Great Chesterford to Newport (Essex) Walk
Through rolling hills and river valleys to the historic market town of Saffron Walden and one of Britain's finest stately homes.
Add your photos to the SWC Group on Flickr, and tag them:
Bridge End Garden, Saffron Walden
Apr-17 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks, walkicon 6415138509563447810 P

St Mary the Virgin, Little Chesterford
Great Chesterford to Newport
swcwalks essex swcwalk130 walkicon 34050900626
Bridge Street, Saffron Walden
Aug-16 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks, walkicon 6387310208506961986 P
Essex farmland in late summer
Aug-16 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks, walkicon 6387310856080640114 P
Monk's Barn, Newport
Aug-16 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks, walkicon 6387311029225693874 P

May-19 • msganching on Flickr
footpath cow parsley saffronwalden tocw swc esses english countryside swcwalk130 48005802608

Inside A Greenhouse
May-19 • msganching on Flickr
greenhouse pots terracotta tidy glasshouse bridgeend garden essex tocw swc swcwalk130 saffronwalden 48024083881

May-19 • msganching on Flickr
topiary bridgeendgardens hedges garden formal saffronwalden essex walk swcwalk130 swc tocw 48065616428

Farm Building
May-19 • msganching on Flickr
farm building shed industrial corrugated brick audleyend essex walk tocw swc130 swcwalk130 47963855796
Walsingham memorial, Little Chesterford church
Apr-17 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 6415138386321111522 P
The Eight Bells, Saffron Walden
Apr-17 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 6415138406898374562 P
Summerhouse Lawn, Bridge End Garden
Apr-17 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 6415138482370439506 P
Walled Garden, Bridge End Garden
Apr-17 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 6415138545778848354 P
Bridge End Garden, Saffron Walden
Apr-17 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 6415138522760365714 P
Mythical beasts, Bridge End Garden
Apr-17 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 6415138493824962802 P
Trompeta Real organ pipes, Saffron Walden church
Apr-17 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 6415138564256254370 P
Old Sun Inn, Saffron Walden
Apr-17 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 6415138586214317794 P
Old Sun Inn, Saffron Walden
Apr-17 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 6415138580642619346 P
Crossing the River Granta at Audley End
Apr-17 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 6415138598172897922 P
Bridge over the River Granta, Audley End House
Apr-17 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 6415138605217800226 P
Essex farmland in early spring
Apr-17 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 6415138636618953970 P

Weird organ
Saffron Walden church. Great Chesterford to Newport
swcwalks essex swcwalk130 33961543871

Auldley End House
River Cam in the foreground
Apr-17 • quitenearmike on Flickr
swcwalks book3 walk130 33237470044

Saffron Walden
Oct-16 • msganching on Flickr
saffronwalden paintedhouses cottages medievel essex walks swc130 greatchesterfordtonewport swcwalk130 tocw130 29801328973

Oct-16 • msganching on Flickr
pargetting autumn saffronwalden medieval essex england architecturaldetail windowbox pansies tocw swc swc130 greatchesterfordtonewport geraniums swcwalk130 swcwalks 29998434260
Converted mill, Great Chesterford
Aug-16 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 6387310009529810882 P
All Saints, Great Chesterford
Aug-16 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 6387310019475522290 P
Village school, Great Chesterford
Aug-16 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 6387310039748271170 P
Footpath to Little Chesterford
Aug-16 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 6387310098685334066 P
St Mary the Virgin, Little Chesterford
Aug-16 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 6387310117523174402 P
Dutch Garden, Bridge End Garden
Aug-16 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 6387310311786980914 P
Bright red wall, Saffron Walden
Aug-16 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 6387310372148520274 P
Turf Labyrinth, Saffron Walden
Aug-16 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 6387310535227361778 P
Almshouses, Saffron Walden
Aug-16 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 6387310547384799826 P
Dryad's Saddle, Audley Park
Aug-16 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 6387310590427248498 P
A glimpse into Audley End Gardens
Aug-16 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 6387310621981019906 P
Circular Temple, Audley End
Aug-16 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 6387310650031666306 P
Dryad's Saddle, Beechy Ride
Aug-16 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 6387310817168724642 P
St Mary the Virgin, Newport
Aug-16 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 6387310987798394866 P
Gargoyle, St Mary the Virgin
Aug-16 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 6387310999567849634 P
Gargoyle, St Mary the Virgin
Aug-16 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 6387311011812168626 P

Saffron Walden
Feb-14 • msganching on Flickr
essex walk tocw free walks listed town cottages historic swcwalks swcwalk130 12754431943

Saffron Walden" rel="nofollow
Jul-12 • msganching on Flickr
saffron tocw freewalks yellow 197366 walden 130 greatchesterfordtoaudleyend swcwalks swcwalk130 7570544550

Mushrooms on a manure heap
Great Chesterford to Newport
fungi essex book3 saffronwalden notsopretty swcwalks walk130 6869351646

The group speed off
Great Chesterford to Newport
essex book3 saffronwalden swcwalks walk130 6869353870

A pylon crosses
Luckily, it didn't see me. Great Chesterford to Newport
essex book3 saffronwalden swcwalks walk130 6869355774

Pastel pargeted cottages
Saffron Walden Great Chesterford to Newport
essex book3 saffronwalden swcwalks walk130 6869360724

Pargetted house
Saffron Walden, Great Chesterford to Newport
essex book3 saffronwalden swcwalks walk130 7015472541

More pargeting
Saffron Walden. Great Chesterford to Newport
essex book3 saffronwalden swcwalks walk130 7015473983

Old roof and tree
Great Chesterford to Newport
essex book3 saffronwalden swcwalks walk130 7015477381

St Mary's Church, Saffron Walden
Great Chesterford to Newport
essex book3 saffronwalden swcwalks walk130 7015478493

St Mary's Church, Saffron Walden
Biggest church in Essex - says here. Great Chesterford to Newport
essex book3 saffronwalden swcwalks walk130 7015479897

Displaced brasses - assorted wives
Vandalised during the dissolution, returned c20 and set into the walls. St Mary's church, Saffron Walden. Great Chesterford to Newport
essex book3 saffronwalden swcwalks walk130 6869372114

Displaced brasses - assorted geysers
Vandalised during the dissolution and placed in the wall. It looks like they've had a couple of visits from Darth Vader as well (images 2 and 4). St Mary's church, Saffron Walden. Great Chesterford to Newport
essex book3 saffronwalden swcwalks walk130 6869373806

The Sun Inn, Saffron Walden
The Sun Inn as never seen before - bent round a corner . My camera's panoramic feature does this to objects that are too near. Oliver Cromwell's headquarters during the Civil War. Ornate pargeting. Great Chesterford to Newport
essex book3 saffronwalden swcwalks walk130 7015465863

Wacky hedge - Audley End
With Audley End house in the background. Great Chesterford to Newport
essex book3 saffronwalden swcwalks walk130 6869374044
Former Youth Hostel, Saffron Walden
Aug-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 5646583249379788706 P
Braving the stepping stones in Audley Park
Aug-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 5646583304992244306 P

First pargetting of the day
Ornamental plasterwork typical of this part of Essex.. Great Chesterford to Newport
essex book3 swcwalks walk130 6097926810

We're coming to get you!!!
Bridge End Gardens, Saffron Walden. Great Chesterford to Newport Worth visiting just to see these ugly mugs
essex book3 swcwalks walk130 6097401823

Bridge End Gardens
Great Chesterford to Newport Worth visiting just to see these ugly mugs
essex book3 swcwalks walk130 6097404125

Bridge End Gardens
Worth visiting just to see these ugly mugs. Great Chesterford to Newport
essex book3 swcwalks walk130 6097406337

Trompettes reales
Part of the organ St Mary's Saffron Walden Great Chesterford to Newport
essex book3 swcwalks walk130 6097415569

Walden Castle
Reminds me of that Home Office building in St Annes Gate. Great Chesterford to Newport
essex book3 swcwalks walk130 6097963600

Buildings, Saffron Walden
Great Chesterford to Newport Oliver Cromwell based himself in this one. Note the pargetting
essex book3 swcwalks walk130 6097965972

Scarves around a monument
Unexplained. Great Chesterford to Newport
essex book3 swcwalks walk130 6097422751

Monk's House, Newport
15th C carving of the coronation of St Mary. Great Chesterford to Newport
essex book3 swcwalks walk130 6097988432

Thatched cottage, Great Chesterford
Aug-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 5644345421886025138 P
A place to rest and admire the pylons
Aug-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 5644345757827174290 P
House with pargeting in Castle Street, Saffron Walden
Aug-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 5644345944823441106 P
Dutch Garden, Bridge End Garden
Aug-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 5644345871214133170 P
Dutch Garden, Bridge End Garden
Aug-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 5644345915354762258 P
St Mary the Virgin, Saffron Walden
Aug-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 5644345991140632562 P
St Mary the Virgin, Saffron Walden
Aug-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 5644345969755481138 P
Lady Portsmouth's Column (Obelisk), Audley End
Aug-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 5644346143376287474 P
Audley End miniature railway
Aug-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 5644346260345380930 P
Late afternoon sun on Essex farmland
Aug-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 5644346399253890098 P
House with pargeting on Belmont Hill, Newport
Aug-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk130, swcwalks 5644346543701540482 P