Wendover Circular Walk
The Chilterns: gentle wooded hills and ridges.
This is a list of previous times this walk has been done by the club (since Jan 2010). For more recent events (since April 2015), full details are shown.
Date | Option | Post | # | Weather |
Sun, 02-Mar-25 | Wendover Circular | |||
Sat, 26-Oct-24 | Wendover Circular via Coombe Hill | 13 | sunny in the morning cloudy with a few drizzles in the afternoon | |
Sun, 02-Jun-24 | Wendover circular - The Chilterns: gentle wooded hills and ridges | 7 | hot sunny | |
Sat, 28-Oct-23 | Wendover Circular via Coombe Hill | 7 | mainly sunny | |
Sat, 13-May-23 | Wendover Circular - hopefully still some bluebells and bright green beech leaves | 12 | grey | |
Sat, 25-Mar-23 | Wendover Circular Walk | 10 | sunshine and showers | |
Sat, 22-Oct-22 | A Wander around Welcoming Wendover | 14 | warm partly sunny | |
Sun, 01-May-22 | Silent walk | 4 | overcast day some morning drizzle | |
Sat, 30-Oct-21 | Wendover Circular via Coombe Hill | 5 | dry with glorious bright sunshine | |
Sat, 17-Apr-21 | Wendover Circular (Coombe Hill Ending) | 10 | sunshine | |
Sat, 31-Oct-20 | Wendover Circular with Coombe Hill Finish | 16 | mixed | |
Sat, 27-Jun-20 | The Chilterns: Whiteleaf & Pulpit Hill --- Wendover Circular (with Coombe Hill optional) | 11 | rain to noon sunny breaks from 1 | |
Sat, 05-Oct-19 | Wendover Circular via Coombe Hill | 19 | cloudy but warm | |
Thu, 09-May-19 | Sunset Special: Monks Risborough to Wendover via Coombe Hill | 2 | cloudy skies | |
Tue, 27-Nov-18 | c | Evening walk | 2 | dark but surprisingly dry and mild conditions |
Wed, 31-Oct-18 | Wendover Circular - a Book 2 Chiltern's Classic not for the Faint Hearted | 18 | sunny and warm for the time of year | |
Sat, 07-Oct-17 | Wendover Circular with Coombe Hill Ending | |||
Sat, 29-Jul-17 | Chiltern Hills | 6 | overcast but dry | |
Sat, 05-Nov-16 | Wendover Circular via Coombe Hill | 9 | overcast | |
Wed, 19-Oct-16 | Book 2, Walk 1 - Wendover Circular | 6 | grey after a partly sunny morning | |
Sat, 19-Mar-16 | Saturday First Walk Wendover Circular | 10 | ||
Sun, 08-Nov-15 | Chiltern Hills and valleys | 4 | ||
Sat, 17-Oct-15 | Saturday First Walk - A Chiltern beechwood classic | 14 | ||
Sat, 15-Nov-14 | Wendover Circular Walk | 13 | ||
Sat, 03-May-14 | Wendover Circular Walk | 8 | ||
Sun, 05-Jan-14 | a | Wendover Circular Walk | 4 | |
Sun, 11-Aug-13 | Wendover Circular Walk | 8 | ||
Sun, 09-Dec-12 | a | Wendover Circular Walk | ||
Sat, 20-Oct-12 | Wendover Circular Walk | |||
Sun, 09-Oct-11 | Wendover Circular Walk | |||
Sun, 12-Dec-10 | a | Wendover Circular Walk | ||
Sun, 14-Nov-10 | Wendover Circular Walk | |||
Sat, 27-Mar-10 | a | Wendover Circular Walk | ||
Sat, 24-Oct-09 | Wendover Circular Walk | |||
Sun, 06-Sep-09 | Wendover Circular Walk | |||
Sun, 19-Apr-09 | Wendover Circular Walk | |||
Sat, 17-Jan-09 | a | Wendover Circular Walk | ||
Sat, 07-Jun-08 | Wendover Circular Walk | |||
Sun, 18-May-08 | Wendover Circular Walk | |||
Sat, 22-Dec-07 | a | Wendover Circular Walk | ||
Sat, 29-Sep-07 | Wendover Circular Walk | |||
Sun, 01-Apr-07 | Wendover Circular Walk | |||
Sun, 19-Nov-06 | a | Wendover Circular Walk |
Sunday 02-Mar-25
Saturday 26-Oct-24
Length: 21km (13m)
Toughness: 7 / 10
Transport: Take the 9:27 from London Marylebone arriving at Wendover at 10:16. Return trains at xx:24 and xx:54
This is a great walk at any time but particularly nice in autumn when the leaves turn. The walk provides spectactular views and it passes what is in my opinion the most beautiful part of the Chilterns escarpment after Pulpit Hill with its iron age fort. Lunch is at the cozy Red Lion in Whiteleaf.
Sun, 27-Oct-24
12 walkers and a dog assembled at the station of which I think 5 where newcomers (dog included) and/or only occasional SWC walkers. Most walkers just followed the person at the front without navigating themselves which led to some small variations from the "official" route due to said person's reliance on inaccurate memory. However, the woods in the early section of the walk are stunningly beautiful at this time of the year whatever route one takes through them. The Red Lion was surprisingly empty apart from walker numner13 who took an earlier train. 6 ate at the pub the others had picnic and then joined the rest for a drink. The afternoon offered the usual fine views of the autumn colouration. 5 went to Rumsey's for tea and cake while 1 only made it to the Shoulder of Mutton pub. After the sugar rush 4 decided to join the pub goer who unfortunately had already left by this time. Nevertheless, the 4 stayed and had some glasses of wine ... which turned into another bottle of wine. Memory became a bit hazy but I think we took the 18:54 home. sunny in the morning cloudy with a few drizzles in the afternoon
Sunday 02-Jun-24
Mon, 03-Jun-24
7 on a hot sunny day. The group soon splintered into segments with poor Mr Tiger soldiering along at he back. 3 took the Cross Coppice shortcut. One of them sped on round without stopping,
I caught up with the others in the Red Lion (I, of course, had gone the long way). Here, the landlord bombarded us with facts about cheese and tales of his breadmaking exploits. He rewarded the other two, who had shown the most interest, with one of his loaves. (I was tempted at this point to ask him his views on chips but I refrained). We waited a while for a while for two more, said to be on the long route but they didn’t show. Most likely swallowed up by the Wendover Triangle.
So we left, they for one of the Risboroughs, and me on my own on the full walk with no shortcuts.
This remains a nice walk, despite HS2‘s efforts to ruin both the start and the end. The lower ending is particularly unpleasant. Be prepared to be sent round the houses in a fenced in rat run, then along a busy new road.
I caught the 17:57. Compare that with walker number 7 who, reputedly, caught the 14:27 (steady on!!)
Mon, 03-Jun-24
The remaining two caught the 19.57 train, after three stops, one for sandwiches, one at the "Red Lion" (the others being long gone) and one at Ellesborough church (teas at the church were advertised on the route, but no sign of these by the time we arrived!).
Saturday 28-Oct-23
t=2.1 Length: 21km / 13m
Toughness: 7 / 10
Transport: Take the 9:27 train from London Marylebone, arriving in Wendover at 10:16. Return trains at 16:54, 17:54, 18:24, 19:24, 19:46, 20:24
My favourite autumn walk in the Chilterns: Lunch in the cozy Red Lion in Princes Risborough before steeply climbing up to Whiteleaf Cross for a magnificent view along the Chilterns escarpment, then onwards to Pulpit Hill with its iron age fort, and finally a second steep climb up to Coombe Hill with another great view before descending into Wendover for hot cholocate or tea at Rumsey's, cheese and wine at No2 Pound Street or pub fare at the Shoulder of Mutton. Hopefully, the woods will display spectacular autumn colours.
Thu, 26-Oct-23
The stated length of this walk on its home page is 11.5 miles, not 13 miles
Thu, 26-Oct-23
The GPS route (dated 2017) shows 12.5 miles, so the published version was probably under-estimated. And a comment on the walk page mentions a detour for the HS2 works, so 13 miles seems about right. [Dirk is also proposing the alternative Coombe Hill ending, but that looks about the same length].
Thu, 26-Oct-23
I take your point regarding the GPX length.
The comment refers to the standard ending of the walk, ie not going over Coombe Hill. I strongly advise walkers NOT to do this at present, as it does indeed go right across HS2 works. Coombe Hill is much prettier anyway.
There may possibly be a minor diversion at the start due to HS2 works, but it shouldn't add more than a few hundred metres. All the rest of the walk is unaffected.
Thu, 26-Oct-23
After one of the previous postings of this walk a walker mentioned that his GPS measured 21km. So did mine. Hence, I quoted 21km. The reason for this discrepancy is unexplained at this time, but there are some walk options before lunch, as well.
Fri, 27-Oct-23
🧙🏻♀️🧹👻 Pre Halloween HS2 spooky spacial distortions perhaps? 👻🧹🧙🏻♀️
Sat, 28-Oct-23
9:27 cancelled, any suggestions?
Sat, 28-Oct-23
Only option is the 10:27
Sat, 28-Oct-23
Update with ne sugestion: Take the 9:38 to Princes Risborough. I will make up a walk from there.
Sat, 28-Oct-23
As can be seen from the comments, an early problem on this walk was that the specified train was cancelled, with the next not due for an hour. But Saturday Walkers are a resourceful lot and 7 of us soon regrouped and got the 9.38 to Princes Risborough.
On the train we discussed options. One was to do the Wendover Circular as a Princes Risborough Circular, but the lack of obvious tea options weighed against this. So instead our walk poster quickly compiled and shared a GPX which provided a longer route to the Red Lion in Whiteleaf, the usual Wendover Circular lunch stop.
This proved to be a very pleasant walk in the woods in mainly sunny weather. The beech colour, though far from its best, was very vibrant in places, and there were some interesting fungi. We got to the pub at about 1pm (?). Six ate, exploring all facets of the relatively short menu, while our backmarker caught us up and enjoyed his trademark cider and shared chips.
After lunch we had the Big Climb and then the Big Descent, which the backmarker cleverly avoided by taking the Little Side Path, meeting us on the other side. Our walk poster then took us up a shady gully, after which we crossed Pulpit Hill. Past Ellesborough we walked through a yellow field of mustard (?) and climbed the near vertical side of Coombe Hill (good training for next year’s Scotland trip apparently).
It was now 4pm and still sunny, but the sky to the south west forecast the imminent arrival of rain. So we hurried down to Wendover, where five us of managed to worm our way into Rumsey’s on condition we drank out of paper cups and ate cakes out of cardboard boxes using wooden forks.
Through all this we had been watching the return trains, which were in a proper mess, with no fewer than four cancelled. But luckily the 17.54 and 18.24 survived the slaughter, and after a brief drink in the Shoulder of Mutton all seven of us caught the former, emerging from the pub into torrential rain, which we were happy not to have had to walk in.
The train was packed, with many young’uns in fancy dress. We raised the tone by discussing the role (or otherwise) of Christianity in setting human standards of morallity. Before we knew it we were at Marylebone and it was back to our humdrum daily lives…
Saturday 13-May-23
Sat, 13-May-23
12 on this walk, plus a dog who showed unflagging energy. The weather was grey . “Sunshine will break thorough,” promised the weather forecast. Reader, they lied.
At Marylebone all trains were marked delayed….except ours, which left on time. In the past these strike day services have been lightly used, but word seems to have got round. The train “non-stopped” (as rail staff like to say) to Amersham, which puzzled me as Harrow-on-the-Hill and other normal stations en route were open. Only on the way back did I work this out: they didn’t want Underground passengers looking for a quicker way to town to overload their trains. Since they were operating a skeleton service, they could have put on more than two carriages, however.
What to say about the walk? The beech leaves looked nice, there were fields thick with buttercups and some cowslips. At one point there was a creditable carpet of bluebells, but they are on the fade now. There was a bit of mud but not masses: perhaps it is finally starting to dry out.
We got rather strung out, though this was partly my fault as I twice went off piste due to an overconfidence in my ability to remember the route. It was one of those walks when you keep coming across fellow walkers unexpectedly in the woods, like stragglers from a defeated army.
At the start I had suggested bypassing Whiteleaf to lunch at the Plough in Lower Cadsden. This proposal being met with silence, five of us went to the empty Red Lion to enjoy hearty food, speedily served, while two had sandwiches outside. Two more went on to have their sandwiches on Whiteleaf Hill in the expectation of sunshine that never materialised. Unfortunately one had thought we WERE eating at the Plough and went there to find it fully booked. She squeezed a meal out of them and ate it alone. (Sorry about that…)
In the afternoon two baulked at the big steep climb up Coombe Hill and set off to walk around its base instead. They materialised just beyond its summit about 20 minutes later, insisting they had walked on a level path without any noticeable gradient. They refused to believe they WERE on top of the hill, even as we walked along its ridge, with fine views of the wildebeest-strewn plains below. There is something here that would bear further investigation.
My party got to Wendover at 17.10, with the 17.27 train yawning temptingly. I doggedly set off with a companion in search of tea, but we met two others coming from Rumsey’s, which they said was just closing, and this caused a collapse in morale. We got the (rather crowded) 17.27 after all. I don’t know if anyone went to the pub. In other times, in other company, we would have checked….
Saturday 25-Mar-23
Book 2; Walk 1: Wendover Circular via Coombe Hill
Standard walk: 18.5km (11.5 miles)
For shorter options see walk instructions
Difficulty: 6 out of 10
Train: Take the 9:27 am Aylesbury-bound Chilterns Railway train from London Marylebone, arriving at Wendover at 10:15. Return trains are at 28 and 58 past the hour until 19:28 when they become hourly.
Buy a day return to Wendover.
"This energetic walk serves as a fine introduction to the Chiltern Hills, first passing through woodland, then descending into hidden vales and fields before emerging out onto the Chiltern escarpment above Princes Risborough at a spot that commands panoramic views of the countryside below. Find the walk instructions on the L=2.1 page
The recommended lunch pub is the Red Lion in Whiteleafe 01844 344476 , about 6 miles/10 km into the walk. Plenty of tea or stronger stuff back in Wendover.
Sunset is around 18.21
Sun, 26-Mar-23
10 people at the station, and 2 caught up later so12 in all. The weather was mainly sunshine and showers . We all walked together up to Dirtywood Farm, and then took the short option directly to Whiteleafe Hill. Here we separated, three people went on to the Red Lion (where 2 others had already arrived) and the others went on to find a suitable picnic spot.
Lunch at the Red Lion was served quickly and the food was good, with a real fire adding to the cosy atmosphere. After lunch we retraced our steps for a short distance. We five then split up and two took the lower route along the Aylesbury Ring, and three of us went on up to Coombe Hill and the monument. There we were rewarded by a beautiful panorama of the country below us in the evening sunlight. After that onto the station where we met the two who had taken the lower route. They reported that some of the paths were closed off requiring diversions to get back to the station
Mon, 27-Mar-23
I've done this walk a few times but don't think I've ever succeeded in following the correct route all the way (see below). Five picknickers on Whiteleaf Hill became 7 as we met the two late starters shortly after. Most of us tried to take shelter from a torrential shower in Ellesborough Church porch, where the new arrivals took the chance of an overdue sandwich. After that we all opted for the Coombe Hill route but when we saw how muddy and slippery the steep path up was, we decided to try and walk round the bottom.
At this point some of us got a bit distracted when we realised that a group of people passing us going downhill included a very prominent politician with a local residence. He says hello. After a brief chat with some of his security detail, we headed off and failed to find the path we wanted (two ahead knew where it was . . .) so we ended up on a path curving gently up nearly to the top of the hill. Then more slithering down to Wendover and the 1628 train.
Saturday 22-Oct-22
Book 2; Walk 1: Wendover Circular via Coombe Hill t=2.1
Distance: 12 miles or 19.5 km for those more metrically minded with shorter options available – see walk instructions
Difficulty: 6 out of 10
Train: Take the 9:27 AM Aylesbury-bound Chilterns Railway train from London Marylebone, arriving at Wendover at 10:15. Return trains are at 25 and 55 past the hour until 19:25 when they become hourly. Buy a day return to Wendover.
This is a classic Chilterns walk which should hopefully be showing some nice autumnal color. It is an undulating route with some nice vantage points and an Iron Age fort. You can find more information about the walk and download the walk instructions here.
The recommended lunch pub is the Red Lion in Whiteleaf ( 01844 344476) , about 6 miles/10 km into the walk. Back in Wendover, tea and other bevies can be had a variety of establishments – chocolate shop, cheese shop and pub!
Enjoy the walk!
Sun, 23-Oct-22
14 meeting at Wendover station in warm partly sunny conditions. This is a great autumn walk and certainly did not disappoint with plenty of trees starting to change into their autumn colors...We had a leisurely morning spotting various fungi in the woods. Most dined at the Red Lion which which dealt with our sudden arrival well... After lunch some explored a different route up Coombe Hill through the woods on the Princes Risborough to Wendover book 1 walk. About half the group reassembled at the Shoulder of Mutton in Wendover for a bevie before catching the 18:55. A great autumnal day out!
Sunday 01-May-22
Mon, 02-May-22
4 set off, we decided on the Cross Coppice short cut (some of us having had a late night previous evening). Arrived at the excellent community owned Russell Arms, Butlers Cross just before 2 for a leisurely lunch. After lunch thoughts of going up Coombe Hill were dropped. An overcast day some morning drizzle .
Saturday 30-Oct-21
Length: 20km (12.5m)
Toughness: 7 / 10
Transport: Take the 8:57 from London Marylebone, arriving at Great Missenden at 9:42 where you need to change onto a bus replacement service to Wendover, arriving at 10:00. Return times at xx:35 with bus to Great Missenden and then train to Marylebone. Apologies for posting this walk with bus replacement service, but Wendover station seems to be closed every weekend for the foreseable future. But I really would like to do this classic walk in autumn colours.
A highlight of the autumn season, this walk promises woods in full colour, paths across freshly fallen leafs, magnificent viewpoints, an iron age fort and a wonderful pub. You might need to vary the beginning since the path to the left after the bridge might be either closed or diverted. If you look at a map there is a ready alternative around this potential closure.
No need to apologise at all. You could have posted however a Pr Risborough C. instead doing almost the same walk but with different lunchstop. It would have been much faster travel route, min 34 min v min 1 hr, but also more expensive, £24 v £19.60 or from boundary £16 v £8.50. Perhaps something to bear in mind next time you wish to go somewhere with replacement buses.
Too late to change?
Fri, 29-Oct-21
Weather never cancels these walks. Only serious train service disruptions or maybe floods could impact the scheduling of these walks. We haven't decided yet if volcanic eruptions or biblical plagues should have any impact ....
Anyway, the weather forecast is wet until maybe 10:30 and then broken clouds. So it promises to be better than last year when we were drenched in the morning and then quickly dried up in brisk winds in the afternoon.
See you there.
Sun, 31-Oct-21
There was a lot of rain forecast, and what with mention of a bus replacement service, and an early start it was no surprize therefore that a meagre 5 walkers arrived at Wendover for the start. However the replacement bus was well organized and proved to be swift and easy. Sunshine dappled through the trees and we enjoyed an array of autumn colours, all across the spectrum from yellow to brown. The initial dampness cleared to leave a day of dry with glorious bright sunshine . We saw a lot of pheasant and disturbed a fair few from the hedgerow, there were plenty of rabbit, sheep and horses. The red kites circled overhead screeching and calling. One walker left early, citing a short cut through the wood and was not seen again. Four made our way to the Red Lion in Whiteleaf where we all ate well; the cosy pub had an open fire. The fare was sufficient rather than exciting, but service was friendly and quick. In the afternoon a sequence of steep hill climbs put us through our paces! We overtook a meet up group of 21 who seemed to be enjoying themselves, possibly following SWC instructions. It was a lovely stroll through the Chiltern woods in autumn, our exertions rewarded by stunning panoramic views from Coombe Hill. Back in Wendover, two rushed for the 16:35 bus/train whilst two recharged with tea, cake and purchased provisions for the journey home from the superb cheese and wine deli, giving the chocolatier miss for a change.
Saturday 17-Apr-21
Fri, 16-Apr-21
I will be taking the 957 train and doing the 8 mile shortcut via cross coppice.
Fri, 16-Apr-21
My train is half an hour later than the advertised train. Happy to walk on my own. No worries.
Sun, 18-Apr-21
A worrying number of strange walkers on the train turned out to be a ramblers group. 7 of us gathered outside the station to be joined by 2 car drivers who had got mixed up with the ramblers & with 1 on a later train made 10 in all. As an organised group, after a quick reminder to maintain distance, we 9 headed off smartly to get ahead of wherever the other group was going. Within about 10 minutes we were clearly going to be a fast & moderate group with one person being between the two. So this is a report on 4 moderate walkers. We decided to stay high rather than descend to the pub & had a picnic on Whiteleaf Hill and its lovely view in the sunshine . After Pulpit Hill, we managed to join up with the late start walker and finish the walk together.
The Shoulder of Mutton was only serving bookings, despite having empty tables. We made do with café Istanbul across the road - friendly service, uncomfortable chairs - before getting the 1556.
Sun, 18-Apr-21
9 I think. We split up as soon as we left Wendover Station with the faster walkers soon outpacing the followers who were never seen again. Four of us, at least, did the full walk (though two, in the best traditions of SWC, "explored an alternative route" after lunch before eventually finding our way back on track), and one other a variation on it. Four of us stopped at the surprisingly quiet Red Lion in Whiteleaf for a drink (no food being served there at present). The weather was w+sunny-and-warm and the Chilterns as lovely as ever with some fine views over the Aylesbury plain.
Saturday 31-Oct-20
Length: 18km / 11m
Toughness: 7 / 10
Transport: Take the 9:27 from London Marylebone arriving in Wendover at 10:15. Returns at xx:23 and xx:53
A classic Chilterns walk in hopefully riotous autumn colours.
Sat, 31-Oct-20
11 apparently set off from the suggested train.
Another 4 started later and did their own 10k route
Another 1 got an even later train and walked up Coombe Hill and then tumbled down from Coombe Hill and met 4 in the Russell Arms where a two hour lunch was had before walking back to Wendover for the 16.53 train home.
The weather in the morning was bloody awful with heavy rain and blowy I am led to believe from chatting to others on the train home
I being the one who did 6 K's in total, station pub station. One of our esteemed members used to do a lot of this but car pub car but I haven't seen him for the longest time. Next time I see him I will offer him some chips so I am sure most of you know who I mean
Some others might like to fill out the reports with horror stories (it is Halloween) of how the day went but I will finish with weather mixed and number 16
Well posted Dirk
Hope to see all of you soon
Sun, 01-Nov-20
My GPS logged 22.5km which is 14 miles, quite a bit further than the 11 miles advertised. This via Coombe Hill.
Saturday 27-Jun-20
Take the 09.27 Aylesbury train from Marylebone (Harrow-on-the-Hill 09.39, Rickmansworth 09.49 etc.), arriving Wendover 10.15. Return trains: xx.26 and xx.56.
Tue, 23-Jun-20
Don’t be alarmed by the fenced diversion at the start of this walk taking you around HS2 workings. The route around the fence is a tad circuitous, but it only affects the first field. Thereafter the route is unaffected.
Fri, 26-Jun-20
Bacombe Hill, the last bit of the ridge before Wendover when coming down from Coombe Hill, is carpeted with wonderful flowers at present - rosebay willowherb, St John’s wort, and lots of very rarely seen common valerian, plus a range of downland species. The walk route slants down the side of the ridge but you can stay on top of it for the best effect (and views): all paths come down to the road at the same place.
Sat, 27-Jun-20
10 off the train plus 1 car driver, so 11 walkers in rain to noon sunny breaks from 1 type of weather. The rain was proper rain, rather than the drizzle that some of us had expected, so layers were added as we shuffled away in two groups. The slow group had their luncheon at The Red Lion (firmly shut of course, so we sat on the roadside wall), and just as we were ready to get up and going again, the 'fast' group turned up! Navigational difficulties, apparently... They walked on and up Whiteleaf Hill for their break.
By now it was dry and plenty of blue sky could be seen, just in time for the 'with-views' part of the route. One short stretch of fenced path between Pulpit and Beacon Hills, else wide open spaces. At Ellesborough Church the eternal question needed answered: Coombe Hill or not Coombe Hill? 2 of our group of 5 said yes, the rest were indifferent, so up we went. 2 of the other group were seen not far behind us doing the same thing, so 7 in total up the Coombe. Plenty of people there, but easy to stay away from them.
Us 5 descended along the top of the ridge to Wendover, as per Walker's recommendation in his earlier comment, and were indeed delighted by the wildflowers on show. Thanks for the tip. The 15.56 train was doable, but we had spotted plenty of people milling around along the High Street, so assumed some nourishment must be available in the village. Lady Grey Tea Rooms was still shut (open from 4 July), but Rumsey's and Whitewaters were selling takeout drinks and cakes. We plumbed for Whitewaters and consumed the goods on the benches by the War Memorial. At the station the other 4 were encountered, half an hour behind us, despite walking the valley ending. There must have been some further navigational issues, one deducts from that...
16.26 train.
Saturday 05-Oct-19
Toughness: 7 / 10
Transport: Take the 9:27 from London Marylebone to Wendover arriving 10:15. Return trains are at xx:26 and xx:56.
This is a classic autumn Chilterns walk with plenty of woodlands, a fine lunch pub and a selection of tea choices at the end: Rumsey's Chocolaterie for those with sweet teeth, No2 Pound Street for the wine and cheese lovers and the Shoulder of Mutton for those with a thirst for beer. Combinations of these places are possible. The ending of the walk is as usual via Coombe Hill and not along the valley bottom. I would also like to try a new variation just after point [3] in the instructions, about 200m after crossing Missenden Road, which avoids some road walking and takes in more of the Chilterns escarpment.
Sat, 05-Oct-19
18 on this walk including one late starter who caught up with us at lunch. The weather was cloudy but warm . The foliage was mostly green but with some orange tints in places, and this still made an excellent autumn walk. I was probably the only person who noticed the lovely maroons on the dogwood shrubs and the pink on some brambles.
Conversation was remarkably political at times, with Brexit, HS2 and the prospect of a Corbyn government all featuring from time to time. But I think by the end we had reached a happy consensus on all these issues. (Or maybe not.) On the train home the conversation turned to Strictly, which I noted prompted more enthusiasm from some hitherto relatively silent walkers.
We had two - three? - newbies on the walk who had done our walks previously with friends and now were trying the group. We hope all the political stuff did not put them off... Late morning our walk poster led us on a variation which cut out the road walking near Whiteleaf Hill and which certainly made sense to me.
Lunch at the Red Lion was very cosy. They get brownie points for having two vegan options (though I am not sure these vegans should really be allowed choice: it gets them over excited...). I think we we’re all happy with the food. All of the group I was with did the Coombe Hill variation at the end and two got a bit lost and did a variation on the variation. We all steamed up the very steep climb in such a way as to make one proud to be an SWC-er.
After that there was nothing for it but to endure chocolate cake and tea in Rumsey’s. Five of us then went to the Shoulder of Mutton for a drink - and to swop happy tales of summer travel.
Sun, 06-Oct-19
Make that 19 A certain Billy No-mates started an hour later so as not to spoil everyone else’s day. (The real reason is even more embarrassing - a misread train time).
Took the “Now that's what I call a” shortcut (purely to catch-up, you understand). Did eventually catch up with the advance guard but only on the station platform. Would have done Coombe Hill if I’d remembered the way. Can report, however, that the Russell Arms is now a community owned pub and a lot friendlier than the sniffy wine bar it became a few years ago. Also, in case no-one noticed any of the many signs, Ellesborough church does teas on Sunday afternoons.
Thursday 09-May-19
Train: Take the 17:53 Aylesbury train from London Marylebone to Monks Risborough, arriving at 18:45. Return trains from Wendover are at 21:26; 21:56 and 22:56. Buy a day return to Wendover.
Distance: 6 miles or 10 km for those more metrically minded.
Difficulty: 4 out of 10.
A couple of us did this walk as a short winter evening walk and it occurred to me that it would make a nice spring sunset walk with freshly sprouted beech leaves. With any luck, we should arrive at Coombe Hill for sunset with a gentle dusk decent to Wendover for a late dinner or nibbles at the Shoulder of Mutton Pub (next to the station). More details and instructions can be found here.
Fingers crossed for good conditions!
Wed, 08-May-19
Intend going.
Fri, 10-May-19
Just 2 set off under cloudy skies for a lovely evening walk through the fresh iridescent leaves of the beech trees along the way….Notwithstanding the clouds (and a light shower), we were treated to some nice sunset color on the western horizon and more significantly bumped into a badger on its evening promenade...We arrived at Coombe Hill for the sunset and made our way down to Wendover for a quick meal before catching the 21:56....A good evening walk to remember for this time next year....
Tuesday 27-Nov-18
Distance: 6km
Length: 9.7km (6 miles)
Catch the 17:53 train from London Marylebone, arrives Monks Risborough 18:45. Return trains from Wendover: 21:23, 21:53, 22:53.
Will take the Coombe Hill (d) ending and finish with a drink / meal at Shouder of Mutton PH Wendover, food served until 22:00.
Wed, 28-Nov-18
2 night owls disembarked at Monk's Risborough in dark but surprisingly dry and mild conditions after witnessing a major deluge of rain from the train en route....I guess donning the waterproofs on the train worked their magic....It was an atmospheric journey up and down hills through dark woods with only the regular hooting of owls and one largish (yet unidentified) critter that crossed our path for company...We managed not to be apprehended by security forces while passing through the woods surrounding Chequers...and enjoyed a nice view from Coombe hill before the gentle descent to Wendover for a lite bite and drink at the recently re-opened and refurbished Shoulder of Mutton pub....a fine evening out....looking forward to future installments....
Wednesday 31-Oct-18
Length: 18.5 km (11.5 miles)
Toughness: 7 out of 10 (8.5 out of 10 with Coombe Hill ending)
London Marylebone: 09-57 hrs Aylesbury Vale Parkway service
Arrive Wendover: 10-45 hrs
Return: 16-23, 16-53, 17-20, 17-55, 18-26, 18-52 and 19-23 hrs
You get a good work out on this walk, particularly if you attempt the Coombe Hill ending, but energy spent should be rewarded by Chiltern Hill's leaf colour in the many woods along the way, and you will have some lovely views today.
You will have to maintain a steady pace (no dawdling) if you want luncheon at the Red Lion pub in Whiteleaf - always best to 'phone ahead with numbers: 01844-344476 your e.t.a is 13-25 hrs.
More woods, steep bits and Chiltern's classic countryside in the afternoon before you have that very steep climb to the summit of Coombe Hill with its Boer War monument. Then - relief - its downhill all the way to Wendover. For your tea stop, chocaholics go to Rumsey's Chocolaterie, a short distance down the High Street, whilst I prefer the Shoulder of Mutton pub near the railway station.
Walk Directions here: L=2.1
Sat, 13-Oct-18
There's a lovely cheese and wine shop on the High Street, open until 5PM. Excellent wine selection. If you choose the same bottle of wine, you could share and save on price.
I did this walk today, 13th, and bought a Prosecco and a white one for 12 pounds each.
Mon, 29-Oct-18
Tickets: for those with Freedom Pass this covers you Marylebone to Amersham so only buy ticket on from Amersham.
I will do the short version 8.4 miles (via Coppice Cross?) with a late lunch at the Russell Arms around 2pm.
Tue, 30-Oct-18
Hi all,I would like to join but I'm just worried we won't be able to meet without phone contacts. Where is the meeting point? Many thanks
Meeting point is on the platform at Wendover when the specified train arrives (1045 if all goes to plan). The walking group should be obvious as there are unlikely to be many other people around.
See the notes on the This Week's Walks page for some brief notes and a link to more details for first-timers.
Tue, 30-Oct-18
The gpx has this as a 20.2 km walk, with the pub reached after 10.6 km (and three of the five ascents), so a later train for the Network Railcard-holders (10.27, arrives 11.15) should still leave enough time to get to the pub before last food orders (just confirmed to me as 14.00 hours)...
Tue, 30-Oct-18
I won't make it Tomorrow. Because 1. I will be working and 2. It will be my Birthday.
Tue, 30-Oct-18
I won't make it Tomorrow. Because 1. I will be working and 2. It will be my Birthday. But I hope the Walk goes well for you.
Hi actually I think the Chilterns trains allow you to board the train before 09.30 as I recall Thomas when you led a walk from Princes Rishborough to Wendover on a Wednesday we got the 09.15 train in winter. Those with network card was also alllowed.
I shall board the train at Harrow on the Hill
at the stated time. Hope the this helps for those without Freedom pass or SEnior rail card.
Wed, 31-Oct-18
Not for a Network railcard, but senior is ok. you can also get the train at harrow-on-the-hill just after 1009
Wed, 31-Oct-18
Hi, I'm currently at Marylebone station. See you at Wendover
Wed, 31-Oct-18
The 3 late starters caught up with the main group at the lunch pub, and when we all left, I counted 16. 1 other (1 of the 3 late starters) was still inside, finishing lunch. 1 other had apparently walked her own short walk straight from the platform to lunch in Butler's Cross. I make that 18, which is a record for this walk! [at least as far back as attendance numbers have been kept on the website] The weather was sunny and warm for the time of year .
"Russet Hues-rating": not that great in the first third of the walk, I'd say, what with lots of brown leaves on the floor and lots of green ones on the trees. That changed markedly in the middle of the walk, along the north-facing woods, here we got the riot of browns, reds and oranges we had hoped for. Else: fine far views into Aylesbury Vale, plenty of ups and downs, soapy but not muddy ground, nice company.
Most if not all of the fast walkers did the 'via Coombe Hill' variant, some even fit in the - off route - top of Beacon Hill just before that.
We crossed the railway bridge in Wendover just as the 16.23 was pulling out, so decamped to the Shoulder of Mutton, or so we thought. But it's heavily scaffolded, with most of the interior bare and with lots of builders doing what builders do. Unfortunately, the Chef & Brewer website doesn't give a clue whether that's just a freshup or a close down and conversion to residential... So we strode on to the Tapas Bar/Restaurant next to the Wine and Cheese Shop. 8 of us settled in there for a couple, others went for a tea somewhere else. 17.20 train for both those sets of people. Others still went straight to the station for the 16.53.
Saturday 07-Oct-17
Length: 19km (12m)
Toughness: 7 / 10
Transport: Take the 9:27 train from London Marylebone arriving at Wendover at 10:15. Return trains at xx:26 and xx:56.
Autumn - Chilterns, two words which go together like apple pie and custard or onion cake and Federweisser (young wine). So here is a classic with hopefully some early autumn colours. The walk features a nice lunch pub, a view from the top of Whitecross, a prehistoric fort and the spectacular Chilterns escarpment. The end is rounded off with a climb up to Coombe Hill with wide views towards the north and west, before descending gently into Wendover for tea or hot chocolate at Rumsey's (until 18:00) or some drink at the Shoulder of Mutton.
Sat, 07-Oct-17
Me too.
Sat, 07-Oct-17
Me three! :-)
Saturday 29-Jul-17
Length: 18.5km (11.5 miles)
Toughness 7/10.
Catch the 9:27 train from London Marylebone to Wendover, arriving 10:15. (Return xx:26 xx:56, until 22:26.)
Wed, 26-Jul-17
Intend going.
Sun, 30-Jul-17
6 of us set off from Wendover on an overcast but dry day. Two of our number deep in conversation dropped back mid morning never to be seen again. Lunch at the Red Lion - standard fare and efficient. At Ellesborough 1 of the 4 opted for the Coombe Hill finish. We arrived in plenty of time for the 15:27 back to London. A good day out.
Saturday 05-Nov-16
Toughness: 7 / 10
Transport: Take the 9:27 from London Marylebone, arriving in Wendover at 10:15. Return from Wendover at xx:23 and xx:53
This classic Chilterns walk hopefully provides spectacular autumn colours. From the description:
This energetic walk serves as a fine introduction to the Chiltern Hills, first passing through woodland, then descending into hidden vales and fields before emerging out onto the Chiltern escarpment above Princes Risborough at a spot that commands panoramic views of the countryside below. After lunch in Whiteleaf, a pretty village with many ancient cottages, the return to Wendover goes through wooded valleys and hills reminiscent of an earlier age. Then the walk continues along a fine open section of escarpment, with grand views north, before descending to the plains for a leisurely finish, in contrast to the landscape passed earlier. This walk is particularly pretty in autumn when it is a riot of russet hues.
The end will be the variation via Coombe Hill and not along the valley bottom.
Two latecomers joined the walk, didn't quite catch up with the main group.
Woodland area above Wendover very beautiful with gold rustling leaves underfoot. Slight confusion on redundant stiles in instructions. Long version of walk well worth doing. Red Lion Pub very good. This is unlikely to be the SWC but we overheard mutterings of discontent from the landlady about walkers who'd earlier eaten their sandwiches on the garden benches without buying anything, and whom she then reminded to buy a drink. Walk instruction at Whiteleaf Cross a little confusing :the Eastern direction path walk was not a car width as specified in the instruction.
Sad to see HS2 banners of what is now to come.
Tue, 08-Nov-16
Enjoyable company 9 on this walk. Largely overcast all day. Learnt what Pokerman is from two of the walkers and understood why the Holocaust Museum in Israel aren't overly impressed with its makers leaving objects to find in their museum! Three of us had tea and cakes in Wendover and I had the very rare pleasure of being able to order vegan cake.
Wednesday 19-Oct-16
Book 2, Walk 1 - Wendover Circular
Length: 18.5 km (11.5 miles)
Toughness: 7 out of 10
London Marylebone: 10-27 hrs - Aylesbury train
Arrive Wendover: 11-15 hrs
Return: Wendover: 16-23; 16-53; 17-20; 17-55; 18-26; 18-52
Today's walk takes you through a number of woods and vales in the Chiltern Hills with several ups and downs to keep a SWC walker honest.
To reach the pub - the Red Lion, in Whiteleaf- in time for lunch will necessitate walking at a good, steady pace during the morning leg. Slower walkers have the option of a) taking the 09-57 hrs train from Marylebone, and we will catch you up en route, or b) your taking one of the short cuts as noted in the Walk Directions.
After lunch you have a steep hill which plays havoc on one's digestion, then more woods and the remains of Pulpit Hill Fort before you descend to Ellesborough Church. You now have a choice of routes to walk-end. The Book's main route takes you over a number of large, flat, arable fields. If these have been ploughed up recently, the harvest now having been gathered, your boots will soon weigh a ton each from clinging mud, and progress onwards will be very hard going. In these circumstances the alternative route is recommended - a steep ascent up Coombe Hill - to use up the last of your energy - then it's a steady descent into Wendover. So the choice is heavy boots or a knackering climb !
For tea in Wendover, chocaholics make for Rumsey's on the High Street. I don't - I prefer the Shoulder of Mutton pub next to Station Approach, which serves hot drinks, the demon booze and food all day.
If you join us on today's energetic walk you are excused a visit to the gym on Thursday.
Next Week, Wednesday 26 October: Book 1, Walk 42- Holmwood to Gomshall - Leith Hill, woodlands, heathland and maybe, leaf colour.
Wed, 19-Oct-16
4 of us got off the specified train at Wendover at 11.15 and we had to keep up a keen pace to cover the six miles to the Red Lion in time for lunch, arriving at 1.40 or so. There we found two walkers who had got an earlier train and so 6 on this walk in all.
There was good colour on the tops and exposed sides of the beeches, though tinting has not yet reached down to path level. However, in compensation the paths were all still bone dry, a contrast to the gloopy mud that can now not be far in the future.
There was lots of upping and downing in this walk but we still elected to add the biggest up of all, the very steep climb onto Coombe Hill of the alternative ending. Alas, by now it was grey after a partly sunny morning so the view, while extensive and sharp, was also a bit bleak.
We descended to Wendover just too late for the chocolatey temptations of Rumseys, and that was enough to send two directly to the station. But four of us repaired instead to the Shoulder of Mutton, each to their respective end of walk treats (plum crumble and custard for me and a nice pot of tea, a large red wine for others). 5.55pm train home.
Saturday 19-Mar-16
This saturday seems to be plagued by engineering works, and trying to avoid mud, restricts the choice of walks. However this is a fine walk and will hopefully not have much mud. You do need the download instructions if you have a pre 2011 version of the book and if you want to do the Coombe Hill ending. T=2.1 For those not familiar with the walk, the Coombe Hill option avoids a final stretch across potentially muddy fields, and for those who like such things, there is a pub right by the station.
Length 11.5 miles, 7 out of 10
Travel Get the 0927 train from Marylebone (0939 from Harrow-on-the-Hill), arrives 1015. Return to Wendover. Return trains are xx28 and xx58.
Lunch The Red Lion (tel 01844 344476), Whiteleaf, near Princes Risborough HP27 0LL, 10km (6.2 miles) from the start of the standard walk,
Wed, 16-Mar-16
Hi there. I am very excited to do this walk with you guys. My husband, yorkie and I will see you guys at Wendover station at 10.15 sharp!
Sun, 20-Mar-16
10 on this walk including two first timers. We separated into two groups of five, the trailing group including two who were intending to take the short walk option. The remaining eight came together again at the lunchtime pub but became fragmented again after lunch, two trailing behind from the off, and two more going astray after briefly falling behind. A chill, overcast day with a brief spell of mizzle when we set off, balanced by an equally brief glimpse of blue sky soon afterwards. A few signs of spring here and there, though it didn't feel like it.
Sunday 08-Nov-15
4 walkers dull day. Some confusion at Pulpit hill fort. Directions had us foxed. Good going in the forest and grass tracks but hard work in the mud, heavy clay and ploughed fields. A super walk. Please post again in summer. Russell Arms outstanding food, wine, and service all with TWO roaring fires. Please correct their phone number! Enjoyable outing. Thank you walk poster. A good choice.
Saturday 17-Oct-15
Length: 13.5km (8.4 miles) or 18.5km (11.5 miles)
Toughness: 7 out of 10
9.42 train from Marylebone to Wendover, arriving 10.30
Trains back are at 10 and 40 past the hour
For walk directions bring book two, or click here.
For alternative ending over Coombe Hill, directions are here.
I have seen quite a bit of colour on beech trees recently, and while I would be surprised if the Chilterns beechwoods are yet ablaze with golds and yellows, you should hopefully see some early autumn tints on this Chilterns classic.
There are beechwoods aplenty, but also some fine views, particularly on Whiteleaf Hill just after lunch on the main walk, or on the alternative ending over Coombe Hill . At the end of the walk there is the enticing choice of chocolate cakes at Rumseys or the cosy Shoulder of Mutton pub (or indeed one followed by the other).
There is still plenty of daylight to do the full walk (the 18.5km/11.5 mile option), but those feeling less energetic can take the option a) shortcut to reduce the walk to 13.5km (8.4 miles). The text only offers a rather late lunch stop for this option, at the Russell Arms, 2.5km from the end of the walk. But for a pub stop more in the middle of the walk it is actually quite easy to divert to the Plough in Lower Cadsden: see below
Short walk via Cross Coppice pub option
(adds a total of 1.6km/1 mile to the walk length).
- follow walk option a) Short cut via Cross Coppice, as far as line 8 in the 2nd paragraph.
- where it says "After 60 metres turn right at a crosspaths ...", carry straight on to cross a stile.
- Follow the path uphill, across a hilltop and then downhill into a valley.
- When you reach the bottom of the valley (with a Cadsden Wood information board), follow a level footpath along it to arrive at the Plough.
- on leaving the Plough, retrace your steps to the the Cadsden Wood information board, and then take the same path uphill and down the other side to the crosspaths where you left the shortcut route. Turn LEFT at this crosspaths and follow it downhill for 450 metres to a road.
- Resume the main walk directions at point [6]
Hi Hannah,
Walkers don't normally put a note to say that they are going to do a walk. There are always others on the walk and I'd be surprised if there aren't quite a few on this one. If you look at the "recent walks" tabs you'll see some examples of numbers turning up on walks recently.
Wed, 21-Oct-15
13 set together from the station to be joined by one more at the lunchtime pub. Most of us planned to do the Coombe Hill alternative after lunch but were persuaded to by our late starter to do a variation that took us to Coombe Hill via Chequers.