Loughton to Epping Walk
The ancient woodland of Epping Forest within Zone 6
Add your photos to the SWC Group on Flickr, and tag them:

Loughton Camp, Epping Forest
Jul-14 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk197, swcwalks, walkicon 6040053995816352482 P
Longhorn Cattle, Copped Hall Park
Jul-14 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk197, swcwalks, walkicon 6040054228417241218 P

Jan-24 • hikinginlondon on Flickr
eppingforestexplorers eppingtrails2024 discovereppingforest eppingforesthike eppingnaturalbeauty walkingepping eppingadventure eppingforestviews eppingwoodswalk eppingforestjourney eppingforest swcwalk197 hikinginlondon 53469468216

Jan-24 • hikinginlondon on Flickr
eppingforestexplorers eppingtrails2024 discovereppingforest eppingforesthike eppingnaturalbeauty walkingepping eppingadventure eppingforestviews eppingwoodswalk eppingforestjourney eppingforest swcwalk197 hikinginlondon 53469789274

Jan-24 • hikinginlondon on Flickr
eppingforestexplorers eppingtrails2024 discovereppingforest eppingforesthike eppingnaturalbeauty walkingepping eppingadventure eppingforestviews eppingwoodswalk eppingforestjourney eppingforest swcwalk197 hikinginlondon 53469612623

Jan-24 • hikinginlondon on Flickr
eppingforestexplorers eppingtrails2024 discovereppingforest eppingforesthike eppingnaturalbeauty walkingepping eppingadventure eppingforestviews eppingwoodswalk eppingforestjourney eppingforest swcwalk197 hikinginlondon 53468571672

Jan-24 • hikinginlondon on Flickr
eppingforestexplorers eppingtrails2024 discovereppingforest eppingforesthike eppingnaturalbeauty walkingepping eppingadventure eppingforestviews eppingwoodswalk eppingforestjourney eppingforest swcwalk197 hikinginlondon 53469895260

Jan-24 • hikinginlondon on Flickr
eppingforestexplorers eppingtrails2024 discovereppingforest eppingforesthike eppingnaturalbeauty walkingepping eppingadventure eppingforestviews eppingwoodswalk eppingforestjourney eppingforest swcwalk197 hikinginlondon 53469796699

Jan-24 • hikinginlondon on Flickr
eppingforestexplorers eppingtrails2024 discovereppingforest eppingforesthike eppingnaturalbeauty walkingepping eppingadventure eppingforestviews eppingwoodswalk eppingforestjourney eppingforest swcwalk197 hikinginlondon 53469896255

Jan-24 • hikinginlondon on Flickr
eppingforestexplorers eppingtrails2024 discovereppingforest eppingforesthike eppingnaturalbeauty walkingepping eppingadventure eppingforestviews eppingwoodswalk eppingforestjourney eppingforest swcwalk197 hikinginlondon 53468573797

last of the December 2017 snow - Epping Forest
Dec-17 • peter.boon on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk197 27400228729

I see no ships....
....well you wouldn't 100 yards from the M25
Nov-14 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
book3 swcwalks walk197 15186487383

A good place for lunch
seen from a good picnic spot
Nov-14 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
book3 swcwalks walk197 15186493273

L'automne est arrive
Epping Forest, Loughton to Essex
autumn eppingforest book3 swcwalks walk197 15624380038

By a tree by a pond
Epping Forest, Loughton to Essex
autumn eppingforest book3 swcwalks walk197 15624592117

Possibly off piste
Epping Forest, Loughton to Essex
autumn eppingforest book3 swcwalks walk197 15624605017

GPS to the rescue
Epping Forest, Loughton to Essex
autumn eppingforest book3 swcwalks walk197 15624400228

Autumn shot 2
Epping Forest, Loughton to Essex
autumn eppingforest book3 swcwalks walk197 15811363182

Autumn shot 3
Epping Forest, Loughton to Essex
autumn eppingforest book3 swcwalks walk197 15623979839

English Longhorns
Copped Hall, Loughton to Essex
autumn eppingforest book3 swcwalks walk197 15190363323
Pollarded beech, Epping Forest
Jul-14 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk197, swcwalks 6040053775943817890 P
Pollarded hornbeam, Epping Forest
Jul-14 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk197, swcwalks 6040053866336806738 P
Pollarded oak, Epping Forest
Jul-14 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk197, swcwalks 6040053931224110914 P
Loughton Camp, Epping Forest
Jul-14 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk197, swcwalks 6040054119669581442 P
Loughton Camp, Epping Forest
Jul-14 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk197, swcwalks 6040054059210131106 P
View north-west from Epping Forest
Jul-14 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk197, swcwalks 6040054153076912018 P
Good Intent, Copthall Green
Jul-14 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk197, swcwalks 6040054184524026882 P