Alton Circular Walk
Long but gentle walk visiting Selborne and Chawton, which inspired Jane Austen (writer) and Gilbert White (naturalist)
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1008 066 Alton Circular, Hampshire, England
Wheat past it's prime
28-Aug-10 • Paul
1008 067 Alton Circular, Hampshire, England
Across the harvested fields
28-Aug-10 • Paul

Clouds gathering for storms on the Alton Circular walk perhaps?
SNAP! The uphill "short-cut ". D.Allen. VIVITAR 5199mp
09-Mar-08 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
alton circular book2 walk10 swcwalks 2335380593

Alton Circular walk
Selbourne church collection box. D.Allen. VIVITAR 5199mp
01-Jan-06 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
book2 selbourne walk10 swcwalks 2335380333

22-May-04 • on Flickr
swcwalks book2 walk10 37324371475

22-May-04 • on Flickr
swcwalks book2 walk10 37181333201

22-May-04 • on Flickr
swcwalks book2 walk10 36486409994