Thames Path: Westminster to Greenwich via the south bank Walk

The Thames path through central London, past Tower Bridge and the regenerating East End, to historic Greenwich.


This is a list of previous times this walk has been done by the club (since Jan 2010). For more recent events (since April 2015), full details are shown.

Date Option Post # Weather
Thu, 16-Nov-23 An Evening Dawdle Along the Thames (Westminster to London Bridge) 7 dry
Fri, 30-Dec-22 b Evening Walk - Farewell to 2022 Evening Walks: Deptford to London Bridge or shorter 7 dry and warm
Wed, 26-Jan-22 Thames Path - Westminster to Greenwich: a mid-week temporary respite from the mud 8 overcast conditions which turned beautifully sunny in the afternoon
Fri, 26-Nov-21 Black Friday Evening Walk: Taming the Thames from London Bridge to Greenwich 11 cold clear conditions with occaisional wind gusts
Thu, 15-Oct-20 Evening Walk: London Bridge to Greenwich along the Thames Path 11 most dry conditions
Sat, 30-Nov-19 Westminster to Greenwich 8 bright and clear with good views and a keen Easterly breeze
Thu, 24-Oct-19 a Evening Walk - Thames Path: London Bridge to Greenwich (Bermondsey, Rotherhithe, Deptford) 13 dry
Sat, 29-Dec-18 North Greenwich to London Bridge - a wander along the Thames Path "Sowth of the River" 14 cloudy and mild
Fri, 23-Nov-18 b Black Friday 2 For 1 Special Offer: Scandinavian Christmas Market plus Bermondsey Beer Mile 22 dank and grey
Thu, 19-Jul-18 a Evening Walk - Thames Path: London Bridge to Greenwich (Bermondsey, Rotherhithe, Deptford) 14 warm and slightly cloudy
Wed, 23-Dec-15 Mid-week day walk - The Thames Path 12 sunny and mild

Thursday 16-Nov-23

Evening Walk SWC 245: Westminster to London Bridge t=swc.245
Meet: 18:30 at the Westminster Tube Station (just outside the exit across the street from Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament with Westminster Bridge to the left when looking at Big Ben).
End: London Bridge -- Tube/Mainline Station
Distance: Approximately 2 miles
This is a short easy evening saunter along the South Bank of the Thames. Take your time perusing and enjoying the sights and sounds of the annual Southbank Christmas Market! More information about the route can be found here.
Refreshment stalls and opportunities are plentiful as are various hostelries near London Bridge for a post walk meal and/or drink.
Have fun!
  • Fri, 17-Nov-23

    7 of us met at Westminister station , and walked along the south bank to London Bridge. It was an enjoyable stroll and hot mulled wine taken in by some along the way.

    The weather was dry, and a fun time was had by all.

    The walk could have gone on for ever as the building work by Southwark bridge meant that we could have gone round and round forever. As the lack of signs brought confusion. However we were intelligent enough to find a way forward.

    Six of us went in the very busy, as pretty well always, Market Porter in Borough Market (9th best pub in London), and I enjoyed three pints of the Portobello breweries Market Porter beer. Some of us had a small meal.

  • Fri, 17-Nov-23

    7 dry

    Gavin your “9th best pub” comment sounds very definite - do you have an authoritative source?

Friday 30-Dec-22

Length: up to 8.8 km (5.5 mi)
Ascent/Descent: none
Net Walking Time: up to 2 hrs
Bailouts : frequent bus lines are never more than a few hundred metres away; also nearly passed: Rotherhithe Overground, Bermondsey Underground.
Take the 18.17 Gravesend train from Cannon Street (18.22 London Bridge), arrives Deptford at 18.28.
See the year out in style with another glorified pub crawl along the Thames. Immediately out of the station in Deptford, there is the Taproom SE8 in the Market Yard, we then turn left down the High Street past the Job Centre to hit the Thames Path by the legendary Dog & Bell. Then some walking will be necessary to get to Rotherhithe with The Blacksmiths, the Salt Quay, The Mayflower and The Angel.
The Old Justice on Bermondsey Wall East has just been saved from being turned into flats and been brought back to life as a pub after quite a few years but is still awaiting a tenant to take it on, so on to London Bridge for a Farewell to the 2022 evening walks.
This is notionally a shortened-at-both-ends version of SWC 245, but in reverse...

Should you really require walk directions, map, and gpx/kml files, click here . T=swc.245.b

  • Fri, 30-Dec-22

    3 off the train, met by a local SWCer at the exit, and the 4 were then apprehended by a 5th (also a local) at the Evelyn Street/Deptford High Street junction. Together we moved on to The Dog & Bell for a first stop, then to The Blacksmiths' Arms for a second (Live Music!). There had beeen a short sharp shower while I waited at LBG for the train, but that fizzled out by the time we started to walk, but then - and for the rest of the walk - it was dry and warm and with very clear air.

    On we went to The Mayflower, where we knew two others were waiting, having walked in from Canada Water tube. Another drink then, and more conversation, after which two said goodbye (1 for the bus back to SE8, 1 for the Overground across the river).

    In Bermondsey we turned left off the river towards The Gregorian for a last sip, although 1 of the 5 remaining skipped that and went straight for the tube. A very fine conclusion to the 2022 Evening Walk Season. 7

Wednesday 26-Jan-22

SWC 245 - Thames Path - Westminster to Greenwich via the South Bank

Length: 13 km (8 miles) Option to extend should you wish - see Directions
Toughness: 1 out of 10 All on pavement or hard surfaces Suggest you wear trainers, not walking boots
Meeting Point
In front of the former County Hall, just below the steps down from Westminster Bridge, on the South Bank of The Thames, opposite what used to be a Pret cafe, now an un-named cafe on your right, some 100 metres south of the London Eye - at 11am.
Alternative joining points: at Waterloo or London Bridge - see Directions
Greenwich to Central London: Docklands Light Railway, overground, Jubilee Line (having taken the Greenwich foot tunnel) but suggestion: Thames clipper riverboat service - Uber boats - from Greenwich, for a relaxing journey back to County Hall (with stops before and after).
I've had the anticipated bumper mailbag response to my request for winter walk ideas, but unlike "Mornington Crescent", my one response is not from Mrs Trellis in Wales but from one of our regulars. To give me time to consider this avalanche of ideas, I'm taking time out to post a respite from the mud, for just one week: the idea is to complement Sean's walk on Sunday, from Westminster to Putney. Should you do both Thames Path walks, along pavement and hard standing all the way, you should be more than up for a country walk the following week, with a return to a softer footbed and a soupçon of mud for good measure. Don't tell me Sean and I don't spoil you............
Enough of the twaddle: today's walk is actually very enjoyable, and educational at times. It starts on the South Bank in tourist territory, as you pass the London Eye, the National Theatre, Tate Modern, the "Wobbly" Bridge, The Globe Theatre, Southwark Cathedral, London Bridge, Hays Galleria, HMS Belfast, "Ken's Wigwam" then Tower Bridge.
The nature of the walk now changes as you leave the madding crowds behind you. It becomes almost Dickensian as you pass through a number of wharfs as you enter Bermondsey and Rotherhithe. I suggest we soon stop at either the Angel pub or the Mayflower pub for lunch: there are plenty of spots on the river for picnickers.
Onwards then as The Thames Path continues in front of yuppy blocks of flats, hugging the riverfront. Note the contrast between these expensive late 1980s flats and the 1930s London County Council flats opposite them on the other side of the road, with physical and psychological barriers (some real, some perceived) separating them.
The walk continues through a hotel complex then alongside Surrey Docks Farm, with a tea room and public WCs. Next up is Greenland Dock and Deptford Wharf. You come to Pepys Estate where you turn inland for a while before returning to the riverfront by a boatyard just before the statue of Peter the Great. You next pass the entrance to the Greenwich Foot Tunnel, then the Cutty Sark, and you are in Greenwich. It's now up to you how you wish to continue on the walk or return home - you have a nice choice.
Walk Directions: just keep the River Thames on your left all day, and follow the waymarks for the Thames Path, but for those who like to follow written Directions, they are here: L=swc.245
  • Wed, 26-Jan-22

    I ducked out at The Dog and Bell, in Deptford.

  • Wed, 26-Jan-22

    8 of us today, for this mud-free inner London walk, and very enjoyable too, and a nice change from our usual country walks.

    We set out along the Embankment in overcast conditions which turned beautifully sunny in the afternoon , and not too cold, either: good winter walking conditions.

    After a little over an hour 's walking we stopped for lunch at the Mayflower pub, where four of us had lunch and the rest had refreshments on the pub's front balcony, overlooking the river. In recognition of Burns night, haggis was on the menu, and very good it was, too.

    After lunch, our two younger walkers felt obliged to leave us and return to work - being retired has its merits. But good of them to come along for the morning: we enjoyed their company.

    We stopped at the City farm to observe the residents - the goats were frisky, the sheep sleepy, but not much else was going on. Onwards then through the inland bit in Deptford - where Gavin, per his comment, stopped for a tincture. On reaching Greenwich two continued on the walk to North Greenwich, where presumably they took the Jubilee line back to Central London. That left the remaining three of us to take refreshments in the Gipsy Moth pub, before we took the Uber Thames Clipper catamaran back to Central London - a treat.

    Back home, it made a pleasant change to take off the day's footwear and not be faced with a mud cleaning job.

    Next week - back to country walking proper.

Friday 26-Nov-21

Black Friday Evening: Taming the Thames from London Bridge to Greenwich t=swc.245

Distance: Approximately 6.2 miles or 10 km for those more metrically minded

Difficulty: 1 out of 10

Meet: 18:30 at exit to London Bridge Mainline Station across from Hays Galleria

Return: Greenwich DLR, mainline train or Thames Clipper

This is an easy and varied walk along the south side of the Thames. It passes from iconic London landmarks, such as the Tower and Dickensian wharfs reminiscent of Oliver Twist, through quieter areas of Rotherhithe (where the Mayflower famously made a stop before setting across the seas) and Deptford before reaching Greenwich. Along the way are plenty of historic refreshment points, such as the Angel, the Mayflower and the Dog and Bell….Spoiled for choice!

Additionally, tonight we will be treated to festive fayre from the Christmas by the River market!

Navigation is easy, just keep river on your left and follow the Thames Path markers. More information about the route can be found here.

Enjoy the walk!

  • Sat, 27-Nov-21

    9 assembled at the appointed meeting place and set off promptly to the Thames Path through Hays Galleria. As promised the Thames Path was festooned with Christmas market stalls offering a variety of trinkets and refreshments. To my knowledge no one paid custom to any of the vendors. We were soon caught up by late starting number 10....Leaving the hustle and bustle of London behind we carried on through Rotherhithe admiring fine views back to Tower Bridge in the crisp sharp air and some riverside sculptures. On we went passing the Angel and the Mayflower where we picked up number 11. Next up was Deptford where at last we stopped to quench our growing thirst at the Dog and Bell, a fine pub with a wonderful selection of ales. As it was rather busy and the only space available was an unheated outdoor table, we limited our visit to one delicious pint and moved on to Greenwich for further nourishment. In Greenwich, a number headed straight home while 5 tried a new and overpriced Turkish grill, having struck out at the thai and Bill's.....An enjoyable outing in cold clear conditions with occaisional wind gusts .

Thursday 15-Oct-20

Thames Path: London Bridge to Greenwich

Distance: 6 miles or 10 km for those more metrically minded t=swc.245
Difficulty: 1 out of 10
Meet: London Bridge Station, Tooley Street exit across from Hays Galleria (also, in front of the Shipwrights Arms)
Time: 18:30 – but if you miss our departure, you can certainly catch us up along the way…
Finish: Greenwich DLR, mainline train or Clipper service, take your pick
This segment of the Thames Path makes for an enjoyable evening outing along the river with the lights of the city aglow. It starts with the bustle of an urban center, but soon becomes much quieter…The route is all on pavements and reasonably well lit – so should not pose a problem in low light…. Plenty of historic (and not so historic) refreshment points along the way, including the Angel, the Mayflower and the Dog and Bell…then a variety of venues in Greenwich….. If only there is time to try them all before 10pm....
More information and the instructions can be found here.
Enjoy the walk!
  • Fri, 16-Oct-20

    8 assembled outside London Bridge more or less on 6 set-off promptly leaving 2 to wait for a late arrival...The lead group stopped at the historic Mayflower for a drink on their patio....while the second group passed us up and stopped at one of the later watering holes....where we then passed Deptford, we bumped into one more who waited to join the second group....In Greenwich, the first group managed to just scrap into an evening meal at the Old enjoy possibly one of the last indoor group meals for a a total of 11 in most dry conditions . The night sky along the river was fabulous with the City and CW lights....the tide very low...and the fox count very high...

Saturday 30-Nov-19

Mike A
I've had several requests for a walk from mud averse walkers, so here is a shortish jaunt along a southern section of the Thames Path from Westminster to Greenwich

Length 8 miles (13 km)
Toughness 1 out of 10

Getting there

Westminster underground station is served by TFL's Jubilee, District and Circle lines. There are also many bus routes through the area.
Meet at the exit of the Underground Station's ticket hall (with the Houses of Parliament opposite) for 10:30 am

Getting back

Catch a DLR from Greenwich which has many connections with the tube network, alternatively, stroll up to Greenwich mainline station with connections to Deptford and London Bridge and to Rainham in Kent


An Oyster Card covering your starting zone and zones 1 and 2.


An easy flat walk on footpaths. This walk initially crosses Westminster Bridge turning left onto the Southbank to pass the London Eye and generally follows the river (on the left) to Greenwich. The suggested Lunch stop is the Mayflower Pub in Rotherhithe which should be reached shortly after midday.


  • Tony
    Sun, 01-Dec-19

    I'm going to suggest 8 added their marks to the day's social canvass, with 5 tackling the full route, 1 starting early (to snare a rabbit at Borough Market) and finishing at lunch, my good self joining at London Bridge and a well known regular (perhaps a local?) popping in to sample a pie at lunchtime (at the Mayflower - delicious even if the maître d' was a little firm).

    The weather was bright and clear with good views and a keen Easterly breeze . As we approached our destination we could see the Cutty Sark from some distance away.

    Thames Path closures and diversions kept us on our toes but we made it to Greenwich in good time to sample the hot desserts in the 'Spoons and, for those with more time to make a day of it, had a quick look around Greenwich Market.

    There was no mud-larking and no mud underfoot.

    Overall just enough walking was had to justify the calorie intake.

    Thanks to Mike for posting this interesting urban walk.

  • Anonymous
    Sun, 01-Dec-19

    Rats - looks like I should have kept going to sample some deserts

Thursday 24-Oct-19

Length: 10.0 km (6.2 mi)
Net Walking Time: 2 ½ hrs
Meet: main Tooley Street exit of London Bridge Mainline Station, opposite Hay’s Galleria (i.e. not the tube station exit) at 18.15 hours.
Finish is at Cutty Sark DLR or at Greenwich Mainline station.
Drop-out points just off route: plenty of bus stops, Bermondsey Underground, Rotherhithe and Surrey Quays Overground, Deptford Mainline.
This walk along the Thames Path passes the HMS Belfast, Tower Bridge and riverside pubs and restaurants. It then changes, as you leave the touristy section, and becomes quieter in nature, passing through residential areas with reminders of the areas’ industrial heritage, Dickensian in places. The contrast between the modern apartment blocks with riverside frontages, and the LCC 1920s blocks of flats on the other side of the road (away from the riverfront) is of interest to sociologists. 80% of the walk is along riverside paths (with views back to the City), 20% consists of short detours around riverfront buildings. It ends in Royal Greenwich. Throughout there are views across the Thames.
Navigation is easy - keep the river on your left-hand-side and follow Thames Path signposts and discs.
Eat/Drink: lots of choice en route and in Greenwich.
For walk directions , map, photos, and gpx/kml files click here. T=swc.245.a
  • Thu, 24-Oct-19

    Whose planning to go this evening? Gavin

  • Anonymous
    Thu, 24-Oct-19

    at least 1

  • Thu, 24-Oct-19

    After lots of heavy rain, the walk was entirely dry (from above).

    12 assembled at LBG, 1 other joined at The Angel pub on Bermondsey/Rotherhithe borders: 13. We 'lost' 2 at The Mayflower (where we had a 15 minute break), as they decided to have dinner there, and then lost 1 other later on to a right turn to Surrey Quays Overground. Of the remaining 10, 9 went for a meal at the end of the walk in Greenwich at The Old Brewery.

    The City, the Tower of London, Tower Bridge, even Canary Wharf looked resplendent in the evening lights, the paths were adequately lit and - apart from some groups of weed-smoking youth - there were no irritating or scary encounters.

    All in, a very fine ending to this year's (summer) evening walk season.

Saturday 29-Dec-18

The Greenwich Peninsular, Greenwich, Rotherhithe, Shadwell and the Pool of London

How to get there:
Catch a Jubilee line tube or appropriate bus to North Greenwich tube station.
What tickets to buy:
Use your Oyster card or buy a ticket that covers your starting zone, zone 1 and North Greenwich tube which is in Zone 2+3.
Meeting point and time:
The main station atrium at the top of the station escalators for 10:30 am.

Walk Options:
T here are three drop out points on this walk, so if you're planning to take up walking in the New Year, or you are a regular walker, there should be an option here that suits you.

  • North Greenwich to Greenwich Town 5 km (DLR station)
  • North Greenwich to Surrey Docks Farm 9 km (C10 bus to Rotherhithe)
  • North Greenwich to Rotherhithe 12 km (Overground station)
  • North Greenwich to London Bridge 15 km (Tube and National Rail)

If the London Bridge option doesn't cut the mustard, you can continue along the South Bank to the Tate Modern where there are free exhibitions by Christian Marclay (The Clock) and Jenny Holzer (Artist Rooms)
Walk highlights:
The walks starts by circling the Greenwich Peninsular alongside the O2 arena where there is artwork by Antony Gormley (Quantum Cloud), Gary Hume (Liberty Grip), Richard Wilson ( A Slice of Reality) and an interesting piece on the Greenwich Meridian Line by Thomas & Graighead (Here) to exercise your brain cells.
There is a small diversion as the walk approaches Greenwich which takes walkers past the The Old Royal Naval College Chapel of Sts. Peter and Paul. Well worth a visit if time permits, The Painted Hall, Old Royal Naval College opposite will re-open in March 2019 and that too will be well worth a visit then. You may find other points of interest in the TFL guide (see the link below)

Lunch Options:
If you are intending to end the walk at Greenwich, there are a good selection of pubs, food stalls in Greenwich Market, the Tai Won Mein noodle bar and many more establishments.
Further on there is:
The Piccalilli cafe at Surrey Docks Farm at 9 km.
The Mayflower t: 020 7237 4088 at 12 km (about three hours into the walk) so you may wish to book a table for 1:30 - 2:00 pm there
The route:
Leave the station following signage to the O2, but keep straight and slightly to the right towards Wagamama. Turn right here and continue alongside some parkland on your right for about 160 metres until you reach Edmund Halley Way. Turn left here and pass the Emirates Airline on the right until you reach Olympian Way. Turn left here keeping the river on your right. In about 150 metres the Quantum Cloud Sculpture can be seen on the right.
Generally, you now "keep the river on the right" as you walk towards the City of London.
However there are sections where you need to divert inland and these are detailed in the GPX route. There are also many Thames Path signs to assist too. Bear in mind this is an ever changing landscape so be on the lookout for recent alterations to the route.

TFL's Thames Path Booklet may be downloaded Here

The GPX route (helpful) may be downloaded Here

  • Anonymous
    Sat, 29-Dec-18

    Thank you to Mike for posting and leading us on this walk,

    very atmospheric.

  • Sat, 29-Dec-18

    14 on this urban Thameside ramble. I have walked this area for over 30 years and the transformation from 1980s ruined industrial landscapes to bright modernist buildings/urban dystopia (delete as appropriate) is startling.

    With the tide out there were a few shoreline mudlarks and dectectorists out and on the route itself artwork to enjoy and information notices to peruse.

    One SWC stalwart recovering from an Xmas illness stopped at Greenwich where we had popped into a gallery. 10 of us went on to the Surrey Docks Farm where the cafe is now sadly permanently closed. Here the group took an er... faster mode of transport than Shanks's pony to reach the splendidly atmospheric Mayflower pub. I was 80% sure there was another pub not bfar away en route so I walked on and I was right. I had a solo lunch at the Blacksmiths Arms and then met up with the others at the Mayflower. Here most ended their walk whilst 3 of us walked on with 2 having a quick snifter in the Angel before continuing on to Tower Hill and London Bridge (me) for the journey home.

    A grand half-day out and it was lovely to meet up with and chat with some old SWC salts. Weather cloudy and mild .

Friday 23-Nov-18

SWC 245 in reverse and with amended routing – Greenwich to Rotherhithe or South Bermondsey or London Bridge
Length: up to 10.0 km (6.2 mi)
Net Walking Time: up to 2 ½ hrs
Take the 12.35 train from Cannon Street (12.38 London Bridge), arrives Greenwich at 12.47 hours; or meet up with the group 5 mins later at Cutty Sark DLR.
Finish is at Rotherhithe Overground (Hi & Is to West Croydon/Crystal Palace/New Cross) or at South Bermondsey or London Bridge stations (on the Beer Mile extension).
This walk is a special pre-Christmas walk that combines a Thames side walk from Greenwich to Rotherhithe with a visit to the Scandinavian Christmas Market on Albion Street (turn left just before The Mayflower pub) between the Finnish and Norwegian Churches (the market is open 12.00-19.00 today, and also over the weekend).
An optional extension then follows through Southwark Park to South Bermondsey where we will join the Bermondsey Beer Mile – a collection of small breweries mainly under the railway arches between South Bermondsey and London Bridge stations. Here is a short route description of the extension: Continue a short distance along the Thames Path, then through King's Stairs Gardens and Southwark Park to the Fourpure Brewing Company. This is the start of the Bermondsey Beer Mile.

A map (and further links to more detailed maps of the Beer Mile) can be found here (scroll down to bottom of linked page). For those not wanting to imbibe, South Bermondsey Station is nearby for trains back to London Bridge.
Idea & Concept: John P, SWC Representative for Borough & Bankside
Administrative Assistance: Thomas G, SWC Representative for Bermondsey & Old Southwark
The walk will be led (the SWC does not have leaders, how many more times do I have to say this? – ed.) by the local SWC Representatives and we’ll attempt to rope in one or other volunteer who might know the Beer Mile even better.
Eat/Drink: Stalls on the Xmas Market, or The Mayflower or The Ship in Rotherhithe. Then the micro-breweries on the Beer Mile.
For map , photos, and gpx/kml files click here . T=swc.245.b
  • Anonymous
    Tue, 20-Nov-18

    Is there an option to skip the walk and go straight for the beer? Richard

  • Tue, 20-Nov-18

    'tis the SWC, you can do what you like, when you like! but we'll be there ca. 16.00 hours...

  • Sandy
    Wed, 21-Nov-18

    for reasons which will become apparent i won't be able to do any full-day walks for a while but may be up for some or all of this - just to clarify did you mean you'd be at the mayflower for 1600 or the start of the beer mile?

  • John P
    Wed, 21-Nov-18

    I think Thomas is referring to the time that we should arrive at the first stop on the Beer Mile – Fourpure Brewery (though it may be a bit later than 4 pm).

    If you would like to join us anywhere along the way, including those wishing to join us after work, I am happy to send you my mobile number so that you can call and check where we are.

    Please send an email to john_c_powell AT Hotmail DOT com and I will send you my number. Additionally, if you are on WhatsApp, please send through your mobile number and I’ll set up a WhatsApp group to which I’ll endeavour to send out updates each time we move from one brewery to the next.

  • Thu, 22-Nov-18

    Post now updated with a link to a map of the Beer Mile. As clear from that map: anyone wanting to join for just the 'socialising' part of the walk (the drinking), pls make your way to Bermondsey South station and from there to Fourpure Brewery as per the map.

  • Sandy
    Thu, 22-Nov-18

    thanks thomas and john - i've already got your number john. i may go to canada water and try to intercept you around the mayflower, if i don' make it to the start.

  • Thu, 22-Nov-18

    (Unofficial SWC Representative for Pimlico & Belgravia, part time)

    A map tracing a suggested route for the SWC Bermondsey Beer Mile stroll, from the Southwark Park exit to the Southwark Brewing Company, can be found here. (The map seems to work well in Google Maps on my Android phone.)

    The route passes 9 breweries / brewery taps which will be open on Friday (and are listed in the directions), plus a distibutor, a bottle shop, a cidery & various other establishments (which are not listed due to constraints of space). From Southwark Park to Southwark Brewing Co it is a total staggering distance of some 2.4 miles (3.9 km)!

    The first brewery - Four Pure Brewing Company - opens at midday, but the next few don't open until 5pm. The final destination, Southwark Brewing Co, closes at 10pm. Those needing something substantial to eat en route may be interested in Bone Daddies which is close to UBrew (the sixth brewery tap we get to) on the Old Jamaica Business Estate.

    Happy staggering!

  • Fri, 23-Nov-18

    5 off the train at Greenwich, a further 6 met at Cutty Sark DLR, and 5 stragglers who must have been on the next train/DLR, as they caught up with us pretty quickly. So 16 on the walk to Rotherhithe, about 12 of which had lunch at The Mayflower, the rest went straight to the Xmas market 2 mins away. A shoulder-injured walker joined us at the pub, 2 others joined up at the Xmas market, and a further 3 met the Beer Mile walkers (just more than half of the original 16 plus teh joiners) at one of the first two breweries. So, 22 walked in total, at least some substantial part of the posted route, in dank and grey weather.

    The food at The Mayflower was to everyone's happiness, as were the various food and drink offerings at the Scandi Xmas market. Lots of other wares on offer there, if you haven't been: it's on 'til Sunday.

    We crossed Sothwark Park and made our way through South Bermondsey, but finding the Fourpure Brewery involved going deeper into a dark industrial estate than one would have liked to, but the brewery arches themselves are a sight to behold. And warm! And well frequented. And with about 20 different (keg) beers on sale, in thirds of a pint. And with some food options. We stayed there for quite a while, then moved on to Partizan Brewery, which - in contrast - was near empty and cold. And on the crowd went to the next site. They're probably still going...

Thursday 19-Jul-18

Length: 10.0 km (6.2 mi)
Net Walking Time: 2 ½ hrs
Drop-out points: Rotherhithe and Deptford stations, just off route.
Meet: Tooley Street exit of London Bridge Underground Station (i.e. not the mainline station exit) at 18.30 hours.
Finish is at Cutty Sark DLR or at Greenwich Mainline station.
This walk along the Thames Path passes the HMS Belfast, Tower Bridge and riverside pubs and restaurants. It then changes, as you leave the touristy section, and becomes quieter in nature, passing through residential areas ('riverside living') with reminders of the areas industrial heritage, Dickensian in places. The contrast between the modern apartment blocks with riverside frontages, and the LCC 1920s blocks of flats on the other side of the road (away from the riverfront) is of interest to sociologists. 80% of the walk is along riverside paths (with views back to the city), 20% consists of short detours around riverfront buildings. It ends in Royal Greenwich. Throughout there are views across the Thames.
Navigation is easy - keep the river on your left-hand-side and follow Thames Path signposts and discs.
Eat/Drink: lots of choice en route and in Greenwich.
For walk directions , map, photos, and gpx/kml files click here . T=swc.245.a
  • Fri, 20-Jul-18

    13 plus a latecomer who never caught up so 14 on this warm and slightly cloudy evening. The group managed to stay together as it passed the hustle and bustle of the footpaths along the pool of London and shad Thames gradually leaving the madding crowds behind as they travelled east towards Rotherhithe. An enormous ocean going yacht called the "Aviva" was spotted moored and apparently belonging to Joe Lewis (who also owns Spurs).

    Looking back towards the City, a new pointy building was also spotted, newly arisen and just to the right of the Walkie Talkie.

    The pacemakers pressed on but held their speed to sub-light values so those without seven league boots (moi) could keep up. Some took light liquid refreshment at The Angel and viewed the Moated Manor House opposite. No sign of the latecomer so the group continued passing "The Mayflower" at Rotherhithe and on to Greenwich. Keen path watchers spotted the Thames path appeared to go through the lobby of a hotel - more on this later I'm sure.

    On the final approach to the Cutty Sark a refreshing breeze revived spirits and a red evening sun sunk towards the City of London Skyline. Here the group split some visiting The Sail Loft and others heading for The Gate Clock (Wetherspoons) and the Tai Won Mein Noodle bar.

    All in all, a great evening walk and stress buster.

Wednesday 23-Dec-15

The Thames Path - Greenwich to the Tate Modern

The Greenwich Peninsular, O2 dome with views of Docklands. Tower Bridge, London Bridge and a Christmas Market at the Tate Modern

Book 3* Walk 245 (In reverse with a minor extension to the Tate Modern)

* on-line only
Length : 14 km or 8½ miles

Toughness : 1 out of 10

Getting there : Catch the Jubilee Line to North Greenwich (or any suitable bus, or the Emirates Chair lift etc.)

Meeting point : Top of the escalators at North Greenwich Tube Station for 11:00 am

Tickets : Buy a suitable Oyster card to cover zones 1, 2 and your starting zone. (if you have not already got one.)

Brief Description

An easy pre Christmas stroll "sauth of the river" along the Thames Path.
This has a good chance of being mud free, so no need for walking boots, gaiters, survival bags etc.
The walk continues past London Bridge (the end point) and passes the Clink Prison and Bills Restaurant arriving at the Tate Modern where there is a Christmas Market.

Christmas Market at Tate Modern

You may find full details of the walk here, but basically it's "keep the river on the right"

Walkers are encouraged to wear Christmas apparel such as Santa hats, Christmas jumpers, Antler hats, white beards, well you get the idea.

Suggested Lunch stop

Mayflower Pub t: 020 7237 4088
The Pub says booking is essential at this time of year, so I've booked a table for 8 at 1:00pm.
If you'd like to be one of the eight, may I ask you to email me at "arthur_at_quitenear_dot_me" (suitable emailified) - first come first served!)

Suggested Tea stops

So many choices! I suggest folks make a decision on the day.


Returning home

Lots of possibilities here which include ...

  1. Go back to London Bridge
  2. Cross the Millennium Bridge and jump on a tube at St. Pauls.
  3. Carry on along the South Bank to Blackfriars or Waterloo

  • Wed, 23-Dec-15

    12 on this walk with the weather sunny and mild . Four of us - myself included- just missed the main group who had set off promptly from North Greenwich tube station. Whilst I set off the short distance to the Thames path to start the circuit around the 02 with the Thames to my right the three others set off on a radical alternative route across the peninsula where heroically two of them achieved SWC immortality by managing to cross the Blackwall Tunnel Approach road. One sadly could not make it across and retraced her steps to head home. (These sarf Landoners eh!).

    We eventually all met up near Greenwich (minus one) and walked on to the pub where the walks inspector was already installed and saving our pre-booked table. (He and a companion had also taken a less fraught "peninsula route" claiming the lack of clear signage to the Thames path at the station had left him a bit confused! as to the correct direction. Just head towards the cable cars I say - after all they are crossing the Thames......)

    The pub was superb. I particularly enjoyed a fruit crumble - one of the best I have tasted. After a relaxed lunch we ambled the remaining 3km to the Millenium Bridge where we went our separate ways. (Oh did I mention the walk was actually about 4km longer than specified because we did not factor in the distance from the tube station to Greenwich Cutty Sark!)

    A great and for some an adventurous day out with SWC regulars and this walk or a shorter version of it would make a lovely evening stroll. Finally thanks to Mike for posting it and booking the table. Happy Xmas all.