Lewes via West Firle Circular walk

Long. A steep hill (views) to Glynde. Lunch in quiet West Firle, then the South Downs Way (chalk ridge), with a flat valley walk back to historic Lewes


This is a list of previous times this walk has been done by the club (since Jan 2010). For more recent events (since April 2015), full details are shown.

Date Option Post # Weather
Sat, 25-May-24 Saturday Walk: Lewes Circular via West Firle 24 sunny
Wed, 17-Apr-24 Wednesday walk - Lewes to Southease via West Firle and Charleston Farmhouse 11 cold wind with intermittent sun and clouds
Sun, 25-Jun-23 v Sunday Walk: Lewes to Berwick 6 hot sunny with a breeze
Wed, 19-Apr-23 Wednesday walk - Lewes to Southease via West Firle and Charleston Farmhouse 15 bright and breezy
Sun, 10-Jul-22 v Sunday Walk: Hollyhocks Hike (Lewes to Berwick) 4 sunny
Sun, 25-Apr-21 Sunday Walk - Lewes Circular via West Firle 14 sunny with a cold wind
Sun, 14-Jul-19 v Sunday Walk: Lewes to Berwick 11 warm cloudy muggy
Wed, 27-Mar-19 Wednesday Walk - Lewes Circular (via West Firle) 14 sunny then overcast
Sun, 05-Aug-18 Sunday Walk: South Downs circuit 10 sunny and clear and very hot
Sun, 03-Jun-18 h Sunday walk: Lewes to Berwick 12 hot sunny all day
Sat, 22-Jul-17 Lewes via West Firle - a South Downs classic (with lots of afternoon options) 15 occasional showers
Sat, 25-Jun-16 Saturday First Walk - a South Downs classic 16 changeable cloudy some sun ominous rumbles from the sky on occasion but no rain to speak of
Sun, 05-Jul-15 Sunday Walk 1.... South downs, art and beer..... (or tea) 11 starting cloudy overcast a bit damp but hot and sunny later
Sat, 09-May-15 Saturday First Walk
Sat, 24-Jan-15 a Lewes to Saltdean, via West Firle
Sat, 24-Jan-15 d Lewes to Berwick
Sat, 24-Jan-15 ? Lewes to Southease, via West Firle 26
Sat, 02-Aug-14 Lewes via West Firle Circular 7
Sun, 06-Jul-14 d Lewes to Berwick 12
Sun, 25-May-14 Lewes via West Firle Circular 18
Sun, 07-Jul-13 d Lewes to Berwick 13
Wed, 01-May-13 a Lewes to Saltdean, via West Firle
Sun, 10-Jun-12 d Lewes to Berwick
Sun, 25-Mar-12 Lewes via West Firle Circular
Sat, 02-Jul-11 ? Lewes to Southease, via West Firle
Sun, 19-Jun-11 d Lewes to Berwick
Sat, 25-Sep-10 d Lewes to Berwick
Sun, 18-Apr-10 Lewes via West Firle Circular
Sun, 11-Oct-09 d Lewes via West Firle Circular
Sat, 27-Jun-09 Lewes via West Firle Circular
Sun, 28-Sep-08 ? Lewes via West Firle Circular
Sat, 19-Jul-08 Lewes via West Firle Circular
Sat, 08-Mar-08 Lewes via West Firle Circular
Sun, 24-Jun-07 Lewes via West Firle Circular
Sat, 16-Jun-07 Lewes via West Firle Circular
Full Walk: 14.5 miles / 23.3 km
Finish at Southease: 10.5 miles / 16.8 km
A grand day out in the South Downs, with two climbs.
The final section along the river into Lewes can be skipped by taking a train from Southease.
Trains: 09:24 London Victoria, (09:40 East Croydon), 10:26 Lewes. Buy a day return to Lewes or Southease, depending on your finishing point.
Lunch: The Ram Inn, West Firle
  • 25-May-24

    21 at the station with another accosting us in Lewes makes 22 - I think. (There were a lot of Ramblers and what-have-you milling around, which may have skewed the count).

    All 21 managed to shake off Mr Tiger on the first climb. I’m not one to tittle-tattle, readers, but I can tell you that they then veered from the official down-and-up route onto the easier along-the-top route. I’ll say no more.

    Buttercups a-plenty up there.

    Mr Tiger managed to pick up a few stragglers after Mt Caburn and they stayed together all the way to the Ram. Luckily, one was a kindly benefactor who not only provided a few chips but also some cider. The day was getting better. And it was sunny

    The crowd I’d met up with were in the back garden and the front garden people had moved on before we left.

    A hefty climb back up left Mr Tiger on his own again. On the descent into Southease he was able to watch the 16:05 roll into the station and roll out again. “Sigh”

    A wait in the YHA cafe ensued where some front gardeners were found.

    Later,we were entertained on the platform by a lusty chorus of marsh frogs, calling from a nearby pond. “Well done” They seemed to sing. “Well done”. “Ti-ger” I think one croaked.

    A grand day out indeed.

  • 25-May-24

    Two walked to Seaford after lunch following the route of walk 181. One swam briefly at Bishopstone before both had time for some welcome refreshments at the Steamworks (and see the last minute of the cup final) before the 1723.

  • 27-May-24

    2 on a later train two (?) hours behind makes er um 24 . And I forgot to mention the dog.

  • 03-Jun-24

    Two on 15.05 train, one only just made it!

Length: 18.8 km (11.7 miles). The proposed walk is a slight variation on the Lewes via West Firle circular, finishing in Southease. It incorporates an extension from West Firle to Charleston Farmhouse and climbs to the South Downs Way from there, soon rejoining the published route to Southease.

Other options are detailed in the directions.

Difficulty: 7 out of 10

Trains: Catch the 9.54 Ore train from London Victoria (Clapham Junction 10.01, East Croydon 10.10), arriving Lewes 10.56.

Return trains from Southease are at 15.04, 16.05, 17.07, 18.07. Change at Lewes for trains to Victoria. Change again at Hayward’s Heath if going to London Bridge.

Buy a day return to Southease unless you plan to finish somewhere else. There are cheaper advance single tickets available if you are confident of finishing the walk at a particular time.

The walk starts in the historic town of Lewes with the early section having fine views over the town and castle. The section along the South Downs Way offers extensive views both inland and towards the port of Newhaven with the Channel beyond.

The extension to Charleston Farmhouse offers a chance to enjoy the garden there which should be full of spring flowers and to visit the farmhouse (see website).

From there, carry on eastward for approximately 200 meters to Tilton farm on your right. There is a wooded path to the left of the farm buildings which leads up onto the South Downs Way. Turn right on the SDW and follow it past Firle Beacon, soon rejoining the Lewes circular route to Southease.

Lunch: The suggested lunch pub is the Ram Inn (tel 01273 858222) in Firle. The cafe at Charleston also has some lunch options as well as tea and cakes. Picnic in Firle or at Charleston.

Tea: The YHA cafe at Southease or the station cafe at Lewes.


  • 18-Apr-24

    11 off the train in Lewes plus a dog in her full winter coat which she needed in the cold wind with intermittent sun and clouds drifting over it. We took the high road to Glynde and the front group disappeared from sight, omitting to turn right and carrying on for a while before realising they'd gone too far. The rearguard stayed on track and were not far from the Firle when the fast group caught up. Two people lunched in the Ram and waited a long time for their food to arrive. A third joined them to have chips which arrived very quickly.The picnickers moved on and most stopped at the café in Charleston. Three or four had sped ahead to catch the 16.07 train from Southease. Others set off as they finished their coffees. Two lingered over tea and cake, had a quick look around the garden and set off apace to catch the 17.05 which they did with just minutes to spare along with the two pub lunchers who caught up right at the end and some earlier arrivals who had visited the YHA cafe. It was an enjoyable walk despite the cold wind. The steep ascents at the start and after lunch kept us warm and we had nice views of the sea in the afternoon reflecting patches of blue and raising prospects of summer.

  • 19-Apr-24

    My directions from Charleston were not completely accurate though nobody went astray. It should have read 'Leaving Charleston farmhouse,follow the driveway east for 200 meters. Just before a field gate, take the paved lane to your right, follow it past Tilton farm buildings on your left. Continue up to a T-junction and go straight across to follow an earth track through an initially wooded area up onto to the South Downs Way. The path winds left offering a gentler gradient to the top where you turn right on the SDW.

Sun, 25-Jun-23 : Sunday Walk: Lewes to Berwick 6
Mr M Tiger
Mr M Tiger

Length: About 17.5km (11 miles), Shorter option available. Toughness: 4 out of 10
A favourite walk visiting two of Mr Tiger’s favourite pubs. The morning goes over the downs, through Glynde, and on to lunch in the characterful Ram Inn in West Firle, a pretty flintstone village.
The afternoon stretch passes Charleston Farmhouse and Berwick Church, both decorated by members of the Bloomsbury Group.
In summer, hollyhocks put on a bit of a show both in Firle and on the approach to Berwick church.
Get the 09:46 Hastings train from Victoria (Clapham Jct 09:53), arriving Lewes at 10:50 .
For a shorter 8 mile walk avoiding the climb out of Lewes, you could start at Glynde. (Change at Lewes onto the 11:12 Hastings train, platform 3, arriving Glynde 11:18). You might need to take a longer lunch break to let the others catch up. What a chore!
Trains back from Berwick are at xx:58 changing at Lewes.
Get a day return to Berwick, Sussex. (NOT Berwick, Northumberland,)
The Ram, West Firle 01273 858222 is a favourite.
The nearby cricket ground has benches suitable for picnickers
Charleston House has a tea shop, accessible without entry fee.
The Cricketers Arms (01323 870 469), 4½ km after Charleston, is another favourite. They do tea till 5 and they have a nice garden. Depending on the route taken, you still have a 2 or 3 km. walk to Berwick station, so allow time to reach it (30 or 45 minutes).
There’s also the Berwick Inn 01323 870018, near the station. It too has a pleasant garden.
Charleston House costs £16.50 to visit (“Green Traveller” price for arriving on foot). Other concessions here. The garden is free to visit. Berwick Church, reached later, is free and open at most times.
You need two sets of directions:
- The main Lewes via West Firle walk as far as West Firle (on the "Download Walk" button) plus
- the Berwick ending (on the “Lewes to Berwick option” button)
Both available here.
If taking the shorter route to Berwick Station, there is a cycleway runs alongside the final stretch of road.

  • 25-Jun-23

    6 , hot sunny with a breeze . Three started from Lewes and three from Glynde one a bit earlier than the other two. The Ram was rammed at least in the car park but we found a free table in the garden and were served promptly with a sea bass coming twice. After lunch it seemed even hotter, two of us stopped at the Charleston Farmhouse Cafe for tea. Three had gone on and the remainder took a shortcut via Selmeston to leave one wilting sole at the Barley Mow reaching Berwick in time for the 15:58.

  • 25-Jun-23

    I was a late starter partly because of a cancelled replacement bus to Clapham - I know! So I didn't think I would stop at Charleston but in the end the "front group" decided we had no chance of catching the 1558 (I didn't know about a short cut) and found we had time to sample the Cricketers (one soft drink, an accidental low-alcohol beer and one proper beer purchased) and the Berwick Inn (beer pronounced "harmless") before the 1658. Standing room only on the train back from Lewes.

  • 25-Jun-23

    PS I'm happy to report the hollyhocks were out

Length: 10.4 miles The proposed walk is a slight variation on the Lewes via West Firle circular, finishing in Southease and incorporating an optional extension from West Firle to Charleston Farmhouse which will add approximately 2 km making a total of 18.8 km (just short of 12 miles).

Other options are detailed in the directions.

Difficulty: 7 out of 10

Trains: Catch the 9.54 Ore train from London Victoria (Clapham Junction 10.01, East Croydon 10.10), arriving Lewes 10.56.

Return trains from Southease are at 15.04, 16.05, 17.07, 18.07. Change at Lewes for trains to Victoria. Change again at Hayward’s Heath if going to London Bridge.

Buy a day return to Southease unless you plan to finish somewhere else.

The walk starts in the historic town of Lewes with the early section having fine views over the town and castle. The section along the South Downs Way offers extensive views both inland and towards the port of Newhaven with the Channel beyond.

The extension to Charleston Farmhouse offers a chance to enjoy the garden there which should be full of colour and to visit the farmhouse (see website). If you want spend time and end the walk there, it is possible to get a bus at 16.04 from a stop on the A27 next to where the driveway from the farmhouse exits (about 15- 20 minutes walk from the farmhouse).

Otherwise, we’ll take a path from Charleston up onto the South Downs Way and follow this to Southease.

Lunch: The suggested lunch pub is the Ram Inn (tel 01273 858222) in Firle. The cafe at Charleston also has some lunch options as well as tea and cakes. Picnic in Firle or at Charleston.

Tea: The YHA cafe at Southease or the station cafe at Lewes.


  • 19-Apr-23

    13 and a dog off the train in Lewes, 1 car driver with a dog and 1 who started from Glynde made a total of 15 on today's walk on a bright and breezy day. 3 had lunch at the Ram Inn while the rest picnicked on the cricket pitch. After lunch, 4 headed directly for Southease and 11 carried on to Charleston farmhouse where we stopped for tea and cake and a look at the garden which was at its colourful best. From there, two walked on to Berwick and nine walked up the downs to Firle Beacon and followed the South Downs Way to Southease - a very enjoyable stretch over even, grassy ground, no mud to contend with, the wind behind us, gleaming sea on our left and a panoramic if hazy expanse of East Sussex to our right. We reached Southease with time to visit the YHA cafe (now open until 10pm) before heading to the station for the 17.07 train. It was cancelled and having no certainty that the 18.05 would run, we all walked to Lewes making for a very long day out. 7 caught the 18.25 and two the 18.55 from Lewes. The Berwick and earlier Southease finishers were homeward bound a couple of hours ahead of us. A very enjoyable day - the Sussex lanes lined with blossom, sheep with luxurious coats and healthy lambs, skylarks calling, a line of cows capering along the riverside full of the joys of spring. Most of the walk was mud free.

Mr M Tiger
Mr M Tiger

Length: About 17.5km (11 miles), Toughness: 4 out of 10 (Less if you cheat).
Hollyhocks seem to thrive in the pretty flintstone village of West Firle and there’s more on the approach to Berwick church. Hollyhocks apart, this is one of Mr Tiger's favourite walks, visiting two of his favourite pubs. The morning takes you over the downs, through Glynde, and on to lunch in the Ram Inn in West Firle.
The afternoon takes you past Charleston Farmhouse (01323 811 265) and Berwick Church, both lavishly decorated by members of the Bloomsbury Group.
Charleston Farmhouse costs £12:80 to visit (that’s with 15% reduction for 'green travellers' - show your rail ticket). There used to be a charge for the garden but it looks like it's free on Sundays.
The church, reached later, is free and open at most times. Due to ongoing restoration work, you may have to enter round the back.
Trains: Get the 09:46 Ore train from Victoria (Clapham Jct 09:53), arriving Lewes at 10:50.
Lightweights and slackers could dodge the morning’s climbs by starting at Glynde.They would need to get the 9:51 from London Bridge (East Croydon 10:05) to Brighton (arrives 10:54 plat 5). Then the 11:05 (platform 7) to Eastbourne arriving at Glynde 11:26. Try to look a bit tired when the others catch you up at the Ram.
Trains back from Berwick are at xx:55, changing at Lewes.
Get a day return to Berwick (Sussex). The "Sussex" bit is important.
the Ram West Firle 01273 858222
Charleston Farmhouse tea shop is accessible without entry fee.
The Cricketers Arms (01323 870 469), 4½ km after Charleston House does tea and they have a nice garden. Depending on the route you take, you still have a 2 or 3 km. walk from there to Berwick station - about 35 or 50 minutes. (If taking the shorter (roadside) route, look out for the quieter cycle-way on the left).
There’s another pub, the Berwick Inn 01323 870018, near the station, which has a pleasant garden.
You need two sets of directions:
- The main Lewes via West Firle walk (on the "Download Walk" button)
-the Berwick ending (on the “Lewes to Berwick option” button)

More info here

  • 08-Jul-22

    You'll be sharing the train (Southern Willing) with the cloggies who are walking from Lewes to Brighton. Great minds ... eh?

  • 11-Jul-22

    Just 4 at Lewes station.

    We were soon off climbing not one but two hills in quick succession on what must be the sunniest day of the year - so far. Mr Tiger struggled a bit up mount Caburn but was spurred on by the thought of the glass of perry awaiting him in the Ram.

    In Glynde there was a brief discussion about whether to stop at the teashop or press on. Readers, we pressed on. (Only, of course, because we were eager to see how many ‘lightweights’ were waiting there). No lightweights. So 4 it was.

    At the bar Mr Tiger nervously enquired after the perry. "What's perry?" came the response. An aghast Mr Tiger was very nearly given some Peroni. It wasn't all bad news, though. They did have ice-cold Orchard Pig, two pints of which, had soon disappeared down an unprotesting gullet.

    The Ram has had a makeover. No longer the endearingly chaotic service. No more queuing for drinks. No sooner had your bottom hit the seat than the attentive staff were over. Lightning service, and from what I could hear above the glugging of cider, the food was good.

    After a pleasant sojourn in their garden, we were off, past the first of the hollyhocks. A suitably anaesthetised Mr Tiger leading the way to Charlstone House.

    Guess what. Its had a makeover too - or at least the tearoom has. The garden's still the same. Stuffed with hollyhocks, cardoons and the like. Waterlilies on the pond, fish in the water. And, indeed, free.The tearoom, though, has moved into a barn. We sat in the courtyard with Fela Kuti's music wafting out from the barn. Another pleasant sojourn.

    Then Mr Tiger led them on, ever onwards, past horses dressed as a clown and a zebra, to Berwick Church where we nearly stepped on a slowworm. Impressive hollyhocks. We looked at the paintings ans stuff.

    Mr Tiger cast a wistful eye at the Cricketers as we sped past. No Cricketers today ‘sigh’.

    We took the shorter route to the station noting there is now a cycleway all the way from the junction to the station. (We debated taking the longer way and heard later from another walker that it was difficult to navigate with ploughed fields and the like). Well done us!

    We got to the station with a bit too much time to spare. What to do, what to do?

    There was only one thing TO do. We reluctantly entered the Berwick Arms where Mr Tiger reluctantly finished off another cider.

    And so ended a wonderful sunny summer walk, the only downside being that so few turned up to enjoy it.

    The train home was packed (as was the train out) .

Thomas G
Thomas G
Track-and-Trace: please provide email address or mobile phone number at the start
Rule of Six: from start to finish please, and up to May 16
Length: 24.8 km (15.4 mi) [three ways to shorten substantially, see below]
Ascent/Descent: 398 m [three marked ascents
Net Walking Time: ca. 6 hours
Toughness: 7 out of 10
Take the 09.45 Hastings train from London Victoria (09.52 CJ, 10.00 Selhurst, 10.03 East Croydon), arriving Lewes at 10.56.
[From London Bridge take the 09.41 Brighton train and change at Gatwick (10.11/10.21).]
Return trains: xx.21 (68 mins).
The walk starts in the historic town of Lewes with the early section having fine views over the town and castle. After reaching a secluded valley, you rise up Mount Caburn with its Iron Age hillfort site, and descend to Glynde to continue to West Firle for lunch. After lunch ascend the South Downs main ridge and turn right, with extensive views from Beddingham Hill and Itford Hill, both inland and towards the port of Newhaven with the Channel beyond. Descend to Southease (station and café) and return to Lewes along the River Ouse.
Shorter Walk: start from Glynde (cuts 6 km), finish at Southease (cuts 6 km), or walk to Berwick w/o scaling the downs again after lunch (described in the pdf, you pass several more pubs on that variation).
Lunch: The Ram Inn in West Firle (9.7 km/6.0 mi, food to 15.00, bar food all afternoon).
Tea: Courtyard Café at YHA Southease (6 km from the end, open to 16.00), plus plenty of pubs in Lewes (you’ll be too late for the cafés, at a guess).
For summary, walk directions, map, height profile, photos and gpx/kml files click here. T=2.25
  • Anonymous

    The River Ouse ending is rather industrial - may be better to either extend via Kingston or catch a train from Southease.


  • 23-Apr-21

    ...only the last bit into town, before that it's quite nice. TG

  • Anonymous

    No cafe open in Lewes station at the moment.

  • 25-Apr-21

    The outbound train was 30 minutes delayed due to a trespasser near East Croydon, and the service at The Ram Inn was a bit slow for everyone's liking, but else this was a great day out:

    The group quickly dispersed into small units and - from what I could observe - most did the out-and-back to the Mount Caburn hillfort site, took the shortcut in Glynde by following the road and crossing the A road rather than diverting through fields and through the underpass. A good handful also turned left uphill in Glynde to have a look at the interesting church and at Glynde Place (having not paid notice to the written-up left turn on the Downs to get there with less effort). 6 lunched at The Ram and all of us then walked the full route to Lewes along the Ouse, incl. an off-script out-and-back to the Firle Beacon. All this is glorious sunshine but with a strong wind (not just on the tops). 5 of us arrived just in time for the 18.21 train, 1 other took the next one along. 13 sunny with a cold wind

  • Anonymous

    1 travelled independently to Glynde, arriving about 12:30, but saw no familiar faces there or at Firle (I know why now.) Continuing up to the top I found that, truly, it's an ill (northeasterly) wind that blows no-one any good, as it was was keeping the skies clear of aircraft landing at Gatwick - they were forced to take a path over West Sussex, leaving those over East Sussex crystal clear with views for miles in all directions. The Courtyard cafe at Southease was closed, but that didn't detract from a glorious ridgetop walk in brilliant sunshine under blue skies, with, yes, a bit of wind.

  • 25-Apr-21


  • Sandy

    Six picknickers walked to Southease without visiting Firle Beacon; four then caught the train (1610? can't remember exactly but we got to the closed cafe before 4) while two walked on to Lewes. Beautiful day despite the NE wind. Incidentally we did discuss the left fork over the downs that would have led to Glynde church but I didn't realise that was a good alternative (it looks further than it really is, I suspect) - I don't think it's mentioned in the route description.

Sun, 14-Jul-19 : Sunday Walk: Lewes to Berwick 11
Mr M Tiger
Mr M Tiger
Book 2 walk 25 + additional download
Length: About 17.5km (11 miles), Toughness: 4 out of 10
A favourite walk visiting two of Mr Tiger's favourite pubs (not that he drinks a lot these days). The morning goes over the downs, through Glynde, and on to lunch in the characterful Ram Inn in West Firle, a pretty flintstone village.
The afternoon is more low-lying, passing Charleston Farmhouse and Berwick Church, both decorated by members of the Bloomsbury Group.
In summer, hollyhocks put on a bit of a show both in West Firle and on the approach to Berwick church.
For the full walk, get the 09:46 Hastings train from Victoria (Clapham Jct 09:53), arriving Lewes at 10:49.
Trains back from Berwick are at xx:55, changing at Lewes.
Get a day return to Berwick, Sussex. (NOT Berwick, Northumberland).
(For a shorter 8 mile walk avoiding the climb out of Lewes, start at Glynde. Get the 09:55 from Victoria to Brighton (Clapham Junction 10:02). Change at Brighton for the 11:05 to Hastings (platform 7). Don’t hang about, you have four minutes to get to platform 7. You'll arrive at Glynde 11:29. The others will still be huffing and puffing their way across the downs but that's their problem. They'll catch you up at the Ram. Try not to look smug.)
The Ram, West Firle 01273 858222 is an officially designated Mr Tiger favourite.
Firle’s cricket ground, shortly before the Ram, has conveniently placed benches suitable for the consumption of comestibles.
The earlier Trevor Arms (mentioned in the directions) is closed.
Charleston Farmhouse has a tea shop, which is accessible without entry fee.
The Cricketers Arms (01323 870 469), 4½ km after Charleston, another Mr Tiger favourite. They have a nice garden. Depending on the route taken, you'll still have a 2 or 3 km. walk to Berwick station, so allow time to reach it (30 or 45 minutes).
There’s also the Berwick Inn 01323 870018, near the station. It too has a pleasant garden.
Charleston Farmhouse costs £12.50 for the whole visit (that's the “Green Traveller” price for arriving on foot) or £4.50 for the garden only. Art pass holders get 50% off
Berwick church, reached later, is free and open at most times. The vicar's photos of local butterflies and orchids are available as cards..
You need two sets of directions, both available here.
- Pages 1-4 of the main Lewes via West Firle walk (the "Download Walk" button) plus
- the Berwick ending (the “Lewes to Berwick option” button)
If taking the shorter route to Berwick Station, the cycleway on the left is preferable to the final stretch of road. But the long way is best of all.
  • 15-Jul-19

    10 out of Lewes and 1 from Glynde makes 11 on a warm cloudy muggy sort of day. Wild flowers in profusion up on the downs. Plenty butterflies too. And don’t get me started about the hollyhocks.

    The Trevor Arms is still closed. The Ram lived up to its reputation as an officially designated Mr Tiger favourite but, being busy, was not particularly fast with the food. And so on to Charleston, where some were intending to visit. The subgroup I was with didn’t but sped past to Alciston and an encounter with an overfriendly horse. In Berwick we were waylaid by a local who practically dragged us to the church (we were going anyway) where there was an open day to promote the forthcoming restoration of the paintings and show off recent archaeological finds. I never found the finds table so I can’t tell you what they found. There hadn’t been much interest - most people preferring to watch celebrities bat a ball over a net (yawn). Anyway, here, we were plied with FREE tea and homemade cakes. And the hollyhocks on the way in were magnificent, probably the best hollyhocks I have ever seen. (Don’t get me started). The downside of the free tea was that it diminished any desire to visit the Cricketers. However, having arrived at Berwick station a little early, enough desire had been rekindled to justify a visit to the Berwick Arms which was pleasant. Almost pleasant enough to be officially designated. Some commented that the directions on the last bit could do with a little more clarity and that bit also still overgown in places. Good day out.

  • 15-Jul-19

    And don't get me started about the 'Per' perry in the Ram either.Cloudy, still, chilled.

Thomas G
Length: 24.8 km (15.4 mi) [three ways to shorten substantially, see below]
Ascent/Descent: 398 m [three marked ascents]
Net Walking Time: ca. 6 hours
Toughness: 7 out of 10
Take the 10.16 Eastbourne & Littlehampton train from London Victoria (10.23 CJ, 10.33 East Croydon), arriving Lewes at 11.23.
Return trains: xx.21 & xx.45.
The walk starts in the historic town of Lewes with the early section having fine views over the town and castle. After reaching a secluded valley, you rise up Mount Caburn with its Iron Age hillfort site, and descend to Glynde to continue to West Firle for lunch. After lunch ascend the South Downs main ridge and turn right, with extensive views from Beddingham Hill and Itford Hill, both inland and towards the port of Newhaven with the Channel beyond. Descend to Southease (station and café) and return to Lewes along the River Ouse.
Shorter Walk:
start from Glynde (cuts 6 km), finish at Southease (cuts 6 km), or walk to Berwick w/o scaling the downs again after lunch (described in the pdf, you pass several more pubs on that variation).
Lunch: The Ram Inn in West Firle (9.7 km/6.0 mi, food to 15.00, bar food all afternoon).
Tea: Courtyard Café at YHA Southease (6 km from the end, but only open to 16.00), plus plenty of pubs in Lewes (you’ll be too late for the cafés, at a guess).
For summary, walk directions, map, height profile, photos and gpx/kml files click here. T=2.25
  • 24-Mar-19

    Think I will take a later train and join the walk at the Glynde station. The 10.46 from London Victoria arrives at Glynde station at 12:21. It usually takes the group an hour to get over the hill.The Lunch Monitor.

  • Marion

    I will be joining you at CJ 10.43 and finish ar Southease for tea.

  • Marion

    SorryI meant 10.53

  • 27-Mar-19

    10 off the train, 1 already waiting on the platform (up from Sevenoaks via Warrior Squ.), 1 other outside (over from Brighton). 1 of us had to frequent the local WHSmith and PO to send an urgent card. For the rest, the sky was blue and there was hardly a breeze, so the first bits of Downs' ascent were easily negotiated. Most of the troopers walked the out-and-back to the hillfort site on Mount Caburn for the sensational views from it. We saw plenty of just-born cattle and lambs in the pastures.

    At The Ram Inn we met 2 late starters, who had both intended to start at Glynde station together, but 1 of them had invented a quite sensational new way of missing a train (and I know a LOT about missing trains from personal experience!): she stood on the platform at CJ when the train arrived, but let it go as she was not realising it was the one going to Lewes... Cue - later on - a taxi ride from Lewes to The Ram Inn.

    The group set off from the pub in spurts, as food arrived in a sequential manner, wearing out the picnickers and early finishers. So I can only report on the tail-enders (someone bought coffees as well). The sky was now overcast (and temps certainly were NOT what my forecast had predicted, a "feels like 14°"). [Only late on the sun was making some appearance again, through a few holes in the clouds, lighting up the walls of the chalk pits near Lewes quite beautifully.]

    Skylarks were larking, the paragliders were packing up, and hardly a soul about on the paths.

    Several - if not the majority - took the train from Southease, giving up on the easy/tranquil/meditative/boring (delete as appropriate) end along The Ouse towards Lewes. I had bad memories of it myself from years ago, but on second look today, liked it (apart from the last 10 minutes, right into Lewes): it was High Tide, the water wasn't moving hither or thither, in fact The Ouse seemed more a canal than a river. There were Egrets, and then one tiny bird flying out of the bank, with blue-ish feathers, not light blue not dark blue, but glistening. Not a Kingfisher, surely?

    Downs on the left, Downs and Chalk Pits on the right, the Kingston Windmill on the hills to the left, Lewes Castle ahead. Not a bad finish actually, I thought.

    And then I saw the 17.21 pull out as I walked down to the platform. Off to the café...

    sunny then overcast 14

  • Sandy

    Three impatient picnickers left West Firle at about 1.35 and got to the Courtyard Cafe in plenty time for a very pleasant tea and cake in the cafe garden before catching the 1605 from Southease and the very busy 1621 from Lewes, along with the majority of the rest of the group. Thanks for a most enjoyable day out.

Sun, 05-Aug-18 : Sunday Walk: South Downs circuit 10
Chris L
Chris L
Lewes via West Firle Circular
Length: 23.3km (14.5 miles). Toughness: 7/10

09:46 Ore train from Victoria (Clapham Junction 09:53, East Croydon 10:03) arriving Lewes at 10:49.

Return trains from Lewes to Victoria are at xx:21 (journey time 1hour 3 minutes). If you just miss a direct train to Victoria, you could take a train at xx:24 to Brighton and change there for a fast train to Victoria.

Buy an Off-Peak Day Return to Lewes, or to Southease if you intend to cut the walk short and return from there (see below).

This classic South Downs walk divides into three sections: a climb over the Mount Caburn downs to Glynde and to lunch in Firle, a section of the South Downs Way with magnificent views on both sides, and an easy stroll back to Lewes along the River Ouse. To shorten the walk you could omit the last section (4 miles) and catch a train to Lewes from Southease (trains at xx:10). The suggested lunch stop is The Ram (01273 858222) at Firle.

The walk directions and further information can be found here and there’s plenty of useful Feedback too.

  • Marta G

    Hello lovely people!

    Is there anyone coming this Sunday? I am very keen on joining this walk or similar but I am new to this site so I don't know if there is anyone else coming?

    Chris L. > which of the Sunday walks will you be attending? Cheers!

  • Anonymous

    Hello Marta

    There will most likely be people on this walk tomorrow. Generally it is only in very bad (I.e. wet) weather that results in no one going. Saturdays are busier than Sundays, usually, so at a guess there’ll likely be 10ish people. People meet up at the starting train station, which here will be Lewes. But if you look around for people in walking gear on the train you may find you fellow walkers sooner.

  • Anonymous

    Six people came off the train at Lewes, and another came on the next; one missed the train and started in Glynde and two came for lunch and a short walk. So all in all, 10 on a sunny and clear and very hot day. It was a hard start climbing up to the ridge, but 4 of the main group had a little siesta whilst 2 went to the Iron Age hill fort Mount Caburn which had a fantastic 360 view of the area. Many butterflies were seen, especially the Chalk Downs Blue.

    Most people picnicked at the cricket pitch, and three members had lunch at the very nice pub. Here the group fragmented (as per usual), with two taking off soon after and two waiting for the one who missed the train. The two who left lunch meet the Glynde starter in Firle Park. Once on the South Downs Way, the walk was easy, offering fine views. Many took an early tea at the Youth Hostel in Southease (which may be added the directions as a tea option?), and most took the train back from there. Only a hearty four did the complete circuit, running into some troublesome cows blocking both gates on the path along the River Ouse during the final stretch.

    All in all, a very fine, if not hot, day out.


Sun, 03-Jun-18 : Sunday walk: Lewes to Berwick 12
Mr M Tiger
Mr M Tiger
Book 2 walk 25 + [Berwick ending]
Length: About 17.5km, 11 miles, (or 8 miles, starting at Glynde). Toughness: 4 out of 10
A favourite walk visiting two favourite pubs. The morning goes over the downs, through Glynde, and on to lunch in the characterful Ram Inn in West Firle, a pretty flintstone village.
The afternoon takes you past Charleston Farmhouse (01323 811 265) and Berwick Church, both lavishly decorated by members of the Bloomsbury Group.
To visit the house and garden costs £12.50 (That’s the Green Traveller price for arriving on foot) or £4.50 for the garden only. Berwick Church, reached later, is free and open at most times.
Trains: Get the 09:46 Ore train from Victoria (Clapham Jct 09:53), arriving Lewes at 10:49.
It is also possible to miss out the morning’s climb by starting at Glynde. To do that, get the 9:55 from Victoria to Brighton (Clapham Junction 10:02), changing at Brighton for the 11:05 to Eastbourne (don’t hang about, go directly to platform 7). Arrives Glynde 11:26
Trains back from Berwick are at xx:55, changing at Lewes. Get a day return to Berwick (Sussex). The "Sussex" bit is important.
The Ram, West Firle 01273 858222 (the earlier Trevor Arms still seems closed).
Charleston Farmhouse has a tea shop, which is accessible without entry fee.
The Rose Cottage pub in Alciston closes at 4 on Sundays.
The Cricketers Arms (01323 870 469), 4½ km after Charleston, is a favourite, and "open all day, every day". They do tea and they have a nice garden. Depending on the route you take, you still have a 2 or 3 km. walk to Berwick station, so allow time to reach it (30 or 40 minutes).
There’s also the Berwick Inn 01323 870018, near the station, which has a pleasant garden. 12-10 pm on Sundays.
Directions: You need two sets of directions, both available here
- The main Lewes via West Firle walk (the "Download Walk" button) plus
- the Berwick ending (the “Lewes to Berwick option” button)
Tip: if taking the shorter route to Berwick Station, the cycleway on the left is preferable to the final stretch of road.
  • Anonymous

    12 on this walk 3 of whom drove to the pub and then supposedly did some walking in the afternoon. Weather was hot sunny all day . He Ram in West Firle was busy but the food did not disappoint. Walkers need to know that there is a pub garden that is excellent but easy to miss. After lunch though we tired we shopped at a produce stall and tea was taken at the Cricketers who also did not disappoint by serving glorious knickerbocker glories though this caused them to miss their train.

    Sarah H

Book 2, walk 25 - Lewes via West Firle
SWC walk 181 - Lewes to Seaford via West Firle

Length: Options from 16.8km (10.4 miles) to 23.6km (14.7 miles)
Toughness: 7 out of 10: two big hill climbs (fairly flat otherwise)

9.47 train from Victoria (9.53 Clapham Junction, 10.03 East Croydon) to Lewes, arriving 10.47.

Buy a day return to Lewes, unless you have definitely decided to return from Southease, Berwick or Seaford (see below) in which case get a day return to those places.

"Why haven't we had any South Downs walks this summer?" I was asked recently. The answers include: a) we have had a few, b) Southern drivers work to rule, c) charity events using the South Downs Way, d) the voracious enthusiasm of Meet-Up groups for doing South Downs walks.

This week c) and d) don't seem to apply. My answer to b) is that trains to Lewes are half hourly. If the specified train is cancelled, get the one half an hour later. (Venceremos!!)

So, the walk today is Lewes via West Firle and there now two incarnations of this. Book 2, walk 25 (directions) and SWC walk 181 (directions). Their routes to West Firle and up onto the downs are almost identical, except that SWC 181 has, in my opinion, a better and less strenuous route over the Mount Caburn massif. So I recommend you use that one as far as lunch.

Lunch is at the Ram Inn in West Firle, the Trevor Arms in Glynde being closed currently (and possibly permanently). The Ram is popular but does food all afternoon, so it might be an idea to get there after the lunchtime rush. There is a tea room in Glynde which might provide an early light lunch alternative.

After West Firle you have lots of choices (You know you love'em!)
*# 1) Switch to the Lewes to Berwick option for walk 25 (directions), which takes you along the bottom of the downs, passing Charleston, summer retreat of the Bloomsbury set (Virginia Woolf and chums), which is open to the public. This is a 17.5km/11 mile walk. Trains back from Berwick are at 17 past.

*# 2) Follow walk 25 to Southease, have tea in the YHA tea room (closes 4pm). Get train home (36 past to 19.36, then 20.39). This is the 16.8km/10.4 mile option.

The other options are all 23km/14.5 miles:

*# 3) Do 2) above and then do the river ending of walk 25 back to Lewes: flat, tranquil, perhaps a bit samey after a while. Trains back from Lewes are at 16 and 54 past

*# 4) Do 2) and then the Northease Ending to Lewes. For this you will also need these directions.

*# 5) Do 2) and then the extension to Saltdean, a suburb of Brighton, where you can swim in the sea (but see tide info in comment section). For this you need the second half of these directions. You return by train from Brighton: many trains an hour: your return to Lewes is valid.

*# 6) Finish walk 181, which goes over the heart of the downs (the book 2 Southease to Seaford route, essentially) to Seaford, where you can also have a swim. Trains back from Seaford are at 27 and 58, usually changing at Lewes, sometimes changing at Brighton. T=2.25

  • 16-Jul-17

    If you are thinking of doing one of the sea swimming options for this walk, note that it will be LOW TIDE when you get to Saltdean (5.17pm), which means you can't swim at Saltdean (rocks): but there is a beach at Rottingdean, about 1 mile to the west along the seafront promenade, which is swimmable even at low tide. Or you can get the bus into Brighton and swim there.

    Seaford is swimmable at any state of the tide

  • Anonymous

    At Lewes we saw a fair few set off walking whilst 6 of us chose the Glynde to Berwick option which is still 15.5K according to the sat nav, so not to be sniffed at.

    Glynde was easily reached after extra coffee and pastries at Lewes whilst we waited 15 minutes for the connecting train

    Upon walking out of Glynde ( The Trevor Arms is well shut ) we wandered along to The Ram in West Firle where we had a very pleasant lunch and watched as a fast male walker with two female companions whizzed by with ner a nod to us early lunchers.

    All in all it was a very gentle day on the lowlands and the

    conversation in lowered voices with a smattering of laughter every so often made it all very relaxed. I don’t think that Trump or MPs or Brexit were mentioned even once.

    The afternoon walk was punctured / punctuated by occasional showers ( we felt a little sad ( only a little ) for those walking over the top ) during which time we headed in for tea and cake or tea and dessert at firstly the Charleston cafe and secondly at The Cricketeers. Both of them delightful in their own ways - the home made plum cake and the lemon and poppy seed cake at the first one come cafe

    highly recommended. That reminds me, there was a little foraging for wild plums which were delish but the blackberries have a way to go - say another three or four weeks yet.

    The day finished with us catching the 17.17 out of Berwick with a change at Lewes which gave another opportunity for cake and further refreshment

    Ho hum

    One our group suggested that we all go on a 5/2 diet and make Saturday one of the 2 days - this was met with hoots of derision.

    We did our best to support the local economy by making the most of each and every shopping opportunity - chicken eggs, duck

    eggs, plants, jams, marmalade and almost some 8 day old chicks - the amount of support we dished out made us feel very virtuous.

    The only real hiccup of the day was the lightning strike at East Croydon that took out the train signals resulting in a somewhat delayed arrival at Victoria but no matter - Marks and Sparks was still open so we could buy some evening meal supplies.

    I Replete

  • 26-Jul-17

    As told on today's Shoreham walk.... all in, about 15 walkers, no leadership and people dispursing in various directions quickly. Some frustration with the plethora of route options, complicating following the text in the dire conditions.

Book 2 Walk 25 - Lewes via West Fire
Length: 16.8km (10.4 miles) with lots of opportunities to extend: see end of post
Toughness: 7 out of 10 (mainly due to two big hill climbs: flat otherwise)

9.47 train from Victoria (9.53 Clapham Junction, 10.03 East Croydon) to Lewes, arriving 10.47.

Buy a day return to Southease, unless you have definitely decided on one of the extensions: see below

For walk directions click here.

It is not without some trepidation that I pick a Lewes walk, given the covert industrial action on Southern that is leading to some train cancellations at present. But trains to Lewes are half hourly, so if the 9.47 gets cancelled, hopefully the 10.17 will run. A fast train to Brighton and a connection there to Lewes may also work. Plus last week the Berwick to Eastbourne walkers had no train problems.....

We have so many walks from Lewes these days that this classic outing gets overlooked. It is a simple yet beautiful walk, up over the downland massif of Mount Caburn to Glynde, across the valley to West Firle, and then along another beautiful downland ridge to Southease. Both Glynde and West Firle have mouthwateringly nice pubs (under the same management these days), so it is more a question of which one you are outside when your stomach starts rumbling (or which one has room, though both seem to cope with large numbers)

The 10.4 mile version of this walk would end at Southease, from where trains return to Lewes at 36 past to 19.36, and then at 20.39 (last train). Change at Lewes for trains to London (unless your connection has been cancelled, in which case it might be better to stay on the train to Brighton and change there: your ticket will be valid).

The YHA cafe is a possible tea stop at Southease but it closes at 4pm. After that time you may be able to get hot drinks from the YHA reception. Or you could break your journey (allowed on the return leg) at Lewes and search for refreshments there.

Extensions to the walk:

- The "main walk" goes along the River Ouse from Southease to Lewes, a distance of 4 miles. This is idyllic or monotonous depending on your frame of mind, but on a sunny evening could be rather nice. Trains back from Lewes are at 16 and 54 past the hour until 19.54, then 20.54, 21.54 and 22.40

- Or you can carry on from Southease to Saltdean, a seaside suburb of Brighton where a (probably somewhat chilly) sea swim might be possible. To do this you need to have the directions for Book 2, walk 24. This also adds 4 miles or so to the walk. You get a bus from Saltdean to Brighton station. A day return to Lewes is valid for return from Brighton.

- Lastly there is a Lewes to Berwick option on the website - see here, that goes along the base of the downs from West Firle passing Charleston Farmhouse, where the Bloomsbury Group lived and which you can visit, and Berwick church that the group decorated (free). This is only a mile or so longer than the main walk. ie 11 miles. You travel back from Berwick (trains at 17 past the hour), changing at Lewes or Brighton, and will need a day return to Berwick (Sussex).

  • 23-Jun-16

    Not sure what the mud factor is on this walk but huge thunderstorms down this way last night so some 'goo' might be expected in parts.

  • Ian T

    As the “Berwick One” who only met the others for about 20 minutes in a popular hostelry, I am probably the least qualified to comment. But seeing as no-one else has, here goes.

    They tell me 15 got off the train at Lewes plus 1 free spirit starting at Glynde (that’s me) so 16

    Weather was changeable cloudy some sun ominous rumbles from the sky on occasion but no rain to speak of

    Not boggy underfoot on the Berwick section. The Ram was friendly and seemed to please. Seem more organised than in the old days.

    I can’t tell you how many finished at Southease cos I wasn’t there.

    Meanwhile, the Berwick One got followed by a herd of baby bulls. (Turn round and they stop, continue walking they start again. We’ve all played that game). Thankfully, they gave up after a couple of fields. Alciston church was open – a first for me- but (sorry) not all that interesting inside. A quick "half" in the Cricketers then took the longer finish to Berwick. Got there just as the rain started.

Mr M Tiger
Lewes to Berwick
Book 2 walk 25 + download
Length: About 17.5km (11 miles), Toughness: 7/10
Can be shortened by 5km (3.1 miles) and turned into a 4/10 by starting at Glynde.

One of my favourite walks visiting two of my favourite pubs. The morning takes you over the downs, through Glynde, and on to lunch in the characterful Ram Inn in West Firle, a pretty flintstone village.
St Peters church in West Firle has a Piper window.
The afternoon takes you past Charleston Farmhouse (01323 811 265) and Berwick Church, both lavishly decorated by members of the Bloomsbury Group.
Charleston Farmhouse costs £11 for the whole visit or £4.50 for the garden only. There may be reductions for walkers.
The church, reached later, is free and open at most times.
Get a day return to Berwick (Sussex). The "Sussex" bit is important.
For the Lewes start.
Get the 09:47 Ore train from Victoria (Clapham Jct 09:53), arriving Lewes at 10:48.
For the easier start at Glynde, you have several choices.
The Ore train calls at Glynde today, so you could just stay on the 09:47 till the next stop.
However, the 10:47 from Victoria reaches Glynde at 11:54. The Lewes starters would be passing through just about then.
It is also possible to travel via Brighton. Get to Glynde for 11:29 by taking the 10:06 from Victoria to Brighton (Clapham Junction 10:12) then, from Brighton, the 11:12 Ashford train.
Trains back from Berwick are at xx:41, changing at Brighton.
The Ram Inn,West Firle 01273 858222
You could also stop at the Trevor Arms in Glynde 01273 858208 but the Ram's my favourite, OK?
Charleston Farmhouse has a tea shop, which is accessible without entry fee.
The Cricketers Arms, Berwick 01323 870 469, is another of my favourites, and "open all day, every day". They do tea and they have a nice garden. They have a (not immediately obvious) selection of cask ales behind the bar. You still have a 2 or 3 km.walk to Berwick station, so allow time to reach it. If taking the shorter route to the station, the cycleway to the left of the road is quieter.
There’s also the Berwick Inn 01323 870018, near the station, which has a pleasant garden.
Directions: You need two things:
For the morning, you need the directions for Book 2 walk 25, "Lewes via West Firle Circular".
For the afternoon you need the directions for “Lewes to Berwick option”
Both available here
  • Ian T

    11 on this walk. 8 from Lewes, 2 who accidentally stayed on till Glynde but worthily backtracked up Mount Caburn to meet the others, and 1 lazy so and so off the later train to Glynde. A Mr Tiger, I think his name was.

    starting cloudy overcast a bit damp but hot and sunny later . A dismal rainy unpromising start in London turned dry for the morning with blue skies and hot sun from 2.

    Most had brought lunch but some ate at the Ram – the Trevor, apparently was packed.

    No-one stopped at Charleston as far as I know.

    The Cricketers‘ tea disappointed – one teabag in a pot for two, I’m told. But I can vouch for the beer. And the garden is still nice.

    16:41 home.

Sat, 09-May-15 : Saturday First Walk ?
Book 2 Walk 25 Lewes Circular (Via West Firle)
14.5 miles (23.3Km) at the very most but plenty of options to shorten it
7 out of 10
OS Landranger 198 OS Explorer 122 &123

OS map with route on it here

Get the 09.46 from Victoria ( Clapham Junction 09.53 ) arriving at Lewes at 10.56
Direct trains back from Lewes at XX.52 and several indirect ones
Get a return to Lewes unless that is that you want to start from Glynde

Some of you may want to take the train to Glynde from Lewes at the beginning which cuts 5 Km from the walk and also saves you from doing the steep hill from Lewes to Glynde
Leaving Lewes at 11.09 (probably from Platform 3) arriving Glynde at 11.14 (those who are walking this bit should arrive here around 12.00)

The route passes by the farmers market at Cliffe High St in Lewes which is open from 09.00 to 13.00

This is three walks in one really so there are a couple of alternative endings, best check out the walk directions ( in book 2 )
but you can bail out after 5 Km at Glynde Station,
or at Southease Station after 16.8 Km
or there is
which reduces the walk to 11 miles

According to the updates the Piper stained glass in Firle church is gloriously bright in sunshine
here is a pic

is at The Ram ( http://www.raminn.co.uk/food/ 01273858222 ) and the menu looks great

Cricketers pub in Berwick ( 01323 870469 http://www.cricketersberwick.co.uk/food-menu/ )

in Lewes take your pick as there are quite a few

More background on the walk here