the southern side of Mile End Park, cross the Green Bridge (over the Mile End Road) to reach the northern side of Mile End Park. Leave the Park at the north west exit (just before the railway), to turn right along the Grand Union Canal to go under the railway bridge.
  2. After 380 metres you go under Roman Road bridge and in a further 240 metres (the canal having curved to the left) you go under Old Ford Road bridge. 100 metres past this bridge and immediately past a lock, turn right to enter Victoria Park through Arcade Gate on the south west side of the Park.
  3. Having explored Victoria Park, exit via Gunmakers Gate (350 metres south west of the running track) on the south east side of the Park onto Gunmakers Lane, to cross over a branch of the Grand Union Canal to reach a T-junction with Old Ford Road. Cross over a zebra crossing and turn right for 15 metres to then turn left along St Stephen’s Road. After 500 metres (having crossed over Roman Road along the way), at a T-junction with Tredegar Road, turn right. In 110 metres turn left along Coborn Road to go under a railway bridge.
  4. In 120 metres you pass by the Morgan Arms on your right hand side and in a further 90 metres you reach The Coborn Arms on your left. In a further 80 metres at a T-junction with the main road, (Mile End Road / Bow Road), turn right for 250 metres to reach Mile End Underground station.


© Saturday Walkers Club. All Rights Reserved. No commercial use. No copying. No derivatives. Free with attribution for one time non-commercial use only.