Pulborough to Petworth Walk
Across the Arun valley and Greensand Hills to an attractive town with one of the National Trust's finest properties.
Add your photos to the SWC Group on Flickr, and tag them:
Petworth House from Upper Pond
Sep-12 • Sean O'Neill
banner, swcwalk128, swcwalks 5785883699023386834 P
The River Arun at Pallingham
Sep-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalks, walkicon 5785883538751205570 P
View of Petworth
Aug-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalks, walkicon 5640653514648344546 P

Meadow Brown on Knapweed - near Pulborough
Maniola jurtina
Aug-17 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk128 swcwalk128a butterfly butterflies 36312419000

Brown Argus on Birds Foot Trefoil - near Pulborough
Aricia agestis
Aug-17 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk128 swcwalk128a butterfly butterflies 35897883523

Speckled Wood on Bramble - near Pulborough
Pararge aegeria
Aug-17 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk128 swcwalk128a butterfly butterflies 36312420670

Common Hemp Nettle - Pulborought to Petworth
Aug-17 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk128 swcwalk128a 36312421950

Fox and Cubs - Pulborought to Petworth
Aug-17 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk128 swcwalk128a 36312422740

Common Blue - Pulborought to Petworth
Polyommatus icarus
Aug-17 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk128 swcwalk128a butterfly butterflies 36312423830

Purple Loosestrife - Pulborought to Petworth
Aug-17 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk128 swcwalk128a 35897888323

Marsh Woundwort - Pulborought to Petworth
Aug-17 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk128 swcwalk128a 35897889073

Corn Mint - Pulborought to Petworth
Aug-17 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk128 swcwalk128a 36312427490

Pond and Wood - Pulborought to Petworth
Aug-17 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk128 swcwalk128a 35897906673

White form of Common Hemp Nettle - Pulborought to Petworth
Aug-17 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk128 swcwalk128a 35897939843

Musk Mallow - Pulborought to Petworth
Aug-17 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk128 swcwalk128a 35897939373

Dappled Shade walk - near Petworth
Aug-17 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk128 swcwalk128a 35897939113

Wild Marjoram - near Petworth
Aug-17 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk128 swcwalk128a 35897907083

Vipers Bugloss - near Petworth
Echium vulgare
Aug-17 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk128 swcwalk128a 35897934893

Ceiling of St. Mary's Petworth
Aug-17 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk128 swcwalk128a 35897916923

Upper Lake - Petworth House
Aug-17 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk128 swcwalk128a 36538296302

Camomile Lawn - Petworth House
Aug-17 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk128 swcwalk128a 36707857995

Common Polypody Fern - near Stopham
Polypodium vulgare
Aug-17 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk128 swcwalk128a 36538294232

Dilapidated Cottage - near Stopham
Aug-17 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk128 swcwalk128a 36661684936

Looking to South Downs near Pulborough
Aug-17 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk128 swcwalk128a 36661689686
Abandoned part of the Arun Navigation
Jun-16 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalks 6387698697408914018 P
Orchid in wildflower meadow, Pleasure Gardens
Jun-16 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalks 6387699199137302930 P
Ancient sweet chestnut, Pleasure Gardens
Jun-16 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalks 6387699213579078354 P

We know what she really does! No sign of the pink Rolls-Royce though - Probably visiting Tracy Island.
Jun-16 • quitenearmike on Flickr
book3 internationalrescue ladypenelope swcwalks walk128 quiterightparker 27012597233
Park Mound from The Gallops
Sep-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalks 5785883400255104082 P
Distant view of the Toat Monument
Sep-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalks 5785883427821153346 P
The River Arun at Pallingham
Sep-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalks 5785883494113705074 P
Lombard Street and St Mary's Church, Petworth
Sep-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalks 5785883619009470450 P
Petworth House from Upper Pond
Sep-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalks 5785883733478350274 P
The Boat House, Upper Pond
Sep-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalks 5785883793493173954 P
Petworth House from Upper Pond
Sep-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalks 5785883755005463138 P
Petworth House from Upper Pond
Sep-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalks 5785883824102742498 P
Petworth House on Heritage Open Day (actors playing Lord and Lady Egremont)
Sep-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalks 5785883869882248818 P
St Mary the Virgin, Petworth
Sep-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalks 5785883593934506434 P
Garden and pond at Woodruff's Farm
Aug-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalks 5640653534953238562 P
Evening sky over Pulborough
Aug-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalks 5640653773152005986 P
St Mary the Virgin, Fittleworth
Jul-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalks 5633408382153800466 P
St Mary the Virgin, Stopham
Jul-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalks 5633408410010183682 P
Old Place Manor, Pulborough
Jun-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalks 5631050399379720290 P
Abandoned part of the Arun Navigation
Jun-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalks 5631050591273671538 P
Misty view of the South Downs
Jun-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalks 5631050788682131650 P
Pleasure Grounds, Petworth Park
Jun-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalks 5631051572161373954 P
Old Place, Pulborough
Jun-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalk14, swcwalks 5631050346164055458 P
Petworth welcomes visitors
Jun-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalks 5631050990362986082 P
Statue of the Earl of Egremont, Petworth Church
Jun-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalks 5631051143941939602 P
Chugging along North Street
Jun-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalks 5631051189003977666 P
Looking across Shimmings valley from Petworth
Jun-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalks 5631051640486485986 P
Tombs in St Mary's churchyard, Fittleworth
Jun-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalks 5631052164221967426 P
St Mary the Virgin, Stopham
Jun-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalks 5631052465464528978 P
Crossing Stopham Bridge to the White Hart
Jun-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalks 5631052511687847090 P
The South Downs from Park Mound
Jun-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalk14, swcwalks 5631052650559316482 P
Egyptian Geese on Upper Pond
Jul-09 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk128, swcwalks 5643991610916904882 P