Greenwich Park walk

Naval Heritage, the Meridian, and a royal park with a great viewpoint


This is a list of previous times this walk has been done by the club (since Jan 2010). For more recent events (since April 2015), full details are shown.

Date Option Post # Weather
Wed, 22-May-24 The Grandeur of Greenwich (Canary Wharf or Island Gardens to Greenwich) 5 oscillating light and heavy showers
Thu, 22-Jun-23 Evening Walk: The Grandeur of Greenwich 6 warm dry evening
Fri, 26-Aug-22 Friday Night Special: Greenwich Park and the Spark 9 sultry and a bit orange
Thu, 29-Jul-21 Evening Walk: The Grandeur of Greenwich (Canary Wharf or Island Gardens to Greenwich) 12 lovely mild sunny evening
Tue, 27-Aug-19 Evening Walk: Battle of the Royals….parks, that is…. 9 sunny warm
Thu, 07-Sep-17 Greenwich evening walk 13 overcast
Wed, 02-Sep-15 Midweek Evening Walk

The Grandeur of Greenwich (Canary Wharf or Island Gardens to Greenwich) T=short.12

Distance: Approximately 4.0 miles or 6.4 km for those more metrically minded (5.5 miles/8.8 km if starting from Canary Wharf)

Difficulty: 2 out of 10

Meet: Island Gardens (DLR) at 19:00 OR, for those interested in something a bit longer, 18:30 at Canary Wharf Jubilee Line exit (DLR side)

Return: Greenwich mainline train, DLR or even Thames Clipper

This walk principally explores the treasures of Greenwich Park with a classic start from Island Gardens and the view across the river. However, those who want a longer walk can start from Canary Wharf and also explore the historic docklands and Mudchute city farm…..I will ask that the Island Gardens starters give the Canary Wharf starters a 5-minute grace on their departure, as we may get distracted by info panels, pigs or llamas en route from Canary Wharf….

I will mention that Greenwich Park is undergoing a bit of a revamp at the moment -- restoring the original layout of the Park -- so we may need to make a few diversions from the normal route.

More information on the walk and its instructions can be found here.

There are plenty of watering holes in Greenwich for post walk refreshies…..last time we enjoyed a nice meal in the garden of the Old Brewery…

Enjoy the walk!

  • 24-May-24

    An amazing 5 stalwarts met at the Canary Wharf Jubilee line exit at the appointed time and set off promptly in oscillating light and heavy showers . We kept a brisk pace -- but did spend some time at Mud Chute looking at the pigs, goats and other animals -- though most were cleverly taking cover from the showers.... We arrived at Island Gardens about 10 minutes late... and did not see anyone waiting for us -- so on we went through the foot tunnel after briefly taking in the grandeur of Greenwich from the riverside. Once on the other side, we enjoyed a short beach walk -- being low tide and then went through the Old Royal Naval College and then into the Park where we caught most of the highlights -- but given the heavy showers slightly shortened the route and opted for a meal in a Vietnamese restaurant near the train station. A fun, but slight damp, evening!


The Grandeur of Greenwich (Island Gardens to Greenwich) T=short.12

Distance: Approximately 4.0 miles or 6.4 km for those more metrically minded

Difficulty: 2 out of 10

Meet: Island Gardens (DLR Station) at 18:30

Return: Greenwich mainline train, DLR or even Thames Clipper

This walk explores Greenwich Park and its surrounds, including the Cutty Sark, Old Royal Naval College and Royal Observatory. It starts with a gentle stroll along the River Thames before entering Greenwich Park and climbing to its various viewpoints and exploring its various gardens and other points of interest.

More information on the walk and its instructions can be found here.

There are plenty of watering holes in Greenwich for post walk refreshies… the past, we have enjoyed a nice meal in the garden of the Old Brewery…

Enjoy the walk!

  • 25-Jun-23

    Four assembled at the specified time and place and set off to explore Greenwich Park and its surroundings. We were met by two late starters at the observatory, making for 6 on this enjoyable outing on a warm dry evening . All enjoyed post walk refreshments in the outdoor garden at the Old Brewery and generally agreed that they liked the walk and saw parts of the park they had not seen before.


Greenwich Park and the Spark T=short.12

Distance: Approximately 4.0 miles or 6.4 km for those more metrically minded

Difficulty: 2 out of 10

Meet: Island Gardens (DLR) at 18:45

Return: Greenwich mainline train, DLR or even Thames Clipper

This interesting exploration of Greenwich Park is being posted by special request to coincide with the Spark, a free art installation taking place on Friday night at 9pm on the grounds of the Queen’s House. It is part of the Greenwich and Docklands International Festival -- GDIF 2022, an annual outdoor performance art festival. You should have plenty of time to complete the walk route and grab a drink and/or bite at one the many watering holes in Greenwich (in the past we have found the Old Brewery, on the grounds of the Old Royal Naval College, a pleasant outdoor venue) before the performance.

More information and the walk route can be found here.

Enjoy the walk and the Spark!

  • 25-Aug-22

    This looks great! Will be there. Hopefully weather holds up.


  • 26-Aug-22

    What time will the walk start?

  • 26-Aug-22

    The walk starts at 18:45 at the Island Gardens DLR station.

  • 27-Aug-22

    Some of us arrived awfully late at Island Gardens (after 7 pm). We set off along the Greenwich Foot Tunnel which was full of youngsters revelling in the acoustics of the tunnel accompanied by cyclists whizzing past us. It was a relief to emerge and after a brief stretch on the Thames Path, enter Greenwich Park.

    Here tranquillity returned in the windless, slightly sultry evening as we walked up One Tree Hill. At the top of the hill, the Sun was about to set and four or five photographers stood by to capture the image as it set in the centre of the London Eye - this night only?. We continued on a slightly shorter route seeking other attendees before retiring to The Old Brewery for a welcome tipple. The "fireflies" were illuminated biodegradable bubbles which didn't hold our attention for long and we returned to the audio-visual presentation of the devastating effect the war in Ukraine is having on its rich cultural heritage. The video was projected onto the long wall of one of the Royal Naval College buildings and that certainly did get our attention. (This AV exhibit will continue over the Bank Holiday (including Monday) and starts at 8:30pm repeating at half hourly intervals should you wish to visit)

    So all in all this walk was quite serendipitous with a stunning orange sunset, great views of the City and Docklands and a poignant reminder of the war in eastern Europe. Many thanks to Stargazer for posting.

  • 28-Aug-22

    Just to add, a further 6 did the walk nearer the appointed hour, 1 of whom had walked from Canary Wharf, and 1 of whom we picked up by the entrance to the foot tunnel at Greenwich. Funnily enough we also had a splendid sunset. Quick trip to the pub before heading out to see the fireflies, but by this time the queue was enormous, though quite fast moving. 1 decided to join the queue; the others headed to another pub. By the time we got out (10:15pm) the queue had gone and we walked straight in. The fireflies grew on us - if fireflies can do that...

    A great evening in good company

  • 28-Aug-22

    I understand there were three latecomers, so for the metricians that'll be 9 in total with the weather being sultry and a bit orange

The Grandeur of Greenwich (Canary Wharf or Island Gardens to Greenwich) T=short.12

Distance: Approximately 4.0 miles or 6.4 km for those more metrically minded (5.5 miles/8.8 km if starting from Canary Wharf)

Difficulty: 2 out of 10

Meet: Island Gardens (District Line) at 19:00 OR, for those interested in something a bit longer, 18:30 at Canary Wharf Jubilee Line exit (DLR side)

Return: Greenwich mainline train, DLR or even Thames Clipper

This interesting exploration of Greenwich Park and its surrounds missed its annual outing last year because much of the Old Royal Naval College remained cordoned off…..Looks to be fully open again, so time to give this walk an overdue outing. Late starters can start from Island Gardens and those wishing for something a bit longer and more varied can start from Canary Wharf…..I will ask that the Island Gardens starters give the Canary Wharf starters a 5-minute grace on their departure, as we may get distracted by info panels, pigs or llamas en route from Canary Wharf….

More information on the walk and its instructions can be found here.

There are plenty of watering holes in Greenwich for post walk refreshies…..last time we enjoyed a nice meal in the garden of the Old Brewery

Enjoy the walk!

  • Anonymous

    Hi all

    Island Gardens is on the DLR not the District Line ?


  • Anonymous

    Beg pardon m'lady, but isn't Island Gardens on the DLR?


  • 29-Jul-21

    I will meet you at the Cutty Sark end of the foot tunnel at say 19.10

  • 30-Jul-21

    A record five met at the Canary Wharf starting point and were soon caught up by number 6 as we set off on the varied route along docks and through a city farm (where we saw tamworth pigs, a llama, rams and some goats). We then rendezvoused with 3 others waiting near the Island Gardens DLR station (yes, DLR not district line -- apologies for the error in the post). We enjoyed the view of Greenwich from across the river before crossing through the foot tunnel. When we emerged from the tunnel, we were met by two others before exploring both the Old Royal Navel College buildings and then various hidden treasures in Greenwich Park...All this activity called for some refreshment and we just made it to the Old Brewery to catch last food orders at 9pm where all enjoyed drinks and some also had food in their pleasant more caught us up there as we were ordering, making for a total of 12 on a lovely mild sunny evening .

Compare and contrast Royal Greenwich Park with her more westerly cousins on Thursday’s evening walk (Island Gardens to Greenwich) T=short.12

Distance: Approximately 4.0 miles or 6.4 km for those more metrically minded
6.0 miles/10 km if starting from Canary Wharf

Difficulty: 2 out of 10

Meet: Island Gardens (DLR) at 18:45 OR, for those interested in something a bit longer, 18:00 at Canary Wharf Jubilee Line exit (DLR side)

Return: Greenwich mainline train, DLR or even Thames Clipper

This “hot-off-the-press” revised version of the classic Greenwich Park walk takes you on an interesting journey through time from the Ancient Romans to the Tudors and on to the lavish Georgians and more….The Canary Wharf start has the addition of passing along historic docks and through a city farm before reaching the Island Gardens DLR and picking up any additional walkers for the trip through the Greenwich Foot Tunnel and exploration of Greenwich Park...

The fully revised instructions are now available under the download walk tab or here. Don't forget to bring them along as they are now full of juicy details.....Also, please disregard the old route instructions and map still showing at the bottom of the information page (still updating).

Enjoy the walk!

  • Karen

    9 sunny warm

    4 started from Canary Wharf and wound their way to Island Gardens DLR stop via Mudchute Farm where we caught a glimpse of some snoozing pigs and 4 llamas. We had to divert from the written route as some access was closed due to an event. Our arrival at Island Gardens was perfectly timed and we were joined by 5 other evening walkers (including one first timer). The foot tunnel was busy with walkers and with cyclists ignoring the 'No Cycling' signs but we emerged unscathed on the Greenwich side. The walk route is very good and we all discovered parts of Greenwich Park we hadn't visited before. There are lots of points of interest including the deer park (shy deers though, we only caught glimpses), Queen Caroline's bath and the site of an ancient Roman temple. As the light faded, we were treated to great views from the Royal Observatory of the lights of Canary Wharf and the City.

    4 left once the walk was done and 5 went for a bite to eat at The Old Brewery. The weather was perfect for outdoor dining in the lovely garden. Afer some (very good) food and (slightly expensive) drinks, we called it a night. A very good evening.

Thu, 07-Sep-17 : Greenwich evening walk 13
Meet 19:00 prompt at the entrance to Island Gardens station (DLR).

If all had gone according to plan then this would be the last poorly attended midweek evening walk of the year. They were flagging a bit but thanks to Mike, Thomas and Stargazer they have been revived with good attendances. So maybe unlike in 2015 when we just had 2 (an acceptable number) on a rainy evening there may be a few more along this evening for what is not to be the last evening walk of the year.

Destination pub: Plume of Feathers, 19 Park Vista, SE10 9LZ.

  • 05-Sep-17

    For anyone interested in a "warm-up exercise", I will be setting off from Canary Wharf Tube Station (DLR side) at 18:15 to walk down to Island Gardens and meet the advertised walk. The route runs along some of the docks and then through a park.

  • Sandy

    I'm planning to come tomorrow. I've got an errand to run after work but I'll be changing at Canary Wharf anyway, so if I get there by 1815 I'll join you for the "warm-up."

  • 08-Sep-17

    13 walkers met at Island Gardens DLR (God, are those trains full in rush hour! It's almost as bad as the Central Line.), 2 of which had walked in from Canary Wharf, in overcast conditions. Having read an article recently about problems arising in the Greenwich foottunnel between pedestrians and cyclists (it's narrow and busy, and cycling forbidden, but not every1 sticks to it), it was interesting to see that 80% of cyclists indeed raced through the tunnel. It may be time to install bike barriers every 20 metres or so, Greenwich Council?

    The two local SWC folk amongst the group tried valiantly to lead us astray from the 'prescribed' route, and finally succeeded at the top of the park, where we had a look at the deer park's fence in two places (alas: no deer).

    Great views from various spots in this fascinating park, but the gloom descended quickly. Nevertheless, we shillied and shallied and had a look here and there, so much so that the gates were shut when we tried to finally leave the park.

    The fence looked a little too formidable to climb over, spikes and all, but thankfully a motorised warden was doing the rounds to let out strays like us.

    Off to the Plume & Feathers, where the kitchen had shut 2 minutes earlier, so after one drink about half decamped to Bill's near the Cutty Sark DLR for v good food and a pleasant Malbec.

Wed, 02-Sep-15 : Midweek Evening Walk ?
Distance: 4.5km
Meet: 19:00 prompt at the entrance to Island Gardens station (DLR).
This is the last daylight evening walk this year; not so many as in prior years partly due to tube strikes (planned and actual) targeting midweek travel.
This is a self-led walk. T=short.12
Destination pub: Plume of Feathers, 19 Park Vista, SE10 9LZ.
  • 28-Aug-15

    Intend going.

  • matay

    Wednesday ?