Length: 19.8km (12.2 miles). A shorter morning route across the Ash Ranges is given in the directions but how much this saves is not specified.
9.30 Guildford service from Waterloo change at Woking for the 10.02 Alton service arriving at Ash Vale at 10.15.
Return trains from Woplesdon to Waterloo are at xx:06Buy a day return to Ash Vale.
This classic Surrey walk has good reviews from prevous postings. The route in the morning follows some very picturesque sections of the Basingstoke Canal, then skirts through unrestricted Ash Ranges and lightly forested sandy heathlands. After lunch there's a nice variety of scenery - fungi and fern-filled woods, some fields (you *might* see Alpaca, Ostrich and Lama) and Whitmoor Common (a Surrey Wildlife Trust nature reserve with heathland and mature woodland).
Lunch is at The Royal Oak (Aldershot Road GU24 0DQ, 01483 232 466), a Greene King pub in Pirbright after 7.2 miles. It does food all afternoon but I'd suggest calling to book before setting off from the station as they have been fully booked in the past.
For tea, the recommendaton is to follow the short (0.5km) diversion in the written walk directions (this is not included on the GPX but it's easy to see on the map) to the Jolly Farmer, a Fuller's pub nestled on the edge of Whitmoor Common (Burdenshot Road GU3 3RN, 01483 976048). ‘This pretty village pub is set in a beautiful countryside location. In the heart of some of the most stunning National Trust territory, it is a popular retreat for walkers, ramblers and people who just like being outdoors. Inside, the real fires and low beams create a cosy and intimate atmosphere. Outside there is a lovely garden with a covered seating area.’
From the Jolly Farmer, allow 25 minutes to get to the station to be on the safe side (it includes a stretch along a modestly busy road).
If you don't want to do the diversion to the Jolly Farmer, you could stop mid-afternoon at The Worplesdon Place Hotel about 9.6 miles into the walk at (Perry Hill GU3 3RY, 01483 232 407). From there it's about 2.6 miles to Worplesdon station.
There isn't a walk leader so remember to bring your own directions L=SWC.136