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John Trueman

Walkers in Burton Park SWC Walk 217 Midhurst Way: Arundel to Midhurst
Walkers in Burton Park

SWC Walk 217 Midhurst Way: Arundel to Midhurst

Jul-15 • thomasgrabow on Flickr

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Arundel to Midhurst via Midhurst Way

Long walk though a remote and less visited part of the South Downs National Park

Black Down from Verdleyhill SWC Walk 218 Haslemere to Midhurst (The Midhurst Way)
Black Down from Verdleyhill

SWC Walk 218 Haslemere to Midhurst (The Midhurst Way)

Jun-23 • thomasgrabow on Flickr

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Haslemere to Midhurst via Midhurst Way

Quiet hills and forests, 2 country pubs, and Cowdray Park.

Region Star # Walk Km Effort Ht. gain Description London
West Sussex 217 Arundel to Midhurst via Midhurst Way 31.8 8 750 Long walk though a remote and less visited part of the South Downs National Park CJ EC V
West Sussex 218 Haslemere to Midhurst via Midhurst Way 16.3 4 375 Quiet hills and forests, 2 country pubs, and Cowdray Park. CJ W

Last Updated : Jul-24