Ely Circular walk

An easy walk through open Fenland, The River Great Ouse, 'big' skies, tree-lined farm tracks, historic Ely Cathedral and a quayside stroll at the end


This is a list of previous times this walk has been done by the club (since Jan 2010). For more recent events (since April 2015), full details are shown.

Date Option Post # Weather
Sat, 25-May-24 Ely circular 4
Sun, 02-Apr-23 Sunday Walk: Ely Circular 10 sunny
Wed, 31-Aug-22 Wednesday Walk Ely Circular - The river Great Ouse, open fenland with ditches and dykes - and Ely Cathedral 4
Sat, 16-Oct-21 Ely Circular 4 overcast and dull at first with some sunshine breaking through in the afternoon
Wed, 10-Apr-19 Wednesday Walk Ely Circular - Open Fenland, River Great Ouse and Ely Cathedral 7 sunny and breezy
Sat, 09-Feb-19 Ely Circular
Fri, 30-Mar-18 Good Friday - Ely Circular: Ely, River Great Ouse, Fens, and Ely Cathedral for Evensong 15 dry in morning wet later on
Sat, 08-Jul-17 Saturday Walk – The Cathedral of the Fens 10 started cool and cloudy but got warmer muggier and sunnier
Sun, 25-Sep-16 Sunday Walk 2: New! Different! Ely Circular....With added words! 11 fine with some sun and a light breeze
Sun, 14-Feb-16 Sunday Walk 1: Luv u Dearly, Off to Ely 10 sunny and cold
Sat, 04-Apr-15 Ely Circular 2
Sun, 16-Feb-14 Ely Circular 4
Sun, 01-Dec-13 Ely Circular 6
Sat, 30-Jul-11 Ely Circular
Sat, 25-May-24 : Ely circular 4
SWC 118 Ely circular

Length: 18 km (11.2 miles). Toughness: 2/10
Catch the 9:42 from London Kings Cross arrives Ely 10:53. Return xx:18 xx:53.
A fairly easy walk with lunch at The Red Lion (8.2km into the walk); numerous tea options in Ely’s Old Town prior to a short quayside stroll back to the station.
  • 22-May-24

    Now I might do the Walk on Saturday. But I can't guarantee I will. Now instead I will take the Train from London King's Cross. I will take the Train from Tottenham Hall to Cambridge. And change for another Train to Ely from there.

  • 25-May-24

    4 out of the station with group cohesion factor of 10/10 through most of the walk. Gray and dramatic skies over a flat but gently varied landscape, but only a few drops of warm drizzle.

    We enjoyed some splendid views of the river and the fens, and the Ely Cathedral from the distance. We reached the designated lunch pub in good time only to find that the kitchen could not produce much. Luckily, a corner shop across the square had plenty of unremarkable sandwiches and snacks. The way back into town, though guided by the sights of cathedral towers, was louder and muddier, and we had a close encounter with a golf ball in the final stretch of the walk.

    Thee went to visit the cathedral (current ticket price is £14 but can be converted into an annual ticket and includes a very good multimedia guide). Group cohesion collapsed to shambolic levels at that point and two enjoyed coffee and cakes in the old town. The clouds cleared by that time and the pubs along the river on the way to the station looked very inviting. Alas, we rushed to catch 17:18 train back.

  • 25-May-24

    Fauna and flora report:

    Two friendly and one skittish cat, a few aloof dogs, one crane and one buzzard, and no livestock on this walk.

    Plenty of cow parsley, buttercups, elderflower, burdock and nasty nettles. We also crossed a field with intermingled barley and rapeseed (have not seen that before) and a few fields of young wheat.

Sun, 02-Apr-23 : Sunday Walk: Ely Circular 10
Mr M Tiger
Mr M Tiger

18 km, 11.2 miles (with longer and shorter options) Difficulty 2 out of 10
This walk takes you through Ely, the second smallest city in England, and the surrounding fenland. The fenland where Hereward the Wake used to give the Normans grief. It returns past Ely landmarks, including the Cathedral and, on the shorter walk, Oliver Cromwell's House.
Directions here
A shorter Ely – Little Thetford – Ely walk of 11.6 km/7.2 miles (with lunch back in Ely) is possible..This could be combined with -
- an afternoon extension through the meadows of the River Great Ouse (adds 2.4 km. 1.5 miles)
- or… a visit to Oliver Cromwell’s House. The miserable old git is long gone but watch out his lifesize animated dummy doesn’t get you. Open 11 till 5 (last entry 4), admission £6.50
-and/or the Cathedral (see below)
Trains: Get the 10:12 Kings Lynn train to Ely from Kings Cross (arriving 11:22).
Trains return from Ely at xx:57( fastest, direct) and xx:03 (change at Cambridge).
Lunch :
For the main walk The Red Lion, High Street, Stretham, 01353 648
For the shorter walk , pick your way through the 'tea' list
Tea: There are many tea places in Ely - see the notes for an extensive list. Here are just three.
Sedate, and genteel, just like us, the Almonry, off Forehill, is open till 5.
Also on Forehill, an award-winning micropub, the Drayman’s Son sells specialist locally brewed beer and hopefully a wide selection of ciders (with names like "Nun Behaving Badly" and "Monk and Disorderly"). Theres also 3 At 3 Real Ale & Craft Beer Café Three Cups Walk, Ely, (01353 659 916)
The Cathedral is open till 5:30 and, I think, still free to visit on a Sunday – though they would appreciate a donation. t=swc.118

  • 03-Apr-23

    One of my spies tells me there were 10 on a nice sunny day.

SWC 118 - Ely Circular

Length: 18 km (11.2 miles)
Toughness: 2 out of 10 Flat, fenland
London Kings Cross: 10-12 hrs Great Northern service to Ely
Arrive Ely: 11-25 hrs

Direct services at approx 18 & 42 mins past the hour
Service changing at Cambridge: approx 27 & 54 mins past the hour
This is a walk of big fields and big skies. There are no hills - just flat fenland. Although featureless in places, the walk never lacks interest. We stop for lunch some 5 miles into the walk in the village of Stretham at the Red Lion pub.
After lunch it is more of the same - big fields and big skies, now with the magnificent Ely Cathedral dominating the skyline. A visit to the Cathedral at walk-end is de rigueur.
Walk Directions are here: L=swc.118
  • 31-Aug-22

    4 on this walk, so I am told.

Sat, 16-Oct-21 : Ely Circular 4
SWC Walk 118 – Ely Circular
Length: 18km (11.2 miles); Toughness 2/10
Catch the 10:12 train from London Kings Cross arriving at Ely 11:23. Return trains xx:17 xx:53 T=swc.118
  • 09-Oct-21

    Don't forget you can get the Train from London Liverpool Street and Tottenham Hale as well on the way to Ely. But you need to change at Cambridge to do so first. That's exactly what I did about 2 years ago although I didn't go with the Walking Club that day.

  • Anonymous

    Soft sell.

  • 14-Oct-21

    Intend going.

  • Anonymous

    Hi DAC, it seems the cathedral closes at 4pm. So would it be possible to visit it at the start of the walk? Or do you think there would be enough time at the end? Thanks, e.

  • 14-Oct-21

    If you want to visit Ely Cathedral (with a pre-booked Visitor ticket) at the end of a walk you'll probably have to opt for the short (11.7km) walk option described in the Walk Notes. If you do the full walk you could get to see the interior by attending the Evensong service at 5.30pm.

  • 16-Oct-21

    Skipped walk having arrived well in time for the 10:12 train only to find out that the train was cancelled due to train staff shortage / rolling stock. Next train was at 11:12. Decided to give it a miss and got a ticket refund and went for a shorter walk in London area. Others perhaps not so flaky?

  • 17-Oct-21

    Cancelled trains seems to be the norm for weekend walks at present, but 4 of us eventually made it to Ely, including one first timer, and we met outside the railway station at 12 noon. Due to the late arrival time I said sod it and opted for a day's sightseeing in Ely including an extended visit to the magnificent cathedral. So for the walk report it is 3 and I hope my companions enjoyed their walk on a day which started overcast and dull at first with some sunshine breaking through in the afternoon in temperatures mild to warm for the time of year. There was some lovely autumn leaf colour in the parkland surrounding the cathedral, a bit earlier than usual. After my sightseeing I enjoyed a good pub lunch before returning to the railway station for an uneventful journey home - this time without the unwanted company of Brighton & Hove Albion football supporters (playing away at Norwich). If there is anything thicker and uglier than a football fan I have yet to meet it ! Home in the afternoon for me for - to quote the late and much missed Eddie Waring - an early bath.

  • Anonymous

    Hi Marcus, sorry I missed you also.

    I got an earlier train (that wasn't cancelled, thankfully) in order to visit the cathedral, planning to join the walk afterwards.

    I went on a tour of the Octogan Tower (booked the night before; there wasn't any availability on the later tours, so another reason I decided to get the earlier train). Then a fellow tourist kindly offered me their ticket for the West Tower, citing too many steps for them, booked for the afternoon (3pm).

    So I did the short walk (with a bit of the extension along the river as it was peaceful, turning off at Holt Fen to Little Thetford). The return to Ely through the farmland was marred a bit by its proximity to the A10 and new housing, but I was curious to see the land where the monk's grange once stood. Also good to view the cathedral from afar. I didn't get to complete the walk around the city nor along the quayside or meadows.

    Towards the end of the day, I bumped into three other SWC walkers and learnt about the train cancellations that had delayed the start of their walk, which explained why I didn't see them.

    I finished the day with a look around Cromwell's house and evensong in honour of female saints of Ely connected to Etheldreda.

    Caught the 18.53 train back to London (the one before had been cancelled) busy with football fans on their way back from the Norwich - Brighton match (0 - 0). More passengers joined at Cambridge. A full train, but I somehow managed to avoid the rowdy carriages.

    A bit overcast at first then sunny with patches of blue. No Siberian winds, usually experienced in the Fens.

    Both Octagon and West Tower tours interesting with views from the top. Some of the names amongst the "graffiti" on the wooden panels of the Octagon lantern, include those of soldiers left before they went to war (first / second).

    Also came across a BBC OB vehicle by the cathedral, making a radio programme about it.

    Thanks for posting the walk DAC. Quite full on in the end (!).


  • 17-Oct-21

    Thanks e for your full report - you seem to have had a full, good day. I'm pleased you met up with my three colleagues who I had abandoned when opting for a sightseeing day.

    So let's make that walkers 4

SWC 118 - Ely Circular

Length: 18 km (11.2 miles)
Toughness: 2 out of 10

London Kings Cross: 10-12 hrs Ely service Cambridge 11-04 hrs
Arrive Ely: 11-22 hrs

Return (direct to Kings Cross unless [C] change at Cambridge): 15-45, 15-53[C], 16-17, 16-47, 16-53[C], 17-17, 17-47, 17-50. 18-17, 18-57, 19-17 and 19-47 hrs

Evensong in Ely Cathedral is at 17-30 hrs

This Fenland walk is new to me, and I look forward to giving it go today. I'm not sure if the walk has had a previous SWC mid-week outing, so if not others might, like me, be venturing forth on it for the first time. The Directions are comprehensive and full of interesting information and historical facts. I refer you all to them - to spare me bumbling on here.
Whilst I haven't tried out this walk before, last year in September I did visit Ely Cathedral - and a most enjoyable visit, too. I recommend one of their tours. If you are not in a hurry to return home after today's walk, you might like to attend Evensong in the Cathedral. The choir today is a girl's choir.
Your lunch stop some 5 miles into the walk is the Red Lion in Stretham. I recall last year on Good Friday our SWC walkers found this pub less than welcoming: let's hope today we find the staff in good humour. For tea, the Cathedral's own caff should do the trick. From the Cathedral you have a 2.1 km walk back to the railway station - with its frequent train service back to London.
Your Walk Directions are here: L=swc.118
  • 10-Apr-19

    Something of a contrast to last Wednesday's walk: instead of the challenge of ascending Chinnor Hill and climbing steeply up onto Bledlow Ridge, today - mile upon mile of sweet flat nothing ! Actually, all my walking companions - we mustered 7 today - enjoyed the vast open spaces and our relaxing perambulation through the Fens - devoid of people. Apart from an artist we met mid-morning who was packing up his easel, we didn't see anyone on the walk all day: a lone walker today would have felt....well, alone.

    As per last week, we were very lucky with the weather. It was sunny and breezy , and pleasantly warm out of the breeze - cue - remove anorak - chilly in the breeze - cue - put it back on again. It was one of those days - but it didn't matter, as we were grateful it was sunny and not raining - and there was no mud on the paths.

    Lunch in the village of Stretham was fine- we received an unexpected welcome on entering the Red Lion pub, and the three of us whom dined were happy with our respective meals. Our four sandwichers joined us for a drink, so were departed as a small group intact - a nice change.

    I found the afternoon leg of the walk more interesting, with a bit more variety in the flat terrain , as we made our way back to Ely. Two headed direct to the railway station, another went sight seeing in Ely, leaving four of us to enter the magnificent Cathedral. After a brief visit we retired to the small Cathedral cafe for tea - and in my case, an indulgent slice of walnut and date cake, which was quite magnificent - and highly recommended for future SWC visitors ! Four of us ended up on the 16-47 hrs service from Ely (two of us via the 16-53 - don't ask) for a fast and uneventful journey back to King's Cross.

    A "flat" day out, but a thoroughly enjoyable one - and different to the norm. Not bad company either !

Sat, 09-Feb-19 : Ely Circular ?

Length: 18 km (11.2 miles). Toughness: 2/10

Catch the 9:42 from London Kings Cross arrives Ely 10:54. Fast return xx:17 until 22:17.

An easy walk that has been fully revised and expanded from the days when it was a basic map walk.
  • 05-Feb-19

    Now I might do the Walk on Saturday. But I can't Guarantee I will. Now not only you can go from London Kings Cross. Also you can go from London Liverpool Street or Tottenham Hale. But you do need to change at Cambridge to so.

SWC 118: Ely Circular

Length: 18 km (11.2 miles): shorter and longer options available
Toughness: 2 out of 10. Most of the walk is flat

London Kings Cross: 10-14 hrs Great Northern, Cambridge service
Arrive Ely: 11-21 hrs

Return: Direct services back to Kings Cross: where you have to change at Cambridge [C]: 16-25, 16-58, 17-25, 17-54, 17-59[C], 18-29, 18-59, 19-06, 19-52[C], 20-06, 20-52[C],21-06, 21-50[C], 22-06

Ely Cathedral: Sung Evensong at 17-30 hrs

In previous years on Good Friday I have sent you off on the Chilham to Canterbury walk for your Easter pilgrimage. However, with the mid-point lunch pub closure, and Walker's posting of a Canterbury Circular walk in mid April, I thought Ely would be a good alternative this year. That said, I have never done this walk, so I will leave you to read the walk notes for background information.

Your lunch stop is the Red Lion in Stretham, some 5.1 miles into the walk. Best 'phone ahead with numbers -01353-648132.

There are lots of tea options back in Ely, including the Cathedral's cafe. For those wishing to attend Evensong in the Cathedral, you should have time for tea before attending the service.

Enjoy !
Walk Directions here L=swc.118

  • 29-Mar-18

    probably a big late to mention this now (11pm Thursday) but one of the maps shows a new bypass in construction linking the A10 and A142, just south of Ely, partly where we are intending to walk. Any ideas if it is going to hinder us?

  • 31-Mar-18

    15 on walk, 2 of whom got an earlier train. A very good, companionable day out, dry to start with and rain coming in later in afternoon proving a bit heavy by the time we reached beautiful Ely. The cathedral is magnificent, worth the trip in itself. The walk is undemanding but good for big skies and fen type things. The Red Lion at Stretham let down the pub lunchers by saying there'd be long delays so everyone but two early starters gave up and made do with sandwiches from the very well stocked village shop, free apples in church porch, or held out for a meal in Ely. Five of us enjoyed good tea and cake at Kemptons in Ely, very reasonable prices and the savoury dishes looked a bargain. We'd got to the town so early that all but one decided not to wait for 5.30pm Evensong, the weather being a bit miserable by then, and nearly all managed to get the 16.58 train home. Just as a bit of warning to train travellers generally, one of our group on the way out unfortunately was fined for not having a ticket on the train by an over zealous inspector. She'd got on at the last minute and expected to be able to buy it on board, so do be careful.

  • 31-Mar-18


    dry in morning wet later on

Extra Walk 118 – Ely Circular
Length: 18 km (11.2 miles). Toughness: 2/10

10:14 Ely train from Kings Cross, arriving Ely at 11:21.

Trains back are at around 25 & 55 minutes past the hour to 7pm, then hourly (times vary slightly).

This walk had a makeover a year or two ago and this revised version was well received on a Sunday last September, so it's about time it had a Saturday outing. Rather surprisingly for a Fenland walk the word 'hilltop' appears a few times in the walk notes, but anyone looking to prepare themselves for August's Peak District weekend should probably stick to the gym: the landscape is of course predominantly flat with the great cathedral visible for miles around.

The walk is essentially an out-and-back route to the Red Lion in the village of Stretham, with stretches alongside the River Great Ouse in the morning and some contrasting woodland groves in the afternoon. Ely is a fine place to end a walk and the route takes you into the centre of the city and right past the door of Ely Cathedral, which of course is well worth visiting. You can see something of the magnificent interior from its Refectory Café (free to enter) but there's an admission charge to visit the Cathedral itself before 5pm; this includes a guided tour. The walk notes list many possible refreshment places and if it's a fine evening there's a short optional extension through the water meadows which looks well worth trying.

You'll need to download and print the directions from the Ely Circular Walk page. T=swc.118
  • Ian T

    10 on a day that started cool and cloudy but got warmer muggier and sunnier It’s the second time Ive done this re-jigged walk and I have to say that apart from the big open skies and the occasional drain, the fens seemed a tad featureless today. It may have been the heat, but I found myself hankering for the old Witchford loop. The church in Stretham has interesting windows and The pub there is probably slightly more amenable than the one in Witchford but I wouldn’t make a special trip to find it. Don’t go there looking for beer, there was only one on offer. Ditto cider. People seemed to like the food they got, though. Salmon and mashed potatoes but it probably had a posher name. And back along the Burying Way. From Little Thetford, the walk picked up a bit, a bit more variety, past a village fete, through a endless succession of gates, an interminable golf course and finally the highlight of this walk, Ely itself. Just a shame we had to walk 11 miles to get there! Despite having led for some sections of the walk, the others raced ahead on the approach. I finally tracked them down, stuffing cream and scones into their fat little faces in the Almonry. I, however, had another destination in mind – to fulfil a longstanding ambition to visit The Drayman's Son, a micropub on Forehill. It was a bit stuffy, being crammed with Morris dancers thanks to Ely Folk Festival being on somewhere They offer about a zillion types of real ale and cider – vanilla porter, anyone? Anyway, I picked a pint of Pickled Parrot perry. Very nice, 6%. Truly one of the wonders of Ely. I must have looked festive when I left because someone with a flowery hat and bells on asked me where to pick up the shuttle to the festival. Then a quick visit to the cathedral, Ely’s other wonder. Some stayed there to listen to singing but I was off, downhill through the park, back to the station. A better walk might be to do the shorter loop, have lunch in Ely then visit the water meadows (fitting in at least two visits to the Draymans Son on the way round).

Ely Circular
SWC walk 118
18 km, 11.2 miles (with longer and shorter options)
Difficulty 2 out of 10
Once just maps but now with words as well, this walk has gone through some changes and this is the first outing in its new form. It has been rewritten, rerouted, re-vamped, re-everythinged! It explores the reclaimed land of the former “Isle" of Ely, then takes you through Ely itself, the second smallest city in England. The Great Ouse, ditches, dykes, embankments and catchwaters all help to create the special atmosphere of Fenland, where Hereward the Wake once led an insurgency against the Normans. The walk returns past Ely landmarks, including the Cathedral and Oliver Cromwell's House.
Directions available here We're doing the new main walk via Stretham.
Options: As well as the main walk,
  • there is a very short Ely – Little Thetford – Ely walk of 11.6 km/7.2 miles (with lunch back in Ely),
  • or you can pick up the old route to Witchford and its pub, either as an add-on to the main walk (an extra 7.5 km/4.7 miles) or instead of the Stretham loop (total distance: 19.1 km/11.9 miles).
  • Near the end, you can add an extension through the meadows of the River Great Ouse (add 2.4 km. 1.5 miles).
Trains: Get the 10:15 King's Lynn train to Ely from Kings Cross (arriving 11:22).
Trains return from Ely at xx:58 (fastest, direct) and xx:04 (change at Cambridge).
Lunch : For the main walk The Red Lion, High Street, Stretham, 01353 648 132.
Or, if doing the Witchford loop, The Village Inn, Witchford 01353 663763. (Carvery only on Sundays, vegetarians beware.)
Tea: There are many tea places in Ely - see the notes for an extensive list. I've picked out four.
The Almonry, off Forehill, is open till 5. Sedate and genteel, just like us. Recommended.
Also on Forehill, an award-winning micropub, the Drayman’s Son sells specialist locally brewed beer and a wide selection of ciders (with names like "Nun Behaving Badly" and "Monk and Disorderly").
3 At 3 Real Ale & Craft Beer Café, Three Cups Walk, Ely, (01353 659 916) Bottle-conditioned ales, cider, wine - and tea and coffee.
The Cutter Inn, 42 Annesdale, (01353 662 713). Historic.
Dating from the 11th Century, Ely Cathedral is open till 5:30 and, according to their website, is free to visit on a Sunday – though I’m sure they would appreciate a donation.
Oliver Cromwell's House has been done out to show how his family would have lived in the mid 17th Century, assisted by an introductory film, audio tour and lifesize animated dummies. Open 11 till 5 (last entry 4), admission £4.90
Feedback on this new version of the walk would be appreciated.

  • Anonymous

    Anyone is up for an earlier start, an hour earlier?

  • 26-Sep-16

    11 on this walk enjoying "last of the summer wine" weather of fine with some sun and a light breeze conditions. If you are a fan of big skies and flat open "countryside" then this is a fine outing but for some there would be too much "agribusiness" and not enough fen or unploughed fields. Still it was an excellent day out with the lunch pub providing good quality meals.

    The after lunch return stretch works a lot better with a nice amble through a woodland grove. Ely is a fine place to end a walk with a number of refreshment options. Most of us went to the Almonry which seemed to be suffering a tea bag shortage - one in the pot between four of us! and my home-made chocolate cake was a bit too dry. I would be tempted by none of the riverside pubs the next time.

  • 26-Sep-16

    Oh dear - fat arthritic finger syndrome; one of the riverside pubs not none!

  • 26-Sep-16

    to add, for those exploring the picturesque riverside extension in the late afternoon sun, one of the riverside pubs did prove an idyllic refreshment stop before the trip back.

Mr M Tiger
Mr M Tiger
Ely Circular
SWC walk 118
17.7 km, 11 miles (with options to shorten)
Difficulty 1 out of 10
The walk starts off along the River Ouse then goes through the reclaimed land south of the former ‘Isle‘ (on raised embankments so no wet tootsies). Later, after crossing a WW2 airfield, you return though the historic cathedral city itself, passing two Ely landmarks, the Cathedral and Oliver Cromwell's House. It's Valentines Day, so look out for this heart shaped puddle. Maybe it will reappear. And maybe you'll see the face of your one true love in it. Maybe.
Trains: Get the 10:15 Ely train from Kings Cross (arriving 11:22)
Trains return from Ely at xx:58 (fastest, direct) and xx:04 (requires change at Cambridge)
Lunch : The Village Inn, Witchford 01353 663763. Carvery only on Sundays so, presumably, no veggie options.
Tea: There are many tea places in Ely. The sedate, genteel Almonry, off Forehill, is recommended, it is open till 5. Also on Forehill, a micropub, the Drayman’s Son (formerly the Liberty Belle) sells specialist locally brewed beer.
Ely Cathedral is open till 5:30 and is free to visit on a Sunday – though I'm sure they would appreciate a donation. It's worth a look.
Oliver Cromwell's House is more or less as he left it, apart from the introductory film, audio tour and lifesize animated dummies. They do a bit of a 'Dear Leader' on him (not so bad, liked a knees-up, didn't ban Xmas, etc. etc) Open 11 till 4 (last entry 3) , admission £4.90
Directions and Maps available here
This is a map-based walk with limited instructions so some degree of proficiency with a map and compass is advised. The full walk is suggested. The shorter options miss out Witchford and the lunch pub. Though I dare say you could find lunch in Ely......
  • 11-Feb-16

    What fun! Hope to attend.jfk

  • Karen

    Given the day that's in it, let me misquote a famous line from a rom-com: You had me at 'lifesize animated dummies'.

  • Anonymous

    Perhaps someone can translate that from the American? Is anyone intending walking this walk?

  • Karen

    Two friends and I intend doing this walk. I will definitely be going because I have just invested in the OS map so need to get my money's worth.

  • How fabulous to have an airport named after you. I am just a poor boy though my story's seldom told.

  • Pia

    I am looking forward to join this walk too and I'll bring my trusted GPS with plenty of batteries. Ely Cathedral is a magnificent cathedral with far reaching views from its roof, in good weather, and indeed plenty to see in- and outside. Did you know it has a 'pied-a-terre' in London? In Ely Place, where else, there is still a chapel formerly part of the Bishop of Ely's Palace, called St Etheldreda's

    for more info: http://www.stetheldreda.com/index.php/history-of-st-etheldredas/. well worth a visit and if you like choral singing, go on a Sunday during Latin mass.

    Sadly Cromwell is hibernating and you will need to reach his house by 3pm in order to get inside; you would have to take an earlier train and skip lunch; better go another day and spend a day in Ely.

  • Karen

    10 sunny and cold

    10 walkers off the train at Ely. Cold, but sunny mostly, a little bit overcast for a while before lunch. Not much mud. Most of the walking in the morning on raised banks and in the afternoon, quite a bit on paved surface. A non-strenuous walk, flat, walked at a leisurely pace today. Not much of topographical interest, I'd say, but pleasant nonetheless.

    Lunch stop at The Village Inn, Witchford. A quick glance at the plates of those already dining and I thought, 'I'll have what she's having'. First area they tried to seat us in wasn't great (nobody puts SWC in the corner), but then they quickly found us a couple of tables that could accommodate everyone. Friendly staff, good value carvery, with self-service vegetables and trimmings, but probably not great for non-meat eaters or anyone with a small appetite. 7 had full lunch, one picnicked, others had drinks.

    Ely is a really lovely town and the cathedral is magnificent. Evensong had just begun when we arrived and some of us lingered to hear the beautiful singing. Some left for the train, five had tea and cake at the Almonry right next to the cathedral. A quick walk around town confirmed that there are a number of other tea and drinks options. Then on to the station where we bumped into one walker who had enjoyed the whole evensong service. The 17:58 train back to London.

    Thanks to our Dear Leader and Pia and her magic machine for keeping us on track.