Crystal Palace to Forest Hill Walk
Short surburban London walk with plenty of interesting and unusual features.
Add your photos to the SWC Group on Flickr, and tag them:
Iguanodon, Crystal Palace Park
Jan-12 • Sean O'Neill
banner, swcwalk137, swcwalks 5707610139084934402 P

Sphinx, Crystal Palace Park
Feb-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks, walkicon 5707610308141409298 P
Boardwalk, Dulwich Park
Feb-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks, walkicon 5707610577365875122 P
Bandstand, Horniman Gardens
Feb-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks, walkicon 5707611062840753458 P

Paxton memorial with unfortunately placed lampost. Helpful arrow shows direction of walk
Crystal Palace to Forest Hill walk
swcwalks swcwalk137 london 45433445154

Come in ... the water's fine.
Crystal Palace to Forest Hill walk
swcwalks swcwalk137 london dinosaurs crystalpalace 45433445744

Iguanodon ?
Crystal Palace to Forest Hill walk
swcwalks swcwalk137 london dinosaurs crystalpalace 45433446054

Dinosaur sculpture
Crystal Palace to Forest Hill walk
swcwalks swcwalk137 london dinosaurs crystalpalace 46106572892

Toothsome bunch
Crystal Palace to Forest Hill walk
swcwalks swcwalk137 london dinosaurs crystalpalace 46157410871

Crystal Palace to Forest Hill walk
swcwalks swcwalk137 london dinosaurs crystalpalace 46157411491

Crystal Palace to Forest Hill walk
swcwalks swcwalk137 london dinosaurs crystalpalace 46157412181

Crystal Palace to Forest Hill walk
swcwalks swcwalk137 london dinosaurs crystalpalace 46157412691

Sunlit dinosaur
Crystal Palace to Forest Hill walk
swcwalks swcwalk137 london dinosaurs crystalpalace 46157413541

Yellow tree, Sydenham Wells Park
Crystal Palace to Forest Hill walk
swcwalks swcwalk137 london 46157414771

Crystal Palace to Forest Hill walk
swcwalks swcwalk137 crystalpalacepark london 41643172004

Crystal Palace to Forest Hill walk
swcwalks swcwalk137 crystalpalacepark london 41643173404

Crystal Palace to Forest Hill walk
swcwalks swcwalk137 dulwichpark london 40558632390

Crystal Palace to Forest Hill walk
swcwalks swcwalk137 dulwichpark london 41643178054

Crystal Palace to Forest Hill walk
swcwalks swcwalk137 sydenhamhillwoods london 41463752575

Crystal Palace to Forest Hill walk
swcwalks swcwalk137 foresthill hornimanmuseum london 40558639860

statue extinct Irish elk Crystal Palace
Dec-15 • lindsay_randle on Flickr
book3 swcwalks walk137 23703471159

Saturday Walkers. Wednesday. Crystal Palace park
Dec-15 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
book3 swcwalks walk137 24069718245

Crystal Palace dinosaurs and ducks
Dec-15 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
book3 swcwalks walk137 23442942003

In captivity, at long last
Crystal Palace Park
Dec-15 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
book3 swcwalks walk137 23774061970

Leaning tree of Dulwich
Opposite Dulwich College
Dec-15 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
book3 swcwalks walk137 24069765845
Dinosaur head, Crystal Palace Park
Dec-14 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks 6095364124155065570 P
Sculpture, Horniman Gardens
Dec-14 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks 6095364157081446402 P
Megatherium, Crystal Palace Park
Jan-14 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks 5968134629590532386 P
Anoplotherium herd, Crystal Palace Park
Jan-14 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks 5968134650206585714 P
Palaeotherium, Crystal Palace Park
Jan-14 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks 5968134676135907138 P
Megalosaurus & Teleosaurus, Crystal Palace Park
Jan-14 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks 5968134562630219666 P
Labyrinthodon, Crystal Palace Park
Jan-14 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks 5968134537156212338 P
Iguanodon & Megalosaurus, Crystal Palace Park
Jan-14 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks 5968134585829095330 P
Iguanodon, Crystal Palace Park
Jan-14 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks 5968134610647938418 P

horniman musicroom
Jan-14 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
book3 swcwalks taragato walk137 11932759813
Dinosaur Lake, Crystal Palace Park
Dec-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks 5817049623484381298 P
Dinosaur Lake, Crystal Palace Park
Dec-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks 5861930944722305890 P
Megaloceros, Crystal Palace Park
Dec-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks 5817049651507545906 P
The James Caird (Shackleton's lifeboat) in Dulwich College
Dec-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks 5817049702019083762 P

Crystal Palace to Forest Hill
Oct-12 • rozowamyszka on Flickr
sw book3 swc swcwalks walk137 8093207802

Crystal Palace to Forest Hill
Oct-12 • rozowamyszka on Flickr
sw book3 swc swcwalks walk137 8093208664

Crystal Palace to Forest Hill
Oct-12 • rozowamyszka on Flickr
sw book3 swc swcwalks walk137 8093206115

Crystal Palace to Forest Hill
Oct-12 • rozowamyszka on Flickr
sw book3 swc swcwalks walk137 8093217216

Crystal Palace to Forest Hill
Oct-12 • rozowamyszka on Flickr
sw book3 swc swcwalks walk137 8093211602

Crystal Palace to Forest Hill
Oct-12 • rozowamyszka on Flickr
sw book3 swc swcwalks walk137 8093208849

Crystal Palace to Forest Hill
Oct-12 • rozowamyszka on Flickr
sw book3 swc swcwalks walk137 8093209433

Crystal Palace to Forest Hill
Oct-12 • rozowamyszka on Flickr
sw book3 swc swcwalks walk137 8093213675

Crystal Palace to Forest Hill
Oct-12 • rozowamyszka on Flickr
sw book3 swc swcwalks walk137 8093211497

Victorian Folly, Sydenham Hill Wood
Victorian Folly, Sydenham Hill Wood BUT I don't think it's one of mine before I'm accused of plagiarism.
Sep-12 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
book3 swcwalks walk137 12003002925
Sir Joseph Paxton, Crystal Palace Park
Feb-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks 5707610224515556594 P
Terraces, Crystal Palace Park
Feb-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks 5707610248240213682 P
Sphinx, Crystal Palace Park
Feb-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks 5707610283157187266 P
Statue and Concert Bowl, Crystal Palace Park
Feb-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks 5707610342845224258 P
Dulwich Wood House, Sydenham Hill
Feb-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks 5707610385031625506 P
John Logie Baird's house, Crescent Wood Road
Feb-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks 5707610411222448482 P
Six Pillars, Crescent Wood Road
Feb-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks 5707610432785763874 P
Missing Hepworth sculpture, Dulwich Park
Feb-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks 5707610637372083282 P
Old Grammar School, Dulwich Village
Feb-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks 5707610667493698258 P
The Crown & Greyhound, Dulwich Village
Feb-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks 5707610688537473426 P
Cox's Walk Footbridge, Sydenham Hill Wood
Feb-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks 5707611008690174770 P
Bandstand, Horniman Gardens
Feb-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks 5707611041096171090 P
London skyline from Horniman Gardens
Jan-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks 5707611080888029522 P
Cedar of Lebanon, Sydenham Hill Wood
Jan-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks 5707610460822073410 P
Megalosaurus, Crystal Palace Park
Jan-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks 5707610106392426706 P
Ichthyosaurus, Crystal Palace Park
Jan-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk137, swcwalks 5707610072735444130 P