Royal Parks walk

Hyde Park, Green Park, St James Park, The Mall and Trafalgar Square


This is a list of previous times this walk has been done by the club (since Jan 2010). For more recent events (since April 2015), full details are shown.

Date Option Post # Weather
Thu, 11-Jul-24 Evening Walk - Royal Parks and the 2024 Serpentine Pavilion
Thu, 26-Oct-23 a Evening Walk - Royal Parks in the Dark (without Kensington Gardens) 3 clear skies and some serious moonlight
Tue, 27-Jun-23 Evening Walk - Royal Parks and the 2023 Serpentine Pavilion 9 warm but grey
Tue, 31-May-22 Evening Walk: Jubilee Preparations in the Royal Parks 4 mainly dry clearing conditions
Thu, 08-Jul-21 Evening Walk: Walking with Elephants in the Royal Parks 9 perfect warm sunny summer evening conditions
Tue, 15-Dec-20 a Evening Walk - One last walk...before Tier 3: Royal Parks (w/o Kensington Gardens) 5 warm for the time of year
Thu, 23-Jul-20 Evening Walk: Rambling with the Royals 8 pleasant summer evening with brief sunny interludes
Thu, 29-Aug-19 Evening Walk – The Battle of the Summer Pavilions (II): Serpentine Gallery (Royal Parks Walk) 15 fine weather
Thu, 30-Aug-18 Evening Walk - The Royal Parks with the Serpentine Pavilion & The Mastaba: Queensway to Whitehall 19 pleasant late summer evening
Wed, 10-May-17 Queensway to the Thames [evening walk]
Wed, 01-Jun-16 Evening walk
Wed, 12-Aug-15 The Royal Parks - Queensway to the Thames 7 dry
Length: 6.0 km
Net Walking Time: 1 ½ hrs
Meet: Queensway Station (corner of Queensway and Bayswater Road) at 18.45 hours.
Queensway is on the Central Line in Zone 1, Bayswater (Circle and District lines) is a 3-minute walk away.
Finish: Whitehall/Trafalgar Square, near Charing Cross/Embankment/Westminster/Waterloo stations. All are in Zone 1.
Drop-Outs: Hyde Park Corner or Green Park tube stations, or buses.
Map-led, through Central London's extensive parks, past the 2024 Serpentine Gallery’s Summer Pavilion in Kensington Gardens.
Eat/Drink: Numerous options around Whitehall and Trafalgar Square.
For walk directions, map, photos and gpx/kml files click here. T=short.19
Length: 5.0 - 6.0 km
Net Walking Time: 1 ½ hrs
Meet: Lancaster Gate Station (at street level on Bayswater Road) at 18.30 hours.
Lancaster Gate is on the Central Line in Zone 1, Paddington Station is a 5-minute walk away.
Finish: Whitehall, near Charing Cross/Embankment & Westminster stations. All are in Zone 1.
Drop-Outs: Hyde Park Corner, Green Park or St James’s Park tube stations, or buses.
Map-led, through Central London's extensive parks. With Kensington Gardens closing at dusk and off limits, we will explore Hyde Park in more detail than usual on this walk, then commence through Green Park and St. James’s Park.
Eat/Drink: Numerous options around Westminster/Whitehall/Trafalgar Square.
For walk directions, map, photos and gpx/kml files click here. T=short.19.a
  • 26-Oct-23

    I'm hoping to go on this. However am at a meeting in central east london til just after 7.

    The suggested eating end place is the Lord Mall on the Moon, which is now a different pub.

    Does anyone intend to go on this?

  • 26-Oct-23

    Yes, get in touch when close, usual number

  • 26-Oct-23

    The walk poster and 2 rather rare evening walkers met up at the alloted time and went about entering Hyde Park. Upon seeing plenty of people coming up the way from the direction of Kensington Gardens, we decided to check out the "one park is closed and the other open" situation, i.e.: had gates and fences been erected where there normally aren't any? They hadn't.

    So we took up the path along the west side of the Italian Lake and enjoyed the marvellous dry evening with barely a few fluffy clouds and plenty of (near full-) moon light. The moon reflected off the lake then off the Serpentine, making for good photo opportunities. Back in Hyde Park (one can slip through a one-way turnstile to get out of Kensington Gardens), the gate to the lido's water access was open, suggesting someone was swimming, but we didn't see anyone. What we saw where the usual swans, geese and ducks, plus several bats. And lots of people milling about on the benches and paths, enjoying the wonderfully quiet (compared to daytime) and scenic environs. On into Green Park (watch the cyclists!), then St. James's Park, and after an hour of (fast) walking we reached Whitehall.

    2 of us decamped to The Clarence's top floor, which seemed ot be the only quiet-ish place on Whitehall. 1 walked on to Charing X. Food and drink for 2, then 3 once the delayed-by-work 4th walker had joined. A rather superb outing, and - certainly with clear skies and moonlight about - a first class evening walk.

    3 clear skies and some serious moonlight (apologies for the Bowie reference)

Length: 6.0 km
Net Walking Time: 1 ½ hrs
Meet: Queensway Station (corner of Queensway and Bayswater Road) at 18.45 hours.
Queensway is on the Central Line in Zone 1, Bayswater (Circle and District lines) is a 3-minute walk away.
Finish: Whitehall/Trafalgar Square, near Charing Cross/Embankment/Westminster/Waterloo stations. All are in Zone 1.
Drop-Outs: Hyde Park Corner or Green Park tube stations, or buses.
Map-led, through Central London's extensive parks, past the 2023 Serpentine Gallery’s Summer Pavilion in Kensington Gardens.
Eat/Drink: The Serpentine Pavilion in Kensington Gardens, plus numerous options around Whitehall and Trafalgar Square.
For walk directions, map, photos and gpx/kml files click here. T=short.19
  • 26-Jun-23

    From the website: "Pavilion will be closed to the public all day on 27 June and until 1 pm on 28 June."

  • 26-Jun-23

    Indeed. Thank you. I overlooked that note when posting.

    No drinks then there and only views of it from the outside...

  • 27-Jun-23

    8 walkers met at Queensway for a walk in warm but grey weather.

    Kensington Gardens was busy and the event at the Serpentine that shut off the pavilion to the general public turned out to be not a corporate shindig but an all-out celeb haunt with see-through-proof fencing erected just for the day, paparazzi lining the exit, and plenty of minders shielding the VIPs from the hoi polloi. Read all about it in tomorrow's Evening Standard...

    On we walked to then pick up walker 9 at The Lodge by the exit from Hyde Park. 2 then peeled off to look for nourishment, and 7 went their way to Whitehall, where we ended up in The Clarence as on previous occasions, there bumping into the 2 that had peeled off earlier!

  • 03-Jul-23

    This was the party that was:


Evening Walk: Jubilee Preparations in the Royal Parks T=short.19

Distance: Approximately 4 miles or 6 km for those more metrically minded

Difficulty: 1 out of 10

Meet: At the entrance to the Queensway tube station (Central Line)

Time: 18:45 – but if you miss our departure, you can certainly catch us up along the way…

With the Platinum Jubilee just around the corner, I thought it would be fun to take a walk through the Royal Parks to see how the preparations are coming along…

Post walk refreshments can usually be found at one of the watering holes along Whitehall.

The walk ends on Whitehall with access to various transportation points, including Charing Cross and Embankment.

More information about the route can be found here.

  • 01-Jun-22

    Perhaps it was the torrential downpour about 18:00, but just 3 assembled at the Queensway Tube station to set off across the Royal Parks. We were soon caught by number 4 who had been caught in delays on the Central Line. The walk proceeded as mainly dry clearing conditions . Saw among other things some herons, coots, swans and Eguptian Geese -- the latter with adorable chicks...And of course, in St. James Park -- the giant white pelicans whose numbers seem to have swelled to 6! Our inspection of works revealed lots of work going on by Green Park and Buckingham Palace....but still loads to do in a few short days! The evening light was fine and after its recent refurb Ben and its tower looked stunning....At the end of the walk, three carried on to the Polish place in the Waterloo arches for food and beverage...a nice night out.....


Thursday Evening: Walking with Elephants in the Royal Parks T=short.19

Distance: Approximately 3.7 miles or 6 km for those more metrically minded

Difficulty: 1 out of 10

Meet: At the entrance to the Queensway tube station (Central Line)

Time: 18:30 – but if you miss our departure, you can certainly catch us up along the way…

Rumor has it that there are several herds of life-sized elephants roaming the Royal Parks (specifically Green Park and St. James Park). So, we shall go and explore and should have a good chance of spotting some of them on the traditional SWC evening walk through the Royal Parks.

Mid-walk beverages can be had al fresco at the Serpentine Lido Café (open until 9pm) and post walk refreshments can usually be found at one of the watering holes along Whitehall.

The walk ends on Whitehall with access to various transportation points, including Charing Cross and Embankment.

More information about the route can be found here.

To facilitate collecting track and trace details, please sign up for this walk in advance using the London Walkers User Group site. To report a Covid case after this walk, use

Enjoy the walk!

  • 05-Jul-21

    The Serpentine Pavilion is up and well worth a look:

  • 09-Jul-21

    8 gathered at the appointed place and set off onto a safari in the Royal Parks. Having the intention to visit the Pavilion as suggested, a magnetic force seem to pull us to the Serpentine Cafe which itself was closed -- but directed us instead to the "Rooftop" for a very pleasant hydration stop on a grassy knoll above the Serpentine Lido...Eventually, we pulled ourselves way again aiming for the Pavilion, but managed to cross the Serpentine before realizing it was actually on the south now we were getting anxious to see the elephants, so decided the Pavilion would be the subject of another visit when the gallery is actually open....So, on we went to Green Park...At first, there were no signs of the giant animals....but then, they appeared lumbering along through the trees -- fantastic sight in Central London....We bumped into one more walker while we were admiring them and contemplating the option to "provide them a home", making for a total of 9 . Eventually, we carried on to St. James' Park, where we were welcomed by 3 of the resident Giant Pelicans, another marvelous they tend to stick to their island at the far end of the lake....we spotted a few more elephants, one about to drink from the lake and some others grazing nearby....At last, with the safari over, we popped out onto Whitehall where some headed for the tube and 4 to the traditional Wetherspoons....which has changed hands and is currently we paid a visit to the pub across the road, the Silver something.....A fine evening walk in perfect warm sunny summer evening conditions .

Length: approx. 6.0 km
Net Walking Time: 1 ½ hrs
Meet: Lancaster Gate Station (at street level on Bayswater Road) at 18.30 hours.
Lancaster Gate is on the Central Line in Zone 1, Paddington Station is a 5-minute walk away.
Finish: Whitehall, near Charing Cross/Embankment & Westminster stations. All are in Zone 1.
Drop-Outs: Hyde Park Corner, Green Park or St James’s Park tube stations, or buses.

Map-led, through Central London's extensive parks. With Kensington Gardens closing at dusk and off limits, we will explore Hyde Park in more detail than usual on this walk, then commence through Green Park and St. James’s Park.

Eat/Drink: Numerous options around Westminster/Whitehall/Trafalgar Square.
For walk directions, map, photos and gpx/kml files click here. T=short.19.a
  • 15-Dec-20

    Only 1 walker was there on time, but 4 others trickled in within a few minutes, ie 5 on a warm for the time of year evening, with clear skies and no wind.

    We walked for a bit more than an hour through Hyde, Green and St. James's Parks, which were all near deserted, so quite eerie to walk through, and with lots of the grand buildings surrounding the parks well lit and providing for some fine scenery, to end on Whitehall, where the first pub was closed, the second one had all in-service tables occupied, but the third one (The Old Shades, a Young's pub) had tables available. So we enjoyed a meal and a few drinks. 2 then walked on to London Bridge/home.

Short: 19: Royal Parks Walk T=short.19

Meet: 19:15 Outside North Exit of Notting Hill Gate Tube Station (i.e. exit signposted for Portobello Road/Market)

Distance: 4 miles/6km (plus a bit with Notting Hill extension)

End: Multiple Choices -- Charing Cross, Embankment, Westminster

With the ongoing closure of the Queensway and Lancaster Gate tube stations, we will start this walk from the Notting Hill Gate Tube station and improvise a route to Kensington Gardens to pick up the main fact, I would suggest that we extend the walk slightly by making a quick circuit through Notting Hill on the way to Kensington Gardens...

This walk links three large parks through central London, passing by several iconic London landmarks in the process.....Sadly, there will be no Serpentine Summer Pavilion this year (as with most of 2020 -- deferred to 2021)....but should still be an interesting and enjoyable evening stroll....

Not entirely sure about post walk refreshments, but feel confident that we will find something on offer....if only a take away beer on along the river....

More information and a route map can be found here.

Enjoy the walk!

  • 24-Jul-20

    7 gathered at the appointed alternate start location for this outing and after exchanging details set off in socially distanced groups within sight (given the improvised route). Another caught up with us along Portobello Road, making for 8 . As with most of central London, Notting Hill was somewhat subdued for a Thursday night....Eventually, we arrived at Kensington Gardens and more or less followed the suggested route through three grand city parks....On passing the lively Serpentine cafe, we broke with tradition and enjoyed alfresco drinks along the lakeside....Dusk was gathering as we set off on the final stretch and it was very atmospheric indeed with the old gas lights illuminated....On reaching St. James Park, a few departed to transport links while the remaining 5 continued through the park to visit the Giant White Pelicans who were getting ready for bed on their rock....a pleasant summer evening with brief sunny interludes .

Length: 6.0 km
Net Walking Time: 1 ½ hrs
Meet: Queensway Station (corner of Queensway and Bayswater Road) at 18.30 hours.
Queensway is on the Central Line in Zone 1, Bayswater (Circle and District lines) is a 3-minute walk away.
Finish: Whitehall, near Charing Cross/Embankment/Westminster stations. All are in Zone 1.
Drop-Outs: Hyde Park Corner or Green Park tube stations, or buses.
Map-led, through Central London's extensive parks, past the Serpentine Gallery’s Summer Pavilion in Kensington Gardens (the gallery is open to 18.00 only, but we should get into the pavilion, as the park closes at 20.00).
Eat/Drink: The Serpentine Pavilion (maybe) in Kensington Gardens, The Lord of the Moon of the Mall (Wetherspoon’s) in Whitehall plus numerous options around Trafalgar Square.
For walk directions, map, photos and gpx/kml files click here. T=short.19
  • 29-Aug-19

    14 outside the tube station, 1 other bumped into 100m along the route, so 15 in fine weather . Always amazing how busy the parks are in the evenings, but busy they are. People feeding the parakeets, the squirrels, the ducks, the geese, themselves...

    We didn't fit in, really, but enjoyed the walk nevertheless. We stopped briefly to admire the summer pavilion (nice slate curvature, one should come back during daytime to check out the bar) and reached Whitehall as a smaller group, as about a handful had dropped off by then to home or public transport. The usual Wetherspoon's was vetoed on grounds of being always crowded, a bit messy and run by an explicit Brexiteer, so we eventually settled on The Clarence's upstairs dining room, which was rather nice. Some had a meal, some didn't.

  • Anonymous

    I can’t stand Weatherspoon’s. The atmosphere is always dire.

Length: 6.0 km
Net Walking Time: 1 ½ hrs
Meet: Queensway Station (corner of Queensway and Bayswater Road) at 18.30 hours.
Queensway is on the Central Line in Zone 1, Bayswater (Circle and District lines) is a 3-minute walk away.
Finish: Whitehall, near Charing Cross/Embankment/Westminster stations.
Drop-Outs: Hyde Park Corner or Green Park tube stations, or buses.
Map-led, through Central London's extensive parks, past the Serpentine Gallery’s Summer Pavilion in Kensington Gardens and past Christo’s floating artwork, The London Mastaba, on the Serpentine Lake in Hyde Park.
Eat/Drink: The Serpentine Pavilion in Kensington Gardens (this park closes at 20.00), The Lord of the Moon of the Mall (Wetherspoon’s) in Whitehall plus numerous options around Trafalgar Square.
For walk directions, map and gpx/kml files click here. T=short.19

  • 30-Aug-18

    18 met at the posted time, 1 lagged 10 minutes behind, catching us while still in Kensington Gardens. We veered off the gpx route to pass by the Serpentine Pavilion (the bar inside shuts at 6, unfortunately) and then admired The Mastaba, majestically dominating the Serpentine, and veered off route again in Green Park to get away from the traffic a wee bit. Bucks Palace was next, then St. James's Park including its Pelicans and through the Government Quarter. Most, if not all, turned into the Wetherspoon's for some sustenance.

    19 pleasant late summer evening .

Royal Parks
Time: 19:00
Distance: 6km

Meet: Beside bike stands at the corner of Queensway and Bayswater Rd.
(Turn right as you exit Queensway tube station for a few metres.)

A classic evening walk
  • 08-May-17

    Intend going.

  • Anonymous

    Does anyone go on these evening walks?

Wed, 01-Jun-16 : Evening walk ?
The Royal Parks - Queensway to the Thames
Meet: 19:15 beside the bike stands at the corner of Queensway and Bayswater Rd. (Turn right for a few metres on exiting Queensway tube station .) T=short.19
Destination pub: The Lord of the Moon of the Mall, 16 - 18 Whitehall.
Meet: 19:00 prompt beside the bike stands at the corner of Queensway and Bayswater Rd. (Turn right for a few metres on exiting Queensway tube station.)
Destination pub: The Lord of the Moon of the Mall, 16 - 18 Whitehall. T=short.19
  • 07-Aug-15

    Intend going.

  • Anonymous

    A little off topic here, but don't forget the Perseid meteor shower may be visible on Wednesday night.

    So if the skies are clear and the light pollution is low where you are, you may want to look up in a north easterly direction where you might catch a glimpse ...

    more at The Beeb


  • 13-Aug-15

    7 dry and warm

    route taken was a bit longer than advertised, but v pleasant (I certainly had never walked some of the paths before). drinks at the chain pub on Whitehall. joined there by 1 other SWC-walker. walk poster rota sorted. the stragglers left just b4 last orders.