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New Forest NP

Trees and stream Brockenhurst Circular
Trees and stream

Brockenhurst Circular

Sep-12 • moontiger on Flickr

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Brockenhurst Circular

The New Forest - A mix of dense and more open woods.

CIMG4475 Salterns Marsh

Salterns Marsh

Aug-14 • Sean O'Neill

banner, swcwalk226, swcwalks 6057754065941707522 P

Brockenhurst to Lymington

A varied walk on the southern edge of the New Forest through parkland, woods, open heaths and pasture before a contrasting finish past coastal marshes.

Region Star # Walk Km Effort Ht. gain Description London
Hampshire 163 Brockenhurst Circular 16.8 3 150 The New Forest - A mix of dense and more open woods. CJ W
Hampshire 226 Brockenhurst to Lymington 20.2 3 125 A varied walk on the southern edge of the New Forest through parkland, woods, open heaths and pasture before a contrasting finish past coastal marshes. CJ W

Last Updated : Jul-24