Kenley to Caterham walk

Short but hilly walk on the slopes of the North Downs.


This is a list of previous times this walk has been done by the club (since Jan 2010). For more recent events (since April 2015), full details are shown.

Date Option Post # Weather
Sat, 01-Jun-24 Kenley to Caterham 17 cloudy some sun a little chilly
Sat, 28-Oct-23 Kenley to Caterham - a short but hilly walk in the North Downs 31 mostly cloudy some rain later
Wed, 24-May-23 Kenley to Caterham. (New) 22 sunny
Sat, 01-Jun-24 : Kenley to Caterham 17
Kenley to Caterham

Length: Main Walk: 14¼ km (8.9 miles). Short cuts are available at lunch time and in the afternoon (see the walk's web page for details)

10.40 Caterham service from London Bridge (calls at various stations including Norwood Junction 10.53, East Croydon 10.58) arrives Kenley 11.14

Return trains from Caterham to London Bridge are at xx.25 and xx.55

Kenley and Whyteleafe are both in London Travelcard Zone 6. See the walk's web page for other travel options

Greater Yellow Rattle and Orchids on Riddlesdown

This walk starts with a climb up onto Riddlesdown and the Sanderstead to Whyteleafe Countryside Area (both areas are home to many rare chalk grassland species, birds including skylarks, and dormice). It passes through King's Wood (home to many bird species) and along footpaths and backstreets to eventually reach the village of Warlingham for lunch.

The afternoon section gives more of a workout, crossing three hills and valleys (but there's an option to omit one of them): Blanchman's Farm Nature Reserve (known for it's butterflies and wildflowers), Halliloo valley, Woldingham Garden Village and a picturesque hillside walk to the hilltop village of Woldingham before the final descent into Caterham for tea.

There's a nice picnic spot just before Warlingham Village at All Saints Church. Alternatively, there are benches on Warlingham Green (but here, the road is nearby). For a pub luch, thre are two pubs next to each other on Farleigh Road, just off Warlingham Green. The Horseshoe (01883 622009) and the White Lion (01883-625085). There are also several cafés and restaurants dotted around the green.

Some tea options in Caterham are:

  • Cafe Istanbul and Waffle Shop at 28 Croydon Rd. Closes 5pm
  • Caffè Nero (01883-342464; open to 5.30pm) at the top of Timber Hill Road
  • Costa Coffee (0333-0035883; open to 6pm Sat) in the parade of shops opposite the station
  • The William Garland pub (01883-343267)
  • Caffe Bambino at #24 Croydon Road closes at 3pm
  • Don't forget that you'll need to download your copy of the directions from the L=swc.406 page.

    • 03-Jun-24

      17 cloudy some sun a little chilly . Perhaps someone else would like to write a bit about the walk, pub etc...?

    • 03-Jun-24

      The group stayed together until the approach into Warlingham. The picnickers plan of eating in the churchyard was foiled by a wedding. Some ate in a cricket pavilion with a game having just started, others ate in a nearby green. The pub group went to the Horseshoe (recommended by one walker from last year's walk). The picnickers mostly continued to the Horseshoe for a drink. The pub is very spacious with outdoor huts, decking and a garden - will let others comment on the food.

      The picnickers left slightly ahead of the pub lunchers. Upon reaching Woldingham two continued to Oxted (following the SWC walk) with the rest following the route to Caterham.

      Oxted has 3 or 4 pubs in the town outskirts, the two stopped at the Crown Inn for refreshments before the 1853 train. Later found out that Oxted is where one of the candidates for PM grew up - would agree with his description of rolling pastures and beautiful chalk hills

    Length: 14.3km (8.5 miles) or 12km (7.5 miles) if you miss out one of the afternoon hills. T=swc.406
    10.40 train from London Bridge (10.53 Norwood Junction, 10.58 East Croydon) to Kenley, arriving 11.14.
    This walk is entirely within zone 6, so use contactless, Oyster, passes.
    For walk directions click here, for GPX click here, for a map of the route click here.
    Conscious though I am that the Great Darkness starts tomorrow - the next time it will be light till 5.42pm will be the start of March!!!! - which would normally prompt me to post a long-ish walk, it seems that this tendency is already well catered for in the other posts. With the forecast also (at the time of writing) being very changeable, a shorter walk close to London, with possible escape options at lunchtime, might also prove welcome.
    Hence this little gem, an almost new walk, in that its only outing to date has been midweek in May. I did not do it then, so rely on the walk author's description - up onto Riddlesdown and through Kings Wood in the morning, then round the Halliloo Valley (is that really its name?) and over two or three steep-sided valleys into Caterham. For more see the walk's home page.
    For lunch in Warlingham there is a choice of two chain pubs (and maybe some cafes) and for tea in Caterham two chain coffee shops (and maybe some independent cafes) and a pub.
    Trains back are at 25 and 55 past the hour.
    • 28-Oct-23

      # 31 , # mostly cloudy some rain later . A good choice for the day as the very strong turnout showed. Quite a lot of mud in Kings Wood and plenty of hills all inside Zone 6. We split between the Horseshoe and the White Lion for lunch. Those in the Horseshoe praised the food and service, it did not seem significantly more expensive. Quite why they call it a "community pub" - its one of a local chain of nine. The White Lion was busy and some dishes took a long time to appear. The path down the side of the golf course is rather at a slant and takes you very close to if not across one of the Tees. In Caterham, Cafe Nero seemed slow and unwelcoming and Costa had an even longer queue so we made for the 16.25. Generally positive feedback for this walk which was new to most of us.

    Wed, 24-May-23 : Kenley to Caterham. (New) 22
    Kenley to Caterham

    Length: Main Walk: 14¼ km (8.9 miles). Shorter options are available (see the walk's web page)

    10.40 Caterham service from London Bridge (calls Norwood Junction 10.53, East Croydon 10.59) arrives Kenley 11.14

    Return trains from Caterham to London Bridge are at xx.25 and xx.55

    Kenley and Whyteleafe are both in London Travelcard Zone 6. See the walk's web page for other travel options

    Greater Yellow Rattle and Orchids on Riddlesdown

    This new walk by Sean climbs up onto Riddlesdown and the Sanderstead to Whyteleafe Countryside Area where hopefully the wildflowers will be out (both areas are home to many rare chalk grassland species, birds including skylarks, and dormice). After passing through King's Wood (home to many bird species) and along footpaths and backstreets you arrive in the village of Warlingham for lunch.

    The afternoon leg provides more of a workout, crossing three valleys in undulating countryside. You first cross Blanchman's Farm Nature Reserve (known for it's butterflies and wildflowers), Halliloo valley, Woldingham Garden Village and then a picturesque hillside walk to the hilltop village of Woldingham. After crossing two more steep-sided valleys you come down into Caterham for tea.

    There are two chain pubs next to each other in Farleigh Road, just off Warlingham Green after around 6½ km. The Horseshoe (01883 622009) and the White Lion (01883-625085). There are several cafés and restaurants around the green, including Coffee at 412 (01883-622833) and Flavours Coffee Bar (01883-625777)

    There are several tea options in Caterham. Caffè Nero (01883-342464; open to 5.30pm) at the top of Timber Hill Road and Costa Coffee (0333-0035883; open to 6pm Sat) in the parade of shops opposite the station. There is also The William Garland pub (01883-343267) and some independent cafés (eg. Caffe Bambino at #24 Croydon Road)

    These walks don't have a leader so you'll need to download your copy of the directions from the L=swc.406 page.

    • 23-May-23

      10.38 train from London Victoria, change at Purley, arrives at Kenley at 11.14.


    • 24-May-23

      Thanks Hilary for posting a train that stops at Clapham Junction which I shall catch.

    • 25-May-23

      22 and one small dog. A sunny day.

      The first climb, straight off the train, sorted out a leisurely few sheep from the speedy goats, who raced off ahead and were, mostly, never seen again. After the climb, the morning was fairly flat. There was lots of buttercups. There was forget me nots, there was Laura-Ashley-weed, the works.

      I followed the walks author through various curlicues of Kings Wood.

      We caught up with one or two of the goats in the White Horse. Having noticed a memorial to a benefactor in the church, Mr Tiger had wondered if there would be such a person in the pub, handing out chips, maybe. And do you know what, readers, there was. A kindly benefactor.

      The afternoon was harder. Up, down, up, down, up, down- and that final sting in the tail - up, down.. It was hard going . It was hot. Mr Tiger had almost had enough but he soldiered on with a cheerful smile and stayed the course, never complaining.

      At walks end, now down to two, there was nothing for it but to call into a public house and restabilise our aqueous equilibrium.

    • 25-May-23

      The pub was the White Lion and produced speedy cheap lunches and drinks for a select group of 5. Everyone else ate picnics in the Green opposite. The afternoon hills were far too much to contemplate and definitely more than 5 out of 10 so after an orange juice and a Magnum in Woldingham village I went directly to Woldingham Station to catch the 4pm train. Thanks to Sean for his directions and leadership.