Cowden to Eridge walk

Starts along a valley and then over hills to Hartfield for lunch, followed by an undulating trek thorough woods and fields to Eridge.


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Book 3, Walk 3, Cowden to Eridge 2 Midweek Day Walk, 17 May '06
Book 3, Walk 3, Cowden to Eridge 2

Midweek Day Walk, 17 May '06

May-06 • MEW2005 on Flickr

book3 eridge cowden walk3 swcwalks tocw33 376476503

Book 3, Walk 3, Cowden to Eridge 3 Midweek Day Walk, 17 May '06
Book 3, Walk 3, Cowden to Eridge 3

Midweek Day Walk, 17 May '06

May-06 • MEW2005 on Flickr

book3 eridge cowden walk3 swcwalks tocw33 376477458

Purple trees courtesy of purplecam. Cowden to Eridge
Purple trees

courtesy of purplecam. Cowden to Eridge

Oct-08 • moontiger on Flickr

book3 walk3 swcwalks 2935167465

Boggy start Cowden to Eridge
Boggy start

Cowden to Eridge

Oct-08 • moontiger on Flickr

book3 walk3 swcwalks 2933189835

Old gate Cowden to Eridge
Old gate

Cowden to Eridge

Oct-08 • moontiger on Flickr

book3 walk3 swcwalks 2933190019

Over a stile Cowden to Eridge
Over a stile

Cowden to Eridge

Oct-08 • moontiger on Flickr

book3 walk3 swcwalks 2933190603

Dewy dandelion Cowden to Eridge
Dewy dandelion

Cowden to Eridge

Oct-08 • moontiger on Flickr

book3 walk3 swcwalks 2934048470

Down a lane Cowden to Eridge
Down a lane

Cowden to Eridge

Oct-08 • moontiger on Flickr

book3 walk3 swcwalks 2934048866

Down a lane 2 Cowden to Eridge
Down a lane 2

Cowden to Eridge

Oct-08 • moontiger on Flickr

book3 walk3 swcwalks 2934049136

Mush-room with a view Cowden to Eridge
Mush-room with a view

Cowden to Eridge

Oct-08 • moontiger on Flickr

book3 walk3 swcwalks 2934049278

Hartfield Church Cowden to Eridge
Hartfield Church

Cowden to Eridge

Oct-08 • moontiger on Flickr

book3 walk3 swcwalks 2934049500

Shetland pony Cowden to Eridge
Shetland pony

Cowden to Eridge

Oct-08 • moontiger on Flickr

book3 walk3 swcwalks 2934049660

Lose that hat. Cowden to Eridge
Lose that hat.

Cowden to Eridge

Oct-08 • moontiger on Flickr

book3 walk3 swcwalks 2933192669

Past a tree Cowden to Eridge
Past a tree

Cowden to Eridge

Oct-08 • moontiger on Flickr

book3 walk3 swcwalks 2933193079

Tree with a view Cowden to Eridge
Tree with a view

Cowden to Eridge

Oct-08 • moontiger on Flickr

book3 walk3 swcwalks 2934050650

Caught in the act We passed this gang of apple scrumpers on the way. We tipped off the police, naturally. Cowden to Eridge
Caught in the act

We passed this gang of apple scrumpers on the way. We tipped off the police, naturally. Cowden to Eridge

Oct-08 • moontiger on Flickr

book3 walk3 swcwalks 2933193335

Lying down. (So we didn't get to Eridge before the pub opened,) Cowden to Eridge
Lying down.

(So we didn't get to Eridge before the pub opened,) Cowden to Eridge

Oct-08 • moontiger on Flickr

book3 walk3 swcwalks 2933193621

Fence Cowden to Eridge

Cowden to Eridge

Oct-08 • moontiger on Flickr

book3 walk3 swcwalks 2934082224

Fence Cowden to Eridge

Cowden to Eridge

Oct-08 • moontiger on Flickr

book3 walk3 swcwalks 2933193767

Looking up What the liers down could see. Cowden to Eridge
Looking up

What the liers down could see. Cowden to Eridge

Oct-08 • moontiger on Flickr

book3 walk3 swcwalks 2934051658

Toadstool Cowden to Eridge

Cowden to Eridge

Oct-08 • moontiger on Flickr

book3 walk3 swcwalks 2933194353

Through a gate Cowden to Eridge
Through a gate

Cowden to Eridge

Oct-08 • moontiger on Flickr

book3 walk3 swcwalks 2934052346

Sunlit scene Cowden to Eridge (By the way, it's PRIVATE)
Sunlit scene

Cowden to Eridge (By the way, it's PRIVATE)

Oct-08 • moontiger on Flickr

book3 walk3 swcwalks 2933195027

View with Shadow Cowden to Eridge
View with Shadow

Cowden to Eridge

Oct-08 • moontiger on Flickr

book3 walk3 swcwalks 2933195309

Oast House Cowden to Eridge
Oast House

Cowden to Eridge

Oct-08 • moontiger on Flickr

book3 walk3 swcwalks 2933195443

Sumac Cowden to Eridge

Cowden to Eridge

Oct-08 • moontiger on Flickr

book3 walk3 swcwalks 2934053348

3 kites Goring circular
3 kites

Goring circular

Oct-08 • moontiger on Flickr

book3 walk17 swcwalks 2972782836

Head 'em in, move 'em out! 'Are you having the beef for dinner?'
Head 'em in, move 'em out!

'Are you having the beef for dinner?'

May-10 • magyardave2002 on Flickr

kent cattle book3 walk3 swcwalks eridgerocks 8870524017

View from up top Berwick to Birling Gap The path up to and above the long man
View from up top

Berwick to Birling Gap The path up to and above the long man

May-12 • moontiger on Flickr

book3 walk3 swcwalks 7244290422

Tree , field Cowden to Eridge
Tree , field

Cowden to Eridge

May-12 • moontiger on Flickr

book3 walk3 swcwalks 7244586426

Big stump (turn right here) Cowden to Eridge
Big stump

(turn right here) Cowden to Eridge

May-12 • moontiger on Flickr

book3 walk3 swcwalks 7244589232

Tree in a field ... with harvester.... Cowden to Eridge
Tree in a field ...

with harvester.... Cowden to Eridge

May-12 • moontiger on Flickr

book3 walk3 swcwalks 7244591096

Leafy road Cowden to Eridge
Leafy road

Cowden to Eridge

May-12 • moontiger on Flickr

book3 walk3 swcwalks 7244596894

'Keep Calm and Carry On'. Where's this?
'Keep Calm and Carry On'.

Where's this?

May-13 • magyardave2002 on Flickr

kent farm book3 walk3 willetts swcwalks 8870501515

Weir's the where - I mean, where's the weir?
Weir's the where - I mean, where's the weir?

Apr-14 • magyardave2002 on Flickr

walks book3 swc walk3 swcwalks 13650823294

'Well, we dodged the pillbox - this time!' German walkers always seem to avoid being seen to stumble across one...
'Well, we dodged the pillbox - this time!'

German walkers always seem to avoid being seen to stumble across one...

Apr-14 • magyardave2002 on Flickr

pillbox book3 walk3 swcwalks 13650498363

The way behind.... ...or the way ahead if you do this walk in reverse.
The way behind....

...or the way ahead if you do this walk in reverse.

Apr-14 • magyardave2002 on Flickr

walks book3 swc walk3 swcwalks 13650489725

"No I won't bark - seen it all before.'' Lovely little farm dog, quite long in the tooth but friendly. (Near Ashurst).
"No I won't bark - seen it all before.''

Lovely little farm dog, quite long in the tooth but friendly. (Near Ashurst).

Apr-14 • magyardave2002 on Flickr

walks book3 swc walk3 swcwalks 13650512233

'Tim Calcutt 1933 - 2009' Carved wooden bench in woodland
'Tim Calcutt 1933 - 2009'

Carved wooden bench in woodland

Apr-14 • magyardave2002 on Flickr

walks book3 swc walk3 swcwalks 13650503885

'Daisy and Sweet Pea Cottage' Could that be a line from 'Under Milk Wood' by Dylan Thomas? If not, it should be?
'Daisy and Sweet Pea Cottage'

Could that be a line from 'Under Milk Wood' by Dylan Thomas? If not, it should be?

Apr-14 • magyardave2002 on Flickr

walks book3 swc walk3 swcwalks 13650509345

Approaching Hartfield Spire just visible top left.
Approaching Hartfield

Spire just visible top left.

Apr-14 • magyardave2002 on Flickr

walks book3 swc walk3 swcwalks 13650861034

Hartfield churchyard 'Indiana Jones on the Great Recycling Crusade'
Hartfield churchyard

'Indiana Jones on the Great Recycling Crusade'

Apr-14 • magyardave2002 on Flickr

walks book3 swc walk3 swcwalks 13650536713

Des-res (in there somewhere) Woodland hut
Des-res (in there somewhere)

Woodland hut

Apr-14 • magyardave2002 on Flickr

walks book3 swc walk3 swcwalks 13650529395

Cowden to Eridge 19 Oct 2019 SWC1
Cowden to Eridge 19 Oct 2019 SWC1

Oct-19 • Steven F Coles on Flickr

swcwalks swcwalk3 48931228057

Cowden to Eridge 19 Oct 2019 SWC2
Cowden to Eridge 19 Oct 2019 SWC2

Oct-19 • Steven F Coles on Flickr

swcwalks swcwalk3 48931227972

Cowden to Eridge 19 Oct 2019 SWC3
Cowden to Eridge 19 Oct 2019 SWC3

Oct-19 • Steven F Coles on Flickr

swcwalks swcwalk3 48931227887

Cowden to Eridge 19 Oct 2019 SWC4
Cowden to Eridge 19 Oct 2019 SWC4

Oct-19 • Steven F Coles on Flickr

swcwalks swcwalk3 48930501308

Cowden to Eridge 19 Oct 2019 SWC5
Cowden to Eridge 19 Oct 2019 SWC5

Oct-19 • Steven F Coles on Flickr

swcwalks swcwalk3 48931227767

Cowden to Eridge 19 Oct 2019 SWC6
Cowden to Eridge 19 Oct 2019 SWC6

Oct-19 • Steven F Coles on Flickr

swcwalks swcwalk3 48931042506

Cowden to Eridge 19 Oct 2019 SWC7
Cowden to Eridge 19 Oct 2019 SWC7

Oct-19 • Steven F Coles on Flickr

swcwalks swcwalk3 48931227642

Cowden to Eridge 24 Feb 24 SWC1
Cowden to Eridge 24 Feb 24 SWC1

24-Feb-24 • Steven F Coles on Flickr

swcwalks swcwalk3 53557197866

Cowden to Eridge 24 Feb 24 SWC3
Cowden to Eridge 24 Feb 24 SWC3

24-Feb-24 • Steven F Coles on Flickr

swcwalks swcwalk3 53557398518

Cowden to Eridge 24 Feb 24 SWC2
Cowden to Eridge 24 Feb 24 SWC2

24-Feb-24 • Steven F Coles on Flickr

swcwalks swcwalk3 53556352262

Cowden to Eridge 24 Feb 24 SWC4
Cowden to Eridge 24 Feb 24 SWC4

24-Feb-24 • Steven F Coles on Flickr

swcwalks swcwalk3 53557202096