Return trains from Harrow (Zone 5): frequent and fast trains and tubes (Chiltern Trains services to Marylebone in about 15 minutes; Met Line to Baker Street in about 17 minutes, then on to Aldgate).
This is a short excursion in Northwest London through a park and then the playing fields of Harrow School, one of the country's leading ‘public’ (i.e.: fee-paying independent) schools, up onto the hill that is dominated by the school buildings, its chapel and Harrow’s church. You walk down from the hill through the hanging cemetery and skirt around the hill to re-ascend through residential streets to the High Street, lined by historic school buildings and tea options. The walk finishes with a descent along a wood and across a grassy open space down to ‘modern’ Harrow and its busy station.
Tea: plenty of options en-route in Harrow (we often stop at The Castle pub, in a Grade II-listed building, featured in the Good Beer Guide 2025 and ***-rated on the CAMRA Register for historic interiors) plus The Indian Gastro Kitchen for dinner near the station.
For walk directions, map, height profile, and gpx/kml files click here . T=short.40