Oxshott to Ashtead Walk
The River Mole and the heaths, commons and woods of metropolitan Surrey. Including Oxshott Heath, Esher Common, Prince’s Coverts, Ashtead and Epsom Commons.
Add your photos to the SWC Group on Flickr, and tag them:

Pond near the start
Oxshott to Ashtead walk
Nov-16 • Saturdaywalker on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk178 walkicon 30552975694

Winter woods
Oxshott to Ashtead walk
Nov-16 • Saturdaywalker on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk178 walkicon 30567153713

Late autumn colours
Oxshott to Ashtead walk
Nov-16 • Saturdaywalker on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk178 walkicon 30567153013

Dusk in Ashtead Forest
Oxshott to Ashtead walk
Nov-16 • Saturdaywalker on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk178 walkicon 30552974204

Along the pond
Oxshott to Ashtead walk
Nov-16 • Saturdaywalker on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk178 30552975214

Heathland mid morning
Oxshott to Ashtead walk
Nov-16 • Saturdaywalker on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk178 30552974704