Eynsford Circular via Farningham Walk

Ancient woodlands, low hills and riverside paths in the Darent valley.


This is a list of previous times this walk has been done by the club (since Jan 2010). For more recent events (since April 2015), full details are shown.

Date Option Post # Weather
Sun, 30-Mar-25 Eynsford Circular via Farningham
Sun, 29-Dec-24 b Eynsford Circular, via Farningham 24 dull and misty and cold
Sun, 28-Jan-24 a Eynsford Circular, via Farningham 13 sunny

Sunday 30-Mar-25

Mr M Tiger
14 km 8.7 miles Difficulty 4/10
Up the hill and along past Eagle Heights, where, if you’re lucky, you might see a stray raptor from the Birds of Prey centre. Up there, you get a good view of the Eynsford Viaduct. On to Farningham and, after a stretch along the river Darent, Horton Kirby. The return to Eynsford includes a stretch through a nature reserve then open hillside. Eynsford boasts a ruined castle if you have time (open 10 till 4).
Trains: Get the 9:43 Sevenoaks stopping train from Blackfriars arriving 10:36.
For a faster journey you could get the 9:57 from London Bridge (platform 1) and change onto the above train at Swanley (10:31, same platform).
Trains return at xx:11 and xx:41
Lunch: Choose between:
  • the Lion Hotel 01322 860621 in Farningham with its riverside beer garden (which you pass twice). Puzzle over the strange not-a-bridge structure in the river (a “cattle-screen”).
  • or The Fighting Cocks (01322-862299) in Horton Kirby, which is more centrally placed.
A reminder that today is Mother’s Day, so pubs may be busy. Plan accordingly. There are picnic areas near both if you prefer to bring your own.
Tea. You pass both the Castle and the 5 Bells in Eynsford. You’re more likely to find room in the 5 Bells.
Directions: here (we're doing Short walk 1) t=swc.419

Sunday 29-Dec-24

Extra Walk 419b – Eynsford Circular, via Farningham (Short Walk 2)

Length: 13½ km (8.4 miles). Toughness: 3/10

09:44 Sevenoaks train from Victoria, calling at lots of stations in south London and arriving Eynsford at 10:36. If you just miss this at Victoria, take the 09:55 Ashford International train and change at Bromley South (arr 10:11, dep 10:19) onto the Sevenoaks train. Buy a day return to Eynsford (from St Mary Cray if you've also got a Zones 1-6 Travelcard; from Swanley with a Freedom Pass).

Trains back to Victoria are hourly this Sunday, at xx:41. There's not much advantage in changing onto a faster service at Bromley South, nor in catching a train in the other direction at xx:36 and changing at Sevenoaks (the latter probably needs a more expensive ticket anyway).

Cattle Screen I wasn't sure about choosing this walk when another Eynsford Circular was posted a few Sundays ago, but the double whammy of Storm Darragh and major signalling problems at Victoria station seems to have prevented anyone from showing up (or at least reporting on it). In any case there's only a small overlap between the two walks, with this one covering a more northerly area around Farningham rather than Shoreham. I'm suggesting we skip the full Main Walk's northern loop since the river is prone to flooding around Franks Lane, but you could risk this if you want a longer walk.

Getting a pub lunch between Christmas and New Year is never guaranteed but this walk goes past no fewer than *five* hostelries in around 2½ km: three in Eynsford at the centre of its figure-of-8 shape, followed by two more in Farningham. There are several picnic areas if you prefer to bring your own provisions. As Eynsford's tearoom closed several years ago you'll have to revisit one of its pubs if you want some refreshment at the end of the walk, with the Plough Inn on Riverside being the most conveniently placed.

You'll need to bring the directions from the L=swc.419.b page. If you kept a printed copy after doing another version of this walk in January, note that the route has been tweaked and some of its loops are now done in the opposite direction.

  • Mon, 30-Dec-24

    22 off the train at Eynsford,1 driver and1 planned late arrival at the Malt Shovel, so24 in all. Weather was dull and misty and cold . Very pleasant gentle stroll, with the group quickly splitting into smaller groups. Ten picnickers ate sandwiches in the conveniently located churchyard of St Martin of Tours. Lots of families and dog walkers were out and about throughout the day. The main route from the Pied Bull to the Lion Hotel is recommended, rather than the direct route. We comfortably made it back to the station in time for the 14.41 train back to London. Very helpful directions provided.

  • Mon, 30-Dec-24

    The Malt Shovel deserves special mention for the speed with which it produced food from a varied menu.

Sunday 28-Jan-24

Extra Walk 419a – Eynsford Circular, via Farningham (Short Walk 1)

Length: 14 km (8.7 miles). Toughness: 3/10

10:13 Sevenoaks train from Blackfriars, calling at almost every station in south London and arriving Eynsford at 11:06. Buy a return to Eynsford (from St Mary Cray if you've also got a Zones 1-6 Travelcard; from Swanley if you've got a Freedom Pass).

If it's more convenient you can take the 10:12 Rochester train from Victoria and change onto the Sevenoaks train at Bromley South or Swanley, but there's a 15-minute wait so it's no quicker.

Trains back from Eynsford to Blackfriars are half-hourly at xx:11 & xx:41. Change at Bromley South if you want to return to Victoria.

Cattle Screen This is notionally a ‘new’ walk in the Darent valley, but regulars will soon twig that it's a reworking of parts of the Farningham Road to Eynsford walk. It has rather too many tarmac stretches on the return leg but that might be no bad thing in winter. I'm also proposing the option which omits the potentially muddy woods in Lullingstone Park. Towards the end the walk goes through Eynsford village (bypassed on other SWC walks) where you might be able to explore the ruins of Eynsford Castle (free entry, if open).

I heard some grumbling about the lack of cider and chips when I recently posted a Sunday walk without a pub at the lunch stop. In order to atone for this deplorable faux pas there are three possible lunch pubs on this walk (one of which you go past twice), plus two or three more at the end in Eynsford.

You might find it hard to resist the temptation to stop at the first pub since the route goes right through the riverside beer garden of the Lion Hotel in Farningham, but the one closest to the walk's midpoint is the Fighting Cocks in Horton Kirby. As always, it's advisable to book if you want to be sure of something more than a bowl of chips. Both have picnic areas nearby if you prefer to bring your own provisions.

At the end of the walk there are three pubs in Eynsford, although sadly the Riverside Tea Room seems to have permanently closed.

You'll need to bring the directions from the L=swc.419.a page. If you're printing them from this page you can save a couple of sheets of paper by first clicking ‘Short Walk 1’ in Walk Options.

  • Mon, 22-Jan-24

    So grateful to Sean for posting these shorter walks👍

  • Sun, 28-Jan-24

    Joanna and I have booked a table for 4 in The Lion at 13:00, two spare seats first come first etc.

  • Mon, 29-Jan-24

    11 set off on a sunny day Up we went. Up, up, to where the eagles live(not that we saw any), along and down again through fields to Farningham. On the way, there were views of the valley and the castle.

    We stopped at the Lion where those who had booked sat inside and devoured a sumptuous repast. Those who hadn’t booked sat outside and looked at the river and the strange brick thing. Sadly, Mr Tiger found himself far removed from any surplus chips.

    4 intrepid walkers completed the Horton Kirby loop, a pleasant stretch along the Darent, but there was a hill on the way back.The others were not seen again.

    Snowdrops were out in force in churchyards and, a front lawn in Farningham had stunning display of what looked like celandine but my mate Billy Google says is Winter Aconite.

    Returning through Eynsford, the intrepid - by now - 2 bumped into 2 more who were doing their own version of the walk. So 13 then.

    The Castle Hotel was packed so the 2 found space in the 5 Bells, which was OK if a bit noisy. (Chatter not music). An intrepid 3rd dropped in. Then off to the station., following a gigantic skein of walkers from another group.