Manningtree Circular Walk
River Stour - Constable country
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Willy Lott's Cottage, Flatford
Looking much as painted by Constable
book1 walkicon swcwalks walk39 11717492594

Multi Pylons
(medium, high and low voltage?)
Jun-19 • Malachi Continuous on Flickr
swcwalks book1 walk39 48030788892

Buttercups in the Stour Valley
Jun-19 • Malachi Continuous on Flickr
swcwalks book1 walk39 48030763423

Flatford to Manningtree Station - new path
No more squelch
Jun-19 • Malachi Continuous on Flickr
swcwalks book1 walk39 48026046588

RSPB and Forest Bathing
Jun-19 • Malachi Continuous on Flickr
swcwalks book1 walk39 48026131892

Canine thirst quencher
"Water for tired and thirsty doggies"
Jun-19 • Malachi Continuous on Flickr
swcwalks book1 walk39 48026154167

Augean Stables of Hercules?
No. Just a rustic shed used to store bikes, horses or winter feed?
Aug-18 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
book1 swcwalks walk39 43371163734

The Other Walkers
On the Manningtree Circular
Aug-18 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
book1 swcwalks walk39 44039742882

In Memory of Fred and Shem
Our Faithful four legged friends
Aug-18 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
book1 walk39 swcwalks 44087026571

The Old Bakery Cafe van, in Dedham High Street
Aug-18 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
church swcwalks walk39 book1 43180389195

Angling on a pond near Dedham Lock
Aug-18 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
swcwalks book1 walk39 30220128398

Constable Country pond and bridge near a lock, probably Dedham
Aug-18 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
swcwalks book1 walk39 43181477025

Near Dedham Lock in Constable Country
Aug-18 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
swcwalks book1 walk39 42279005080

Imposing monolith
Manningtree Circular I'm growing to like this monstrosity. It's in the wrong place but has a certain style. You don't see it unless you stray off the official route.
book1 walk39 swcwalks manningtree 41784606641

Water meadow near Dedham Lock
Manningtree Circular
swcwalks book1 walk39 essex dedhamvale 34541360095

Dedham Vale
Manningtree Circular
Jul-16 • Cymbidium Clarisse on Flickr
manningtree circular swcwalks book1 walk39 essex river stour dedham vale 28397809730

Dedham Vale
Manningtree Circular
Jul-16 • Cymbidium Clarisse on Flickr
manningtree circular book1 walk39 essex swcwalks river stour dedham vale 28649908726

Manningtree Circular
Jul-16 • Cymbidium Clarisse on Flickr
manningtree circular book1 walk39 essex swcwalks flatford window 28064846304

Manningtree Circular
Jul-16 • Cymbidium Clarisse on Flickr
manningtree circular book1 walk39 essex swcwalks flower flatford 28064843334

Manningtree Circular
Jul-16 • Cymbidium Clarisse on Flickr
manningtree circular book1 walk39 essex swcwalks flatford hollyhocks 28066164853

Manningtree Circular
Jul-16 • Cymbidium Clarisse on Flickr
manningtree circular book1 walk39 essex swcwalks flatford river stour reflection 28681853505

Essex way
or, the only way is Essex
Jun-16 • quitenearmike on Flickr
book1 swcwalks walk39 26939501094

Oak, buttercups and trough
Stour valley in the distance
Jun-16 • quitenearmike on Flickr
book1 swcwalks walk39 27514651976

Buttercup inspectors
By heck, there's been a reet grand display of buttercups this year.
Jun-16 • quitenearmike on Flickr
book1 swcwalks walk39 27476852381

Irises and water lilies in pond near Dedham hall
Jun-16 • quitenearmike on Flickr
book1 swcwalks walk39 27272292320

Railway bridge before Manningtree Station
Softened by the vigorous growth along the roadside embankment
Jun-16 • quitenearmike on Flickr
book1 swcwalks walk39 27549013135

An Essex Baobab
Just a gnarly old oak really. Manningtree Circular
may book1 manningtree swcwalks walk39 14145477013

Buttercups, willow, watermeadow
Manningtree Circular
may book1 manningtree swcwalks walk39 14125425645

Stour water meadows & Dedham Church
Mar-14 • si_francis on Flickr
book1 swcwalks walk39 13518332585

The River Stour near Stratford St Mary
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The River Stour near Stratford St Mary
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The River Stour near Stratford St Mary
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The River Stour near Stratford St Mary
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The River Stour near Stratford St Mary
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Stratford St Mary
Not sure what this is, I suspect a water pumping station or similar, but this art-deco slab is rather out of place in this village.
book1 swcwalks walk39 11504175434

The bell cage at East Bergholt Church
The bells of this church are housed in this building in the church yard.
book1 swcwalks walk39 11718094586

Willy Lott's Cottage, Flatford
Looking much as painted by Constable
book1 swcwalks walk39 11717825596

Sermon on the mount... by ladybirds. A curious sight. Many of the gravestones in Lawford churchyard had congregations of ladybirds at the top. And not just one species, red ones, black ones, brown ones.... Manningtree Circular
book1 swcwalks walk39 6341361109

Striking fence
A woven fence. What intrigued me was there were no obvious sections - suggesting it had been woven on site. Manningtree Circular
book1 swcwalks walk39 6342114258

walk 39undefinedsuffolk cottage
Mar-08 • Tricia Pelton
book1, swcwalks, walk39 5816265227162255122 P

walk 39undefinedlawford church
Sep-05 • Bela Struzkova
book1, swcwalks, walk39 5816264787042935714 P

walk 39undefinedparish church of st mary dedham
Sep-05 • Bela Struzkova
book1, swcwalks, walk39 5816264936920331410 P

walk 39undefinedwar memorial in dedham
Sep-05 • Bela Struzkova
book1, swcwalks, walk39 5816264952566429650 P

walk 39undefinedsun in the river
Sep-05 • Bela Struzkova
book1, swcwalks, walk39 5816265004606334514 P

walk 39undefinedriver strour 2
Sep-05 • Bela Struzkova
book1, swcwalks, walk39 5816265022865367138 P

walk 39undefinedparish church of st mary the virgin in east bergholt
Sep-05 • Bela Struzkova
book1, swcwalks, walk39 5816265114579977010 P

walk 39undefinedthe hain wain view
Sep-05 • Bela Struzkova
book1, swcwalks, walk39 5816265152305030722 P

walk 39undefinedstour river near manningtree
Sep-05 • Bela Struzkova
book1, swcwalks, walk39 5816265212843127938 P