Tisbury Circular via Donhead St. Andrew walk

The Vale of Wardour in the Wiltshire Downs AONB. Wardour Park, Nadder Head, a neolithic hill fort, Barkers hill, Old Wardour Castle. Long and shorter version.


This is a list of previous times this walk has been done by the club (since Jan 2010). For more recent events (since April 2015), full details are shown.

Date Option Post # Weather
Sun, 26-May-24 Tempting Tisbury (via Donhead St. Andrew) 3 initially sunny then showery
Sat, 24-Jun-23 Saturday Walk - Vale of Wardour and Old Wardour Castle: Tisbury Circular via Donhead St. Andrew's 6 sunny and warm with an occasional breeze
Sat, 14-Aug-21 Saturday Walk - Tisbury Circular via the Donheads and Wardour Castles Old and New: West Wiltshire Downs in all their glory 9 grey quickly turning sunny and very fine
Sat, 01-Jul-17 Saturday Walk - South West Trains Spring Offer – West Wiltshire Downs, Wardour Park & Castle Ruin, Upper Nadder Valley 9 warm and sunny
Wed, 29-Jul-15 Midweek day walk - Tisbury circular 8 light clouds with one short period of spittle
Fri, 03-Apr-15 Tisbury Circular, via Donhead St Andrew (short walk)
Fri, 03-Apr-15 Tisbury Circular, via Donhead St Andrew

SWC 252: Tisbury Circular (via Donhead St. Andrew) -- Across the Vale of Wardour, Wardour Park and a Castle Ruin t=swc.252

Length: 14.5 Miles or 23.3 km for those more metrically minded (for those wanting something shorter, short cuts are available! -- see walk notes)

Difficulty: 7 out of 10 (or 4 out 10 for the shorter version)

Train: Take the 9:15 AM South Western Exeter St. David’s train from London Waterloo arriving at a Tisbury at 11:06. Return trains are at 17:01, 17:28, 18:01; 19:01; 20:01; 21:01 and 22:03. Buy a day return to Tisbury.

This walk explores the Vale of Wardour, an area of outstanding natural beauty in Wiltshire. The route heads west from Tisbury along the Nadder Valley and through Wardour Park with its large mansion. After lunch, a series of ascents through some large estates and several woods take you all the way to the Nadder Head in another large country estate. Looping back, the route passes a Neolithic hill fort site on a ridge right on the boundary with Dorset, with occasional views through trees to surrounding steep downs.

An exhilarating descent and an equally exhilarating route through the wooded Barkers Hill lead back down to the Nadder. The return route then leads right past the romantically ruined 14th century Old Wardour Castle and through High Wood back into Tisbury, a remarkably unspoilt village. More information and the walk instructions can be found here.

Lunch is at the Forester in Donhead St. Andrew (01747 828 038), 4.3 miles/7.3 km into the walk -- a booking has been made at 1pm.

Post walk refreshies can be had at various spots in Tisbury.

  • 27-May-24

    Just 2 alighted from the designated train and were promptly met by 1 more arriving by car, making for a select 3 on this lovely exploration of the Nadder Valley with perfect group cohesion all day. The morning could not have been better for walking -- bright sunshine, cooling breezes, rolling hills, colorful wild and garden flower displays, light woodland and an art display in a small chapel. Lunch at the Forrester was relaxed and enjoyable with some very tasty food produced in rather large quantities... We eventually managed to set off from our feast with the weather showing signs of change... a few clouds had rolled in and it was not long before we were donning our waterproofs and taking cover under a large tree waiting for the heaviest of the showers to pass... During the afternoon we passed through more picturesque villages and climbed up and down various wooded ridges with some fine views. Fortunately, this is one of the more wooded Tisbury walks -- so we had some cover from the occasional showers that accompanied us on our return route.... Arriving back at the station at 19:00 -- the 2 train travelers had just enough time to bade the driver farewell before hopping aboard the slightly delayed 19:03... A fine day out with good company in initially sunny then showery conditions (no thunder showers though)!

DAC is away...
Length: 23.3 km (14.5 mi) [much shorter option available, see below]
Ascent/Descent: 561m
Net Walking Time: ca. 6 hours
Toughness: 7 out of 10
09.20 Exeter St. David’s train from Waterloo (Clapham J. 09.27, Woking 09.46), arrives Tisbury 11.06
[In Tisbury you have to be in the front three cars of the train due to a short platform].
Returns are at xx.01 (basically), last train 22.03
This walk explores the Upper Nadder Valley (also known as the Vale of Wardour) in the south westerly parts of the West Wiltshire Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, which is spectacular walking country with some breathtaking views. It heads west from Tisbury along the valley and through Wardour Park with its large mansion. After lunch at a gastro pub in Donhead St. Andrew, some serious ascents take you all the way to the Nadder Head in another large country estate. Looping back the route passes a Neolithic hill fort site on a ridge right on the boundary with Dorset, with occasional views through trees to surrounding steep downs.

An exhilarating descent and an equally exhilarating route through the wooded Barkers Hill lead back down to the Nadder. The return route then leads right past the romantically ruined 14th century Old Wardour Castle and through High Wood back into Tisbury, a remarkably unspoilt village.

A shorter version of the walk, rated 4/10, and allowing enough time to visit Old Wardour Castle (English Heritage), exists in a separate file.

Lunch: The Forester Inn in Donhead St. Andrews (7.0 km/4.3 mi, food all day, table booked for 13.00).
Tea: Plenty of options in Tisbury, see the pdf or the webpage for details.
For summary, map, height profile, walk directions, photos and gpx/kml files click here.T=swc.252
  • 24-Jun-23

    The undersigned missed the train by mere seconds (as he does at times), but then took some opportune shortcuts to meet the other 2 lunchers at the pub just as they ordered their food. Meadows and fields were almost entirely wildflower-filled, with intensive agriculture seemingly out of fashion in these parts. This meant hords of butterflies and damselflies everywhere, plus plenty of birdsong and loads of buzzards and kestrels circling. This is always a quiet walk insofar as being remote from any significant traffic, with no hotspots for dog walkers and/or locals to bump into or walking groups to appear from nowhere, but today, in the still summer air with only an occasional slight breeze, it was very quiet indeed. More by luck than by judgement (I had posted this more than 3 weeks ago) I had picked the most shady of the Tisbury walks, which came in very handy today.

    Lunch was fine, but the pub is under new management as of last year and they have clearly gone off the previous Michelin Bib Gourmand ambitions. Still a fine pub, no doubt, but not a gastro destination.

    The picnickers had moved on before I arrived and we only saw 2 of them again in Tisbury, at the Benett Arms. Their fastest walker was assumed to have gotten the 6 o'clock train, which we had missed by a handful of minutes, but in fact he had gotten waylaid near Old Wardour Castle and had inadvertently picked up the outbound route (which is longer), so we met him on the platform at 7. He blamed the walk instructions! Unbelievable...

    An all-male group of 6 therefore, in sunny and warm with an occasional breeze weather

Length: 23.3 km (14.5 mi) [longer or shorter options available, see below]
Ascent/Descent: 561 m; Net Walking Time: ca. 6 hours
Toughness: 7 out of 10
09.20 Exeter St. Davids & Bath Spa train from Waterloo (Clapham J. 09.27, Woking 09.46), arrives Tisbury 11.06
[You have to be in the front part of the train, as it splits at Salisbury, and in Tisbury you have to be in the front three cars of that front part of the train due to a short platform].
Returns are at xx.01 (basically), last train 22.02 [trolley services are back!]
This walk explores the Upper Nadder Valley (also known as the Vale of Wardour) in the south westerly parts of the West Wiltshire Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, which is spectacular walking country with some breathtaking views. It heads west from Tisbury along the valley and through Wardour Park with its large mansion. After lunch at a gastro pub in Donhead St. Andrew, some serious ascents take you all the way to the Nadder Head in another large country estate. Looping back the route passes a Neolithic hill fort site on a ridge right on the boundary with Dorset, with occasional views through trees to surrounding steep downs.
An exhilarating descent and an equally exhilarating route through the wooded Barkers Hill lead back down to the Nadder. The return route then leads right past the romantically ruined 14th century Old Wardour Castle and through High Wood back into Tisbury, a remarkably unspoilt village.
A shorter version of the walk, rated 4/10, and allowing enough time to visit Old Wardour Castle (English Heritage), exists in a separate file.
I shall endeavour to investigate a possible extension of the route at its SW end, from Windwhistle Corner via Higher Wycombe Park and Round Hill.
Lunch: The Forester Inn in Donhead St. Andrews (7.0 km/4.3 mi, food to 14.00, table booked for 13.00), it has been awarded the Michelin Bib Gourmand for many years running now.
Tea: Plenty of options in Tisbury, see the pdf or the webpage for details.
For summary, map, height profile, walk directions, photos and gpx/kml files click here.T=swc.252
  • 01-Aug-21

    cheap Advance tickets are still available, if you can commit to a defined return train

  • 14-Aug-21

    9 in grey quickly turning sunny and very fine weather.

    A pretty uneventful walk today, with the group staying close-ish together to lunch, which comes after 1/3 of the distance. 4 had (a rather brilliant) lunch at The Forester, 1 even having 3 courses and a coffee, so the non-lunchers moved on. 2 walked an improvised shortcut mid-afternoon, all others the full route. 5 (including teh shortcutters) were on the 18.01, the others presumably on the following train.

    The Black Swans were there again, on the ponds just after Donhead St. Mary, and plenty of photos were taken of them. Lots of butterflies were out and about and some irridescent blue stick-dragonflies (if they were dragonflies at all?). And there was quite a bit of mud in the woods, but never un-skirtable.

    All in, a very fine day in very fine company.

SWC 252 - Tisbury Circular (via Donhead St. Andrews)

Length: 23.3 km (14.5 mi) [shorter option available, see below]
Ascent/Descent: 610 m; Net Walking Time: ca. 6 hours
Toughness: 9 out of 10
Short Walk (in separate pdf): 15.1 km (9.4 mi), 4/10
09.20 Exeter St. Davids & Bristol Temple Meads train from Waterloo (Clapham J. 09.27, Woking 09.46), arrives Tisbury 11.06
[You have to be in the front part of the train, as it splits at Salisbury, and in Tisbury you have to be in the front three cars of that front part of the train due to a short platform].
Returns are at xx.01 (basically), last train 22.03 [a trolley service is usually on board]
This walk explores the Upper Nadder Valley (also known as the Vale of Wardour) in the south westerly parts of the West Wiltshire Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, which is spectacular walking country with some breathtaking views. It heads west from Tisbury along the valley and through Wardour Park with its large mansion. After lunch at a gastro pub in Donhead St. Andrew, some serious ascents take you all the way to the Nadder Head in another large country estate. Looping back the route passes a Neolithic hill fort site on a ridge right on the boundary with Dorset, with occasional views through trees to surrounding steep downs. An exhilarating descent and an equally exhilarating route through the wooded Barkers Hill lead back down to the Nadder.
The return route then leads right past the romantically ruined 14th century Old Wardour Castle and through High Wood back into Tisbury, a remarkably unspoilt village.
A shorter version of the walk, rated 4/10, and allowing enough time to visit Old Wardour Castle (English Heritage), exists in a separate file.
Lunch: The Forester Inn in Donhead St. Andrews (7.0 km/4.3 mi, food to 14.00, table booked for 13.00), it has been awarded the Michelin Bib Gourmand for 5 years running now.
For summary, map, height profile, walk directions, photos and gpx/kml files click here.T=swc.252

DAC is away...
  • Anonymous

    This walk sounds interesting. A question for the short cut option: where does it separate from the main walk - before or after lunch?

  • 27-Jun-17

    The short walk basically cuts out an outer loop, please see the 'OSmap' tab on the walk's webpage for both route maps. But the short walk also has a slightly longer morning route to the pub, as you can see there, and the routes split after 5 minutes.

  • Anonymous

    If one walks with the group in the morning but leave after lunch to follow the short cut, what would be the total miles. Is there a reason why the short cut needs to follow a different route in the morning?

  • 27-Jun-17

    The short walk is devised to minimise the effort (the ups and downs) while still giving some of the up-the-valley views that the long walk has in its post-lunch stages, and to free up time for potentially visiting Old Wardour Castle (if you so wish). If you mix and match pre-lunch route bits, the difference in length is marginal, as you can see from the route map.

  • Anonymous

    Anyone interested in doing a short cut with the morning session walking with the group, and split after lunch?

  • Anonymous

    Re#5 comment: if I join you, how many miles is the walk in total (excl walk inside EH)?

  • 29-Jun-17

    The short walk has 15.1 km (or 9.4 mi in medieval measures), as it says near the very top of the walk post. If you walk the slightly longer and more uppy-and-downy long walk's morning route, it will be marginally longer, but in my opinion you should really save your energy for the small loop just b4 lunch that gives you the valley views (and which the long walk only touches in the afternoon). So if you are the kind of person that fancies a shorter walk, I recommend to just following the short walk as it's written. You'll bump into the long walkers at the pub.

  • Anonymous

    It would be a shame to come to a group walk but end up walking alone just after 5 mins into the walk. Pity.

  • 02-Jul-17

    The day got off to an excellent start with the B+I Lions defeating the NZ All Blacks and 9 of us alighted from the train at Tisbury station after a standing room only journey for many passengers (really SWT just 3 carriages on a summer weekend!! )

    This was the first SWC outing for the long version of this walk and what a superb ramble it is: beautiful open vistas (Dorset visible with possible new SWC adventures there next year) lovely woodland trails and ridges through dappled sunlight; quiet country lanes and tracks and picture post-card villages with numerous thatched cottages and an award-winning pub providing top-quality cuisine; (most of us were sandwich-eaters though who lunched in the nearby cemetery!).

    You have to do over 10 miles after lunch but the variety and beauty of the landscape means you don't get bored. We stopped at the Old Wardour Castle for tea and ice-cream (English Heritage get your act together and provide a proper cafe like the National Trust; you will attract more people!). Here we hqd an amusing incident when a very young toddler , part of a large family group, staggered up to the top of the short slope where we were sitting and presented one of our group with a plastic bag full of rubbish which he expected him to deal with. Top marks for initiative I say.

    Some of the group picked up the pace to catch the 18.01 but five of us decided to walk into the village and have some refreshments and buy some "supplies" at the local Co-op for the 19.01. (We walked past the South Western pub as I don't think blasting out Gary Glitter singing Rock and Roll is a good way to attract custom!)

    On the journey home we had some pleasant badinage with the young Tibetan guy running the food and drinks trolley. He tried to persuade us to buy some of SWTs appalling red stuff rather than drink our classic 1874 Chateau........ er whatever it was! Frisson of excitement at Salisbury when Jenni Murray, journalist, broadcaster and Women's Hour Presenter ambled past us on her way to First Class. Extra point for me as I identified her.

    A fabulous SWC day out and many thanks to the purchasers of wine and snacks. (Oh the weather was warm and sunny .

    Two points about the walk: (1) its a pity the pub comes so early but nothing can done about ths and (2) although it has plenty of up and down there are no knee-crushing ascents and only 1 winding steep descent so is this really a 9/10! Even in my increasingly enfeebled state I would have said 8 or even 7. Were some people put off by the rating?)

Mike A
Mike A

Tisbury Circular

Alfred's Tower, Old and New Wardour Castles

Book 3 Walk 252 (leisurely variant - link below)

Length : 15 km or 9.5 miles

Toughness : 4 out of 10

Getting there : Catch the 9:20 am train from London Waterloo to Tisbury (9:27 from Clapham Junction)

Meeting point : Tisbury Station at 11:06

Tickets : Buy a Summer Promo Return Ticket from London to Salisbury (cost £20) and buy a day return from Salisbury to Tisbury (£5)
You don't need a rail card for the Promo, but some rail cards will get you a discount on the Salisbury to Tisbury extension.

Brief Description

This is one of the shorter of Thomas's Tisbury treats and you may find full details here

Suggested Lunch stop

The Forester Inn, Lower Street, Donhead St. Andrew, Shaftesbury, Wiltshire, SP7 9EE (01747 828 038)

Suggested Tea and Dinner stops

Beatons Tearooms and Bookshop, The Square, Tisbury, Wiltshire, SP3 6JP (01747 871 819 ). Open 8.45-17.00 Mon-Fri,
The Boot Inn, High Street, Tisbury, Wiltshire, SP3 6PS (01747 870 363).Open 19.00-23.00 Food served until 21.30 evenings.

You may find others in the full details.


OS Explorer : 118

Return train times

Trains return from Tisbury to London Waterloo at the following times ...
16:28 | 17:01 | 18:02 | 19:01 | 20:07 | 21:02

  • Anonymous

    On weekdays, Network Railcards a) cannot be used before 10am, and b) have a minimum fare of £13, so cannot be used for the Salisbury-Tisbury return.

    If you meetup on the train, say in the first carriage, you can get a groupsave ticket, but you'd all have to get the same train back.

  • 28-Jul-15

    Well that worked ok. £20 for the return to Salisbury and then £3.50 with a senior railcard for the Salisbury to Tisbury leg.

  • 28-Jul-15

    Intend going. Have tickets.

  • Anonymous

    website says that a return time must be chosen ?

  • 28-Jul-15

    no rtn train needs to be chosen. whatever box you tick, an off-peak rtn will be the outcome, enabling you to take any off-peak train with it

  • Anonymous

    thanks for that Thomas

  • Anonymous

    MIKE how can we send an email to you please ?

  • 29-Jul-15

    8 on walk. Weather fine with some sun. This "Tisbury tiddler" proved a superb introduction to the valleys, hills, woods and interesting buildings and ruins of this scenic area which has many fine views. We enjoyed the rare sight of brown hares scampering across fields and it was noticeable that there is far less arable farming this far out of London which makes it feel much more like a country walk rather than an a walk through "agribusiness" which you sometimes experience when you are nearer the capital.

    The Forester Inn was welcoming and provided delicious food and drinks with the cider proving popular. Its a bit pricey but you can get a fish sandwich with chips and peas for £7.50 which certainly fills you up for the afternoon leg.

    A short and barely noticeable shower cooled us down at the start of the return trek where we had to negotiate a densely over grown section through a wood before arriving back at Tisbury around 4.30pm.

    If you do not linger too long at lunch then this short walk has one overwhelming advantage over its longer and tougher bretheren: it allows you to have tea and cakes at Beatons where I enjoyed the best carrot cake I have ever had - a massive wodge of moist fruit chunks and carrot with a

    mouth-watering topping! Eat your heart out National Trust! Its open every day until 5pm but will be closed if you do the longer Tisbury walks. A superb day out.

    (One way to enjoy the longer Tisbury circular walks would be to base yourself in Salisbury for a few days and take the 15min train journey to Tisbury. Perhaps a future SWC adventure?)

  • Anonymous

    8 light clouds with one short period of spittle