Hastings to Rye Walk

Seaside Hastings, a hilly cliff walk with 4 steep climbs and a remote naturist beach. Gentle afternoon to historic Winchelsea and Rye via a noted viewpoint.


This is a list of previous times this walk has been done by the club (since Jan 2010). For more recent events (since April 2015), full details are shown.

Date Option Post # Weather
Sat, 13-Jul-24 Hastings to Rye: A classic SWC coastal walk 6 sunny and breezy
Sun, 05-Nov-23 From Cinque Port to Cinque Port, via hills, a beach and some marshes: Hastings to Rye 10 sunny
Sat, 23-Jul-22 Hastings to Rye 12
Thu, 02-Jun-22 Silent walk 2 hot and sunny
Sun, 05-Sep-21 Hastings to Rye: Dramatic cliffs and an Ancient Cinque Port Town 19 glorious sunshine with a welcome breeze
Sat, 14-Sep-19 Hastings to Winchelsea or Rye - one last summer walk by the sea? 23 A perfect sunny day
Wed, 07-Aug-19 Hastings to Rye - one Cinque port and two ancient towns 9 warm sunshine with a lovely following breeze
Sat, 01-Dec-18 From Cinque Port to Cinque Port, via hills, a beach and some marshes: Hastings to Rye 11 windy with rain to lunch
Wed, 04-Jul-18 Hastings to Rye - One Cinque port, two ancient towns, and some steep glens [with swimming opportunity] 10 very hot and sunny
Sun, 06-Aug-17 Sussex coast sliding away 5 Sunny day with a breeze
Sat, 17-Sep-16 Saturday Third Walk -- Dramatic Cliffs and an Ancient Cinque Port Town 12 breezy cloud breaking to sun at times then rain later
Sat, 19-Sep-15 Saturday Third Walk 9 Sunny with just a bit of cloud in the afternoon
Sat, 19-Jul-14 Hastings to Rye Walk 9
Sat, 21-Sep-13 Hastings to Rye Walk 7
Wed, 24-Apr-13 Hastings to Rye Walk
Sat, 16-Mar-13 Hastings to Rye Walk 22
Sat, 01-Sep-12 Hastings to Rye Walk
Sat, 23-Jun-12 Hastings to Rye Walk
Sat, 01-Oct-11 Hastings to Rye Walk
Sat, 16-Jul-11 Hastings to Rye Walk
Sat, 07-Aug-10 Hastings to Rye Walk
Thu, 22-Jul-10 a Hastings to Rye Walk
Sun, 20-Jun-10 Hastings to Rye Walk
Sat, 19-Sep-09 Hastings to Rye Walk
Sat, 30-Aug-08 Hastings to Rye Walk
Sun, 25-May-08 Hastings to Rye Walk
Sat, 01-Mar-08 Hastings to Rye Walk
Sat, 05-Jan-08 a Hastings to Rye Walk
Sun, 02-Sep-07 Hastings to Rye Walk
Sun, 15-Apr-07 Hastings to Rye Walk
Sun, 31-Dec-06 a Hastings to Rye Walk

Saturday 13-Jul-24

Length: 19.8km (11.8 miles) to Rye, 17.1km (10.6 miles) to Winchelsea station, or 15km (9.3 miles) to Winchelsea New Inn (+ bus)

Toughness 7/10.


9.45 train from Charing Cross ( 9.48 Waterloo East, 9.54 London Bridge) to Hastings, arriving 11.29 . Buy a day return to Hastings

OR: St Pancras High Speed train 9.40 arriving Ashford International 10.18 where you change onto Marshlink train at 10.24 arriving at Hastings 11.10 (if early arrivers wish they can get coffee and wait for the Charing X arrivals or walk on slowly)

Buy a day return to Hastings and pay the surcharge if using the high speed train

Return Journey: see below

For walk directions click here , for GPX click here , for a map of the route click here .

A striking coastal walk which takes you over the cliffs from Hastings, to Pett Level, and then across Romney Marsh to the historic town of Winchelsea. Please follow the diversionary route around Ecclesbourne Glen (where there was a landslip some years back). Your lunch stop is the Coastguards Tea Room where they do lunches – 01424 813373

For sea swimmers, the best opportunity is at Fairlight Glen, at the bottom of the next big valley after Ecclesbourne Glen. The unofficial path down to the beach here is at your own risk, but is usually well-maintained by the naturists who use it. High tide is at 16.43 , and high tide at Pett Level at 16.46:

For tea, try the New Inn in Winchelsea You can end the walk here (after 9.3 miles) by taking the 100 bus to Rye. Or carry on another 1.3 miles to finish the walk at Winchelsea station (allow 40 minutes to walk it).

Return Journey

Bus No 100 from Winchelsea, New Inn goes to Rye Station.

OR Trains back from Winchelsea station to Ashford are at xx43. The journey to Ashford is around 27 minutes. Winchelsea train station is about 40 minute walk from the New Inn.

OR walk on across flat marshes for another 2.5 miles from Winchelsea village to Rye.

Return Trains from Rye to Ashford Int xx 48

From Ashford International High Speed Trains go to St Pancras xx16

From Ashford International trains also go to either Victoria or Charing X (not high speed).

  • Wed, 10-Jul-24

    There shouldn't be any need to follow a diversion round Ecclesbourne Glen - the path has been reinstated. However some of the path down to Fairlight Glen beach was washed away over the winter. Heroic repairer(s) have been at work and the path should be no problem for seasoned Saturday walkers: there is a steep scramble down an approx 6m muddy bank about half way down the path; a rope has been put in place which I certainly needed when going uphill.

  • Sun, 14-Jul-24

    There were four of us on the posted train from Charing Cross; if anyone got the high speed train we didn't meet them, so pelase let us know if you did. We started off over the roller-coaster of hills in sunny and breezy weather. Some of the group paused at various leftward paths to wonder if they avoided the climbs, but were persuaded to stick with the coastal route. Wehn we got the Fairlght Glen two decsnded to the beach while the others carried on, ready for lunch at the cafe.

    We met one more at the beach who had got an earlier train - making5 - and he said we had just missed the easy acccess to the water as the tide as coming in. Nevertheless we all waded into the warm sea, picking our way round invisible rocks, but didn't manage to get to swimming depth befor retreating from the rapidly advancing tide.

    On to the windy shore at Pett Level where we stopped for tea at Eaters Cafe and heard that the others had got ice cream and a bus at Fairlight Cove - 1648 train for them. The three of us walked on to Winchelsea and decided not to wait for a bus there, so on to Rye - the first time I have done this complete route without going astray. Having heard the 1848 train was delayed, we acquired provisions for the journey back and headed for a drink at the Ypres Castle, where we had to be quick as the train had caught up a bit. This meant we made the connection for Charing Cross at Ashford so settled in for a convivial trip home. A top day out - thanks to Branchline for posting it in absentia.

  • Sun, 14-Jul-24

    just to add a few logistics

    (1) Bus 101 run hourly service between Hastings to Rye and vice versa on saturdays, stops at various points enRoute, so worth noting for future if shortcut is desired.

    (2) Coastguard Tea Room - had a very nice balcony and a garden, but food options are very basic if you want something more substantial. One of us had soup and bread - which was nice, the other had chicken salad which came with balsamic vinegar soaked tastelss chicken breast -believe me, this was what they called 'Balsamic salad dressing'! Where was the olive oil for pairing? I have to give them the credit for having a good selection of cakes - perhaps a better choice if you just want tea and cakes as the name suggests.

    (3) The visitor centre at Fairleight Village also has a cafe servicing tea/coffee/cakes. It is right by the parking, save you walking another 100 meters to (2), another potential refreshment option.

    (4) We also paid a visit to The Cove, the pub in Fairleight Cove - a bit further from Fairleight Village. In hindsight, this would have been a better lunch option which serves food till 3pm on saturdays. They also have ice cream in tubs.

  • Sun, 14-Jul-24

    6 if you include one, me, with a preference for getting under way earlier. I was about 40 minutes ahead of the scheduled train. Even so, I was surprised not to be caught up by the group as I walked at what I thought was a gentle pace, though I was not diverted by attempts at swimming.

    The Cove offered a warm welcome in a recently decorated building. Prices were consistent with an ambitious menu; culinary accomplishments less so.

    It was hotter than forecast but a large rainstorm, visible from the train from Rye to Ashford, was blamed by the announcements for the high speed service back to London running ten minutes behind schedule. Glad not to have been caught in that one.

Sunday 05-Nov-23

Length: 20.1 km (12.5 mi) [shorter walk possible, see below]
Ascent/Descent: 423/435m
Net Walking Time: 5 hours
Toughness: 5/10
Take the 09.37 Margate train from St. Pancras I’nal (09.44 Stratford I’nal), change at Ashford I’nal (10.14/10.25) onto the Eastbourne train, arrives Hastings 11.10.
Return trains from Rye are on xx.48 to St. Pancras via Ashford (66 mins journey times). The exception: the 18.53 with 85 minutes journey time.
Buy a Hastings Return, incl. the High Speed Surcharge .

Short Walk : finish at Winchelsea Station for the return train on xx.44, or even take the Bus Line 100 from outside the New Inn in Winchelsea to Rye (leaves 14.39/16.39/18.39).

This rewarding walk starts in the Cinque Ports town of Hastings with a fine clifftop coastal walk with steep climbs along the way. This section is the most strenuous part of the walk. From Pett Level, the terrain levels out, before leading up through the New Gate into Winchelsea for (late) lunch. Just east of the town, you reach The Look Out, offering panoramic views across the whole of Romney Marsh to Dungeness, and to the Kent Downs beyond. From there it is down and along to Ferry Bridge, following an easy flat route north east to Rye.

Lunch : The New Inn in Winchelsea (15.0 km/9.3 mi, food to 17.00).
Tea: Lots of choice in Rye. The last time I walked the Rye Circular, I counted 28 decent options , mostly just a little off route of this walk in the interesting historic town centre.
For summary, walk directions, map, height profile, some photos and gpx/kml files click here . T=2.29
  • Sun, 05-Nov-23

    8 met at the train station, with 1 of those (a SW Ldn resident) having come down The Long Way 'Round, via Clapham J, Eastbourne and the slow coastal route. We met another (car driving) walker in the Old Town and then caught a 10th at the top of the first rise out of Hastings, who had trained in from Brighton where she was dog-sitting for the weekend. Said dog was with her as well, and we walked on together (ever so briefly) as a group of 10 and a dog in sunny weather.

    The subsequent stretch through the glens was 'interesting', shall we say: slippery in many places, muddy in some, but not muddy in too many places as most of the paths were in fact now streambeds. Some trees had been toppled by recent storms and were blocking the path, which made for interesting scrambling-like intermissions on a steep path. The Ecclesbourne itself had turned into a raging torrent, with a waterfall-like feature away to the right, en route to the beach.

    By now, the group had split into sub-groups and the front 5 reached The New Inn at 14.40.

    2 others, having got way-laid en route, twice facing a steep drop off the cliffs and once involuntarily scrambling up along a stream out of the glens (no printed directions, no map, no gizmo with a line on a screen), got there half an hour later, and ultra-steady walker 8 wasn't far behind them. The remaining 2 are unaccounted for at this moment in time, though.

    A sumptious lunch session evolved and at 16.15 hours, 5 of us finally walked on. The dog-sitter was busing it home to Hastings for the train to Brighton, the SW Ldn walker was busing it back to Hastings to take the Long Way 'Round train back, and the ultra-steady walker bused it on to Rye.

    The 5 of us then eschewed the prescribed path across pastures and arable fields which had turned into lakes anyway and took the slightly longer route via Dumb Woman's Lane instead.

    That left time for a drink at The Cinque Ports Arms before the 17.48 train.

  • Sun, 05-Nov-23

    Walkers 9 and 10 accounted for, they took a shortcut out of the glens to 3 Oaks Station.

    p.s.: did I say we had fantastic far views? the South Downs in the back and Camber Sands and Dungeness Nuke Plant ahead...

Saturday 23-Jul-22

CW2 Walk 29 - Hastings to Rye

Length: 19km (11.8 miles)
Toughness 7/10.
Catch the 9:15 train from London Charing Cross to Hastings, arrives 10:48.
Return from Rye xx:48
  • Sun, 24-Jul-22

    12 started in Hastings hot_and_sunny_with_a_breeze, most swam at Fairlight but four went on for a expensive but excellent lunch at the Cove and then a swim at Pett. Low tide and sandy but now rather windy sea still warm enough. We regrouped at the Pett tea room and arrived in Winchelsea just in time for the bus to Rye. Those investigating Spike's grave were obliged to walk on to Rye. Train problems encouraged a visit to the Ypres Castle pub and the supermarket for further refreshments. We got a crowded train to Ashford and then the connection to Charing Cross. Late home but a fine day out.

Thursday 02-Jun-22

Hastings to RyeT=2.29
  • Sun, 29-May-22

    Is the silent walking just in the morning?

  • Sun, 29-May-22

    Yes up until lunchtime.

  • Wed, 01-Jun-22

    Intend going.

  • Fri, 03-Jun-22

    Over ten years since I last went on this walk. Certainly did not disappoint and wondered just why I'd left it so long. (Would be happy to repeat this walk next week, certainly wont leave it so long again.)

    A glorious day hot and sunny . Arrived at the recently re-opened Cove PH, Fairlight just after 2pm - a worthy alternative to the now permanently closed Smugglers Inn at Pett Level. After which on into Rye where the2 of us had a drink and light meal before catching the 19:48 back.

Sunday 05-Sep-21

Book Two Walk 29: Hastings to Rye – A Dramatic Coastal Cliff Walk ending in Picturesque Rye

Distance: 11.8 Miles or 19 km for those more metrically minded

Difficulty: 7 out of 10

Train: Take the 9:25 AM Hastings train from London Charing Cross (stopping at London Bridge at 9:34), arriving at Hastings at 10:59. Alternatively, you can take the 9:37 AM train from London St. Pancras and change on to a train to Hastings at Ashford (arriving 10:14; leaving 10:25) – however, this option does not arrive in Hastings until 11:07 – so you will need to walk briskly to catch the others up. Return trains from Rye are at 48 minutes past the hour until 21:48. Buy a day return to Rye.

This is a dramatic coastal walk with a few big climbs in the morning and a nice swimming spot nestled in a remote cove for those keen on swimming. After lunch, the route is more or less downhill or flat across a marsh with another swimming opportunity at Pett Level. Please note that part of the coastal path has been diverted at the beginning of the walk – see some details on the current status of the landslip at the bottom of the information page (which seems to suggest the diversion is no longer necessary). You can find more information about the walk and download the walk instructions here.

The recommended lunch spot is the Coastguards Tea Room (01424 814 131) at the top of the last hill and just a bit inland from the Coast Guard Tower. However, its present status is unknown, so probably best to bring some emergency provisions…..Tea and other late afternoon refreshments can be had at the New Inn in Winchelsea. Rye also offers a variety of refreshment spots.

Enjoy the walk (and swim)! t=2.29

  • Anonymous
    Sat, 04-Sep-21

    is the Coastguard tearooms still open or sadly shut ?

  • Sat, 04-Sep-21

    Under new ownership and “re-opening in September” a sign said earlier in the summer. No indication of when in September.

  • Sun, 05-Sep-21

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • Sun, 05-Sep-21

    Started with 16 on a hot and slightly misty day. Too hot for me after the climb up the first 2 hills and got some way behind the rest of the group, so doubled back onto Barely Lane and into Hasting. Shorter than expected but still enjoyable. Apologies to the rest of the group. I never did like heat. Roll on winter Steve

  • Mon, 06-Sep-21

    16 assembled in front of the station following the arrival of the Charing Cross train, another had started earlier from an earlier train and one later from a later train, plus one from the St. P train, made for 19 on this classic coastal walk. As Steve says, it was a hot climb up those first few hills and 10 of the group diverted to the Mediterranean beach at Fairlight Glen where 9 enjoyed a most idyllic swim in almost perfect conditions...Eventually pulling ourselves away, the 10 stayed more or less together until Pett Level where 2 groups of 2 pulled out ahead and I believe caught a bus in Winchelsea, the lagging 6 debated walking into Rye or stopping in the pub in Winchelsea (with its lovely garden) and taking the train....the pub/train won out...Three alighting from the train in Rye for a meal saw most of the others boarding the 18:00ish train for the trip back to London. A very fine and fun day out in bright sunny Mediterranean conditions .

  • Mon, 06-Sep-21

    Those who opted out of swimming carried on in several groups, stopping to eat lunch with clifftop views in glorious sunshine with a welcome breeze . 2 bypassed Winchelsea and took an alternative route into rye via Camber Castle, majestic and brooding in the late afternoon sun. A couple of swift ones in the Cinque Ports Inn (showing both cricket and football on opposing screens) and back on the (slightly delayed ) 17:48. A great day out (but once a year is probably enough.)

Saturday 14-Sep-19

Length: 19.8km (11.8 miles) to Rye, 17.1km (10.6 miles) to Winchelsea station, or 15km (9.3 miles) to Winchelsea New Inn (+ bus)

9.45 train from Charing Cross (9.48 Waterloo East, 9.54 London Bridge) to Hastings, arriving 11.19. T=2.29

If planning to come back by high speed train (see below), you can also go out by it by taking the 9.34 from St Pancras to Ashford, arriving 10.11 and changing there for the 10.24 Marshlink train to Hastings, arriving 11.06. As you can see this offers minimal time advantages over the direct train, however, and the two carriage Marshlink train can be hideously overcrowded in the summer months, though may be less so now we are into September.

Buy a day return to Winchelsea, unless using the high speed train outward, in which case a day return to Hastings is needed. Buy a ticket "plus high speed" if intending to use the high speed train on the way home - see below.

For walk directions click here, for GPX click here, for a map of the route click here.

One last summery walk by the sea? This walk over the cliffs from Hastings to Pett Level and then across the flatlands of Romney Marsh to the historic towns of Winchelsea and Rye needs no introduction to most of you. If you don't know it, it is one of the SWC's classic coastal walks. I would only observe that the diversionary route around Ecclesbourne Glen (where there was a landslip some years back) is best followed, even though it is not mentioned in the walk directions: the former path gets more difficult year on year, and is blockaded at either end by increasingly serious fences.

Your lunch stop is the Coastguards Tea Room: it does a range of meals as interesting and substantial as any pub. The Smugglers Inn in Pett Level is "permanently closed", according to Google.

For sea swimmers, the best opportunity is at Fairlight Glen, at the bottom of the next big valley after Ecclesbourne Glen. The unofficial path down to the beach here is your own risk, but is usually well-maintained by the naturists who use it. High tide is at 12.20, so there should be a good depth of water over the rocks when we arrive. Water temperatures are edging down a bit - 17.7 degrees is what it is saying at time of writing. A swim at Pett Level should be OK until about 4pm: after that underwater rocks can be a problem, though walking east along the beach may help.

For tea, the New Inn in Winchelsea usually has some cakes and tea in pots. You can end the walk here (after 9.3 miles) by taking the 100 bus. Or carry on another 1.3 miles to finish the walk at Winchelsea station (allow 40 minutes to walk it). Or carry on across flat marshes for another 2.5 miles from Winchelsea village to Rye.

Transport times for all these options:

Bus from Winchelsea, New Inn

- If returning on the high speed train, get the 49 past the hour from the stop on the same side of the road as the New Inn to Rye until 17.49, then 18.42 and 19.57. These buses all terminate at Rye station but annoyingly just miss the hourly trains:. However, 50 minutes to walk around Rye's pretty streets is no great hardship.

- If returning by normal trains, it is probably quicker to get 16.55 or 17.55 bus from the other side of the road outside the New Inn to Hastings. These take 33 minutes, giving you 22 minutes to connect with 50 past trains from Hastings, which take 1hr 44 minutes to Charing Cross: by this route it is 2hrs 39 minutes from Winchelsea village to London.

Trains back from Winchelsea

- High speed option: 17.42 or 19.42 to Ashford, with a quick (6 minutes) change there for train to St Pancras: total journey time 1hr 12 minutes.

- Normal train option:
- 16.50 via Hastings (2hrs 14 minutes journey time)
- 17.42 via Ashford (arriving Ashford 18.10, changing there to the 18.32 to Charing Cross: 2 hrs 10 minutes journey time)
- 18.50 via Hastings (2 hrs 44 minutes journey time)
- 19.42 via Ashford (arriving Ashford 20.10, changing there to the 20.32 to Charing Cross: 2 hrs 10 minutes journey time)

Trains back from Rye

47 past the hour to Ashford until 22.47: do NOT get the identically-timed train to Hastings by mistake: the Ashford trains are across the footbridge

- High speed: with a six minute change in Ashford you get to St Pancras 1hr 07 minutes after leaving Rye

- Normal train: a 20 minute change at Ashford to the 32 past train to Charing Cross (2hrs 05 minutes total journey time from Rye) or 33 past to Victoria (2 hrs 19 minutes total journey time: this train is only really useful if you live near Bromley South): The 20.47 is the last train from Rye to offer this connection.
  • Sat, 14-Sep-19

    A perfect sunny day . A day of golden light. Barely a breath of wind. Lovely warmth.

    The only cloud in the sky was the inadequate two-car Marshlink train from Ashford to Hastings, which scuppered the outward journey of two high speed train-ers by being cancelled due to “lack of diesel”. A replacement bus was put on that was adequate for only half the train’s passengers. Our two simply waited an hour for the next train, though amazingly still managed to catch us up at lunch.

    The 21 of us on the Charing Cross train had a peaceful journey down (so 23 on the walk in total). Hastings was busy on arrival and we got a bit strung out. The group I was with did the diversionary route around Ecclesbourne Glen: I don’t know if anyone tried the path down into it.

    Getting to Fairlight Glen at least eight of us went down to swim. It was high tide and the beach was a tiny pebble strip. The water was lovely - most declared it warmer than expected. For half an hour it was like being on a Greek island.

    On to the Coastguards tea room, which was busy, but dealt uncomplainingly with the constant flow of orders. Stragglers caught us up here. Above the coastguard station itself (or whatever the building with a mast on is) about fifty house martins were diving and swooping through the air. Next stop Africa.

    Walking on through Fairlight’s suburban streets there was another notable avian sight - a peacock perched on someone’s roof. Wild? A pet? We took a slightly more seaward route through the houses than usual, or perhaps we always go this way and I am just getting forgetful.

    There had been some discussion about possible swims at Pett Level, but not only was the sea not high enough to cover the rocks to a sufficient depth - it was way way out beyond them. Three of us were mulling walking out over the sands to the sea anyway when we saw a family getting stuck in gloopy mud, causing us to give up the idea.

    Probably just as well, as by the time we set off along the Military Canal the sun was already getting low (at 5.15pm!!). We got to the New Inn at 6pm and I had just ordered a calorific pudding to have in its garden when several people decided to have dinner. So I had lasagne and chips with a sticky toffee and custard starter. Don’t tell my dietician.

    Opinion was split at this point between getting the 6.42 bus to Rye or walking to Winchelsea station for the 7.42 train. The latter walk was gorgeous, with a great golden sun dipping behind the horizon and then a glorious pink and gold afterglow. At Winchelsea station we met the bus crowd: the bus had not come and so they had set off to walk to the station instead, to be then overtaken by the bus.

    All great walking days should end at a remote country station at dusk on a wonderful sunny day. But sadly this one was marred by worry about the Marshlink train being late, meaning we would miss the connection to the high speed train at Ashford. And therefore connect with the direct train from Margate instead, which had been standing room only back in the summer. When the Marshlink train did finally come it was full, not a few of its passengers being some of the group who had walked to Rye, found their Ashford train cancelled, taken the train back to Hastings instead, and then mysteriously decided not to get the Charing Cross train from there but to get the Marshlink back to Ashford. Sadly the train was too crowded for me to get the full story here, so if anyone wants to give a fuller account, please do.

    At Ashford I delayed the group by suggesting we might get the Charing Cross train to avoid the possibly crowded Margate train, and while discussing this failed to notice that our original connecting high speed train was late and was about to pull into platform 5. By the time I realised my mistake, we missed it by seconds despite a dash through the underpass. We then waited 20 minutes (“just over ten minutes” in station announcer speak) for the train from Margate, which was actually not ridiculously busy. We hope those that got the Charing Cross train also had a trouble free journey.

  • Brian
    Sun, 15-Sep-19

    A gorgeous day, as walker says. The walk over Hastings Country Park was a bit like Hampton Court maze in places, and the instructions out of date, but we made it. After the swimmers peeled off at Fairlight Glen 6 of us pushed on, 2 faster than the others (for a swim at Pett Level perhaps?)leaving 4 to refresh at the Beach Club (temporary membership £1 if you want to buy alcohol) and then on via the Royal Military Canal towards Winchelsea where I diverted from the route and walked, alone, over the levels to Camber Castle (Cloudesley Castle in Monica Edwards' books - anyone remember her?) which glowed lustrously in the late afternoon sun. An ambition achieved, on to Rye and a pint at the Cinque Port Arms before catching the 17.47 to Hastings.

Wednesday 07-Aug-19

Book 2, Walk 29 - Hastings to Rye

Length: 19 km (11.8 miles)
Toughness: 8 out of 10

London St Pancras: 09-37 hrs Margate service
Arrive Ashford International: 10-14 hrs change trains
Leave Ashford International: 10-24 hrs Eastbourne service
Arrive Hastings: 11-06 hrs

London Charing Cross: 09-45 hrs Hastings service
Arrive Hastings : 11-17 hrs


Rye to St Pancras, changing at Ashford International: 16-48, 17-28, 17-48, 18-48 and 19-26 hrs. Journey length: 1 hr 30 mins

Rye to Charing Cross: as above, changing at Ashford International. Journey length: 2 hrs

Rail ticket: a day return to Rye usually suffices

We usually post this walk or its Book 1 equivalent (Winchelsea to Hastings) once every summer for SWC mid-week walkers. The Book 2 walk is marginally easier (less exhausting) as this way round you tackle the steep glens early in the walk. Up to Pett Level the route is the same for both walks: the glens, Hastings Country Park, Firehills and Fairlight. At Pett Level you have a choice of route. The Book's directions take you beside the Military Canal over water meadows to the outskirts of Winchelsea. Alternatively you can reverse the Book 1 walk for lunch in Pett at the Royal Oak Inn. The lunch options on the main route are the Coastguards Tearooms at Firehills (if open) or one of the cafes on the beach at Pett Level. The Smugglers pub is now closed.
From Winchelsea, your route to Rye is over vast, flat agricultural fields, which will be in crop but - hopefully - the farmers will have kept clear the footpaths for you.. If you have time at walk-end do take a look around Rye.
Walk Directions are here: L=2.29
  • Anonymous
    Mon, 05-Aug-19

    Might go an hour later and catch you up at lunchtime

  • Anonymous
    Mon, 05-Aug-19

    Perfect scheduling. Thank you, Marcus.

  • Anonymous
    Tue, 06-Aug-19

    Intend getting the 11:17 train - I should catch up with you quickly but can you text me which route/pub you take if not? Thks. Rich

  • Anonymous
    Thu, 08-Aug-19

    Did anyone do this walk?

  • Anonymous
    Fri, 09-Aug-19

    N = at least one

    W = sunshine and cloud, warm

    I got the 10.15 service from Charing Cross. Initial thoughts about trying to catch the group (numbers?) were abandoned in favour of regular blackberry picking and eating. I recommend the chocolate and orange cake at the Coastguards Tearoom. Later a functional haddock and chips was had at the Greek chipper in Rye. I don't especially enjoy walking on my own, but this is not a bad one to do solo, aside from the wretchedly dull, and currently overgrown, Royal Military Canal stretch. Thanks for scheduling an interesting walk. Hastings is a delight once you hit the backstreets.

  • Anonymous
    Fri, 09-Aug-19


  • Anonymous
    Fri, 09-Aug-19

    Plus 3 off the 9.45 Charing Cross train. So that makes a likely total of 4 in warm sunshine with a lovely following breeze

    I’m assuming nobody came on the high speed from St.Pancras. (It was rather expensive)

  • Anonymous
    Sat, 10-Aug-19

    Southeastern has the Summer Offer on: Hastings rtn for £20, incl. High Speed, from 9.30 weekdays. This was the perfect walk posting for that. But mysteriously that was not mentioned.

  • Sat, 10-Aug-19

    I have now been told that there were indeed 5 on the posted St. Pancras train (expensive or not), and that they got overtaken by 1 or 2 of the three mentioned in the earlier comment. I make it 9 in total. As told today by one of the overtakers, who was on the Salisbury walk...

  • Sun, 11-Aug-19

    There is no mystery about the train fare special offer not being mentioned. My guess is the poster was simply unaware of it. Walk posters are not omniscient. We are just mortals like you.

  • Anonymous
    Sun, 11-Aug-19

    To be fair, it is mentioned in the box atop the This Week's Walks postings.

  • Sun, 11-Aug-19

    So it is, but I had not noticed that till you pointed it out. If you argue that the walk poster should have noticed it, then so should those going on the walk.

  • Anonymous
    Sun, 11-Aug-19

    Just to add that Faye(?spelling) and I had a good walk and tried out the Beach Club at Petts Level for lunch. They were friendly and charged around £4 for a sandwich lunch - although they do sur-charge non-members £1 for drinks... Rich

  • Anonymous
    Mon, 12-Aug-19

    The 'If you argue' point:I was defending the walk poster! Most of us don't need to be led like Ramblers, though there are a few veteran exceptions.

Saturday 01-Dec-18

Length: 20.1 km (12.5 mi) [Shortcut needed? Finish at Winchelsea after lunch (15.42 train)]
Ascent/Descent: 423/435m; Net Walking Time: 5 hours
Toughness: 6/10
Take the 08.45 Hastings train from Charing X (08.48 W’loo East, 08.54 London Bridge), arrives Hastings 10.19.
Return trains from Rye are on xx.47 to St. Pancras via Ashford (67 mins journey times) .
Buy a return to Rye (Sussex) . [You will have to pay a High-Speed surcharge for the return journey, unless you travel back via Hastings (also on xx.47, but a much longer journey)]
This rewarding walk starts in the Cinque Ports town of Hastings with a fine clifftop coastal walk with steep climbs along the way. This section is the most strenuous part of the walk. From Pett Level, the terrain levels out, before leading up through the New Gate into Winchelsea for (late) lunch. Just east of the town, you reach The Look Out, offering panoramic views across the whole of Romney Marsh to Dungeness, and to the Kent Downs beyond. From there it is down and along to Ferry Bridge, following an easy flat route north east to Rye.
Lunch : The New Inn in Winchelsea (15.0 km/9.3 mi, food to 15.00).
Tea: Lots of choice in Rye, mostly just a little off route in the interesting town centre, including The Fig , Catcher in Rye , The Devil in Rye , Corridor Café , Café Zara , The Grapevine , The Apothecary , Coterie Tea Rooms , The George in Rye , Cozy Kitchen , The Whitehouse , Kino Cinema Café , Ypres Castle Inn , Hope Anchor , Mermaid Inn , The Cobbles Tearoom , Ye Olde Bell Inn , The Standard Inn , Cinque Ports Arms , Café des Fleurs …
For summary, walk directions, map, height profile, some photos and gpx/kml files click here . T=2.29
  • Sat, 01-Dec-18

    And it was blowing a hooley!

    The weather was broadly as forecast, only that the winds didn't feel as strong as supposed, and that the rain went on for longer than supposed, namely all the way to lunch. That didn't really matter though as we walked west to east, so had wind and rain from the right behind, pushing us on and up the four ascents. The closed footpath at Ecclesbourne Glen was a tad difficult to negotiate what with being slippery, and the track beside the Royal Military Canal was a bit roughed up by farm vehicles, else there were no problems with route or paths.

    We got to The New Inn in Winchelsea in two groups a few minutes apart, either side of 13.30, and it was quite a pleasant stay: fireplaces, wooden floors, friendly staff and good meals. The slower walkers left there after 90 minutes and we opted to forgo the field crossings to Rye and instead followed the 1066 Country Walk down Dumb Woman's Lane. Got to Rye in time for the 16.47 train (most) or for a tourist tour through Rye in pre-Christmas splendour, and a final drink at the highly recommended Ypres Castle pub (the others). 17.47 train for those. All in, a refreshing day in great company, and probably a very good walk for the weather.

    11 windy with rain to lunch

Wednesday 04-Jul-18

Book 2, Walk 29 - Hastings to Rye

Length: 19 km (11.8 miles)
Toughness: 8 out of 10

London St Pancras: 09-37 hrs
Arrive Ashford International: 10-18 hrs. Change trains
Leave Ashford International: 10-24 hrs Eastbourne service
Arrive Hastings: 11-06 hrs

London Charing Cross: 09-45 hrs Hastings service
Arrive Hastings: 11-17 hrs
.......then walk quickly to catch up the Pancreatics


Rye to London via Ashford International: 48 mins past the hour

Rail ticket: Either a day return to Hastings - any route permitted - or a day return to Rye.

Last year in May mid-week walkers did the Book 1 version of this walk - Rye to Hastings via Winchelsea - and very enjoyable too. The advantage of doing the walk "backwards" (viz the Book 2 walk), by starting in Hastings, is you tackle the steep glens early in the walk, when you still have petrol in the tank. By contrast, the glens are very hard going and challenging when you reach them late in the Book 1 walk.
We will decide on the day whether to take the detour to avoid the closed Ecclesbourne Glen, or make our way around the land slip. But please note: the official advice is to take the detour.
After the glens, you are reversing the Book 1 walk all the way to Pett Level. Your early lunch stop on this walk (recommended for those intending to swim at Pett Beach) comes before Pett, near Fairlight. I am told the Coastguards Tea Rooms are pleasant. The tea rooms are located up the road from the Hastings Country Park Visitors Centre. Onwards then to Pett Level via Fairlight and its landslips. As those intending to swim head for the beach, please note - the pub next to the beach - The Smugglers - is now closed and up for sale. For a pub lunch you will need to reverse a bit more of the Book 1 walk uphill to stop at the Royal Oak Inn, in the village of Pett, which re-opened two years ago - and looks rather nice.
After lunch, depending on where you land up, you make your way to the historic village of Winchelsea, then head across farmland and some vast fields to Rye.
This should make a good, energetic outing on America's Independence Day. I leave it to you to celebrate with our American cousins or commiserate over the loss of our American colonies.
Walk Directions here: L=2.29
  • Tue, 26-Jun-18

    Please be aware that the Smugglers Inn at Pett Level looked as if was closed when I drove by last week.

  • Tue, 26-Jun-18

    The New Inn in Winchelsea is another option. Also if wish to avoid the steep Glen's there is quite a pleasant route via Barley Lane.

  • Tue, 26-Jun-18

    Thanks, Johnny - The Smugglers is indeed now closed, and up for sale. I will amend the posting.

  • Mon, 02-Jul-18

    For south Londoners not wishing to head to St Pancras or to start the walk 10 minutes behind the others, another option might be to take the 09:14 service from Cannon Street, which calls at Orpington at 09:40 and Sevenoaks at 09:50, arriving at Hastings at 11:02.

    Despite requiring a bit of energy, the steep wooded glens are one of the major attractions of the walk, and the path through the officially closed Ecclesbourne Glen was fine when I last tried it.

  • Mon, 02-Jul-18

    My current health situation might prevent me from 'doing' the glens so I might just follow the path across the top and attempt to rendezvous for lunch somewhere. I will be waiting at the top of Tamarisk Steps near the East Cliff Funicular Railway about 1130.

  • Anonymous
    Mon, 09-Jul-18

    10 very hot and sunny

Sunday 06-Aug-17

Chris L
Book 2 Walk 29 – Hastings to Rye
Length: 19km (11.8 miles) Toughness: 7/10

09:25 Hastings train from Charing Cross (London Bridge 09:33, Orpington 09:51) arriving at Hastings at 11:00.

Return trains from Rye to Charing Cross, changing at Hastings, are at xx:39 (journey time 2 hours 28 mins, including a 34 minute wait at Hastings).
A much faster alternative is to take a train from Rye to Ashford International at xx:38, changing there on to the high speed service to St Pancras (journey time 1 hour 17 minutes). Buy a Super Off-Peak Day Return to Rye, specifying that you want to return on the high speed service. Buying separate Advance tickets for the outward and return legs the day before travelling will be a bit cheaper, but you’ll need to select a particular timed train for the return journey.

This is a dramatic coastal walk, starting out through Hastings Country Park with some steep climbs through three glens in the morning, followed by flatter territory in the afternoon. Ongoing landslides in Ecclesbourne Glen mean that path diversions will be in place until at least May 2018. You are strongly advised not to ignore these. Details of the detour can be found on the Hastings to Rye Walk page.

It is also a popular swimming walk, with swimming opportunities at Fairlight Glen, and later at Pett Level.

The walk can be shortened to 10 miles by taking a train to Ashford.from Winchelsea (trains at 15:33, 17:33 and 19:33) or by catching a bus from Winchelsea to Rye.

The recommended lunch spot is the Coastguards Tea Room (01424 814 131) at the top of the last hill and just a bit inland from the Coast Guard Tower. Alternatively, faster walkers can eat at the Smugglers Inn at Pett Level (01424 813 491). Tea can be taken at The New Inn in Winchelsea, or at a number of places in Rye.

You will need to download the Walk Directions.
  • Anonymous
    Mon, 31-Jul-17

    all walks this weekend are south of the river, is this a record? and rye to hastings has just been on a few weeks ago (I am aware that this is hastings to rye)...

  • Thu, 03-Aug-17

    If you want an excellent light lunch or splendid cake with brilliant coffee try The Red Pig food truck parked about 200 metres in a layby beyond The Smugglers' Inn in Pett Level. It is open at weekends only and is a blend of Romany caravan and Brooklyn chic. It is powered by golf buggy batteries and calor gas. Mainly outside seating but very cosy inside.

  • Fri, 04-Aug-17

    I have travelled from Hastings to London on the past two Sundays and the Charing Cross trains were going into Cannon St even though the website indicated Charing Cross. However an attendant at Waterloo East last night assured me that it would be Charing Cross on Sunday! Alternatively the Victoria route to Hastings is working reasonably well at the moment.

  • Anonymous
    Fri, 04-Aug-17

    Is there a cheap train offer on this one pls?

  • Mon, 07-Aug-17

    5 in total on this beautiful walk. Weather was glorious. Sunny day with a breeze to keep us from frying.

    Two of us went to the Red Pig for lunch. Excellent food and really unusual. We spoke to the guy running it and he suggested a short cut across Petts level so that we didn't have to retrace our footsteps. Winchelsea and Rye picturesque.

    A great walk with varied scenery. One of the best that I have done with SWC. Thanks

  • Anonymous
    Mon, 07-Aug-17

    5 Sunny day with a breeze

Saturday 17-Sep-16

Book Two Walk 29: Hastings to Rye – A Dramatic Coastal Cliff Walk ending in Picturesque Rye

Distance: 11.8 Miles or 19 km for those more metrically minded (with options to shorten with bus at Pett Level or Winchelsea)

Difficulty: 7 out of 10

Train: Take the 9:15 AM Hastings train from London Charing Cross (stopping at London Bridge at 9:23), arriving at Hastings at 10:59. Alternatively, you can take the 9:42 AM train from London St. Pancras and change on to a train to Hastings at Ashford (arriving 10:20; leaving 10:33) – however, this option does not arrive in Hastings until 11:13 – so you will need to walk briskly to catch the others up. Also, it does depend on a Southern service – so could be subject to potential staffing problems. Return trains from Rye are at 56 minutes past the hour until 21:56. Buy a day return to Rye.

The forecast is looking pretty promising for this Saturday – so fingers crossed the actual weather again follows the forecast… This is a dramatic coastal walk with a few big climbs in the morning and a nice swimming spot nestled in a remote cove for those still searching for the “last swim of the season” (with high tide at midday on Saturday – conditions should be ideal). After lunch, the route is more or less downhill or flat across a marsh with another swimming opportunity at Pett Level. Please note that part of the coastal path has been diverted at the beginning of the walk – see some instructions for the diversion on the walk information page. You can find more information about the walk and download the walk instructions here.
The recommended lunch spot is the Coastguards Tea Room (01424 814 131) at the top of the last hill and just a bit inland from the Coast Guard Tower. Alternatively, faster walkers can eat at the Smugglers Inn at Pett Level (01424 813 491). Tea and other late afternoon refreshments can be had at the New Inn in Winchelsea (from where you can also catch a bus into Rye). Rye also offers a variety of refreshment spots.

Enjoy the walk!
  • Fri, 16-Sep-16

    The Brighton - Ashford train (the Marsh Line)usually runs but this week there has been a bus replacement service in parts of the route but not everyday. The lovely 100 bus (The Wave) will get you to Rye or back to Hastings. Regarding the paths around the landslip that is a big local debate. At the end of the day it is nature's force and the clif has been eroding for a long tome.

  • Fri, 16-Sep-16

    Several weeks ago I did the Winchelsea to Hastings walk and decided to continue on the path through the landslip section. I found it a struggle, although in my advanced years I am not as fit or limber as I was. The heavy rain today may make the path more unstable and descending it may prove more difficult than an ascent which is what I did. I would think very carefully about ignoring the warnings around using the closed-off path.

  • Fri, 16-Sep-16

    This is a very good point, Pete B - heavy rain after a prolonged dry period is perfect landslip conditions. Not only should walkers stick to the signposted diversion, but I would have thought going down to Fairlight Glen for a swim might also not be a good idea. The path is maintained by naturists but goes down a landslip too.

  • Fri, 16-Sep-16

    At the risk of reducing the grading this walk to a 3/4 you can cut along Barley Lane then through a disused gravel working to emerge near the Fairlight Coastguard Cottages and the café. Just following the path diversions though will still give a decent walk with great sea views.

  • Sat, 17-Sep-16

    12 on this walk. Obviously we would have liked to have had the weather of two days earlier, but it was not a disaster. Instead there was breezy cloud breaking to sun at times then rain later . The best of the sun was just after lunch, when for a time it was rather pleasant. By tea time there was prolonged and heavy rain, however.

    Despite doubts from some quarters (including me) nine of us tackled the landslide. The warning signs and barriers have interestingly disappeared from this but the area affected is bigger than last year - i.e. There have been further landslips I would say. For quite a distance the path is "a bit of an obstacle course" as one local said.

    Nine of us went down to the sea at Fairlight Glen and five swam. It was high tide and the sun was shining through the cloud making the sea an attractive green against a dark grey sky. There was a long, gentle swell and the water was much warmer than it looked.

    After lunch at the Coastguards tea room and the sunny bit, it began to rain as we approached Winchelsea, discouraging any thoughts of walking to Rye. Instead after a cosy tea in the New Inn we all got the bus. Eight of us then ate in the "Wipers Arms" in Rye.

Saturday 19-Sep-15

Book Two Walk 29: Hastings to Rye – A Dramatic Coastal Cliff Walk ending in Picturesque Rye

Distance: 11.8 Miles (with option to shorten by about 3 miles with train or bus at Winchelsea)
Difficulty: 7 out of 10
Train: Take the 9:45 AM Hastings train from London Charing Cross (9:47 at Waterloo East BUT NOT stopping at London Bridge), arriving at Hastings at 11:18. There does not appear to be any advantage to taking the high speed train going out – as the journey time is the same or longer! Return trains from Rye are at 56 minutes past the hour until 21:56. Alternatively, you could return from Winchelsea on a train at 17:50; 19:51 or 21:53. Either way, you will need to change at Ashford onto either the regular train or the high speed train where there is an advantage on the way back (it is roughly 30 minutes faster on the return). Buy a day return to Rye (or Winchelsea if you plan to return from there) and consider including the high speed for the return.
I do not think this walk has had a Saturday outing this summer (while it shares some of the route of the walk to Hastings posted last month going in the opposite direction, it also has a number of differences) – so an effort to squeeze it in before the first day of Autumn! The morning has a few big climbs and a nice swimming spot for those still searching for the “last swim of the season” – the tide will be rising when you arrive at Fairlight (about midway) in the morning and should be just past its peak at Pett Level in the afternoon AND the water temperature is holding at its near peak temperature (16.9 degrees today). After lunch, the route is more or less downhill or flat across a marsh. You can reduce the length of the walk by catching a train in Winchelsea or taking a bus from just outside the New Inn to Rye (49 minutes past the hour until 17:49; then 18:37 and 19:37). You can find more information about the walk and the instructions here. Alternatively, the instructions for the walk are in Book 2.
The recommended lunch spot is the fully licensed Coastguards Tearoom (01424 814 131) at the top of the last hill and just a bit inland from the Coast Guard Tower (or similar structure). Alternatively, faster walkers can eat at the Smugglers Inn at Pett Level (01424 813491). Tea and other late afternoon/evening refreshments can be had at the New Inn in Winchelsea (from where you can also catch a bus into Rye). Rye also offers a variety of refreshment spots.
Enjoy the walk!

  • Anonymous
    Tue, 15-Sep-15

    The path down into Ecclesbourne Glen (the first dip) is still officially closed. I tried it on 4 September. The problem is right at the top at the Hastings end of the diversion: about 80 metres worth. The path is passable but this area is obviously rather unstable with further landslips possible (especially when the ground is saturated by heavy rain….) and I guess this is why (sensibly) the local authorities have kept the path closed.

  • Marion
    Wed, 16-Sep-15

    There's a Food and wine festival on all day in Hastings with Hastings choir singing on the beach, in case anyone is feeling less energetic.

  • Sun, 20-Sep-15

    9 Sunny with just a bit of cloud in the afternoon Congrats to Stargazer for picking a perfect walk for a perfect day. The sun was warm, the sea sparkled, there was almost no wind and views were crystal sharp (to Beachy Head one way Folkestone and beyond the other: Dungeness standing out in sharp detail, France faintly visible).

    Seven attempted to swim at Fairlight but three were defeated by the underwater rocks just covered by the tide. The four of us that made it to open water had a fine swim but truth to tell the water was a bit cold. Officially it may have been only just off summer highs, but to me it felt more like early July.

    Later at Pett Level we almost passed on a final swim, but one decided to go in and five others joined him. There was a bit of cloud by this time, but it was still a mainly sunny farewell to the sea swimming season.

    After warming up on a brisk walk inland to Winchelsea, five got the bus, but three carried on to Rye and one (me) enjoyed a beautiful dusk walk to Winchelsea station - the sun setting, a crescent moon in the sky, robins singing - for the 19.50 train. I then met the Rye walkers for a nice dinner in the Ypres Castle before taking the last train home to St Pancras.

    And so the summer ended...