Saunderton via West Wycombe Circular Walk
The Chilterns: wooded forests (very muddy in winter), Hughenden Manor (NT), West Wycombe Caves (of Hellfire club fame), finishing with a short ridge walk
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Bradenham Church
buckinghamshire bucks chilterns chilternhills swcwalks book2 walk3 49265811063

Bradenham Manor
buckinghamshire bucks chilterns chilternhills swcwalks book2 walk3 49266275741

West Wycombe Caves
buckinghamshire bucks chilterns chilternhills swcwalks book2 walk3 49266423507

West Wycombe Mausoleum and West Wycombe hill
buckinghamshire bucks chilterns chilternhills swcwalks book2 walk3 49266379927

Going Underground at West Wycombe Caves
buckinghamshire bucks chilterns chilternhills swcwalks book2 walk3 49266421312

West Wycombe Caves
buckinghamshire bucks chilterns chilternhills swcwalks book2 walk3 49266407667

West Wycombe Caves
buckinghamshire bucks chilterns chilternhills swcwalks book2 walk3 49265747043

View from West Wycombe Hills
buckinghamshire bucks chilterns chilternhills swcwalks book2 walk3 49266390247

Not sure what the reception is like
Jun-18 • quitenearmike on Flickr
swcwalks book2 walk3 41632368045

Common blue
(sticking my head over the parapet here, bound to be a small-something-else) Saunderton Circular via West Wycombe
swcwalks book2 walk3 pretty butterflies 41808912814

The Clumps
Sounds like a program that used to be on the Home Service (AKA Radio 4)
Jun-18 • quitenearmike on Flickr
swcwalks book2 walk3 42534271261

Downley Cricket Match
quintessentially English
Jun-18 • quitenearmike on Flickr
swcwalks book2 walk3 42482467322

Trouble and strife
Thanks to Kevin for this photo - No problems with bulls apparently
Aug-16 • quitenearmike on Flickr
swcwalks book2 walk3 28758698645

English summer landscape
Thanks to Kevin for this photo
Aug-16 • quitenearmike on Flickr
swcwalks book2 walk3 28681551381

Patient dog
Thanks to Kevin for this photo
Aug-16 • quitenearmike on Flickr
swcwalks book2 walk3 28474696960

Bradenham Manor
Thanks to Kevin for this photgraph
Aug-16 • quitenearmike on Flickr
swcwalks book2 walk3 28681573211

Dizzy (Disraeli)
Start of children's adventure walk
Aug-16 • quitenearmike on Flickr
book2 walk3 swcwalks 28673216131

Calligrapher cartoons
The Ice House at Hughenden
Aug-16 • quitenearmike on Flickr
book2 walk3 swcwalks 28135373473

WW2 Maps
The Ice House at Hughenden
Aug-16 • quitenearmike on Flickr
swcwalk book2 walk3 swcwalks 28133124974

I spy
Kit to interrogate WW2 aerial photographs The Ice House at Hughenden
Aug-16 • quitenearmike on Flickr
book2 walk3 swcwalks 28718928446

Bone shaker
The Ice House at Hughenden
Aug-16 • quitenearmike on Flickr
book2 walk3 swcwalks 28466490980

Another Children's walk clue at Hughenden
Aug-16 • quitenearmike on Flickr
book2 walk3 swcwalks 28645581912

On Ice
Fascinating insight into WW2 aerial photography and cartography at Hughenden Manor
Aug-16 • quitenearmike on Flickr
swcwalks book2 walk3 28750748055

Statues bearing fruit
Hughenden Mansion
Aug-16 • quitenearmike on Flickr
swcwalks book2 walk3 28466581270

Highly Strung
Could this be a case of "Hell hath no fury like a Rambler's wife scorned" ?
Aug-16 • quitenearmike on Flickr
swcwalks book2 walk3 28718836416

Marbled white on pyramidal orchid
Jul-15 • Sean O'Neill
book2, swcwalks, walk3 6168724947252654178 P
Marbled white on pyramidal orchid
Jul-15 • Sean O'Neill
book2, swcwalks, walk3 6387327424188686274 P
Welcome to Le De Spencer's Arms
Jul-15 • Sean O'Neill
book2, swcwalks, walk3 6168725018868488834 P
Welcome to Le De Spencer's Arms
Jul-15 • Sean O'Neill
book2, swcwalks, walk3 6387327452318886978 P

National Trust
Jul-15 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
woodland book2 walk3 swcwalks 19244987959

Into the woods
near Bradenham
Jul-15 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
woodland book2 walk3 swcwalks 19424926682

Mine host
at Le De Spencer's Arms pub, Downley
Jul-15 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
pub scarecrow book2 walk3 swcwalks 18808743774

Downley Common's Wicketkeeper Man..
...welcomes outsiders....
Jul-15 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
culture book2 walk3 swcwalks 19431057915

Spot the ball! Downley Common cricket match
substandard pavilion seating for the batting side.
Jul-15 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
cricket common book2 walk3 swcwalks 19435331611

Dashwood Mausoleum
on hill above West Wycombe Caves
Jul-15 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
mausoleum book2 walk3 swcwalks 19435543561

War memorial
on hill by St Lawrence church
Jul-15 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
book2 walk3 swcwalks 19243789678

Young signalman's final resting place
Behind the mausoleum
Jul-15 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
book2 walk3 swcwalks 19243807408

The hand of Arthur Dent....
...holds his cherries still while we ID them
Jul-15 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
plants book2 walk3 swcwalks 19245220979

Wild cherries
probably not edible
Jul-15 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
berries book2 walk3 swcwalks 19431399335

Le de Spencers Arms
... and a few other bits
Jul-15 • quitenearmike on Flickr
book2 walk3 swcwalks 20733337962

Chilterns Gentian
Saunderton via Wheelers End Probably the rarest flower I've photographed. Butlers Hanging NR
wildflowers book2 swcwalks walk3b 9892382523

Orange Polypore
On cherry Saunderton Circular via Wheelers End
book2 swcwalks walk3a wheelersend 8068317168

Sporty Scarecrows
Old Oxford Road. Saunderton Circular via Wheelers End
book2 swcwalks walk3a wheelersend 8068322144

Hedged-in Bridleway
Saunderton Circular via Wheelers End
book2 swcwalks walk3a wheelersend 8068328647

View from the wood
near Hughenden. Saunderton Circular via West Wycombe
chilterns book2 walk3 swcwalks 6951617225

Dashwood monument ahead
Saunderton Circular via West Wycombe
chilterns book2 walk3 swcwalks 6805503166

Chilterns Panorama
near Hughenden. Saunderton Circular via West Wycombe
chilterns book2 walk3 swcwalks 6951617877

crossing the railway
Saunderton Figure of 8. West Wycombe loop compare
book2 swcwalks walk3a 3651436295

Looking back
Saunderton Figure of 8. West Wycombe loop compare
book2 swcwalks walk3a 3652244694

Safe haven
After a terrential downpour we took shelter at the wonderfully friendly (and warm!) Le De Spencers Arms. A sunday roast and numerous cups of tea later (and beer of course!) we were ready to brave the elements again!
buckinghamshire fullers highwycombe book2 walk3 downley slogs swcwalks ledespencersarms 3379630156

View from the Dashwood Mausoleum
Saunderton via West Wycombe (short Walk)
book2 swcwalks walk3a 3260584391

Reflections of Daisy
england daisies reflections dewdrops unitedkingdom britain bubbles dew daisy raindrop book2 southeastengland walk3 swcwalks 3067697851

Big bubble daisy
A daisy in a bubble makes me glad I came out in the rain!
england daisies dewdrops unitedkingdom britain dew bubble daisy raindrops raindrop book2 southeastengland walk3 swcwalks 3067700455

Footprints of a spider
england dewdrops drops unitedkingdom britain web spiderweb dew raindrops book2 southeastengland walk3 swcwalks 3068542504

Basking grey butterfly
england butterfly unitedkingdom britain book2 southeastengland walk3 swcwalks 3068544626

Spaghetti plant?
The middle of this flower looks like a tightly rolled ball of spaghetti! Would love to find out what it actually is. The hairy exterior held onto the dew drops late into the morning, long after the other flowers around it had dried off.
england dewdrops unitedkingdom britain dew book2 southeastengland walk3 swcwalks 3067713155

Silver butterfly
england butterfly unitedkingdom britain book2 southeastengland walk3 physis swcwalks 3067714857

Explosion of purple
england unitedkingdom britain book2 southeastengland walk3 swcwalks 3068557430

Field of wheat
Glowing in the late afternoon sun
england unitedkingdom britain wheat book2 southeastengland walk3 swcwalks 3068562370

Fairy dust bee
This furry bumblebee - covered I assume in pollen - looks like it's had a sprinkling of fairy dust!
england unitedkingdom britain bee bumblebee book2 southeastengland walk3 swcwalks 3068563358

Book 2, Walk 3b, Saunderton Round via Wheeler End
Midweek Day Walk, 20 December 2006
book2 swcwalks walk3b tocw33b 330297562

Book 2, Walk 3b, Saunderton Round via Wheeler End
Midweek Day Walk, 20 December 2006
book2 swcwalks walk3b tocw33b 330287542

Book 2, Walk 3b, Saunderton Round via Wheeler End
Midweek Day Walk, 20 December 2006
book2 swcwalks walk3b tocw33b 330297565

Book 2, Walk 3b, Saunderton Round via Wheeler End
Midweek Day Walk, 20 December 2006
book2 swcwalks walk3b tocw33b 330297567

Book 2, Walk 3b, Saunderton Round via Wheeler End
Midweek Day Walk, 20 December 2006
book2 swcwalks walk3b tocw33b 330297569

Book 2, Walk 3b, Saunderton Round via Wheeler End
Midweek Day Walk, 20 December 2006
book2 swcwalks walk3b tocw33b 330297570

Book 2, Walk 3b, Saunderton Round via Wheeler End
Midweek Day Walk, 20 December 2006
book2 swcwalks walk3b tocw33b 330297572

Book 2, Walk 3b, Saunderton Round via Wheeler End
Midweek Day Walk, 20 December 2006
book2 swcwalks saundertoncircularviawheelerend walk3b tocw33b 330309299

Book 2, Walk 3b, Saunderton Round via Wheeler End
Midweek Day Walk, 20 December 2006
book2 swcwalks walk3b tocw33b 330309301

Winchelsea to Hastings
Along the route
Jan-06 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
walking sussex walks walk walkers extra book2 swc walk3 walk29 walk25 461398192

Book 2, Walk 3, Saunderton Circular via West Wycombe
Dashwood Mausoleum, Church of St Lawrence, 28 Oct 2005
west walk circular wycombe book2 walk3 saunderton 281005 swcwalks tocw23 57255582

Book 2, Walk 3, Saunderton Circular via West Wycombe
Ghoul, hanging out laundry, 28 Oct 2005
west walk circular wycombe book2 walk3 saunderton 281005 swcwalks tocw23 57255583

Book 2, Walk 3, Saunderton Circular via West Wycombe
Ghoul, West Wycombe Caves, 28 Oct 2005
west walk circular wycombe book2 walk3 saunderton 281005 swcwalks 57255585