Amberley Circular walk

Out along the foot of the South Downs above Wild Brook wetland to Storrington for lunch, and back along the ridge of the Downs.


This is a list of previous times this walk has been done by the club (since Jan 2010). For more recent events (since April 2015), full details are shown.

Date Option Post # Weather
Sun, 16-Jun-24 Sunday Walk – Amberley Circular via Cootham 13 started cloudy but was mostly sunny
Sat, 22-Jan-22 Saturday Walk - Amberley Circular - along the bottom of the downs and back along the top 19 some flashes of sun to start
Sat, 19-Jan-19 Saturday Walk: Attractive Amberley – from below and above 12 light rain and drizzle
Sat, 18-Aug-18 Saturday Walk Amberley Circular 11 grey most of the day with a little sunshine here and there
Sun, 10-Dec-17 Sunday : An Amberley Circular Walk
Sat, 15-Oct-16 Saturday Third Walk -- Amberley Circular with possible Arundel Extension 17 starting sunny and ending with torrential rain
Sat, 30-May-15 Saturday Third Walk 7 warm and sunny
Sat, 18-Oct-14 Amberley Circular 4
Sat, 01-Mar-14 ? Amberley Circular, with road start 12
Sun, 21-Apr-13 Amberley Circular 10
Sat, 31-Mar-12 Amberley Circular
Sat, 14-Jan-12 Amberley Circular
Sat, 01-Oct-11 Amberley Circular
Sat, 04-Sep-10 Amberley Circular
Mon, 05-Apr-10 Amberley Circular
Sat, 14-Feb-09 Amberley Circular
Sun, 17-Aug-08 b Amberley Circular
Sat, 03-Feb-07 Amberley Circular
Extra Walk 11 – Amberley Circular (or #14b to Pulborough)

#11, returning to Amberley: 18.3 km (11.4 miles). Toughness 5/10.
#14b, finishing at Pulborough: 16 km (9.9 miles). Toughness 3/10.

09:35 Portsmouth Harbour train from Victoria (Clapham Jct 09:42, East Croydon 09:53), arriving Amberley at 10:58. Buy a return to Amberley. Your brain will switch into neutral when you hear those irritating announcements but you should take heed of the ones telling you to be in the front five coaches.

Return trains to Victoria are hourly at xx:58 from Amberley, xx:04 from Pulborough.

Parham-House These two walks were developed at about the same time and have the same morning route: starting through water meadows beside the River Arun and continuing via Amberley village, Rackham and the grounds of Parham Park to the Crown Inn at Cootham for lunch. Afterwards you can choose between:

  • a “long but reasonably well-graded climb” onto the South Downs and back along the ridge, eventually descending to Houghton Bridge and returning from Amberley station. Refreshments are available at either the Riverside South Downs tearoom or the Bridge Inn, but note that both close at 5pm on a Sunday.
  • a fairly gentle route to the RSPB Pulborough Brooks Nature Reserve at Wiggonholt, then alongside the River Arun to return from Pulborough station. The tearoom in the RSPB Visitor Centre (open to 4pm) is your best bet for tea; there's a new coffee shop (The Pulbrew) where you enter Pulborough but you'd need a brisk pace to get there before it too closes at 4pm.

Depending on your choice of afternoon route you'll need to bring the directions from either the L=swc.11 page or the Pulborough Circular walk page (click on Option b for the Short Walk starting from Amberley).

† Caesar would have made it snappier: Vidit! Dixit! Fixit!

  • 16-Jun-24

    Nice to see someone has had a classical education, but I feel obliged to point out that “see it, say it, sort it” has exactly the same number of syllables as “vidit, dixit, fixit” - and only uses one more letter!!

  • 16-Jun-24

    Ah, but these are all short vowels, so it *feels* snappier.

    [I can't claim that this was original. I saw it in a review of some brilliantly-translated new Asterix books, set in Roman-occupied Gaul. On their high-speed chariot to Paris our heroes are constantly assailed by these tedious announcements...]

  • 16-Jun-24

    12 and a dog at the station but only 11 set off. The other took a revised route to catch up with an errant son who had missed the stop. They did meet us eventually so that’s 13 innit.

    The day started cloudy but was mostly sunny (like my disposition). No rain. Not like yesterday.

    Plans started unravelling with the news that the Crown in Cootham was fully booked. (Father’s Day, innit). This necessitated an early stop at the Sportsman where a kindly benefactor plied Mr Tiger with cider. The pub, currently run by volunteers, allowed picnic eaters to eat there. (They weren’t yet geared up for weekend meals).

    A few went on, I’m not sure whether for Amberley or Pulborough. Then another advance party set off for the Crown. It was a bit busy there but not busy enough to stop another kindly benefactor buying Mr Tiger another cider. His lucky day. (So far).

    Most had decided to finish in Pulborough. On we went, on, on, through a heavily overgrown section, then past swathes of hemlock water dropwort, eventually reaching the RSPB reserve where there were birds and stuff. Two snakes were also seen.

    Here Mr Tigers luck ran out. Not only were his boots falling apart but he had to buy his own coffee and cake.

    In Pulborough, a planned stop at the Chequers was aborted because it had closed. But the church was open and they were doing teas.

    You might think that’s the end of the story, readers, but no. On arrival at the station, we found the 17:04 was cancelled and the 16:04 had been reversed back to Pulborough. A malfunctioning level crossing. Or as the conductor later described it “some line hitting in a broken down area” (At least, that’s how I heard it). We waited on a crowded platform for the 18:04. Some had the energy to go back into Pulborough and pass the time in “Macklins”, some sort of drinking establishment, but not Mr Tiger, no siree.

    Luckily, we were able to get on the 18:04 and even find seats.

    Another grand day out.

Length: 18.3km (11.4 miles)
Toughness: 5 out of 10: mainly flat, but with one graded hill climb

train from Victoria (9.42 Clapham Junction, 9.53 East Croydon) to Amberley, arriving 10.57 T=swc.11
For walk directions click here, for GPX click here, for a map of the route click here.
I am relying rather heavily on the weather forecast in picking this walk. The BBC says high pressure is establishing itself, so cross fingers. If it is wet and windy, the afternoon of this walk is very exposed.
Otherwise, it makes a good winter outing, along the bottom of the South Downs and then back along the top. There are quite a lot of stretches on firm surfaces on the lowland bits (including tracks through the Parham Park estate) and the downs paths are usually dry - so hopefully not too much mud, but I am not saying there will be none.
The exception may be on the initial section along the River Arun and across its watermeadows. They can be waterlogged in winter, but given the lack of recent rain (at time of writing), I think they will be OK. Otherwise this section can be omitted.
There are pubs in Amberley village - the Black Horse and the Sportsman, the latter with amazing views of Amberley Wild Brooks - but these are too early in the walk for lunch, really. Otherwise the only pub is the large, but sometimes busy, Crown Inn in Cootham after 5.2 miles.
After lunch you have your climb up onto the downs, and then it is an easy parade along the top, with fine views, back to Amberley station. The Riverside Tea Rooms here always seem to be closed when we get there - at 4pm? They might provide this information on their expensively-produced website - and the Amberley Village Tea Rooms - reachable by a diversion - close at the same time, as far as I can see. So post-walk refreshment are at the nice, but always quite busy, Bridge Inn by the station.
Trains back are at 17 past till 21.17 (last train), with a quirky extra train at 16.50.
  • 22-Jan-22

    As I always do, I counted carefully how many there were at the station and wrote the number on a piece of paper. Can I now find that paper? Reader, I cannot. But 19 is my best guess, based on how many had lunch and how many didn’t (six?). And a dog named Flo (or Flow?).

    There was some flashes of sun to start , but mostly we are back to permacloud. Heigh-ho. At least it was pretty dry underfoot, bar the odd gloopy bit by a stile or gate - and some surface water in the watermeadows at the start. The morning otherwise proceeded uneventfully and the afternoon ditto. What can I say? It is a nice little walk, but then I would say that because I created it.

    I had booked a table for eight at the Crown. Five had also booked their own table. And by a happy accident exactly thirteen wanted to eat. That was lucky because the pub refused one walk-up customer (not in our group) because “we are fully booked”. But actually half the tables remained empty. A shortage of kitchen staff?

    We finished the walk just as the light was fading, which was kinda neat. The slightly haughty Bridge Inn deigned to admit us as long as we sat in the corner and behaved ourselves. No puddings because the kitchen was not open yet. A rather chilly draught for those sitting near the door. But our table still stayed an extra hour to get the 18.17, while the neighbouring one got the 17.17. The train carriage was nice and warm.

  • 23-Jan-22

    To confirm that six of us picnicked on the lowers slopes of Kinthurst Hill. Three strode on ahead on the ascent, and three of us plus dog were welcomed in to the Bridge Inn as long as we followed various strict instructions about where to sit. That done we were well looked after, including Flo. Some front runners from the lunch party were just arriving at the pub or station as we left to catch the 1650.

    Thanks for posting, I agree a very nice walk, although the usual spectacular views were lacking in the very dull light. We saw a big flock of starlings on the last hill, but they didn't perform any aerobatics for us, unlike the gliders flying above us on the ridge.

SWC Walk 11: Amberley Circular with possible Arundel Extension T=SWC.11

Distance: 11.4 Miles or 17.8 km for those more metrically minded (or 15.1 miles/24.2 km with extension)

Difficulty: 5 out of 10

Train: Take the 9:36 AM Southhampton/Bognor Regis train from London Victoria (stopping at Clapham Junction at 9:43 and East Croydon at 9:53), arriving at Amberley at 10:57. Return trains from Amberley are at 17 past the hour until 21:17 and from Arundel at 13 and 46 past the hour until 21:46. Buy a day return to Amberley or, if planning on doing the extension, Arundel.

This walk always makes a very enjoyable day out with a gentle start along the foot of the Downs just above a wetlands preserve and a dramatic finish following the ridge of the Downs back to Amberley. It is also possible to extend the walk by doing any of the Amberley to Arundel legs of SWC Walk 100, either along the Arun river or more energetically up and over the Downs through Arundel Park. If conditions merit, those of a more adventurous nature could defer the start of the extension with a stop at the always charming Bridge Inn near Amberley Station and complete this final segment in the light of a near full moon (the route along the river would be recommended if walking in moonlight). You can find more information about the walk and download the walk instructions here and the extension here.

The recommended lunch spot is the Crown Inn (01903-742-625) in Cootham (5.5 miles/8.2 km into the walk). Tea and other late afternoon refreshments can be had at the Bridge Inn near Amberley Station.

Enjoy the walk!
  • 19-Jan-19

    12 on this walk in conditions that might be described as “atmospheric”, aka light rain and drizzle . The rain was in the morning, when there was also mist on the “tops”, but this lifted a bit to give reasonable views from the ridge in the afternoon.

    Despite the conditions we were a happy crew. Four were happier than most, deciding to stop at the Black Horse in Amberley three miles in to toast its reopening with prosecco. The rest of us caused slight consternation by arriving at the lunch pub ahead of the rest of the group. Parliamentary Brexit discussions are nothing compared to the Byzantine negotiations needed to persuade them to take our order before our mates arrived. Heartfelt pleas were made on behalf of the kitchen, for whom cooking five meals at once is apparently much harder than nine. But unlike in our nation’s political life, compromise was reached. They agreed to take our food order so long as we did that at the table, and so long as we bought our drinks at the bar. This eminently logical arrangement being agreed on, the food came rapidly and in huge portions.

    Nature notes on this walk included two large patches of snowdrops, pretty much in full flower, and a flock of siskins, noticed only by me. Also a red kite (of the bird variety) circling over the downs: have they got this far south, then? There was lots of mud, especially on the climb up to the downs where it was surprisingly thick and gloopy. Well, we got away with it for this long, so we can’t complain.

    We arrived at The Bridge by 4.50pm or so (many earlier), where low cloud scotched plans for moonlight extensions to Arundel. Instead there was a mad rush for the 5.17 train, though four of us stayed for the 6.17. During a pleasant hour in the pub we scarcely talked about Brexit at all. Honestly, we didn’t.....,

Sat, 18-Aug-18 : Saturday Walk Amberley Circular 11

Amberley Circular T=swc.11

Distance: 11.1 Miles (17.8 km), (or 15.1 miles/24.2 km with extension)

Difficulty: 5 out of 10

"The morning is flat, first passing through the river meadows of the Arun to the picturesque village of Amberley, and then following a route along the foot of the downs, with fine views up onto the ridge one way, and down onto the marshland of Amberley Wild Brooks the other. You get a brief taste of the Brooks, before passing through the park of a stately home, Parham House, and to lunch in Cootham.
After lunch there is a long but reasonably well-graded climb up onto the downs (which is what earns this a toughness rating of 5), and then there is an easy walk with fine views along the top of ridge, ending with a descent to Amberley."
It is also possible to extend the walk by doing the last leg of SWC Walk 100 along the Arun River to Arundel.

Train: Take the 09:36 Southhampton/Bognor Regis train from London Victoria (stopping at Clapham Junction at 9:43 and East Croydon at 9:53), arriving at Amberley at 10:57. Return trains from Amberley are at XX:17 to 21:17 then 23.03. Buy a day return to Amberley or Arundel, if planning on doing the extension.

The recommended lunch spot is the Crown Inn (01903 742 625) in Cootham (5.5 miles/8.2 km into the walk). Probably worth booking. Tea and other late afternoon refreshments can be had at the Bridge Inn near Amberley Station.

  • 18-Aug-18

    Amberley Circular

    11 off of the train

    A lovely walk but nowt to report as rather boringly everybody was well behaved and nobody got up to anything untoward.

    Lunch was a normal pub lunch neither wonderful nor awful though there was an interminable wait for the food (whats new Ed).

    Trains were fine and on time and not crowded and the ticket inspector, Mark, was nice.

    A couple of walkers went off-piste for a short cut (whats new Ed).

    Even the weather was grey most of the day with a little sunshine here and there

    My apologies that this report is so boring but I can find nothing of humour to write.

    God don’t you just hate yourself sometimes?

  • 19-Aug-18

    After the pub lunch, 5 of us enjoyed the fantastic views from the ridge walk back to amberley and some late sun and blue sky. 4 of us enjoyed a drink at the bridge pub, and I personally had a rhubarb crumble and ice cream...a good way to finish a walk. Highly recommended walk. I have a feeling some people did a very short cut!... Missing out the high route back?

Catch the 10:02 (or 10:06, change Gatwick) from London Victoria to Amberley. Arrive 11:25

Walk 11, Amberley Circular (in reverse). Follows the South Downs Way up to the downs for an easy ridge walk in the morning. I suggest you skip the first pub, but continue through parkland to the second pub, The Sportsman,, real ales, food to 5pm, mains ~ £13, with views over the wetlands. Its been reopened by a local brewery, and has very nice beer (Ambereyes recommended).

From there its a gentle stroll via the water meadows back to the station (or a shortcut along quiet roads if the light is fading).

Return at xx:20. Nice station pub to wait in.


[Moved from the 3rd]
  • Anonymous

    Thanks for posting walk but with respect Andrew these instructions seem a bit sparse?..

    is anyone else going ? I don't want to get lost..

  • 08-Dec-17

    I'm going and I've done the walk before.

  • 10-Dec-17

    Weather pretty awful. Think will give it a miss.

SWC Walk 11: Amberley Circular with possible Arundel Extension T=3.11

Distance: 11.1 Miles or 17.8 km for those more metrically minded (or 15.1 miles/24.2 km with extension)

Difficulty: 5 out of 10

Train: Take the 9:36 AM Southhampton/Bognor Regis train from London Victoria (stopping at Clapham Junction at 9:42 and East Croydon at 9:53), arriving at Amberley at 10:55. Return trains from Amberley are at 18:17; 18:59; 19:29; 20:30 and 21:30 and from Arundel at 18:12; 18:54; 19:24; 20:25; 21:25. Buy a day return to Amberley or Arundel, if planning on doing the extension.
This walk always makes a very enjoyable day out with a gentle start along the foot of the Downs just above a wetlands preserve and a dramatic finish following the ridge of the Downs back to Amberley. It is also possible to extend the walk by doing the last leg of SWC Walk 100 along the Arun River to Arundel. If conditions merit, those of a more adventurous nature could defer the start of the extension with a stop at the always charming Bridge Inn near Amberley Station and complete this final segment in the light of a near full moon. You can find more information about the walk and download the walk instructions here and the extension here.

The recommended lunch spot is the Crown Inn (01903 742 625) in Cootham (5.5 miles/8.2 km into the walk). Tea and other late afternoon refreshments can be had at the Bridge Inn near Amberley Station.

Enjoy the walk!
  • 16-Oct-16

    17 on this walk, with the weather starting sunny and ending with torrential rain . The morning was delightful, with the ground dry enough to do the lovely riverside loop at the start of the walk that tends to get omitted in winter. The Crown Inn was busy and it was probably a good thing we booked, but they insisted on taking orders at the table - gloom! - which meant we wasted 20 minutes of sunshine while they got round to this. The food was also a tad slow coming but was of big portions.

    It was grey by the time we set off and started to rain as we climbed up onto the downs - lightly at first, but torrentially as we approached Amberley, the roads running with brown water. A good chance to check the waterproofness of kit before winter, I guess.

    I hear some got to the Riverside Tea Rooms: others must have gone straight to the train. About half of us ended up in the Bridge Inn to dry out. The proposed moonlight walk looked a bit doubtful at this point but the skies did start to clear and five of us set off at dusk.

    Our route was along the river to Arundel. Initially the dusk was atmospheric but things got tricky (for me at least!) when the light faded, the woods closed in and the path was covered with slippery tree roots. But once we got to South Stoke Farm the skies started to clear and it was then a glorious moonlit night, the sky also dotted with stars, and excellent visibility. Since every single moonlight walk we tried last winter was obscured by cloud, this was very exciting.

    A dreamy walk along the grassy banks river then followed, punctuated by drinks at the Black Rabbit pub. At one point ground mist from the marsh drifted up over the path, a beautiful effect.

    On the return journey there was consternation when both the 22.30 and the 22.57, the two last trains, showed as cancelled. But the 22.30 was thankfully reinstated. By diligent train research and a nifty change at Three Bridges we got back to London by 23.45, just in time to make last connections to our various places of residence.

Sat, 30-May-15 : Saturday Third Walk 7
Extra Walk 11: Amberley Circular: Out Along the Foot of the South Downs above Wild Brook Wetland and Back along the Ridge of the Downs

Distance: 11.1 Miles
Difficulty: 5 out of 10, mainly flat with one long, but well-graded, hill
Train: Take the 9:32 Southampton Central Southern train from London Victoria, arriving at Amberley at 10:57. Return trains from Amberley are at 17:17, 18:17, 18:59, 19:29, 20:29 and 21:29. Buy a day return to Amberley.
This lovely walk around Amberley and along the Downs -- covering both the lowlands and the magnificent South Downs ridge itself. More information and the instructions can be found here.
The recommended lunchtime pub is The Crown Inn in Cootham (tel 01903 742 625), about 5.5 miles into the walk. The Sportsman in Cross Gate (tel 01798 831 787) or Parham House in Parham Park (01803 744 888) are both possible earlier lunch stops at (2.6 miles and 4.6 miles into the walk, respectively). Larger groups should call ahead and provide some warning.
The Bridge Inn near the train station in Amberley provides refreshing post walk libations.

Enjoy the walk!
  • 30-May-15

    WALKERS =7 mostly sunny. Masses of walkers got off the train but gathered around at least one leader waving a piece of paper; perhaps it was Neville Chamberlain.

    The marshes were fairly dry so we didn't trail mud thankfully. Amberley village and the Deer Park were pretty as we passed through. The Crown at Cootham served up tasty meat pies, fish & chips and refreshing liquids alfresco. It seemed to get much warmer as we ascended onto the Downs where we encountered horse riders and several cyclists. We had a clear view of the coast and the Isle of Wight.

    After descending one caught the 4.17, two drove home and three of us enjoyed tea and tiffin at the Riverside Cafe in a bit of a sun trap with semi-tropical trees and sparrows for company before catching the 5.17 along with the seventh walker.

  • 30-May-15

    7 warm and sunny