Ockley to Warnham Walk

A quiet corner of Surrey - woods, gentle hills and a lovely lunchtime pub


This is a list of previous times this walk has been done by the club (since Jan 2010). For more recent events (since April 2015), full details are shown.

Date Option Post # Weather
Wed, 22-Jan-25 Ockley to Warnham 15 dry and not as cold as forecast under cloudy skies with a very light wind
Sat, 13-Apr-24 Ockley to Warnham - woodland flowers of some kind or other... 20 warm and sunny
Sat, 15-Apr-23 Ockley to Warnham or Horsham - Wood anemones and maybe some early bluebells 10 the clouds slowly cleared to sun
Wed, 08-Feb-23 Ockley to Warnham 19 blue skies and sunshine
Sat, 19-Nov-22 Ockley to Warnham - woods and rural delights in a sleepy corner on the Surrey-Sussex border 13 mild and occasionally sunny
Sat, 16-Apr-22 Ockley to Warnham / Horsham 13 sunny
Sat, 24-Apr-21 Ockley to Warnham - bluebells and rural delights between Surrey and West Sussex 24 sunny
Wed, 28-Oct-20 Ockley to Warnham - a woodland walk between Surrey and Sussex 17 sometimes sunny with two heavy showers
Sat, 10-Oct-20 Silent walk 3 Cloudy with sunny intervals
Wed, 24-Apr-19 Ockley to Warnham - Rural delights and bluebell woods 'twixt Surrey and Sussex 12 cloudy
Wed, 24-Oct-18 Ockley to Warnham - Woods and Rural Delights along the Surrey-West Sussex Border 14 very pleasant autumn day with warm sunny periods
Sat, 28-Jul-18 Ockley to Warnham 15 sunny
Sat, 29-Apr-17 A gentle walk with lots of bluebells 28 cloud clearing to sun at lunchtime
Wed, 09-Nov-16 Woods and Rural Delights between Surrey and West Sussex 6 grey sunny cold
Fri, 25-Mar-16 Good A sleepy corner of Surrey/Sussex 32 warm sunshine and blue skies
Sat, 05-Sep-15 Saturday First Walk - Ockley to Warnham 12 overcast to sunny
Sat, 20-Sep-14 Ockley to Warnham Walk 9
Sat, 30-Nov-13 Ockley to Warnham Walk 16
Wed, 16-Oct-13 Ockley to Warnham Walk
Wed, 24-Oct-12 Ockley to Warnham Walk
Sat, 21-Apr-12 Ockley to Warnham Walk
Sat, 19-Nov-11 Ockley to Warnham Walk
Mon, 02-May-11 Ockley to Warnham Walk
Sat, 27-Nov-10 Ockley to Warnham Walk
Wed, 06-Oct-10 Ockley to Warnham Walk
Sat, 17-Apr-10 Ockley to Warnham Walk
Sat, 21-Nov-09 Ockley to Warnham Walk
Mon, 31-Aug-09 Ockley to Warnham Walk
Wed, 22-Jul-09 Ockley to Warnham Walk
Sat, 29-Mar-08 Ockley to Warnham Walk
Sat, 24-Nov-07 Ockley to Warnham Walk
Sat, 19-May-07 Ockley to Warnham Walk
Sat, 25-Nov-06 Ockley to Warnham Walk

Wednesday 22-Jan-25


A beautiful walk through an unspoilt countryside of fields, woods and gentle hills, with a choice of two homely country pubs for lunch.

Length : 16.5 km (10.3 miles)

Toughness : 3 out of 10

Trains: London Victoria : 09-41 hrs Southern service to Horsham CJ 09-48; Balham 9.53; Sutton 10-13; Epsom 10-24 hrs. Arrive Ockley : 10-51 hrs

Return: Warnham to Victoria : xx:19 and xx:57. Change at Horsham if taking the latter.

Rail ticket : Buy a day return to Warnham.

Lunch : The Scarlett Arms pub (tel. 01306-627243) in Walliswood, is 7.2 km into the walk.

An alternative is the Punchbowl pub (tel. 01306-627249) in Okewood Hill. The pub is reached via a detour beginning in the woods in Walliswood; the main walk can then be rejoined at point [5A].

Tea: The Sussex Oak pub (tel.01403-265028) in Warnham. The bar is open in the afternoon but no food is served between 2.30 and 6pm. The village shop in Warnham is open until 6pm. Warnham station is approximately 20 minutes walk from the village.

Directions, map and GPS here


  • Wed, 22-Jan-25

    15 off the posted train having joined at various stations along the way. It was dry and not as cold as forecast under cloudy skies with a very light wind . We managed a good pace along paths through fields and woods, accumulating layers of sticky mud on our boots but not sinking in too deep. We reached the lunch stop at around 12.30. Nobody was interested in a pub lunch so we picnicked on benches, tombs and in the porch of St John the Baptist church before taking a shortcut omitting the loop to the Scarlett Arms and rejoining the official route on the other end of the loop. There were several positive comments about the walk even though the trees were bare and it was missing the colours of seasons to come. We saw snowdrops and a very early primrose in the churchyard and the woods were full of twittering birds so Spring is in the air. We reached Warnham before 3pm. Four managed to catch th 14.55 train. The rest stopped at the Sussex Oak in Warnham for refreshments. Six caught the 15.55 via Horsham leaving behind four beer drinkers still slaking their thirst.

Saturday 13-Apr-24

Length: 16.5km (10.3 miles) or 20km (12.4 miles) with the extension to Horsham

9.41 train from Victoria (9.48 Clapham Junction, 10.13 Sutton) to Ockley, arriving 10.51. T=1.47
Buy a day return to Warnham (or possibly Horsham if intending to end there: see ** below)

For walk directions click here, for GPX click here, for a map of the route click here.
Spring seems to happening very rapidly. On last Saturday's Tenterden to Rye walk, wood anemones were fading fast and bluebells - and even wild garlic in places - were half out. This walk has all three, so hopefully if one is already over, the other will be coming out.
It is a fine, fairly woody walk, through very tranquil countryside, with lots of other spring delights - primroses along the lanes, bright green foliage in woods. The main lunch pub - the Scarlett Arms - is walker-friendly but quite small. There is a slightly earlier alternative, the Punchbowl, reached by a small diversion off the walk route.
The tea place, in Warnham Village, is the Sussex Oak, which has a lovely garden if the sun is shining, and has been known to serve nice puddings. It is a good 20-30 minutes walk from there down a quiet lane to Warnham station, so leave enough time for this.
Trains back from Warnham are at 19 past until 18.19, though you can also catch a 57 past train in the other direction, to Horsham, and change there for a train back to London. This is actually slightly quicker (1 hr 18 versus 1 hr 26), since the direct train is a stopper. The National Rail website shows the fare as the same either way, so presumably your ticket is valid by either route.
Note that the last trains are the 18.19 to Victoria or the 18.57 past to Horsham.
An alternative to ending at Warnham is to carry on for another 2.1 miles into Horsham - directions provided. This route is quite pleasant and rural at first, and later a bit suburban. There are up to five trains an hour from Horsham to London. ** If planning to do this, a day return to Horsham might be a good idea, though since Horsham seems to be a legitimate route to get to Warnham, a Warnham return may be OK.
  • Sun, 14-Apr-24

    About 20 regulars on this lovely walk in warm and largely sunny conditions. No shortage of mud and boggy bits, but nothing regular boots could not cope with. Generous helpings of bluebell woods and patches throughout, and one wonderful stretch of wild garlic (with bees aplenty) in the second half of the walk. Two of us lunched in idyllic conditions outside St John the Baptist Church. The very friendly Friends of the Church were running a tearoom in The Ark, their church hall. Should we get another Great Flood, this is the Ark I want to be in: the cakes were spectacular. As I eyed the coffee and walnut, one of the Lady Noahs asked me a question you never get asked in a high street cafe: 'How much do you want'? My companion joined (most of) the others at the pub and I walked on, keen to get a train at around 4. Acting on Walker's written tips, I got the service shortly before that hour to Horsham, and then onto a fast service to Victoria. At Horsham I spotted a very speedy walker who must have completed the extension. This walk is ideal for Spring - in less fertile conditions, the amount of hard surface walking involved might have chafed more. Thanks for scheduling.

  • Sun, 14-Apr-24


    warm and sunny

Saturday 15-Apr-23

Length: 16.5km (10.3 miles) to Warnham or 20km (12.5 miles) to Horsham
9.28 train from London Bridge (10.05 Sutton) to Ockley, arriving 10.43 T=1.47.
Buy a day return to Warnham. My resident train fares expert (after reading the original draft of this post) tells me that this is also valid for return via Horsham, if you choose to do this route. This advice is, however "without prejudice" - legal speak for "don't come running to me if you get fined for having the wrong ticket".
For walk directions click here, for GPX click here, for a map of the route click here.
This pleasant outing is well known for its bluebells - which should be starting to show their heads - but less so for its wood anemones, which my notes say are abundant in the first part of the walk (let's hope your notes are correct - Ed). The spring woods should also be starting to show a bit of a green fuzz and in general this is gentle countryside which should have plenty of springtime delights.
There are two lunch pubs, both rather small, one a small diversion off the main route. Tea is possible at the Sussex Oak in Warnham, whose garden makes a pleasant place to sit if the weather is fine (a man may dream...).

If ending the walk at Warnham (10.3 miles) allow 20 minutes to walk down the road from the pub to the station. Trains back from there are at 19 minutes past, going to London Bridge today, with the last train at 18.19. But if you have a Horsham return you can also get a train at 49 past southbound to Horsham - last train 18.49. Despite a 26 minute wait for a London connection in Horsham, this takes no longer (1 hr 25 mins) to get back to London.
Alternatively, both the walk directions and GPX now include an extension to Horsham, lengthening the walk to 12.5 miles. This takes you past a wetland reserve, though also involves a trek through the Horsham suburbs.
Trains back from Horsham are at 20, 25, 50 and 55 past the hour. The 20 and 50 past are Southern trains and a bit quicker (54 mins v 1hr 5 mins), while the 25 and 55 past are Thameslink. Both today go to London Bridge, so the only advantage of the Thameslink services is that they continue on to St Pancras and Finsbury Park.
  • Sat, 15-Apr-23

    10 on this walk. One turned up in wellington boots. Smart lad. He will go far in life.

    You would normally expect mud to have dried by this point in April. But not this year. Splish splash slither squelch the whole way. Occasional dry sections only raised hopes that were swiftly dashed. In February when the midweek walkers did the same route, the paths were dry.

    To get all of the good news out of the way, there were indeed zillions of wood anemones throughout the route - but most were not in flower. They may be not out yet, they may not be coming out or they may have gone over. They should be at their best now, but the memo obviously got lost in the post. On the plus side there was a blue haze on many of the plentiful bluebell woods: they at least seem to be on schedule.

    The weather was initially a disappointment too. But despite the gloomy forecast the clouds slowly cleared to sun and it was pretty much a perfect spring afternoon (except for one walker who found the sun “too hot”…)

    And after the early disappointment, this was a gorgeous spring walk. There were some very nice patches of “wooden ms”, particularly on verges. The birdsong included half a dozen chaffinches, chiffchaff, nuthatch, song thrush, wren, blackbird. The flowers were many and varied, with particular mention of drifts of cuckoo flowers and several patches of goldilocks buttercups (a woodland specialist). Also a clump of delightfully scatty false oxlip (an accidental hybrid between primrose and cowslip). The hornbeam woods were a vibrant green.

    We decided not to forewarn the Scarlett Arms of our arrival and it proved not at all busy. Two ate inside, five outside in the sun, and the three sandwichers joined us for drinks. Welly Man said the pie was the best he had ever tasted.

    A slight personal regret as we approached the end of the walk was the lack of butterflies. But then in the woods near Warnham I saw a brimstone and my first orange tip of the year, bless it, having its evening feed on some cuckoo flower. What greater happiness is there on this earth?

    I also achieved my dream of having tea in the sunshine in the garden of the Sussex Arms, with a nice chocolate brownie with ice cream for ballast.

    I wanted the moment to last forever. Alas, others were already discussing whether we might get the 17.19 train. One or two seemed ready to stay, but then the sun went behind a postage stamp-sized cloud and that settled it. We fled back towards London.

Wednesday 08-Feb-23


Ockley to Warnham 8 Feb 23

A beautiful walk through an unspoilt countryside of fields, woods and gentle hills, with a choice of two homely country pubs for lunch.

Length: 16.5 km (10.3 miles)

Toughness: 3 out of 10

Trains: London Victoria: 09-41 hrs Southern service to Horsham CJ 09-48; Sutton 10-13; Epsom 10-24 hrs. Arrive Ockley: 10-51 hrs

Return: Warnham to Victoria: xx:19 and xx:57. Change at Horsham if taking the latter.

Rail ticket : Buy a day return to Warnham.

Lunch: The Scarlett Arms pub (tel. 01306-627243) in Walliswood, is 7.2 km into the walk.

An alternative is the Punchbowl pub (tel. 01306-627249) in Okewood Hill. The pub is reached via a detour beginning in the woods in Walliswood; the main walk can then be rejoined at point [5A].

Tea: The Sussex Oak pub (tel.01403-265028) in Warnham. The bar is open in the afternoon but no food is served between 2.30 and 6pm. The village shop in Warnham is open until 6pm. Warnham station is approximately 20 minutes walk from the village.

Directions, map and GPS here


  • Wed, 08-Feb-23

    Significant issues with trains, so hopefully we will get to Ockley on time! I have taken a slightly earlier train to change at Dorking.

  • Wed, 08-Feb-23

    19 off the train on a day of blue skies and sunshine . The walk was tranquil and beautiful as described and the mud was not too bad though a bit sticky. Ten picnickers stopped for lunch in the lovely churchyard in Oakwood, sitting on benches in warm sunshine. Eight had lunch in the Scarlett Arms. Five picnickers continued the walk via the pub and five took a shortcut cutting out that loop and planning to walk to Horsham by a scenic route. The pub route contingent spread out over the afternoon stretch. Most reached Warnham village at 15.40. A couple of people went to the pub, some rushed to the station for the next train and six caught the 16.19, two munching unhealthy snacks from the village shop.

Saturday 19-Nov-22

Book 1, Walk 47 - Ockley to Warnham

Length: 16.5 km (10.3 miles)
Toughness: 3 out of 10
London Victoria: 09-41 hrs Southern service to Horsham CJ 09-48; Sutton 10-13; Epsom 10-24 hrs
Arrive Ockley: 10-51 hrs (a slow, stopping service today, so bring a book with you for the train journey)
Warnham to Victoria: direct Southern services at 22 mins past the hour, and services via Horsham at 57 mins past the hour. Last trains today before Sunday are 18-22 hrs and 18-57 hrs respectively.
Rail ticket : Buy a day return to Warnham. This should work even if you decide to return to London via Horsham.
I like to post this lovely walk during bluebell season and in late autumn for leaf colour in the oak and beech woods en route today. You walk through unspoilt countryside and through farmland, with the only noise to disturb the tranquility coming from above on days when you are under the Gatwick Airport flight path.
Having passed a church in the middle of nowhere you come to the Scarlett Arms pub in the hamlet of Walliswood. This makes for a good lunch stop. The alternative lunch pub on the walk today is via a detour in the woods before the remote church - The Punch Bowl in Oakwood Hill.
After lunch the walk continues along a road then through a farm and over fields to head down a quiet lane which leads to more farms. Down a woodland track in a shallow cutting and then over farmland before the walk heads down tracks and over a road (the A29) before more woodland tracks take you to open fields above Warnham. Once over these fields you are in the outskirts of the town - and now in West Sussex. Your tea stop is the Sussex Oak pub which is usually open at weekends in the afternoon. Allow at least 20 minutes to walk from the pub to the railway station.
Walk Directions are here: L=1.47
  • Thu, 17-Nov-22

    sorry, im confused. Is there a start time?


  • Fri, 18-Nov-22

    1051,or when the train arrives if it is running late.

  • Thu, 24-Nov-22

    Around13 in mild and occasionally sunny weather. Three of us forged a map led route from Point 7 in para 36 directly to Horsham. This bypassed Warnham entirely and crossed the A24 via an underpass. We were then able to return to London Bridge on a Thameslink train.

Saturday 16-Apr-22


Length: 17km (10m)
Toughness: 3 / 10
Transport: Take the 9:25 train from London Bridge to Ockley arriving at 10:42. Return trains from Warnham at xx:18 and x:48. There are 5 trains / hour from Horsham at various speeds. Buy a day return to Warnham or to Horsham, depending on where you want to return from. Horsham gives you both options.

This is a relaxed walk through mostly wooded areas with hopefully some early bluebells. Just before arriving at the lunch pub you pass a lonely church in the middle of nowhere, a lovely picnic spot. There is an optional extension to Horsham which adds another 3km to the walk.

  • Sat, 16-Apr-22

    11 at the station, though a later count made it 15. A late starter joined at the church and another caught us up at Warnham Station. That makes 13 right? (turns out 4 of the 15 were another group that got intertwingled).

    A sunny day. The woods were a picture with bluebells, wood anemones and a dash of celandine, forget-me-not, and violet. The whole works. And someone saw an orchid.

    Some went to the Scarlett Arms for lunch, others stayed at the church in the woods. A more arduous afternoon followed, with one or two ridiculously high stiles.

    After a languorous stop at the Sussex Oak, 7 went on to Horsham and 5 to Warnham Station , where number 13 joined.

    A grand day out

  • Sun, 24-Apr-22

    I abandoned my colleagues on my posted walk (Billingshurst to Amberley) today - Saturday 23 April - and instead did Dirk's posted walk a week later - for the bluebells. They were full on - superb - with plentiful fields of wooden "Ms" as well, with wild garlic in the woods coming along nicely. For the record, there was a group of friends - 8 in the thirties - following a print off of our directions, plus one solo walker with dog armed with the TO Book. All of us had lunch at the Scarlett Arms - and very good it was, too. A lovely sunny day with a breeze. A perfect bluebell walk.

Saturday 24-Apr-21

Book 1, Walk 47 - Ockley to Warnham

Length: 16.5 km (10.3 miles)
Toughness: 3 out of 10
London Victoria: 09-25 hrs Southern service to Horsham CJ 09-32 hrs, Sutton 09-54 hrs, Epsom 10-05 hrs
Arrive Ockley: 10-33 hrs

Warnham to Victoria: direct trains at 18 mins past the hour, and via Horsham at 39 mins past the hour. Last trains are at 18-18 hrs and 18-39 hrs
Rail ticket: buy a day return to Warnham, unless you want the additional option of returning via Horsham, in which case buy a day return to Horsham any route permitted.
Covid-19 Compliance : the mantra is now: "Hands-Face-Space-Fresh Air". We will get plenty of the last, regardless, but the other three will be down to all of us observing social distancing and following the current guidance for walkers. The majority of SWC Walk Posters believe the "Rule of Six" still applies to SWC walks - at least until 16 May. Please all come prepared to exchange contact details for track and trace purposes. If you prefer to pre-register for this walk (not essential - but it facilitates the collection of contact details) please e-mail me at swc-marcus@walkingclub.org.uk Thank you.
I am hoping the bluebells will be in flower in the many woods we pass through today: if they are, you should enjoy today's walk which takes you through unspoilt and quite remote countryside along the Surrey and West Sussex borders.
There are two lunchtime pubs with outside garden areas: the Scarlett Arms in Walliswood, on the main walk route, is advertising service in its outdoor areas. The Punchbowl Inn in Okewood Hill, on a slight route diversion, is silent on the matter. Diners should book ahead.
After lunch it is more of the same - farmland and woods - with most of today's bluebells on offer. Arriving in Warnham you should find the Sussex Oak pub open for post walk refreshments.
Allow plenty of time (at least 20 minutes) for the walk from the Sussex Oak to Warnham's remote railway station. And the train service stops early in the evening: if you are having such a good time in the Sussex Oak that you miss the last train, directions for extending the walk to Horsham are provided in the walk print out !
Walk Directions are here: L=1.47
  • Anonymous
    Sun, 18-Apr-21

    Hi, Could there be another (more affordable) longer walk option on the 24th, please? Not a criticism of the current two offerings, just a polite request.Thank you.

  • Sat, 24-Apr-21

    23 on a sunny day. We divided into legally sized clumps and spread ourselves out.

    Bluebells were just starting to come out, except in a later wood where they were out out. There was celandine, wooden enemies, violets. Quite a pleasant visit to the Scarlett Arms where some ate and others just drank. It was declared good. Even the little dead fish with starey eyes.

    The fore-mentioned bluebell wood should be regarded as this walk’s Bermuda Triangle. A certain walks correspondent went adrift there before and did so again today, dragging another walker with him. New territory was covered and a donkey was met. Warnham was eventually reached but the Sussex Oak had no room for weary stragglers so we continued to the station and home

  • Sun, 25-Apr-21

    News just in. After a dramatic recount, make that 24

    I have also become aware that the 'Bermuda Triangle' is only likely to ensnare those still using the book directions. Much clearer online.

  • Anonymous
    Tue, 27-Apr-21

    A wonderful walk in bright sunshine . Lovely to be able to sit in a pub garden again with good company .The chips at the lunchtime pub were the best I have ever eaten A wonderful detour in the afternoon enhanced the experience Jane

Wednesday 28-Oct-20

Book 1 Walk 47 - Ockley to Warnham

Length: 16.5 km (10.3 miles)
Toughness: 3 out of 10
London Victoria: 10-25 hrs Southern service to Horsham CJ 10-32 hrs, Sutton 10-54 hrs
Arrive Ockley: 11-33 hrs
Warnham to Victoria: direct service at 18 mins past hour. Service via Horsham at 39 mins past hour
Rail ticket: buy an off-peak day return to Warnham if you know you will be on a direct service train back to London. An off-peak day return to Horsham any route permitted will give you the option of two trains an hour back to London. Your choice.
This is a lovely walk in a quiet part of Surrey through mostly woodland which towards walk-end takes you over the county border through more woods into Sussex. The start of autumn leaf colour in the oak and beech woods en route should be underway by now to add to your enjoyment of this walk.
For those planning to dine alone or outdoors at a pub, you have a couple of good country pubs to choose from - full details in the Directions. But in these partial Covid lockdown times it is probably more practical to bring a picnic with you. Similarly, at walk-end, rather than dropping in at the comfy Sussex Oak pub for tea, and be Covid compliant, it might be less of a hassle to purchase a drink at the village store in Warnham, near the church. If you do stop for tea, please allow at least 20 minutes to walk to the railway station some 1.3 km from the Sussex Oak.
Your walk directions are here: L=1.47
  • Wed, 28-Oct-20

    15 at the station and 2 encountered midway makes for 17 who divided themselves into groups. The weather was sometimes sunny with two heavy showers The going was slippy with some – well, lots - of mud. Not deep mud though. Some autumn colour.

    A pretty walk particularly the morning, but perhaps a little long for the time allotted. At least 3 (1 habitual slowcoach and 2 dawdlers) finished in the dark. The dawdlers caught up with the slowcoach after he’d been ‘exploring new territory’, Can’t comment on how many stopped at the Scarlett because I didn’t go in but I did spot 4 in the garden. They soon scuttled off when they saw me. One or two dodgy high stiles, without holdy-on posts, slippery after rain.

  • Wed, 28-Oct-20

    One bubble of about 5 went to the Punchbowl pub in Okewood Hill where they stopped in the covered shelter to the side of the pub - I'm not sure if they went in for a drink: they were leaving as I arrived. A much welcomed hot lunch for me next to a log fire, which helped to dry my book check notes which had suffered during the morning's heavy rain. I met another 4 after lunch at the junction with the lane leading down to Monks Farm - I had spotted then crossing the field just before this point and I waited to say hello. They sped ahead, or rather, I was a bit slow following them as I attempted to continue my book checking. With the arrival of another downpour in the afternoon, I had to give up this task and just enjoyed the remainder of the walk, mostly through oak and beech woods showing some nice leaf colour. Arriving in Warnham to find the Sussex Oak pub closed, I headed straight for the railway station, to catch the 17-18 hrs train back to London.

    This is a lovely walk, at all times of year, and I enjoyed it today, even if it was a bit damp at times.

Saturday 10-Oct-20

Travel info. here
  • Anonymous
    Sat, 10-Oct-20

    Any Walkers?

  • Mon, 12-Oct-20

    An enjoyable day for the 3 of us. Cloudy with sunny intervals .

Wednesday 24-Apr-19

Book 1, Walk 47 - Ockley to Warnham

Length: 16.5 km (10.3 miles)
Toughness: 3 out of 10

London Victoria: 10-25 hrs Horsham service via Epsom CJ 10-32, Sutton 10-54 hrs
Arrive Ockley: 11-33 hrs

Warnham to Victoria: direct service at 16-18, 17-18, 17-46, 18-16, 18-46, 19-16 and 20-18 hrs.
Service via Horsham: 16-39, 17-39, 18-09, 18-39, 19-02 and 19-39 hrs

Rail ticket a day return to Warnham will suffice, although a day return to Horsham any route permitted will give you the option of returning via Horsham if you just miss a direct train.

This walk has a lovely out-of-the-way, rural feel to it, with no traffic noise (although during the morning the tranquility can be spoilt by overhead 'plane noise if Gatwick's landing - take off paths are overhead today - let's hope they are not). Bluebells should be in full bloom in the many woods we walk through today. You have a choice of two very good pubs for your lunch stop - The Punchbowl in Okewood Hill requires a short detour from the main route - described in the Directions - and the Scarlett Arms in Walliswood - a favourite of mine.
After lunch you walk through farmland and more woods as you head for Warnham - for tea at the Sussex Oak pub. Allow at least 20 mins from this pub to Warnham railway station, some 1.3 km away.
Walk Directions here L=1.47

  • Wed, 24-Apr-19

    It rained on the journey down, which was not encouraging, but it had stopped by the time 12 of us disembarked at Ockley. Thereafter it was cloudy , sunshine occasionally trying and failing to break through - until we were on the way home, when, inevitably, the clouds parted.

    At the start we were just “doing names” on the platform when - I may be right, I may be wrong, but I am perfectly willing to swear... Actually, I definitely am right: a nightingale sang on Ockley station. This is only the second time I have ever heard one, the previous time being the day before when I visited Knepp Wildland especially to hear one. This is why I recognised it today: and yes, they do sing by day too.

    Otherwise this is a walk through territory where, as the walk notes say, nothing has ever happened. A kind of Adelstrop country, where no one comes and no one leaves on the bare platform. Except there are also bluebells, wild garlic, yellow archangel, and lovely beechwoods whose new foliage even on a dull day was an eye-aching bright green. The bluebell woods are not big show-stoppers. No Dockey Woods or Old Simm’s Copses. But little bits and pieces throughout the walk, some full out, some not so. It all made for a perfect April outing.

    Five of us lunched at the Scarlett Arms. One of the delights of midweek walks is that even tiny pubs have room, though this one was by no means empty. Four of us were persuaded by another diner to have the fish pie. It arrived hot on the outside but barely warm in the middle. Three of us sent it back and it returned twenty minutes later slightly less barely warm in the middle, at which point we ate it anyway. Very nice it was too. So far no ill effects..... We all got free coffees for complaining - even the ones who had not complained, which doesn’t seem quite fair.

    At the end of the walk the pub in Warnham did mega pots of tea. Eight got the 17.18, three the 17.39 to Horsham and one perverse soul (me) the 17.46. On the idyllic walk to the station one of my companions said; “This is not the best bit of the walk, is it?” Then I saw a swallow, my first of the year.

  • Anonymous
    Thu, 25-Apr-19

    Hi Walker

    Gosh you heard a nightinglae sing. Wish I was there to hear it. Was walking and exploring Ashridge estate bluebell woods today . Yes Dockey wood was at its best so was Flat Isley, Crawley wood and Old Copse. Luckily no rain just cloudy. Saw and heard a cuckoo flying on way to Berkhampstead plus swallows too. Black caps was at Alpine meadow. I think there are resident there now according to a local bird watcher.


  • Thu, 25-Apr-19

    It is interesting that you heard - and saw! - a cuckoo at Berkhamsted: I heard one last year there too. Must be a good spot for them. I wish you had been there to hear the nightingale too: the other eleven showed only polite interest. “Well, it doesn’t really change my day,” was one reaction I got.

  • Anonymous
    Thu, 25-Apr-19

    Hi Walker I see Marcus has posted a walk tomorrow for Tring Blue bell. I may repeat the walk tomorrow as the bluebells were great in other woods which I discovered wondering around. At least its free for Dockey wood on weekdays. I think by next week blue bells may be over. See on some walks in the future.


Wednesday 24-Oct-18

Book 1, Walk 47 - Ockley to Warnham

Length: 16.5 km (10.3 miles)
Toughness: 3 out of 10

London Victoria: 10-25 hrs Horsham service CJ 10-32 hrs Sutton 10-54 hrs
Arrive Ockley: 11-33 hrs

Warnham to Victoria: direct service - 18 mins past hour to 17-18, then 17-46, 18-16 and 18-46 hrs,
or 39 mins past hour via Horsham to 17-39, then 18-09 and 18-39 hrs

Rail ticket: Either a day return to Warnham or a day return to Horsham - any route permitted

Leaf colour in the many woods on this walk should be coming on nicely to add to your enjoyment of this rural walk along the Surrey and West Sussex border.

There are two (usually) excellent pubs for your choice of lunch stop, with the Scarlett Arms in Walliswood being on the main route, and the the Punchbowl in Okewood Hill on a short diversion. If there are six or more of you wishing to dine it's best to 'phone ahead with numbers. Scarlett Arms (e..t.a 13-30 hrs) 01306-627243: Punchbowl (e.t.a 13-15 hrs) 01306-627249.

You walk through more woods and farmland after lunch as you make your way to Warnham. The pub in the centre of town serves as your tea stop - the Sussex Oak. Usual warning - it's a good 20 mins from the pub to the railway station, so best allow 30 mins as trains are not that frequent for your return to London, either direct or via Horsham.

Walkers wanting a longer walk today have the option of adding on the Warnham to Horsham leg ( a couple of miles) as described in the Directions - but you are adding distance for distance sake as the route is not that exciting. But this option comes into its own if you miss the last train (in either direction) from Warnham and you have enough daylight to walk to Horsham.
Walk Directions here: L=1.47

  • Anonymous
    Tue, 16-Oct-18

    Are you walking Marcus? best M

  • Anonymous
    Sat, 20-Oct-18

    Are you, Marcus?

  • Sun, 21-Oct-18

    Melanie, best we do not use this website as a personal diary.You have my e-mail address for any private communication you wish to make.

    My general request remains concerning all walks posted by me: please do not bring your dog along with you. I believe many of our regular mid-week walkers share my preference not to have dogs on our walks.

    On the subject of dogs (not my favourite topic), when I last book checked today's walk earlier this month, the unruly and out-of-control dogs at point 23 in the Directions, by the farms, are still there. What is particularly annoying, the dog owners look on and don't give a damn. As it says in the Directions, have that walking pole at the ready to keep the brutes at bay.

  • Anonymous
    Mon, 22-Oct-18

    Ladies, do not despair. Stun grenades will be distributed on the platform, pre-walk.Lob cricket balls in your garden to simulate the action required.

  • David
    Thu, 25-Oct-18

    14 walkers set off from Ockley on a very pleasant autumn day with warm sunny periods . It was delightful and easy walking through serene woodland and quiet country lanes. There was no sign of any unruly dogs, and only occasional sightings of Gatwick-bound aircraft. The walk directions were excellent. The Scarlett Arms in Walliswood was the chosen lunch stop and at least half the group sat outside in the pub garden and enjoyed the unusually mild weather. We got to Warnham just too late to catch the 4.18 return train, so most of the walkers stopped off at the Sussex Oak for refreshment, while four pressed on to catch the train via Horsham. All-in-all a really pleasant day.

Saturday 28-Jul-18

Book 1 Walk 47
Length: 10.3 miles / 16.5km
Toughness: 3 out of 10
A quiet corner of Surrey - woods, gentle hills and two great pubs
Trains: Take the 9:25 from London Victoria (9:32 Clapham Junction), arriving at Ockley at 10:33. Return trains from Warnham are at xx18 for the direct service, or at xx39 for return via Horsham. Note that the last trains are at 18:18 and 18:39. Buy a day return to Warnham.
Lunch: The Scarlett Arms, Walliswood (01306 627243).
The tea stop is at the Sussex Oak in Warnham, this has a lovely garden and the puddings are highly recommended - from here it's a 20 minute walk to the station.

  • Anonymous
    Wed, 25-Jul-18

    Thanks for posting this walk -back to SWC classic.

  • Thu, 26-Jul-18

    Many would agree with Anonymous that this is a SWC classic, although the height of summer is not the best time to do it (it's better in early May for its bluebells or l). Amusingly, last week an Anonymous Miseryguts posted a most disparaging comment on this walk - See Comments, Book 1.

  • Thu, 26-Jul-18

    ....for its bluebells or late autumn for leaf colour in the woods.) Amusingly, ......

  • Anonymous
    Thu, 26-Jul-18

    This is a shady walk so will give respite from the heat if it continues.

  • Anonymous
    Thu, 26-Jul-18

    Thanks for pointing this out. For those who don’t care swimming - this walk fits the bill perfectly.

  • Mon, 30-Jul-18

    Did I hear someone say "about 15" on this walk?


  • Anonymous
    Mon, 30-Jul-18

    A lovely walk with nice woodland and open fields. The negative comments about this walk really do not do justice to this walk (esp the comment relating to fields with cows - we saw no cows but horses - someone clearly needs a visit to an optician!). About 7-8 ate at Scarlett Arms - pretty basic pub food but chicken burgers got high marks. Most stopped at Sussex Oak for refreshment in Warnham. The fast walkers caught the 4:18 train back to London whilst slow strollers an hour later. Nice a day out in good company. I'd recommend this walk for all seasons but agree that spring (for bluebells) and autumn (for autumn colours) would be particularly wonderful.

Saturday 29-Apr-17

Book 1, walk 47 - Ockley to Warnham
Length: 16.5km (10.3 miles)
Toughness: 3 out of 10

9.31 train from Victoria (Clapham Junction 9.37, Sutton 9.59) arriving 10.36.

There looks likely to be a group of Metropolitan Walkers on this train also, but they are getting off at Holmwood, the stop before Ockley and are going a different way: no fraternising!!

Buy a day return to Warnham.

For walk directions click here.

This should be the best weekend for bluebells and our website's Where to Find Flowers page says this walk has bluebells in "lots of places, throughout the walk". I wrote that, so it must be true.

Certainly this walk has lots of little woods and shady corners where bluebells ought to lurk, and otherwise passes through gentle countryside which will place a lot fewer demands on you than climbing a Welsh mountain (to take a random example).

Lunch is usually had at the Scarlett Arms - a "walker-friendly pub" but quite a small one and one with a somewhat quirky ordering system, from memory. Ringing it at the start of the walk might not be an awful idea. There is also an earlier option - the Punch Bowl - reached by a small diversion off the route, which could also be worth checking out.

Tea is at the lovely Sussex Oak in Warnham, which has a nice garden and serves gorgeous puddings.

Don't linger too long over tea, however, as the last train back from Warnham is 18.08 (the previous ones being 08 past the hour) and it takes 20 minutes to walk from the pub to the station.

If you miss the last train, there is an 18.41 southbound to Horsham (the last train in that direction), but you will be taking a replacement bus service from there to Three Bridges before picking up a train to Victoria - a tortuous business, but better than sleeping in the fields.T=1.47
  • Sat, 29-Apr-17

    28 on this walk including 3 on variant trains. The weather was cloud clearing to sun at lunchtime . Though I say so myself, this made a lovely spring walk, one which did indeed have bluebells throughout just as advertised. No vast showstoppers but lots of modest woods, all fully carpeted. Also three big areas of wild garlic, pretty much in full flower. Several people commented on how interesting it was to do this walk in spring rather than the autumn slot it used to occupy in the rota. I enjoyed the contrast between the bare branches in March 2016, when I last did the walk, and the lush green today.

    For lunch we spilt between the two pubs. I hear the food was a tad slow to appear in the Scarlett Arms. The Punch Bowl was nearly empty and momentarily surprised to have nine of us turn up, but the single member of bar staff was super friendly and the food came quickly and was tasty. On the way to the pub we passed through a gorgeous little bluebell wood that also had, in the space of twenty metres, early purple orchid, woodruff, sanicle, yellow pimpernel and wood speedwell. I realise this list means little to most of you, but for a wildflower enthusiast like me it was a royal flush, an unprecedented concentration of less common woodland species.

    We sat outside the Punch Bowl under grey and ever so slightly chilly skies but as we left the pub the sun appeared and it was then a warm and lovely afternoon. We elected not to do the rather niggardly short cut back to the main walk route suggested in the directions but instead went back into the wood to see more bluebells etc, pass the woodland church and come to the Scarlett Arms where we joined some of those who had lunched there.

    In the afternoon there was a big field of ewes and lambs who were thrown into delightful consternation by the arrival of a flock of humans. In one other field there were nervous cattle and calves (I was glad at this point that no one on the walk had a dog, even a well-behaved one...). The final delight was the Sussex Oak pub which has a pleasant sunny garden and served proper tea in pots and super puddings with astonishing speed and efficiency. It was only a pity we had to tear ourselves away to catch the last train at 18.08.

Wednesday 09-Nov-16

Book 1, Walk 47 - Ockley to Warnham

Length: 16.5 km (10.3 miles)
Toughness: 3 out of 10

London Victoria: 10-31 hrs (Horsham train). CJ 10-38, Sutton 10-59
Arrive Ockley: 11-36 hrs

Return: Warnham to Victoria: Direct trains at 16-08; 17-11; 17-38; 18-08 and 18-37 hrs
Return via Horsham: 16-41; 17-34; 18-03 and 18-36 hrs

Rail ticket: buy a day return to Warnham (although a day return to Horsham all routes permitted gives you the option of returning also via Horsham)

If you went on the recent Holmwood to Gomshall walk and enjoyed the woods and leaf colour, then you should find today's walk just as nice if not better - with the benefit of none of the ups and downs on the Holmwood walk.

In winter today's walk can be muddy but, fingers crossed, it should be fine today, with the last of leaf colour in the woods adding to your enjoyment.

Lunch is at the Scarlett Arms in Walliswood (please 'phone ahead with numbers ) and is usually very good. Your e.t.a is 13-30 hrs. The afternoon leg takes two and a quarter hours so to arrive at the pub tea stop in daylight try to leave the Scarlett Arms by latest 14-45 hrs. The walk along roads and a lane from the tea pub to Warnham station takes at least 20 minutes, so do leave plenty of time for your selected train. If Southern Rail oblige and run trains today on time without random cancellation, you should return to London having enjoyed a lovely, undemanding rural walk.
Directions here L=1.47

Next Week, Wednesday 16 November - Book 1, Walk 45 - Princes Risborough to Great Missenden. A lovely, late autumn outing in the Chilterns.
  • Anonymous
    Thu, 03-Nov-16

    I did this walk in the summer. Around point 20, the footpath seems to have changed (or else I missed it). I see someone else has since put a note that you have no choice but to use a stile in the corner, squeezing past an abandoned trailer to get to it.

  • Anonymous
    Mon, 07-Nov-16

    Sounds delightful especially if Marcus is leading it.jfk.

    i need to ask you if i can post a new walk in development from Amberley probably in the spring now jane

  • Tue, 08-Nov-16

    Thanks Jane. We will be very happy to post your new Amberley walk in the Spring.

    As I will be book-checking the Ockley walk tomorrow I will be on the train one hour ahead of the SWC group. I expect you will catch me up late in the morning leg or at the Scarlett Arms.

  • Anonymous
    Thu, 10-Nov-16


    grey sunny cold

    A classic SWC walk, saw 5 regulars on the scheduled train catch up with "M", our guide and mentor, at Sutton, whose attempt to do a walk-check ahead of the group, was thwarted, having been chucked off the earlier train by our Nemesis, Southern Rail. A fast pace to lunch, in surprisingly good weather with lots of sun to highlight the autumn colours and leaf fall underfoot. Not that muddy, despite overnight rain. All lunched well at The Scarlett Arms. Much pheasant consumed. Onward to the Sussex Oak for tea, the second great pub of the day. A short walk after dark to the station rounding off a great day. Sorry to those who stayed abed due to the dreary forecast which turned out to be........plain wrong.

Friday 25-Mar-16

Book 1, walk 47 - Ockley to Warnham
Length: 16.5km (10.3 miles)
Toughness: 3 out of 10

9.26 train from London Bridge (not Victoria due to engineering works) calling 10.01 at Sutton, and arriving 10.38 at Ockley

Buy a day return to Warnham.

For walk directions click here.

We had a request for this pleasant rural walk, in "a sleepy corner on the Surrey-Sussex border where it seems nothing exceptional has happened through the ages": the request said "on a Saturday", but Good Friday is a kind of Saturday. In fact it is a Saturday for train timetable purposes, which is useful for this walk which has no Sunday or bank holiday train service.

Since this is a sleepy corner, there is not much to say about the route except that it has woods and fields and pastures and two pubs for lunch, one of which will hopefully have room for us (Good Friday has the advantage that people feel the whole Easter weekend is ahead of them and usually have not geared up yet to go for outings: I have traditionally found it a quiet day in the countryside). There may very well be some nice wood anemone woods (see photo): I can't say for certain because I have never tried this walk at this time of year, but this is the right kind of territory for them.

One disadvantage of this walk is that the last train back from Warnham is at 18.24 (before that they are hourly at 24 past). That is another reason to pick this walk today, because once the clocks go forward (tomorrow!) it is a bit irritating to have to go back to town so early. If you misjudge, there is an 18.44 train southbound to Horsham and you can get a train home from there. But your Warnham return will probably not be valid via this route.

  • Marion
    Mon, 21-Mar-16

    In case anyone else is snookered by engineering works I intend the following journey suggested by TFL. Any other options gratefully received as there's no trains to CJ via Barnes.

    Bus 267 to catch 9.06 Twickenham to Raynes Park

    9.43 Raynes Park to Dorking

    10.27 Dorking to Ockley

    10.38 ETA

  • Paul
    Mon, 21-Mar-16

    Paul (Porky) Nationalrail offer the 18.44 journey via Horsham as a return at the same price so should be no problem...but please check

  • Marion
    Fri, 25-Mar-16

    Not going on this walk now. Too many logistics issues with the rail journey. Will go with Thomas option to Thame.

  • Fri, 25-Mar-16

    32 including one late starter who caught us at lunch. A heavenly day of warm sunshine and blue skies . Lots of signs of spring, including hearing the first chiffchaff of the year (first migrant bird to arrive from Africa) and covering nine daisies with one foot (old country saying says it is not spring until you do). Oodles and oodles of bluebell woods, but only the very occasional bluebell flower. Some wood anemones, lots of primroses, daffodils, celandines.

    The group got split up, but about half, I think, lunched at the Scarlett Arms. Yet another pub that replaces "order at the bar" with "order drinks at the bar, wait for us to take orders at the table, then pay at the bar". Time and motion studies should be compulsory for publicans! Also no garden, which was painful on a sunny day. But to be fair, the food was nice when it came and we were only in there for just over an hour, which is not too bad.

    There was a lot of mud in places, due to low-lying fields and squelchy bridleways: interestingly the arable fields at the end were bone dry, however. A glorious tea in the garden of the pub in Warnham - big pots, scrummy deserts.

    Most got the 17.24, I think. Two of us walked into Horsham - a much nicer route than you would think from looking at the map, including an interesting wildfowl lake. We ended up on the 18.20 which is also the last train stopping at Warnham, but didn't see any other walkers get on that.

    Wind and rain for the rest of the weekend, they say. Heigh-ho. But at least Et in Arcadia Ego

Saturday 05-Sep-15

Saturday First Walk Book 1 47 Ockley to Warnham
T=1.47 Length 16.5KM (10.3 miles)
Toughness 3 out of 10

For walk directions, click here

Get the 0931 from Victoria to Ockley (Clapham 0937 - Horsham train) arrives 1036. Buy a day return to Warnham.

Return trains are xx08 direct to Victoria and via Horsham xx41. Note that the last direct train back is 1808 and the last train is 1841 via Horsham.

"This is a beautiful walk through an unspoilt country­side of fields, woods and gentle hills. In this sleepy corner on the Surrey-Sussex border it seems as if nothing exceptional has happened through the ages. You go through no bustling towns, pass no grand country houses and there are no particularly interesting historical events to relate. Just mile after mile of oak woods and rural delights." Note that there is no evening service on this line.

The suggested lunch place is the Scarlett Arms pub in Walliswood. This is a small, walker-friendly, pub with a garden for sitting outside in the summer. I still remember the warm welcome I got, arriving dripping wet one winter Wednesday.
An alternative is the equally homely Punch Bowl pub in Okewood Hill.

The suggested tea place is the Sussex Oak in Warnham. It is 1.4km to the station from the village of Warnham, but there should be plenty of time for a drink in the garden before the last train.

OS Map Explorer 134 &146 Landranger 187
  • Dirk
    Fri, 04-Sep-15

    This is a lovely walk. Last time I walked it I applied these corrections/simplifications to the walk instructions:

    3. ... field beyond. Cross the field to the edge of the wood opposite and turn left along the wood.

    5-7. ... village of Ockley. Follow the path into the wood until a car wide track crosses. To the left there is a small footpath entering the wood opposite. After 45 metres by a cypress tree ...

    10-11. ... In 40 metres go over the river [4] and turn left. Follow the track as it curves ...

    I think Horsham is only another 1.5 hours' walk away from Warnham from where there are many more and later options to return back to London by train. A torch would be advisable for this attempt.

    Enjoy !


  • Mon, 07-Sep-15

    About 12 walkers. The weather turned from overcast to sunny . One of the highlights of this walk is the sudden emergence among the trees of the church in Okewood. After lunch in the always attractive Scarlett Arms two walked ahead and were not seen again. The rest had tea and desserts in the Sussex Oak. 3 walked on to Horsham via the Warnham Wildlife Reserve.