Whyteleafe to Hayes Walk
Field, woods, quiet valleys, a gem of a pub, and close to London.
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Large tea cup: awaiting Mad Hatter's tea party?
Hayes Tearoom
Nov-15 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
book3 swcwalks walk38 22855230362

A polar bear
The melting ice has forrced them nearer to habitation. ...actually....it's the pub sign for the White Bear in Fickleshole...do you nelieve everything I say? Whyteleaf to Hayes
book3 swcwalks walk38 8513548131

Polar Bear
See how it has emptied the beer garden. Whyteleaf to Hayes
book3 swcwalks walk38 8513548833

Majestic oaks
"Head for a hidden stile .... passing to the right of two large oak trees" New Addington to Hayes
book3 swcwalks walk38a 6371699801

Floating Towers
Canary Wharf floats above the Croydon tree-line. New Addington to Hayes
book3 swcwalks walk38a 6371715049

Extra Walk 38 Upper Warlingham to Hayes. The White Bear, Fickleshole
Where's my beer? Hofmeister if you don't mind! Camera: Vivitar 5199 5mp
Apr-08 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
book3 swcwalks walk38 2392035071

Extra Walk 38 Upper Warlingham to Hayes
Fickleshole. Modern art it ain't! D.A. Vivitar 5199 5mp
Apr-08 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
book3 swcwalks walk38 2392036777

Upper Warlingham to Hayes
Somewhere along the London Loop near Hayes. DGA. vivitar 5199 5mp
Apr-08 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
book3 swcwalks walk38 2392870588