Wadhurst Circular walk

The High Weald, quiet countryside - woods and rolling hills, the Sussex Border Path, and historic Mayfield for lunch.


This is a list of previous times this walk has been done by the club (since Jan 2010). For more recent events (since April 2015), full details are shown.

Date Option Post # Weather
Sat, 29-Jun-24 Saturday Walk - Wadhurst Circular 14 warm and sunny humid
Sun, 30-Jul-23 a Sunday Walk – Wadhurst Figure-of-8, via Bewl Water 1 cloudy breezy drizzly
Sat, 22-Apr-23 Wadhurst Circular 14 mostly sunny
Sun, 19-Feb-23 Exploring Etchingham on an Etchingham Circular 4 bright sunshine
Sat, 28-Jan-23 Silent walk 3
Sat, 24-Oct-20 A Wander around Wadhurst 25 damp and breezy
Sat, 03-Nov-18 Saturday walk - Wadhurst Circular (Book 2) - Deep Wealden woodland and a bonfire 30 Variable sun and cloud
Sat, 08-Sep-18 Wadhurst Circular 13 warm and dry with sunny spells
Sat, 10-Feb-18 Wadhurst circular 12 overcast and increasingly wet
Wed, 27-Sep-17 Wads Upon a Time in the High Weald 9
Sun, 12-Mar-17 Sunday Walk: Wandering from Wadhurst
Sat, 07-May-16 Third walk 6 glorious warm and sunny day
Sat, 09-May-15 Oh no, not another bluebell walk
Sun, 14-Dec-14 a Wadhurst Circular (short walk) 8
Sat, 29-Mar-14 b Wadhurst to Stonegate 22
Sat, 17-Aug-13 Wadhurst Circular 18
Sun, 12-May-13 Wadhurst Circular 16
Sat, 27-Oct-12 Wadhurst Circular
Sun, 02-Sep-12 Wadhurst Circular
Wed, 20-Jun-12 e Etchingham Circular
Sat, 05-May-12 Wadhurst Circular
Sat, 11-Feb-12 Wadhurst Circular
Sun, 18-Dec-11 a Wadhurst Circular (short walk)
Sat, 04-Jun-11 Wadhurst Circular
Sat, 23-Oct-10 Wadhurst Circular
Wed, 19-May-10 e Etchingham Circular
Sun, 06-Sep-09 c Wadhurst Circular
Wed, 01-Jul-09 e Wadhurst Circular
Sun, 08-Mar-09 Wadhurst Circular
Sat, 27-Sep-08 Wadhurst Circular
Sat, 22-Mar-08 Wadhurst Circular
Sat, 21-Apr-07 Wadhurst Circular
Sat, 23-Dec-06 a Wadhurst Circular
Sun, 22-Oct-06 Wadhurst Circular
Sat, 14-Oct-06 Wadhurst Circular
Sat, 29-Jun-24 : Saturday Walk - Wadhurst Circular 14
Length: 19.0km (11.8miles), 5 hours 50 minutes walking, 4 out of 10.
The prime attraction of this walk is the pleasure of walking through the unspoiled countryside of the High Weald through a region classed as an area of outstanding natural beauty. The route at the outset follows the Sussex Border Path, but soon diverts south to Tidebrook, and continues south to the pub in Mayfield. It is worth spending some time in Mayfield as it has many attractive old buildings and the 15th century church is now a grade I listed building. The route after lunch heads north east before continuing north to Wadhurst village for tea. The long walk takes you past Bewl Water, which lies just north east of Wadhurst. Bewl Water is the largest area of open water in south east England and host to a huge variety of wildlife; it is one of the region's most popular attractions.
Trains: Take the 0945 London Charing Cross (London Bridge 0954) arriving 1050. Return trains are 1551, 1624, 1651, xx29, xx01. Buy a return to Wadhurst.
From Wadhurst, it's about 2.3 km down the main road to the station (with a pavement), but the walk directions offer a much nicer amble along back lanes which is only 1 km longer.
Lunch: The lunchtime stop is The Rose & Crown Inn (tel 01435 872200), Mayfield 8km from the start of the walk, "which serves inventive food" from 12pm to 2.30pm daily. Restaurant and bar snacks. (Alternatively The Middle House 400m east up Fletching Street into the village.)
Tea: The suggested tea place is the Wealden Wholefoods Gallery Café, Wadhurst. It is open 9am - 4.45pm. The alternate tea place is The White Hart, Wadhurst which offers tea and coffee.
  • 29-Jun-24

    Walkers may be interested to find out from today's attendees how Southern Water's Upgrade Scheme is progressing (see https://www.southernwater.co.uk/our-region/improvements-in-your-area/sussex/bewl-water-upgrade-scheme/) and if other proposed development is being drip fed (pardon the pun) into this upgrade (converting buildings etc.)

  • 30-Jun-24

    # 14 , # warm and sunny humid , twelve off the train two by car. We set off at good pace mostly in shade, this is good walk for shade on a hot day. Some sections are quite overgrown at this time of year, lots of rain early in the year and not many walkers since then. At Moushill there is a new vinery and gin distillery, it was open and we went in for a chat, they are not really expecting passing trade seems you are expected to book. On to the Rose and Crown where the fast walkers found they had been overtaken no doubt some sort of space-time anomaly near Mayfield. Food is very good and served promptly with the excellent Long Man golden ale. In the afternoon we passed an large alfresco party for a one year old at a deserted farm. We took a wrong turn at one point and had to fight through head high bracken and brambles to regain the correct path. Wadhurst whole foods looks permanently closed but another cafe was open until 5.00 pm last orders 16.45pm. As far as I know all took the direct route to the station for the 17.29.

Extra Walk 5c – Wadhurst Figure-of-8, via Bewl Water

Length: 18.7 km (11.6 miles), with longer and shorter options. Toughness: 6/10

10:09 Hastings train from Cannon Street (London Bridge 10:13, Orpington 10:41, etc), arriving Wadhurst at 11:21.

† There are no trains from Charing X and Waterloo East because of engineering works.

Return trains from Wadhurst are at xx:02 & xx:30 to 20:30, then hourly.

Bewl Water The Short Walk options in Book 2 no longer get many postings but the Wadhurst one combines well with the second half of the Bewl Water walk to make a nicely varied outing. Although part of the afternoon leg is alongside the reservoir, this is a distinctly hilly part of the High Weald and the walk's saw-tooth height profile shows hardly any flat sections, hence the 6/10 rating.

After about two hours you'll have looped round to Wadhurst where there should be a fair choice of refreshment places: there are two pubs in the village (the White Hart and the Greyhound) and several cafés, with both Hatters and La Petite France claiming to be open on a Sunday. For the afternoon I suggest the ‘Main Walk’ loop of the Bewl Water walk, but you could do its ‘Long Walk’ option (an extra 2.6 km) or simply complete the Book 2 Short Walk.

If you do either of the Bewl Water loops you'll find yourself back in Wadhurst where its two pubs now function as tea stops, since the cafés will probably have closed for the day. As most of you will know, it's about 2.3 km down the main road to the station but the walk directions offer a much nicer amble along back lanes which is only 1 km longer.

You'll need to bring the directions from the L=2.18.a page (for the morning) and the Wadhurst via Bewl Water Circular walk (for the afternoon). Note that the distances (and toughness) for the Book 2 walk are understated; the Wadhurst Short Walk is 11.3 km (not 10) and so the Figure-of-8 walk options are also about 1 km longer than stated.

  • 30-Jul-23

    Belying his well-deserved reputation as a fair-weather walker (and tricked by some early morning sunshine) the walk poster ventured out to Wadhurst. Everyone else had taken heed of the cloudy breezy drizzly forecast so it was a solo trudge for 1 around the paths of the High Weald, where every short downhill stretch seemed to be followed by a long uphill one. There didn't seem much point in lingering in Wadhurst village or seeking out the charms of Bewl Water, so I completed the Short Circular walk along the lanes to the station and caught the 2pm train back.

Sat, 22-Apr-23 : Wadhurst Circular 14

Distance: 11.8 miles

See walk notes for Short Walk: 6.2 miles/ 10.0 km

Difficulty: 4 out of 10

Train: 9.38 from Charing X; 9.47 depart from London Bridge arrives Wadhurst 10.43

Return Trains: 25 and 51 mins past the hour

Buy a day return to Wadhurst

This is a lovely walk through the High Weald – designated An Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Lunch: Suggested lunch pub for the standard walk is The Rose & Crown Inn (tel 01435 872200), Mayfield 8km from the start of the walk.

Another option is The Middle House, Mayfield 01435 872146

For the Short walk you can try The White Hart (tel 01892 782878), Wadhurst 7km from the start of the walk,

There are plenty of places along the route for a picnic.

Plenty of tea options in Wadhurst

Full details on this walk, including map, GPX, short route etc can be found here: L=2.18

  • 23-Apr-23

    12 at the start of this walk, but two others soon joined us, so 14 in all. Unexpectedly the morning was largely sunny and so was the second half of the afternoon, with cloud only around lunchtime. So mostly sunny , shall we say.

    This is a lovely walk in glorious terrain, but oh, the hills! Long ascents followed by long descents. Then repeat. Quite a lot of mud too. It may only be twelve miles (ten to Wadhurst village) but it felt a lot longer. The walk poster sensibly responded to this by doing the short walk (she had an evening engagement): the rest of us (as far as I know) did the main route.

    Lots of nature to see as we trudged along. Some bluebells, loads of celandines, primroses, dandelions. Great pink drifts of cuckoo flower and occasional clumps of the local speciality - coralroot. One wood anemone wood in the afternoon still largely in flower, and carpets of violets on more than one occasion. All that was missing from my point of view were butterflies. Where are all the butterflies this year? But five orange tips (one female) provided some compensation in the afternoon.

    At lunch I had the odd experience for a Saturday walk of sitting in solitary splendour outside the Rose and Crown having my chilli and nachos. Eventually five others joined me. Two had pub lunches, three drinks. A contingent of picknickers came past with sheepish looks on their faces, which indicated that they were planning to slink off and leave us behind. Which they did.

    In the afternoon we encountered a large footbridge tipped on its side. Four crossed this like sailors edging out along a spar. One did a diversion. I splashed across the river (it was not deep).

    Approaching the Shining City on the Hill (Wadhurst village), we got fragmented. Two went to the Greyhound, two to the White Hart and I got a takeaway tea from Jempsons and took it to the sunny churchyard. Two of us then had a golden evening walk down the back lanes and got the 18.51 train. The rest got the 18.00 bus and the 18.25 train, presumably.


Book 2 Walk 18: Etchingham Circular (with options to Robertsbridge or Wadhurst) t=2.18

Distance: Something for everyone:

Main Etchingham Circular walk: 13.7 miles/ 22.0 km

Shorter walk to Wadhurst: 10 miles-ish/ 16km-ish (with options to extend)

Longer walk to Robertsbridge: 15.5 miles/25 km

Difficulty: 4 out of 10

Train: Take the 9:10 AM Southeastern Hastings bound train from London Charing Cross (9:13 Waterloo East; 9:18 London Bridge) to Etchingham, arriving 10:33. Return trains from Etchingham are at 18 past the hour; from Robertsbridge 14 past and Wadhurst 02 and 30 past the hour. Buy a day return to Etchingham – unless walking to Robertsbridge, in which case, Robertsbridge.

With the recent spell of dry weather, I thought a foray into the High Weald may actually be enjoyable during the winter with a reduced mud factor…In checking out the options, I found this gem which seems to be a bit neglected and I am very intrigued to explore the route as I am not sure it has been done in quite some time!

For those wishing for a shorter walk, it would be possible to pick up the walk instructions for walk SWC 208 after lunch and finish in Wadhurst.…..More information and the walk instructions can be found here – make sure you print out the “Wadhurst to Robertsbridge Long Option” PDF instructions, as the intended route is cleverly hidden within (and there is no GPX).

Lunch: The Bull Inn (01580 200 586) in Three Leg Cross (near Ticehurst).

Tea: Options limited to none back in Etchingham; the Ostrich in Robertsbridge or various in Wadhurst.

  • 19-Feb-23

    I've just added the GPX - if you look at the walk's map page, its the red line from Etchingham to Ticehurst (lunch) and Bewl Water path. Then the blue line (the long walk). The long walk continues to Robertsbridge, or you can pick up the red line back to Etchingham.

  • 20-Feb-23

    Perhaps it was the earlyish start or the lack of a GPX file, but only 4 explorers gathered at Etchingham Station in bright sunshine for an adventure through the High Weald in an old-fashioned manner -- using written instructions! A real pity that so many missed out on such a grand day along a grand route -- it was really lovely. The instructions provide ample guidance along an interesting and varied route with plenty of excellent views. A somewhat less trod area of the weald, we did not encounter many others -- but did see a magnificent stag galloping across a field in the morning and two further roe deer later in the afternoon. Most of the day we were accompanied by a lovely background of birdsong as the fading snowdrops seemed to be passing the baton of Spring onto eager and early daffodils. The lunch pub was very good and the afternoon refreshment options not as dire as described in the walk notes. The Orchard Farm shop passed on the way has been transformed into Planters -- a garden center, licensed cafe, Spar and farm shop all rolled into one. Although they close at 4pm on Sunday, they did not mind yours truly popping in about 10 past 4 to buy a couple of beers for the train -- even better Monday-Saturday, they appear open until 8pm -- with just a 45-minute walk on to Etchingham Station, this would make a fine tea/drinks stop near the end of the walk. Needless to say, we comfortably arrived in time for the 17:18 enjoying the soft evening light on the final approach to the station. A fine day out!

Sat, 28-Jan-23 : Silent walk 3
Wadhurst Circular walkT=2.18
  • 31-Jan-23

    3 of us on the walk, two chose to take the shorter 7 mile walk option. Given time of year and recent bouts of rain the terrain was quite muddy in certain sections.

Sat, 24-Oct-20 : A Wander around Wadhurst 25

Book 2 Walk 18: Wadhurst Circular (or long walk to Robertsbridge) t=2.18

Distance: Something for everyone:

Main walk: 11.8 miles/ 19.0 km

Short Walk: 6.2 miles/ 10.0 km

Long walk to Robertsbridge: 21.4 miles/ 34.5 km

Difficulty: 4 out of 10

Train: Take the 9:15 AM Southeastern Hastings bound train from London Charing Cross (9:18 Waterloo East; 9:24 London Bridge; 9:40 Orpington) to Wadhurst, arriving 10:19. Return trains from Wadhust are on the hour and 29 minutes past the hour and from Robertsbridge at 14 and 44 past the hour. Buy a day return to Wadhurst – unless walking to Robertsbridge, in which case, Robertsbridge.

This is a lovely high weald walk through rolling hills with lots of woods which should be showing some nice color…hopefully before becoming too muddy……There are at least three options – the main route, plus a long and a short option…..More information and the walk instructions can be found here.

There ae plenty of places along the route for a picnic….

Enjoy the walk!
  • Anonymous

    Comment moved from the midweek Wendover walk:

    Andy J, Thu 22 Oct 20, 13:27

    Sorry to post this on this blog but I cannot see how to set up a comment otherwise. Tthis is commenting on the Wadhurst Circular walk which I waS DOING ON THE 11.10.20. Hi - I wonder if you can help. I really enjoy the country walks (Time Out) vol 1&2. I bought vol 1 last December from Foyles and was looking forward to using the guide in 2020. After a late start on the book for obvious reasons I have enjoyed 16 walks and although out of date((I did not notice the edition date till after I had bought it) I have enjoyed the challenge of working out the next step when needed, which was not often. However, yesterday I was on this walk using your updated version and on schedule to complete before dark.(please see page 5 and read from , alternative ending to Stonegate)I continued on the walk to Wadhurst and up through the fields as stated continuing to the style in the distance. then I turned left across the field to Coombe wood and was faced with a fence and no sign of a field gate to enter the woods. I searched all around and no sign of entry or even a car wide track in the woods. I eventually , due to time, had to find my way back another way to Wadhurst station using lanes. I saw a local who said that he though Coombe Wood had been shut off. If so then the signage should have changed by now. I still enjoyed the day as being in the countryside is the main thing. Can anyone help me with this . Thanks Andy J

  • 22-Oct-20

    The current Rights of Way map for East Sussex does not show any closure of this route. I'm planning on going on this walk on Saturday. I may bring wire cutters......

  • 23-Oct-20

    It can be tricky finding the way into Coom e wood. Gavin

  • 24-Oct-20

    Minority report: There was quite a crowd on this walk, most of whom did the main walk, as far as I can tell: hopefully they will add their own account. Five did the short walk, lunching outside under the awning at the White Hart in Wadhurst and getting the 4pm train. Two improvised a longer short walk, if you see what I mean, one to get back to London early for an online meeting, and the other (me) joining the Wadhurst lunchers on their walk to the station. Except 4pm seemed too early to finish on the last day of BST, so I went for an extra loop, enjoying the autumnal trees swaying in the wind, and getting the 5pm.

    Excellent leaf colour on this walk, with yellow and gold hornbeams the biggest attraction, and all shades from yellow to gold to maroon on Norway maple. Sweet chestnuts were also golden, and the ground was covered with their nuts in places. Ashes were nearly bare, and some larches turning gold. The weather was damp and breezy , but the rain held off (at least while I was walking)

  • nick ellison

    Andy J. and Brian.

    Re Combe Wood. There is no issue here but the signpost pointing towards the wood is not at the correct angle. For anyone else doing the route-once you hit the wire fence round the wood, turn right and follow it to the corner where you will find a footpath post and metal field gate. Here turn left.

    I am an experienced walker and thought that the degree of difficulty was more 5/6 out of ten.

  • 24-Oct-20

    Our little group did the full walk, briefly trying for a drink at lunch, but feeling the weather (after a picnic stop) pressed on. A tea-time stop at the White Hart set us up for the last two miles, getting the 5.30 complete with supplies & an empty carriage. Very enjoyable walk & day out.

  • 24-Oct-20

    The full walk (minus the bit round Wadhurst Park) was a beautiful, if occasionally damp, walk through Autumn's best red, russet and gold with occasional very long views across the High Weald. A substantial turnout, (20? although no-one counted) quickly split up, with 6 going 180 degrees the wrong way but presumably righting themselves to reach Mayfield in time for lunch taken variously at the Rose & Crown (good reports,) the Middle House, and the porch of St Dunstan's church. Our socially-distanced group of 5 reached Wadhurst just as the bus for Wadhurst station arrived and 4 lept gratefully on. The threatened torrential rain held off. A locked gate in Tidebrook has been reported to East Sussex Rights of Way team, and the entrance to Combe Wood was right where it should have been (although not as well signposted as it might be - sorry, Andy.) As always with SWC, a good day in very convivial company.

  • 25-Oct-20


Length: 20.8km (12.9 miles) - 17.6km (11 miles) to Wadhurst village, from where a bus is possible (These distances are based on the GPX file rather than the length stated in the walk directions).
Toughness: 5 or 6 out of 10 depending on mud T=2.18

9.45 train from Charing Cross (9.48 Waterloo East, 9.54 London Bridge) to Wadhurst, arriving 10.47

For walk directions click here. For GPX click here.

This walk (which after a very short bit at the start, goes off in a completely different direction from the Wadhurst to Tunbridge walk last week) is chosen to coincide with the Wadhurst Bonfire, which has proved a perfect event over the years. It is large enough to have a great big blazing bonfire (with only minimal safety barriers, so you can stand as close to it as you can bear - your last sunbathe of the year) and a firework display to match any urban one. But it is also local/remote enough to not get too crowded. You can buy tickets (£5.00) in the Co-op and Jempsons supermarket, the White Hart and Wadhurst Ironmongers: buying on the day has never so far been a problem. The site opens at 5.30pm, the bonfire is lit at 6.30pm and the fireworks start at 7.30pm. There are refreshment tents with beer, burgers etc

Otherwise this walk gives you an idea of what the medieval forest of the Weald must have been like - lots of woods, some clearings, the landscape of fairy tales. It should be the ideal place to see whatever autumn colour is available.

The terrain might be muddy - the Weald gets very gloopy in winter. But it is not winter yet, and it will depend on how much rain we have had. Also at this time of year (here's the science bit) the un-rotted fallen leaves help to counteract any softness in the ground. Don't wear open-toed sandals, however.

There are two pubs in Mayfield for lunch: I don't know which is considered better. In Wadhurst, Jempson's Cafe has closed and only the superhuman will get to the Wholefoods Cafe before it stops taking orders at 4pm. I would not rely on the Cottage Tea Room being open either, though it may be. The Greyhound pub will be busy with Bonfire goers (see below) so may not be in the mood to do hot drinks: the White Hart may be a better bet. Wadhurst also has a small supermarket or two if you want to buy sugary snacks.

Trains back from Wadhurst station go at 29 and 59 past the hour until 7.29pm and then hourly until 10.29pm.

It is 3.2km (2 miles) from village to station via the main walk route, which goes down pretty back lanes - allow an hour for this to be comfortable, though speedy types might do it in 45 minutes. Alternatively you can walk 2.2km (1.4 miles) down the main road (pavement all the way, traffic: much less romantic) - 30-40 minutes walking time.

Those not staying for the Bonfire might also want to use the 254 bus from Wadhurst, which cuts out this last section of the walk altogether (reducing it to 16.6km/9.8 miles): this goes from outside the Greyhound (same side of the road) at 5.04 and 6.04pm, taking six minutes to Wadhurst station or 22 minutes to Tunbridge Wells (stopping right by the station there: trains to London every 15 mins).

Those staying for the Bonfire will be aiming for the 9.29pm train. Recommended here is the very atmospheric walk down the back lanes (ie the main walk route) in the dark, for which it is best to leave an hour. To allow for the small crush getting out of the Bonfire site, leave not long after the fireworks finish. If darkness is not your thing, the main road route is reasonably well lit, as far as I can remember.
  • 03-Nov-18

    8 of us ate at The Middle House and the restaurant was fairly empty whilst we were there from 1 to 3.

    Service was by an excellent waitress who knew the menu and the wines and though the food delivery was fairly slow it was delightful

    I had Steak and ale pie with a shortcrust pastry and a very good selection of vegetables including peas , broccoli, carrots, dauphinoise potatoes and curried chipped parsnips. £14

    Others had

    Lamb Rump, Grilled Courgette, Aubergine, Goats Cheese, Tomato & Basil Bon Bons, Black Olives, Crispy Rosti Potatoes & Tomato Jus 17.5

    Duo of venison, venison steak and venison pie with a selection of vegetables £21

    Linguine with courgette in cream sauce £14

    Soup of the day £5

    and a selection of deserts at £6 each.

    No charge for the coffees ( she forgot to put them on our bill and when we told her she said no matter) nor soda water

    There was no Service Charge though we left a circa 10% tip

    These prices seem very reasonable and for the comfort of sitting and eating and relaxing in a spacious dinging room by a log fire it strikes me that The Middle House should be the preferred eating establishment in Mayfield



  • 03-Nov-18

    30 on this walk. Variable sun and cloud is how I would describe the weather. Very mild. No mud to speak of yet.

    This made a very enjoyable walk in the deep deep depths of the wooded Weald. At times it was like being in some lost enchanted fairy tale land. The leaf colour was fairly good but not yet at its best. Maybe next week?

    About half of us lunched in the Rose and Crown, which got in a panic at our massed arrival but produced food fairly speedily. Some others went to the other pub. I realised that despite doing this walk half a dozen times I have never seen the centre of Mayfield village.

    After lunch some thought they encountered a naked walking group putting on its clothes in a field. Others may have seen said group fully clothed. We got to Wadhurst village in daylight without much difficulty. Some got the bus here. Some had a drink and then got the bus.

    Fifteen went on to the bonfire, a wonderful great blaze whose heat forced us back towards the beer tent. Truly the last sunbathe of the year. Then spectacular fireworks. Afterwards ten walked the back lanes in the deep deep dark (only punctuated by some annoying teens larking around with torches) under a sky of sparkling stars (I could see dozens: younger eyes claimed hundreds).

    We got the 9.29 train home and had wine on it.

    A top notch day.

  • Sandy

    Five of us walked back from Wadhurst before tea and just missed the 4.59 train. Pedant's corner - perhaps the directions should be updated with the distances posted here (my map says it's 21.3 km) especially the advice to leave an hour for the walk back to the station on the main route and the detail that the main road has a pavement all the way. In particular, the final zigzag to the station (last para of directions) is more like half a mile than the 335m described.

    Thanks for a nice walk by the way, and I'm glad you enjoyed the fireworks.

Sat, 08-Sep-18 : Wadhurst Circular 13

Length: 19km (12m)
Toughness: 4 / 10
Transport: Take the 9:30 from London Charing Cross arriving in Wadhurst at 10:48. Return trains from Wadhurst are at 16:00, 16:29, 17:00, 17:29, 17:59, 18:29, 18:59, 19:29, 20:29, 21:29

This is a lovely walk in the Weald with lunch in a cosy pub in a charming village. At the end of the walk the quaint Wealden Wholefoods Shop & Cafe in Wadhurst provides tea and cakes until 16:30 or alternatively there are the White Hart and Greyhound Inn pubs. From there it is another 3km to the station so you should leave Wadhurst about 45-60 mins before train departure.

  • Anonymous

    From memory, the pub has a nice garden and does tea in pots. There's also the Cottage Tea Room but i'm not sure what time it stays open til http://www.cottage-tearoom.com/

  • Anonymous

    Hi Guys I am attending walk and hope to see some of you at Wadhurst station. Shall be boarding train at London Bridge. Weather still okay a bit cooler.


  • Anonymous

    How does this differ from Wadhurst figure of 8 of two or three weeks ago?

  • Anonymous

    I think we were 10 or 11 on this walk today. The weather was warm and dry with sunny spells . It was nice to do this walk with conditions dry underfoot. This varied has undulating countryside and beautiful open views as well as some delightful woodland sections. Once away from the station, there were no road crossings, no road noise, no planes, and lots and lots of blackberries. In Mayfield some lunched well at The Rose and Crown and others equally well at 16th century Inn, The Middle House, in the village. Arriving back at Wadhurst after the tea shop had closed, we had the unexpected bonus of tea and delicious home made cakes in the Village Hall, where the art society were hosting an exhibition.

  • Anonymous

    13 in fact, 12 on scheduled train and one on the train 30mins later. 6-7 ate at Rose and Crown, excellent food and a lot of vegatarian options. The pub is quite small though. I think they will struggle to cope with us if we have a large group in the winter. The Middle House in Mayfield town centre is worth considering as the alternative. It is big and very atmospheric with beamed ceilings and old charms. This walk is definitely longer than stated in the document, off by approx 2 miles. So be warned if you are not betting walking 13-14 miles.

Sat, 10-Feb-18 : Wadhurst circular 12
CW2 18 Wadhurst circular
Length: 19 km (11.8 miles).
Toughness: 4/10

Catch the 9:15 from London Charing Cross (Waterloo East 9:18 London Bridge 9:24) arrives Wadhurst 10:19.

Longer walk option: Wadhurst to Robertsbridge 34.5 km (21.4 miles). After leaving the shorter Wadhurst walk, this longer walk heads north to go around the Northern side of Bewl Water, to follow the peaceful Sussex Border path, with a potential drop out point at Etchingham (cuts 4.5km) and into Robertsbridge. Walking at a faster pace allow 8 hours for the 34km walk. Although likely to finish in the dark the last 5km are straightforward for those used to night time walking. Bring a torch.

Buy a day return to Robertsbridge for this longer walk option.

Return trains from Wadhurst xx:00 xx:29 17:59 xx:29 xx:59 19:29 xx:29 until 22:29

Return trains from Robertsbridge xx:14 xx:44 19:14 xx:14 until 22:14 T=2.18
  • Anonymous

    Walking this weekend - taking the 9:45am train from london.

  • 09-Feb-18

    Am thinking of possibly walking to Etchingham rather than Robertsbridge. Trains back to London are: 16.18, 17.18, 17.48, 18.18, 18.48.

  • David

    12 walkers set out from Wadhurst on an overcast and increasingly wet day. Progress was slow over the muddy, slippery terrain and it took the best part of 2½ hours to cover the five miles to the Rose & Crown at Mayfield, the recommended lunch stop. With a further six miles to walk after lunch, and the rain starting to set in, I decided to press on alone after I'd eaten my sandwiches, so I'll leave it to other walkers to provide lunch and tea information. Fortunately, the afternoon terrain was easier going, though it still took me three hours to get back to Wadhurst station. One of the other walkers made it back in time to catch the same train as me back to London. At a drier, warmer time of year, this would be an excellent walk to build up stamina, since there are plenty of ups and downs.

  • Ian T

    2 slower walkers stopped briefly at the Rose and Crown to replenish fluids but did not eat. Made it to Wadhurst Station for 5:45, having skipped the tea stop. No sign of the Middle House massive.

  • 12-Feb-18

    Five went to the Middle House for lunch and were seen boarding a bus for RTW mid-afternoon. Lunch was good.

Book 2 Walk 18: Wadhurst Circular

Length: 19 km (11.8 miles) (Probably understated - nearer 21 km - 13 miles)
Toughnesss: 4 out of 10 (Very understated - per my scale, a minimum of 6 out of 10 in good weather)

London Charing Cross: 10-15 hrs Hastings service Waterloo East 10-18, London Bridge 10-23 hrs
Arrive Wadhurst: 11-19 hrs

Return: 16-00, 16-25 (changing at R.T.W), 16-58, 17-24, 17-59 and 18-29 hrs

This might be the first mid-week posting of this walk, a lengthy hike through the unspoiled countryside of the High Weald. It's a good time of year to do this walk as it can be very muddy and hard going in winter. Please note the walk length and toughness rating are both understated per my own notes and unofficial records. You need to maintain a good, steady - but not fast - pace to get to the pub in Mayfield in time for lunch. This pub was good the last time I paid it a visit, but that was some time ago. As was the Carpenter's Arms further into the village which, alas, closed down in 2014. Your lunch stop The Rose and Crown, No bad thing to 'phone ahead with numbers; 01435-872200.
After lunch do wander around Mayfield, an interesting village, and visit its historic church, St Dunstans. Then continuing on your walk, you head for Wadhurst Park, with its herds of deer, and then proceed to the village of Wadhurst, where you can stop for tea. It's a hike from the village to the railway station- the Directions give you two options for this homeward leg. The Wag's response to the query "Why is Wadhurst's railway station sited so far out of Town ?" is it was considered more useful to site the station beside the railway line.
Walk Directions here L=2.18

  • Frankie

    7 of us met on the platform at Wadhurst and then met up with another 2 close to the pub in Mayfield so 9 altogether.

    Lovely warm autumn day, a bit muddy underfoot in places and plenty of stops to try to interpret the directions. Some updates necessary we thought. Those who lunched in the sunshine outside The Rose and Crown were very satisfied with the food and the beer drinkers inspired envy among at least one. At that point the group began to fragment with 3 rushing off perhaps to catch the 16.58 train. The rest of us added an unintentional loop to the walk making it feel more like 14 miles altogether by the end. Caught sight of some deer endowed with very impressive antlers in Wadhurst Park, followed by the further pleasure of collecting chestnuts and blackberries. Arrived at Wadhurst too late for tea and after an interminable walk to the station with yet more climbing 2 of us then caught the 17.59 train, delayed by 10 minutes due to 'disruptive passengers' - not us.

  • Brian

    A beautiful walk through autumn sunshine with frequent stops to admire the vistas and autumnal colours. Rose & Crown in Mayfield a lovely old village pub. I ate my packed lunch on a convenient bench on the green outside, but pub food reported as good.

    On the return leg, us two old(er) codgers took a direct route to Wadhurst after Lodge Hill Farm, leaving Wadhurst Park for another day, and enjoyed a couple of pints in the White Hart while waiting for the bus to the station.

  • 29-Sep-17


Mr M Tiger
Mr M Tiger
Wadhurst Circular or Wadhurst to Stonegate Book 2 Walk 18
19 km 11.8 miles / 16 km 9.9 ml/ 10 km 6.2 ml
Difficulty 4 out of 10
South through the unspoilt countryside of the High Weald to a pub in Mayfield, a village with many attractive old buildings and a listed 15th century church. You pass through Wadhurst Park, home to a herd of deer, some of which are almost white.
For a shorter option, with no tea stop, follow the Stonegate ending from point 7.
(or... even shorter, the 6.2 mile circular that cuts out Mayfield).
09:55 Hastings train from Charing Cross (London Bridge 10:03) arrive 11:01
Trains return from Wadhurst xx:29 and xx:00
Trains return from Stonegate xx:23
Get a return to Wadhurst for the circular. You need a return to Stonegate, the further stop, to finish there.
The Rose and Crown in Mayfield 01435 872200. Phoning advised.
Alternatively The Middle House 400m east up Fletching Street into the village.
Two options in Wadhurst. You encounter the White Hart first on a corner to your right. If you turn right along that road, the High Street, you soon reach The Greyhound 01892 783224. This is said to be better for tea because it is served in pots. It's a bit of a walk to the station from Wadhurst. Allow 40-50 mins for the recommended route, 25-35 along the road.
Stonegate is devoid of facilities, just sheep, a few cows and a station (though a farm shop on Station Road sells cold drinks, if it's open).
Directions: Book 2 or here.
Sat, 07-May-16 : Third walk 6
CW2 Walk 18 option - Etchingham to Robertsbridge
Length: 25 km (15.5 miles). Toughness: 4/10
Catch the 10:15 from Charing Cross (Waterloo East: 10:18 - does not stop at London Bridge) arrives Etchingham 11:30.
Buy a day return to Robertsbridge.
Return from Robertsbridge 18:14 18:44 xx:14 until 22:14
Cutting it short to Etchingham 21.5km (13.4 miles)

This walk (as Etchingham circular) has had 3 outings as a midweek day walk over the past years, but never as a weekend walk. Perhaps this is due to the fact that it is a "lost walk" - buried away as as a downloadable option for CW2 Walk 18 Wadhurst Circular, and titled "Wadhurst to Robertsbridge Long Walk Option". However within the document is a start from Etchingham station with the option to finish at Robertsbridge or an earlier finish at Etchingham - now with a refreshment stop.

The directions for the whole walk (Robertsbridge or Etchingham finish) are contained within the Wadhurst to Roberstbridge Long Walk Option.pdf * Only downside is a fairly early lunch stop after 7km at The Bull Inn, Three Leg Cross. Thereafter apart from a petrol station convenience store close to the crossing of an A road, nothing until your arrival at Robertsbridge or Etchingham.

*Only necessary to print out pages 6-12. An alternative shorter route: skirt along the south side of Bewl Water and head back to Wadhurst. You can use SWC Walk 208 for directions.

  • 02-May-16

    Intend going.

  • Mike

    This looks devilishly complicated! In what sense is it an option for Walk 2/18, i.e. does it overlap with the walk in the printed book?

  • 03-May-16

    All you need is the pdf walk option described above pages 6-12. The Wadhurst Long Walk option contains the complete directions for an Etchingham to Robertsbridge walk or an Etchingham circular walk and does not require the CW2 Walk 18. The Wadhurst long walk option to Robertsbridge was originally intended to be included in the printed book, but was not completed in time and was subsequently posted on the website soon after the 1st CW2 print edition as a downloadable option. If starting from Wadhurst then yes you would need the CW2 Walk 18 instructions. However the Etchingham start is included in the referenced pdf document.

  • Anonymous

    hoping to take the shorter option, is anyone else doing this please?

  • Anonymous

    I'm going on the shorter option finishing at Etchingham

  • Anonymous

    http://www.walkingclub.org.uk/book_3/walk_208/ Etchingham to Wadhurst may cover some of the same paths as it also takes you to Ticehurst for lunch in the same pubs.

  • 09-May-16

    6 of us on a glorious warm and sunny day . A couple did wonder why so few on such a day, but as some of us suspected out enjoying themselves elsewhere at Lewes and Haslemere.

    The directions from the east of Bewl Water to Robertsbridge which had not been checked for 12 years held up very well. A plus was finding a tea shop at Orchard Farm not too far from the end of the walk.

    (One or two thought the 25km advertised was longer, IMO more due to lunch being about 30% of the way into the walk which makes for a long afternoon. The distance was recorded on the gps as 26km. )

Book 2 walk 18 - Wadhurst Circular
Length: 21.3km (13.2 miles) - according to the GPX file: distance given in the walk document is wrong!
Toughness: 7 out of 10 (again, the book is not correct!)

9.48 train from Cannon Street (9.53 London Bridge, 10.09 Orpington) to Wadhurst, arriving 10.47.

For walk directions click here - or bring book two, but the online directions are more up to date.

It is tough to pick a walk for this second (and possibly last) of the good bluebell weekends. So many contend for the honour, and some, alas, have already been snaffled by rival walking clubs.

This walk is a hoary old stalwart, but has not, if the database is correct, had an outing in its full form since the summer of 2013. The Where to Find Flowers page says it has good bluebell displays around Mayfield and I wrote that, so it must be correct.

The Weald is also a great place to be at this time in spring. This is a fairly woody walk (at times it feels like you are in one of those green jars used to grow ferns) so there is a good chance of other woodland flowers such as wild garlic. Verge flowers are usually also good in this part of the world. If anyone is interested there is also a very rare flower called coralroot (it looks like cuckoo flower, but has different leaves) which grows only here and in the Chilterns and should now be in flower.

Lunch (if anyone can think of such things amidst such floral splendour) seems to be at the Rose & Crown pub, though The Middle House has had its adherents in the past. For tea, if you get to the Wealden Wholefoods Cafe before it shuts at 4.30pm (last orders 4pm) you are a bit of a superperson, but you may just find the Cottage Tea Rooms open (shuts about 5pm or possibly after). Otherwise the Greyhound (not the White Hart as stated) is the best pub in Wadhurst for tea.

The walk from Wadhurst down the back lanes to the station is recommended and takes about 40-50 minutes. Going down the main road shaves 15 minutes off this but is much less pleasant.

Trains back from Wadhurst are at 29 and 59 past till 19.29 and then hourly at 29 past to 22.29
  • Anonymous

    Saturday 9 May: Walk 1 = 7/10; Walk 2 = 7/10; Walk 3 = 10/10. Oh dear. Beyond me, I'm afraid.

  • 04-May-15

    The Lewes walk has three climbs up onto the downs - both fairly substantial, but not of long duration - and is otherwise quite flat, so I would not let the 7/10 rating put you off. Wadhurst is up and down, but never horrifically so.

  • Anonymous

    Thank you Walker for your comment but you and the others have put the walks but this anonymous expects you to hold his/her hand as well

    Anonymous it would be best if you did a little work for yourself