Macclesfield Circular via Teggs Nose and Kerridge Hill Walk
Tegg’s Nose Country Park, Macclesfield Forest, the Dean Valley, Lamaload Reservoir, Kerridge Ridge with its picturesque folly, the White Nancy
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White Nancy
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 banner 51330684115

Bottom and Teggsnose Reservoirs and Croker Hill, from Tegg's Nose
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 walkicon 51329898268

Saddler’s Way Concessionary Bridleway descending into Walker Barn Stream valley; Shutlingsloe in distance
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 walkicon 51329689366

Tegg's Nose, from Hacked Way Lane
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 walkicon 51329689451

Ankers Knowl Farm and Lamaload Reservoir
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 walkicon 51330683535

Dean River Valley
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 walkicon 51329899748

Trig Point on Kerridge Hill, with Hawthorn Trees
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 walkicon 51328955837

Macclesfield beyond Leadbeaters Reservoir
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51330411604

View ahead to Tegg's Nose
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51329688851

Teggsnose Farm, Broadcar Farm, Tegg's Nose
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51329688896

Croker Hill through trees by Teggsnose Farm
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51329688941

Blakelow and Cheshire Plain towards Jodrell Bank Observatory
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51330411784

Bollin Valley with Reservoirs and Croker Hill beyond
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51330682090

Gritstone Trail bench, Tegg's Nose
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51329689056

Walker Barn Stream valley and Macclesfield Forest, from Tegg's Nose
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51329898303

Viewpoint on top of Tegg's Nose
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51329898343

Greater Manchester from Tegg's Nose viewpoint
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51330682315

Gritstone Face in ex-quarry on Tegg's Nose, now climbing wall
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51329689201

Swing Saw, Tegg's Nose
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51330682410

Walker Barn Stream valley towards Macclesfield Forest
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51329689246

Ex-quarry, Tegg's Nose
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51330682485

Milestone on Old Turnpike Road, by Tegg's Nose Country Park VC
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51330682540

Saddler’s Way Concessionary Bridleway descending into Walker Barn Stream valley; Shutlingsloe in distance
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51329898598

Dimples Farm, Macclesfield Forest
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51329898693

Path uphill through Macclesfield Forest
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51329688751

Stepped path through Macclesfield Forest
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51329898748

Through Macclesfield Forest
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51330682765

Very late bluebells on slope in Macclesfield Forest
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51329898828

Shutlingsloe through trees, Macclesfield Forest
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51329689736

Sunny path through Macclesfield Forest
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51329689786

Sunlit path through Macclesfield Forest
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51328954342

Shutlingsloe beyond Toot Hill and Buxtors Hill
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51330683085

Croker Hill from high parts of Macclesfield Forest
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51330683125

Cat & Fiddle and Whetstone Ridge, from track by Forest Chapel
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51329690011

Shining Tor, from track by Forest Chapel
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51330412849

Forest Chapel, Macclesfield Forest
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51330412904

Chest Hollow leading up to the Cat & Fiddle, from near Forest Chapel
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51330412969

Torgate Farm and the Cat & Fiddle
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51330683325

Whetstone Ridge, from Greenways Farm
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51328954682

Whetstone Ridge, from Greenways Farm
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51330683405

Along Ankers Knowl Lane towarsd Lamaload Reservoir and Waggonshaw Brow
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51328954747

Ankers Knowl Farm and Lamaload Reservoir
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51328954787

Brock Low, by Lamaload Reservoir
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51328954887

Lamaload Reservoir and Waggonshaw Brow
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51328954922

Drive to Lamaload Waterworks
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51329690496

Dean River Valley
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51330413314

Backview to Plantation on Waggonshaw Brow
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51329688781

Across the Dean River Valley
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51328955102

Backview along the Dean River Valley
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51329899858

Best Signpost ever? Snipe House Farm. We're going 'That Way'...
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51328955192

Kerridge Hill across Dean River Valley, from Snipe House
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51329690701

Big Low, from Oakenbank Lane
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51330683940

Rainow village and Kerridge Hill, from Oakenbank Lane
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51330413554

White Nancy, from below
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51330413619

Bollington, Greater Manchester beyond
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51329690856

Bollington, Greater Manchester beyond
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51328955427

White Nancy
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51330413784

White Nancy
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51329900183

Rainow village, Shining Tor, the Cat & Fiddle
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51330413879

Big Low, from White Nancy
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51328955657

Kinder Scout, from White Nancy
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51330684285

Trig Point on Kerridge Hill
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51329691221

Rainow village, from Trig Point on Kerridge Hill
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51329900378

Trig Point on Kerridge Hill, towards Croker Hill, Bosley Cloud, the Gun
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51330414079

How green is my hillside? View above Rainow, from trig Point on Kerridge Hill
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51328955877

Backview to Kerridge Hill, from Cliff Hill
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51330414159

Rainow and Kerridge Hill, from fields above village
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51330414229

Macclesfield Canal, near end of walk
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51329691411

Publicity Works Mill, original production site of Hovis Bread
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51329688811

Converted Wharfs and Macclesfield Pontoon Visitor Moorings, Macclesfield Canal
SWC Walk 382 - Macclesfield Circular (via Tegg's Nose and Kerridge Hill)
14-Jun-21 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk382 51329900598