Stonegate to Robertsbridge Walk
The High Weald, Kipling’s home, and panoramic views
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swcwalks, swcwalk112, Stonebridge to Robertsbridge. 7/7/22amib, Jul-22
Another Wealden wonder undertaken on a warm, initially cloudy, July day. This one was a 9.5 mile variant that was mainly new terrain to this walker.
It was a classic Wealden walk of tranquil pastures and woodland, but, at this time of year, without the mud, much bird-song and many babbling brooks.
Due to trains being diverted on the way down, and delaying this walker's arrival by an hour, there was no lunch stop, and the only church on the walk, at Burwash, is too early in.
The former home of Rudyard Kipling, Batemans, is passed, as is the present home of some recent Euromillions winners, Socknersh Manor.
Another very decent walk today, with good paths, though poor stiles, and great scenery. A very different story in the wetter months though!