Eridge to Forest Row and East Grinstead Walk
Along the High Weald Landscape Trail to some attractive villages in the upper Medway Valley.
This is a list of previous times this walk has been done by the club (since Jan 2010). For more recent events (since April 2015), full details are shown.
Date | Option | Post | # | Weather |
Sat, 22-Feb-25 | Eridge to East Grinstead (in reverse!) | 11 | cloudy clearing to sunshine | |
Sat, 07-Aug-21 | Eridge to Forest Row or East Grinstead - a gentle walk in the Weald | 11 | Wet | |
Sat, 25-Jan-20 | Eridge to East Grinstead | 21 | cloudy | |
Sat, 24-Nov-18 | Eridge to Forest Row or East Grinstead | 11 | Overcast | |
Wed, 10-Oct-18 | The Sussex Weald: Eridge to Forest Row or East Grinstead | 13 | hot | |
Sat, 22-Apr-17 | Bluebells and Wealden views | |||
Sat, 28-Mar-15 | Eridge to Forest Row and East Grinstead Walk | 30 | ||
Sat, 28-Mar-15 | Eridge to Forest Row and East Grinstead Walk | |||
Sat, 28-Sep-13 | Eridge to Forest Row and East Grinstead Walk | 19 | ||
Sat, 28-Sep-13 | Eridge to Forest Row and East Grinstead Walk | |||
Sat, 02-Mar-13 | Eridge to Forest Row and East Grinstead Walk | 29 | ||
Sun, 23-Sep-12 | Eridge to Forest Row and East Grinstead Walk | |||
Sat, 07-May-11 | Eridge to Forest Row and East Grinstead Walk |
Saturday 22-Feb-25
Sun, 23-Feb-25
10 emerged from the appointed train in East Grinstead and after usual formalities and some walk direction clarification, we set of to slither, slide and squelch our way to Eridge.... During the first stage of the walk, the ground was gloopy and much care was required on some narrow fenced in footpaths.... we graduated to more manageable slippery and slithery terrain....Eventually, we arrived in Hartfield where all had lunch at the Bear Inn -- most were satisfied... In the afternoon, 2 tried to escape the slithery fields and tried an alternate -- but not great route along a road....Most were somewhat startled at one point by a deer carcass near a high deer fence... Eventually, we all reassembled at our target destination (most with clean boots) -- The Huntsman....where we met 11 who had taken advantage of a bus shortcut. All enjoyed a drink in the pub and 7 stayed for dinner.... 4 of whom indulged in a special game dinner menu that they had on offer. A fine day of walking and a fun evening out in cloudy clearing to sunshine conditions.
Saturday 07-Aug-21
Sat, 07-Aug-21
Wet . I was wondering on the way home if this was the wettest walk I have ever been on. Probably not in persistence - there were a few dry and even sunny intervals. But the intensity of the downpours was extraordinary - positively tropical at times. It was as well it was summer, when being soaked to the skin does not feel so uncomfortable.
That said, the most memorable moment of the day was an unexpected burst of sunshine. There had been 10 of us at the start, and eight of us were having lunch in what I assumed was a back room of the Dorset Arms in Withyham when the roof unexpectedly rolled back and revealed intense blue skies. It turned out we were on a kind of back patio with a retractable awning. Hats and sunglasses were donned and for twenty minutes we were bathed in golden warmth.
It did not last, alas. The morning was a paddle across fields, a wade down flooded tracks, and the afternoon was the same. Hopes of better weather were raised and then dashed, then raised and dashed again. One walker, who was participating in a sporting event on the morrow, got the bus at Hartfield: two of us never got there at all, because we went totally wrong due to inattention to the GPX and map. We ended up on a farm that was definitely not on any right of way and had to sheepishly exit it by its entrance drive, earning a sharp look from a passing motorist. We then improvised a route to loop back up onto the walk.
At Tablehurst Farm there was a gorgeous flock of free-range turkeys, making a cute crooning noise and pecking curiously at the wildflowers in an orchard. I advised them not to cast their votes for Christmas. In Forest Row the devastation wrought by Covid was all too visible. Taffels gone. Costa Coffee gone. But the Java and Jazz place has stepped up and now offers excellent cakes and delicious sausage rolls (I had a pork and orange marmalade one). As we consumed our purchases outside, a passing storm tried to murder the canopy above us.
Four others went to the Hop Brewery and we two lost souls met up with them on the 18.03 bus, whose passenger numbers we increased sevenfold. “Supplies” were got and we had a comfortable journey back to the Smoke, discussing the seating qualities of various types of trains.
Sun, 08-Aug-21
Another walker got there 11.07 train, apparently, and completed the walk, so 11
Saturday 25-Jan-20
Toughness: 5 out of 10
10.07 train from London Bridge (10.22 East Croydon) to Bridge, arriving 11.03
Best ticket; The walk author's advice is to buy a day return to East Grinstead. This is apparently a tad more expensive than a day return to Eridge, and, since East Grinstead has barriers and Eridge does not, is more hassle free. If your ticket is checked on board the train on the outward journey, explain you are doing a walk. In extremis, you might get charged a single from Hurst Green (where the lines divide) to Eridge.
For walk directions click here. For GPX click here. For a map of the route click here.
I know, I know. It is a walk poster's maxim that one should never post Weald walks in winter because they are too muddy. But with South Western Railway apparently locked in a never ending series of major engineering works, ruling out all Waterloo walks, my list of relatively mud-free walks is getting thin. This walk keeps a lot to high ground, and it has not been raining that much recently so ground might be dry: but don't wear trainers.
For lunch you have a choice of the Dorset Arms in Withyham after 4.9 miles or the Anchor Inn in Hartfield 1.5 miles later. The walk then arcs over the hills to descend to Forest Row, where tea options are numerous and include Taffels, open till 5pm, and a Costa Coffee open till 6.30pm.
You then need to get a number 270 or 291 bus to East Grinstead station (12-15 mins) at 16.03, 16.27, 17.04, 17.26, 18.03, 18.38, 18.57, 19.46, 19.52 or 21.14, which connect with trains from East Grinstead at 06 and 36 past.
Extending the walk:
The standard way to extend this walk is to walk up the old railway line from Forest Row to East Grinstead, a walk of 3.4 miles, which lengthens the walk to 14.3 miles, and which is easily doable in the dark, but a slightly shorter and much more interesting idea is to switch to the East Grinstead Circular (SWC walk 40) at Cansiron Lane: see the instructions at the end of section 7 in the walk directions. This takes you on a fine high route along quiet lanes, before descending across a valley and climbing up to East Grinstead, which has lots of tea options. This route is 13.4 miles from Eridge (a bit less to East Grinstead's tea options, which are about half a mile before the station).
To do this you will need either pages 9-11 of the East Grinstead Circular walk directions or the GPX for the main afternoon route, or you can follow the route on this map.
Fri, 24-Jan-20
Or instead of tea, the real ale micropub, The Open Arms, 51 Railway Approach, East Grinstead RH19 1BT
Fri, 24-Jan-20
Also the excellent Hop Yard Brewing in Forest Row. Craft not real.
Sat, 25-Jan-20
Also the excellent Hop Yard Brewing in Forest Row. Craft not real.
Sat, 25-Jan-20
No cider in Open Arms. However Engine Room excellent for cider, beer and atmosphere.
Sat, 25-Jan-20
21 on this walk, including one or two newbies, on a cloudy day. Was it muddy? Yes and no. For fairly long stretches the paths were remarkably firm, particularly in the woods. But there were the inevitable gloop-fests near gates and stiles. On the whole no more than averagely taxing for a winter walk, though.
Lots of deer fences had been put up mid morning, and at one point we had to cross one by scaling a two metre high ladder of planks put there for the purpose. Some did this with ease and others of us showed our age. The time taken to do the climb inevitably spread the group out.
The Dorset Arms has lots of reserved tables but our resident Stargazer charmed them into giving us a couple of them: around eleven of us ate there. A rather red meat-biased menu (the revolution is coming, guys!...) but efficient service. They even let us order at the bar: a rare treat. I am not sure if any others ate at the Anchor or what the sandwichistas did (bar one, who did join us). Feel free to file a separate report.
Onwards and upwards, into the snow-capped Wealden Alps. Tiny bluebell shoots in the woods. Snowdrops in Withyham churchyard about half out.
At the decision point on Cansiron Lane there was a lot of muttering about Forest Row, but eight held firm and did the longer route into East Grinstead. There was not quite enough daylight left for this, but doing the last climb up into the town in the thickening dark, with mist arising all around, was very atmospheric. The newbies joined us on this leg, which is very game of them.
We rendezvoused (that’s your actual French) with some of the Forest Row finishers in The Crown in old East Grinstead, and had a jolly time before getting the 7.06 train. One also called at the Open Arms and possibly got the 6.36.
Sun, 26-Jan-20
1 sandwicher and 2 pubbers left the Dorset Arms earlier than the others and walked to Forest Row. 3 became 2 at the fishpond – hope that person got to Forest Row OK. Arrived in Forest Row around 5.30 and one person got the bus to E Grinstead . I walked from Forest Row to E G on the cycle track- very dark and very spooky. Got the 7.06 train too.
Saturday 24-Nov-18
Toughness: 5 out of 10. T=3.109
10.07 train from London Bridge (10.22 East Croydon) to Eridge, arriving 11.03.
Buy a day return to Eridge. This is often accepted for return from East Grinstead (a different branch of the same line) but if not you would only need to buy a single three stops to Hurst Green, where the two routes join.
For walk directions click here. For GPX click here.
This walk had a Wednesday outing just over a month ago but it is 19 months since the workers had a chance to do it. It is a simple and pleasant walk along the High Weald Landscape Trail, with fine views at times. In winter the Weald can get very muddy but it is not quite winter yet and so far paths have been quite firm (famous last words!!).
For lunch the favoured locale is usually the Dorset Arms in Withyham after five miles, but a slightly later alternative another 1.5 miles further on is the Anchor Inn in Hartfield. In Forest Row there are now tea options galore, even including a Costa Coffee, but it is hard to beat the ever-friendly Taffels.
To end the walk in Forest Row (10.9 miles) catch a 270 or 291 bus to East Grinstead from outside the Brambletye Hotel at 16.03, 16.27, 17.04, 17.26, 18.03, 18.35, 18.57, 19.46, 21.14.
These buses go all the way to East Grinstead station, from where trains return at 06 and 36 past
A possible EXTENSION to the walk is to walk from Forest Row to East Grinstead. If you follow the route in the walk directions, which goes up the old railway line, this is a gentle walk uphill along a broad track, adding 5.5km (3.4 miles) to the walk, making a total walk of 23km (14.3 miles). This route is easy to follow even in the dark (with a full moon to help if skies are clear) and the last mile or so is in any case through the lit streets of the centre of East Grinstead.
Another slightly shorter way to extend the walk is to switch at Cansiron Lane, the end of section 7 in the walk directions, to SWC walk 40, East Grinstead Circular. Directions for this option are here (starting in paragraph 133) and you need pages 9-11 of the document. GPX file here. This makes a total walk from Eridge of 21.5km (13.4 miles), including about a mile through East Grinstead to the station. You miss out the tea options in Forest Row but there are plenty in East Grinstead, mentioned in paragraphs 142-145 of the direction.
Thu, 22-Nov-18
Sorry about this. This appears to be a glitch on the site. The link has now been changed to go to the home page of the walk where the directions are at the bottom of the page in html. This should - cross fingers - print like any web page.
Thu, 22-Nov-18
Back on a sunny day, a group of us enjoyed the Hop Yard Brewery in Forest Row.
Sun, 25-Nov-18
11=n on this walk. Overcast throughtout the day, but a lovely walk nonetheless. Two people had lunch in the Dorset Arms, and the remainder had lunch in the Anchor Inn, very nice with fires or had sandwiches outside.
We then pushed onto Forest Row, where some people took the bus back to East Grinstead, two walked to East Grinstead rather than come into Forest Row. Three of us had tea in Taffells and then a spooky walk back to E Grinstead along the old railway line, and caught the 6.36 train back.
A very nice day out.
Wednesday 10-Oct-18
13, hot and sunny
We hit the jackpot with this beautiful walk in perfect conditions.
Despite it being mid October and the leaves changing colour, we walked as if in high summer.
The Dorset Arms provided high quality lunches for 10 of us.
We all kept together in the afternoon, stopping at Tablehurst Farm for refreshments. Arriving at Forest Row by 5pm.
Hop Yard Brewing Company supplied further sustenance for 7 of us.
Finally catching the bus to East Grinstead for the 18.36 train, to complete a great day.
Saturday 22-Apr-17
Length: 17.5km (10.9 miles) or 23km (14.3 miles)
Toughness: 5 out of 10
10.08 train from London Bridge (10.22 East Croydon) to Eridge, arriving 11.03
Buy a day return to Eridge. On the return leg you technically need to buy a single from East Grinstead for the three stops to Hurst Green (where the outbound and return routes diverge, but if you ask at the ticket barrier they often let you through as both lines are operated by Southern. Point out that Eridge is a bit further from London than East Grinstead.
For walk directions click here
This walk along the High Weald Landscape Trail passes through several nice little bluebell woods in the morning and one in the afternoon. There are also some pleasant views both before and after lunch, and a wide choice of tea places in Forest Row, including a farm shop with outside tables and homemade cakes just before the village.
In theory there are two pub choices for lunch, but you might be advised to get into the first one, the Dorset Arms in Wythyham, if at all possible, since I see that a 28-strong Meet Up Group is lunching at the second pub, the Anchor Inn in Hartfield. (Blast 'em! Normally I avoid clashes of this kind, but they are getting the train an hour earlier than us, so we will probably not encounter them.) In extremis, the cutsey Piglet's Tearoom in Hartfield could doubtless provide some sustenance - and isn't there another cafe too, The Pantry?
If you are finishing the walk in Forest Row (the 10.9 mile version) you have to take a 270 or 291 bus from there to East Grinstead station: these run at 15.58, 16.27, 16.59, 17.26, 18.04, 18.35, 19.03, 19.49, 21.14 and 22.44.
Otherwise it is an easy 3.4 mile stroll up the old railway line to East Grinstead for the full 14.3 mile walk.
*** Another option, which as far as I know has never been tried, is to switch to SWC Walk 40 in the afternoon at Cansiron Lane (end of section 7) and then follow its route into East Grinstead. This bypasses Forest Row but brings you to tea options in East Grinstead and makes a total walk from Eridge of 13.6 miles. To do this, print pages 8-10 of this document. Once heading west on Cansiron Lane, SWC 40 joins up a driveway from the left in 600 metres: your next direction is then paragraph 73 on page 8 of the SWC 40 document.
Trains back from East Grinstead go at 07 and 37 past until late.
Thu, 20-Apr-17
I am sure it will be a popular walk, do not worry
Thu, 20-Apr-17
I intend to do this one
Fri, 21-Apr-17
No, no objections