Chilham to Canterbury Walk
A pilgrimage to Canterbury Cathedral via the Great Stour River, hop fields and orchards
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First view of Canterbury Cathedral
Chilham to Canterbury walk
May-16 • Saturdaywalker on Flickr
book1 walk28 walkicon swcwalks 26770807825

Chilham to Canterbury
Apr-17 • Cymbidium Clarisse on Flickr
chilham canterbury swcwalks book1 walk28 kent walking hiking british countryside rapeseed field yellow flowers 33261611243

Chilham to Canterbury
Apr-17 • Cymbidium Clarisse on Flickr
chilham canterbury swcwalks book1 walk28 kent walking hiking british countryside rapeseed field yellow flowers 33916725702

Chilham to Canterbury
Apr-17 • Cymbidium Clarisse on Flickr
chilham canterbury swcwalks book1 walk28 kent walking hiking british countryside 33261607753

Chilham to Canterbury
Apr-17 • Cymbidium Clarisse on Flickr
chilham canterbury swcwalks book1 walk28 kent walking hiking british countryside 33688877760

Chilham to Canterbury
Apr-17 • Cymbidium Clarisse on Flickr
chilham canterbury swcwalks book1 walk28 kent walking hiking british countryside bluebells forest 33916720142

Chilham to Canterbury
Apr-17 • Cymbidium Clarisse on Flickr
chilham canterbury swcwalks book1 walk28 kent walking hiking british countryside bluebells forest 33231039534

Chilham to Canterbury
Apr-17 • Cymbidium Clarisse on Flickr
chilham canterbury swcwalks book1 walk28 kent walking hiking british countryside bluebells forest 33261599533

Bluebell Woods
Chilham to Canterbury
Apr-17 • Cymbidium Clarisse on Flickr
chilham canterbury swcwalks book1 walk28 kent walking hiking british countryside bluebells forest 33916716762

Country Lane
Chilham to Canterbury
Apr-17 • Cymbidium Clarisse on Flickr
chilham canterbury swcwalks book1 walk28 kent walking hiking british countryside lane 33261595543

Canterbury Cathedral
Chilham to Canterbury
Apr-17 • Cymbidium Clarisse on Flickr
chilham canterbury swcwalks book1 walk28 kent walking hiking british countryside cathedral 33916714732

Canterbury Cathedral
Chilham to Canterbury
Apr-17 • Cymbidium Clarisse on Flickr
chilham canterbury swcwalks book1 walk28 kent walking hiking british countryside cathedral 33261592583

Easter garden Canterbury Cathedral
Apr-17 • lindsay_randle on Flickr
swcwalks book1 walk28 33234264393

The garden of the Chapter Arms in Chatham Hatch
Chilham to Canterbury walk
May-16 • Saturdaywalker on Flickr
book1 walk28 swcwalks 26498169130

In the Cathedral
No idea who that is in the photo. Not one of us, Chilham to Canterbury
book1 walk28 swcwalks 4493098328

Book 1 Walk 28 Chilham to Canterbury
Ducking stool overlooking canal in Canterbury. D.Allen VIVITAR 5199mp
Mar-08 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
canterbury book1 walk28 swcwalks 2355981006

Book 1 Walk 28 Chilham to Canterbury
Scene of Murder Of Becket In The Cathedral, Canterbury. D.Allen VIVITAR 5199mp
Mar-08 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
cathedral canterbury book1 becket walk28 swcwalks 2355980596

Blair Witch stuff
Strange bit of tree-dressing Chilham to Canterbury
book1 walk28 swcwalks 2350268505

Chilham 'PILGRIMAGE' to Canterbury
Chilham Mill (dig that overhang!) along the Stour Valley. D.Allen using a 5mp Vivitar 5199
Apr-06 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
canterbury book1 chilham walk28 swcwalks 452635230

Chilham to Canterbury
View of Canterbury and its cathedral from near the university campus to the north west. D.Allen Vivitar 5199 5mp
Apr-06 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
out kent time canterbury book1 walkers swc chilham walk28 swcwalks 452635238

Chilham to Canterbury
Easter Cross inside Canterbury Cathedral. D.Allen. Vivitar 5199 5mp
Apr-06 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
book1 walk28 swcwalks 452635242

Book 1 Walk 28 Chilham to Canterbury
Canterbury Cathedral on a VERY wet Saturday 2010 ignore date at side it's wrong!
Jan-06 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
1 book swc walk28 5033761152

Dec-04 • Peter Conway on Flickr
swcwalks book1 walk28 36511368473

Dec-04 • Peter Conway on Flickr
swcwalks book1 walk28 36927159580