Tunbridge Wells Circular Walk
A varied High Weald walk with stretches through parkland, restored heathland and woods containing massive sandstone outcrops, finishing alongside the Spa Valley Railway.
Add your photos to the SWC Group on Flickr, and tag them:

Bluebells in Forge Wood
Apr-14 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks, walkicon 6005105484915761266 P
The Nevill Crest at the golf club
Oct-13 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalk196, swcwalks, walkicon 5963245667981105490 P
The Nevill Crest at the golf club
Oct-13 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalk196, swcwalks, walkicon 5953964414343486082 P
Climbers at Harrison's Rocks
Apr-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk120, swcwalk19, swcwalks, walkicon 5615190850250775202 P
Climbers at Harrison's Rocks
Apr-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk120, swcwalk19, swcwalks, walkicon 5599910009218429218 P
Old Well and High Street, Frant
Apr-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks, walkicon 5599908383683936674 P

Frant to Tunbridge Wells 11 Feb 24 SWC1
Feb-24 • Steven F Coles on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 53527895889

Frant to Tunbridge Wells 11 Feb 24 SWC4
Feb-24 • Steven F Coles on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 53528017410

Frant to Tunbridge Wells 11 Feb 24 SWC2
Feb-24 • Steven F Coles on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 53527897004

Frant to Tunbridge Wells 11 Feb 24 SWC4
Feb-24 • Steven F Coles on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 53527910004

Frant to Tunbridge Wells 11 Feb 24 SWC5
Feb-24 • Steven F Coles on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 53526695822

Eridge Park "Halfway Ish"
kent tunbridgewells swcwalks swcwalk19 52570772957

The Spa Valley railway near High Rocks
kent tunbridgewells swcwalks swcwalk19 52571680575

Broadwater Nature Reserve
kent tunbridgewells swcwalks swcwalk19 52571232241

St Albans, Frant, East Sussex, England. swcwalks, swcwalk19
Oct-21 • nightingale51 on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 51580566591

The George, Frant, East Sussex, England. swcwalks, swcwalk19
Oct-21 • nightingale51 on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalks19 51581070941

Old Well, Frant Green, East Sussex, England. Swcwalks, swcwalk19
Oct-21 • nightingale51 on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalks19 51579748542

Eridge Old Park, East Sussex, England. swcwalks, swcwalk19
Oct-21 • nightingale51 on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 51580568206

Holy Trinity Church, Eridge, East Sussex, England. swcwalks, swcwalk19
Oct-21 • nightingale51 on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 51581248829

Eridge Rocks, Eridge, East Sussex, England. swcwalks, swcwalk19
Oct-21 • nightingale51 on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 51581253839

300 year old oak tree, Broadwater Warren, East Sussex, England. swcwalks, swcwalk19
Oct-21 • nightingale51 on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 51581496850

Night jar Viewpoint, Broadwater Warren, East Sussex, England. swcwalks, swcwalk19
Oct-21 • nightingale51 on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 51579770417

Frant to Tunbridge Wells 31.7.21 IMG_0754 LR
Jul-21 • Steven F Coles on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 51349792091

Frant to Tunbridge Wells 31.7.21 IMG_0759 LR
Jul-21 • Steven F Coles on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 51350809425

Frant to Tunbridge Wells 31.7.21 IMG_0773 LR
Jul-21 • Steven F Coles on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 51349792021

SWC walk Frant to Tunbridge Wells 30.3.19 SWC1
Mar-19 • Steven F Coles on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 32565958477

SWC walk Frant to Tunbridge Wells 30.3.19 No20 SWC6
Mar-19 • Steven F Coles on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 40542519283

SWC walk Frant to Tunbridge Wells 30.3.19 SWC3
Mar-19 • Steven F Coles on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 40542303403

SWC walk Frant to Tunbridge Wells 30.3.19 SWC5
Mar-19 • Steven F Coles on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 40542302993

SWC walk Frant to Tunbridge Wells 30.3.19 SWC4
Mar-19 • Steven F Coles on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 46784508884

Red Deadnettle near Frant
Lamium purpureum
Mar-19 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 32601092127

Pink primroses near Frant
Primula vulgaris
Mar-19 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 47490916862

Dandelion near Frant
Taraxacum officinale agg.
Mar-19 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 47490915702

Common Field Speedwell near Frant
Veronica persica
Mar-19 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 40577689393

Three cornered leek near Frant
Allium triquetrum
Mar-19 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 33666929358

Lesser Celandines near Frant
Ficaria verna
Mar-19 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 46820004554

Cuckoo flower near Frant
Cardamine pratensis
Mar-19 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 47543654161

Field Wood-rush near Frant
Luzula campestris
Mar-19 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 47490900972

Greylag goose on the lake near Eridge
Anser anser
Mar-19 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 bird 47543632031

Trees yet to leaf out - near Eridge
Mar-19 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 tree 46819988394

Ivy leaved Speedwell - near Eridge
Veronica hederifolia
Mar-19 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 47543614871

Amelanchier just starting to flower - near Harrisons Rocks
Mar-19 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 tree 47543609951

Great Stitchwort - Harrison's Rocks
Stellaria holostea
Mar-19 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 33666922288

Small Tortoiseshell on Blackthorn near Harrison's Rocks
Aglais urticae on Prunus spinosa
Mar-19 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 butterfly 40577673813

Pink Wood Anemone near High Rocks
Anemone nemorosa
Mar-19 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 46820000564

Spa Valley Railway train passing High Rocks
Mar-19 • stephenmid on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk19 46628184255

A diesel-hauled SVR train passes Friezland Wood
Jun-15 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 6160586113712458498 P
We don't see many walkers on this footpath
May-15 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 6153141409855986530 P
Beech tree in Eridge Old Park
May-15 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 6153142181568504242 P
Nevill Crest and Gun, Eridge Green
May-15 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 6153142538343009458 P
The Nevill Crest at the pub
May-15 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 6153142609350498050 P
Climbers at Harrison's Rocks
May-15 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 6153142867629784002 P
Spa Valley Railway outside Groombridge
May-15 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 6153143340619968994 P
The 1546 arriving at Groombridge
May-15 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 6153143797141612402 P
At Tunbridge Wells West station
May-15 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 6153143868170052866 P

Friezeland Wood .. last of the bluebells
Tunbridge Wells Circular
wildflower swcwalks swcwalk19 17925313900

Wood anemones in Friezland Wood
Apr-14 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 6005105565446186050 P
Path into Eridge Old Park
Nov-13 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalk196, swcwalks 5953964723153062242 P
George Inn, Frant
Nov-13 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalk196, swcwalks 5963245454740674082 P
George Inn, Frant
Nov-13 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalk196, swcwalks 5953964486399869634 P
Calverley Grounds
Nov-13 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalk196, swcwalks 5963245890883546834 P
Calverley Grounds
Nov-13 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalk196, swcwalks 5953964383008174882 P
Dowding Memorial in Calverley Grounds
Nov-13 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 5953964309838623490 P
Prize specimens at Brickhouse Farm
Oct-13 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalk196, swcwalks 5963245643943017618 P
Prize specimens at Brickhouse Farm
Oct-13 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalk196, swcwalks 5953964448629074322 P
Juliets, Tunbridge Wells High Street
Oct-13 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 5953964879060311698 P
Cauliflower fungus, Broadwater Warren
Oct-13 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 5953964771585938498 P
Wood anenomes near High Rocks
Mar-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 5726389503162696242 P
The 1502 leaving High Rocks
Mar-12 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 5726389519539330178 P
Ear fungus, Eridge Old Park
Oct-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 5661509072700237698 P
Broadwater Warren in autumn
Oct-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 5661509166764417586 P
Groombridge Place moat and gardens
Jun-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk120, swcwalk19, swcwalks 6401095919109323506 P
Groombridge Place moat and gardens
Jun-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk120, swcwalk19, swcwalks 5615190127254287970 P
Groombridge Place
May-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk120, swcwalk19, swcwalks 6401095806554950546 P
Groombridge Place
May-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk120, swcwalk19, swcwalks 6401095818418480130 P
Groombridge Place
May-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk120, swcwalk19, swcwalks 5615190077957648146 P
Groombridge Place
May-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk120, swcwalk19, swcwalks 5615190091420957618 P
Groombridge Place
May-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk120, swcwalk19, swcwalks 5615190109095978434 P
Frant Old School
Apr-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalk196, swcwalks 5963245430795939650 P
St Alban's Church, Frant
Apr-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalk196, swcwalks 5599908296529166226 P
Frant Old School
Apr-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalk196, swcwalks 5599908352278525506 P
Woodland stream in Eridge Old Park
Apr-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 5599908459776054930 P
Woodland path through Broadwater Warren
Apr-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 5599909491494876642 P
Groombridge Station
Apr-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk120, swcwalk19, swcwalk236, swcwalks 6094515110796096930 P
Woodland path in Birchden Wood
Apr-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 5599909689665656146 P
Down through a gap in Harrison's Rocks
Apr-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 5599909781004439250 P
Photo shoot at Harrison's Rocks
Apr-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 5599909838123397026 P
Climbers at Harrison's Rocks
Apr-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk120, swcwalk19, swcwalks 5599910140352548226 P
Bluebells at Harrison's Rocks
Apr-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk120, swcwalk19, swcwalks 5615190889419540018 P
Bluebells at Harrison's Rocks
Apr-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk120, swcwalk19, swcwalks 5599910240838011186 P
Bluebells in Birchden Wood
Apr-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk120, swcwalk19, swcwalks 5615190923043284962 P
Groombridge Station
Apr-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk120, swcwalk19, swcwalk236, swcwalks 5615190981599744770 P
Groombridge Station
Apr-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk120, swcwalk19, swcwalk236, swcwalks 5599910490332065234 P
The 1724 to Tunbridge Wells West
Apr-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 5599910549412711538 P
Ramsons at Groombridge Place Gardens
Apr-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 5599910892962433730 P
Old oak tree on the path to High Rocks
Apr-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 5599910965063649330 P
Ramsons in wood near High Rocks
Apr-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 5599911017213889298 P
Bluebells in wood near High Rocks
Apr-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 5599911068900340850 P
Bluebells in Friezland Wood
Apr-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 5599911395072112930 P

Distant Bluebells
The bells are always bluer on the other side of the field. Frant to Tunbridge Wells
book3 walk19 swcwalks 5662550470

Spa Valley Line
A second later and I'd have snapped the driver waving at me. Or was he gesticulating? Frant to Tunbridge Wells
book3 walk19 swcwalks 5662607594

Spa Valley Railway at High Rocks
Apr-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 5599911194368221394 P
Spa Valley Railway at High Rocks
Apr-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 5599911222129634306 P
The Pantiles, Tunbridge Wells
Apr-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 5599911560059511218 P
Groombridge Place Gardens in spring
Apr-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 5599910610761949506 P
Daffodils at Groombridge Place
Apr-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 5599910680314035858 P
Woodland path in Broadwater Warren
Apr-11 • Sean O'Neill
swcwalk19, swcwalks 5599909635447214770 P

Book 3, Walk 19, Frant to Tunbridge Wells 1
Eridge Old Park, 7 May '07
kent tunbridgewells book3 frant walk19 swcwalks tocw319 489811450

Book 3, Walk 19, Frant to Tunbridge Wells 2
Near Eridge Green, 7 May '07
kent tunbridgewells book3 frant walk19 swcwalks tocw319 489837381

Book 3, Walk 19, Frant to Tunbridge Wells 3
Hedgerow flowers, 7 May '07
kent tunbridgewells book3 frant walk19 swcwalks tocw319 489808572

Book 3, Walk 19, Frant to Tunbridge Wells 4
Groombridge Station, Spa Valley Railway, 7 May '07
kent tunbridgewells book3 frant walk19 swcwalks tocw319 489834903