Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir walk

Two interlocking circular walks (one for Summer, one for Winter) around Balcombe, taking in Ardingly Reservoir, the Ouse Valley Viaduct, and fine Weald territory.


This is a list of previous times this walk has been done by the club (since Jan 2010). For more recent events (since April 2015), full details are shown.

Date Option Post # Weather
Wed, 26-Jun-24 Wednesday walk - Balcombe circular via Ardingly and Wakehurst Place - summer version 13 Scorchio
Sat, 27-Jan-24 Saturday Walk - Balcombe Circular via Ardingly (winter option) 22 soft sun
Sun, 01-Oct-23 Balcombe via Ardingly Reservoir summer walk - with modified afternoon 21 warm with sunny spells
Sat, 07-Jan-23 Saturday walk - Balcombe via Ardingly Reservoir (winter walk) - under a viaduct, round a reservoir 12 It hardly rained at all
Sun, 18-Dec-22 Sunday walk - Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir
Sat, 27-Aug-22 Saturday Walk - Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir walk (summer walk) 8
Sun, 21-Nov-21 Sunday Walk - Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Resevoir 20 bright sunny
Sat, 05-Sep-20 Saturday walk - Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir walk 30
Sat, 11-Jan-20 Saturday Walk: Balcombe Circular (winter walk) 16 cloudy with a short sunny spell
Wed, 14-Aug-19 Wednesday Walk Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir (Summer walk) 4 wet
Sat, 12-Jan-19 Saturday Walk: Balcombe Circular (winter walk) 20 a mild and overcast day
Sat, 29-Sep-18 Saturday walk - Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir (Summer walk) - The Weald before it gets muddy 34 lovely sunny day
Sat, 17-Feb-18 Saturday walk - Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir Winter Walk (possibly with a new lunch pub) 30 Sunny
Sun, 06-Nov-16 Figure of Eight Wealden walk around Balcombe
Wed, 25-May-16 Midweek day walk - Balcombe Circular 5 overcast cool breeze
Sat, 05-Dec-15 Saturday Second Walk - A viaduct and a reservoir 11 Windy cloudy mild
Sat, 18-Jul-15 Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir 10 Sunny all day
Sat, 26-Jul-14 Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir 12
Sat, 05-Apr-14 a Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir (short walk) 30
Sat, 21-Sep-13 Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir 7
Sat, 29-Dec-12 a Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir (short walk)
Sat, 25-Aug-12 Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir
Sat, 03-Mar-12 a Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir (short walk)
Sat, 23-Jul-11 Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir
Sat, 05-Mar-11 a Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir (short walk)
Sat, 26-Jun-10 Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir
Sat, 13-Feb-10 a Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir (short walk)
Sun, 04-Oct-09 Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir
Sat, 20-Jun-09 Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir
Sat, 17-Jan-09 a Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir
Sat, 04-Oct-08 Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir
Sun, 03-Aug-08 Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir
Sat, 24-May-08 Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir
Sun, 06-Jan-08 a Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir
Sat, 05-May-07 Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir
Sat, 17-Feb-07 a Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir

This walk takes in Ardingly Reservoir, the Ouse Valley Viaduct, and fine Weald territory.

T=swc.22 Length: 19.5km (12.1 miles) or, if you go via The Gardener's Arms and take the shortcut from there to Wakehurst Place, 16.7km (10.4 miles).

Toughness: 7 out of 10.

Trains: London Bridge 10.05 (East Croydon 10.19) arrives Balcombe 10.36.

Return trains from Balcombe xx:25 and xx:55

Lunch: The Ardingly Inn (01444 892 214), 10.1km (6.3 miles) into the walk

Next door is the Ardingly Cafe (01444 891 113), which serves sandwiches, salads, soups and light meals until 3pm Monday to Saturday.

The Gardeners Arms (01444 892328), is an alternative lunch option 10.2km (6.4 miles) into the Summer Walk.

Picnic spots: There are many benches around Ardingly Reservoir.

Tea: Wakehurst Place (01444 894066), has a self-service cafe, the Seed Cafe, which is the recommended tea stop for that walk. It is open until 5.30.

Further details L=swc.22

  • 26-Jun-24

    11 A sunny hot day So hot, several were discussing doing the Winter walk because it’s cooler in winter (one of my jokes, actually because it’s shorter). “Me, me” said Mr Tiger eagerly “ I’m up for the winter walk” Take me And so a sizeable proportion set off up the hill. Much to Mr Tigers surprise, at the top of the hill, they all went off to the right. Huh? What? What walk were they doing? An autumn walk?

    Mr Tiger continued straight ahead on the proper Winter walk and never saw the others again.

    Under the viaduct, the misleading signs give the impression there is no footpath but there is, if you follow the diversion. ( Mr Tigers arms were burning after this section - nettles? - or giant hogweed maybe?)

    And so to the reservoir. I’ve said it before and I”ll probably say it again There is too much reservoir on the winter walk.

    No point diverting to the Ardingly Inn. If its website is true, it doesn’t open till 4:30 weekdays.

    Got to the Half Moon for 2:50, downed a pint of cider by 2:55, thought of getting another and waiting a bit but the pump had run dry :( The tearoom wasn’t open, btw. Not that I wanted any.

    Got the 3:25

    Back in London by 4:05 The others will have to tell you how THEY got on.

  • 27-Jun-24

    I counted 13 on the platform and it was Scorchio . There was plenty of shade however and everywhere was lovely and green (thanks to the amount of rain we’ve had). Lots of meadow flowers including cornflowers. The group did split into 2 early on. 7 of us aimed to do the long route, but by the time we got to the church outside Ardingley village (after lunch and cold drinks at the reservoir) we cut across to Wakehurst Place and made a beeline to the café. After some refreshments and cooling off, one got the bus from the gardens, and the others ploughed on to Balcombe, where we met up with some of the shortcutters having a drink in the Half Moon. At the station, most caught the 16.25 to London, two went to Brighton, and one to Lewes to retrieve a lost item. Thank you Wanderer for posting.

Length: 16.2km (10 miles) 4 out of 10 T=swc.22
"Balcombe is a great place to walk - the one stop on the Brighton line that feels truly remote and rural. The moment you leave the station you are in a Wealden wonderland of hills, woods, pasture and hidden farms. These walks also feature Ardingly Reservoir, romantically set between steep hills.
This route is suggested for winter because it has a shorter afternoon and includes quite a bit of walking on quiet lanes and dry tracks, so avoiding most of the mud (though not all of it by any means). Ardingly Reservoir is also particularly beautiful in low winter sunlight."
I suggest taking a different route after the Gardeners arms, which was tried last year. Cross the road and hear for the right-hand corner of the open space. Follow the track until an open field going downhill on the left. Cross a footbridge and climb up through the woods, reaching a lane. Turn right to join the summer return route or left for the winter return along the reservoir.
Trains: Get the 1005 Thameslink, Brighton train from London Bridge (East Croydon 1019) to Balcome 1046. Return trains xx25 xx55.
Lunch: The Gardeners Arms (01444 892328), is the lunch option 8.9km (5.5 miles) into the Winter Walk. Booking recommended.
Tea: The Half Moon Inn in Balcombe, an excellent community run pub. The Tea Rooms are closed.
  • 27-Jan-24

    22 on this walk (I think we decided), including two late starters and one newbie, who we hope enjoyed his walk… The weather started disappointingly cloudy, but soon brightened up to soft sun .

    The quiet lanes near the start were not quite so quiet as usual. Two possible explanations for this. Either it was National Drive Down Narrow Country Lanes Day or “sportsmen” were abroad. The sound of distant gunfire and a convoy of over-sized SUVs near a farm supported the latter hypothesis.

    This apart, it was a pleasant morning. Not ludicrously muddy (or perhaps I just had pessimistic expectations) and with a pleasing mix of birdsong (great tits, blue tits, dunnocks, song thrush, one mistle thrush, a woodpecker drumming), suggesting spring is not so far away. The Ouse Valley Viaduct was as magnificent as ever: still a short diversion in place for repair work, but nothing serious.

    Two walkers had booked ten places at the pub, and this exactly matched the number of people who wanted to eat. The shepherd’s pie was a bit titchy, but tasty. The mushroom pasta looked a heartier choice. One person, we later discovered, went to the Ardingly Arms by mistake and found it has been revamped and is now serving food, which is good news.

    After lunch we did the interesting variation suggested by the walk poster. When offered the choice to swipe right for the summer walk or left for winter, we chose the latter. We took a slightly longer route to maximise our time on the reservoir.

    Approaching Balcombe two pioneered an alternative route (one unwittingly) and all of us did a nice short cut across the fields which I would incorporate in the walk directions if it was a right of way. 10 of us had a fairly long sojourn in the Half Moon, sampling beer, wine or tea (the latter priced at £4.55 a pot). A few of us took the back lanes in the dark to get the…? 17.55 ? train.

  • 29-Jan-24

    It wasn't 'distant gunfire' I experienced in the para 16 field, arriving somewhat earlier than the group thanks to an earlier train. Scattered through this large field there were at least a dozen shooters aiming away. There was even one on the footbridge leading out from the field in para 17. Obviously they were not aiming at me but it was an uncomfortable experience.

Length: 16.7km (10.4) miles - or 19.5km (12.1 miles) if you stick to the standard walk T=swc.22
10.09 train from London Bridge (9.54 St Pancras International, 10.23 East Croydon) to Balcombe, arriving 10.51.
For walk directions click here, for GPX click here, for a map of the route click here.
OK, pay attention at the back.... The idea today is to do the summer version of this walk, but with a twist. Since lunch is essentially no longer available in Ardingly village, a new option in the walk directions (and GPX) diverts you to the Gardeners Arms, if you can squeeze into it (it is quite popular), for a pub lunch. A short link route then takes you direct to Wakehurst Place, whose Seed Cafe gives the option of an early tea (or perhaps an alternative for lunch, though from memory it is limited to sandwiches and cakes). Resuming the normal walk route from there back to Balcombe village gives you a walk of 10.4 miles.
If you are planning on having a picnic lunch, you can if you wish do the full summer walk route (12.1 miles) which includes some fine Wealden scenery, but then your first refreshment option would be Wakehurst Place after 8.8 miles (unless the "seasonal cafe" by the reservoir is open to sell you a tea).
Other options include switching to the start, finish or middle section of the winter walk, since these are interchangeable with the three corresponding sections of the summer walk.
At the end of the walk the Half Moon pub is your tea stop (and it does sometimes even have cakes)
Trains back are at 25 and 55 past
  • 02-Oct-23

    I think 21 did the walk although I'm not confident that I counted the numbers right - two walkers did the short start and at least three joined by car so we were never all together. It was warm with sunny spells . Most went by the viaduct which we agreed was impressive, especially the view inside the arches. We spread out rather over lunch - at least 9 ate in the very nice Gardener's Arms, there were a number of picnic spots and some tried the kiosk at the reservoir (open for it's last day of the year) where the cake was reported to be excellent. I don't know if anyone went to the Ardlingly Cafe.

    The majority then walked to Wakehurst more or less together, with racing cars bombing round the circuit in the South of England Centre making that section less pleasant. Confusion ensued as we tried to figure out how to get past the Wakehurst entrance and out of the car park. Two had stopped for tea and some of us got rather left behind, mainly because of my stupidity in assuming an obvious gate was locked.

    Those who made a cleaner exit went straight for the 1625 train I hear.

    When we got to Balcombe, the Half Moon looked very tempting. Our band, by now five, stopped there and were later joined by the two who had stopped earlier for tea and two who had done the full summer route. We then got the 1655 or 1725 home.

    All in all, a grand day out and thanks for posting - the modified route worked well but I'd be looking for a different way from Ardingly to Wakehurst next time.

Length: 16.2km (10 miles) or a "picnic only" option of 12.8km (7.9 miles) T=swc.22
9.35 train from London Bridge (9.49 East Croydon) to Balcombe, arriving 10.18. Be in the front eight coaches of the train, as Balcombe has a short platform.

For walk directions click here (you only need pages 1-6), for GPX click here, for a map of the route click here.
I am aware that this walk was posted just before Christmas as a Sunday walk, but not aware that anyone did it on that occasion, since there was no walk report. Apologies to anyone who did.
This is a winter walk for a reason, since it was created to have more than its fair share of mud-free surfaces, ie tracks and roads. Nevertheless, do not wear your party shoes, as there are some squelchy bits. During the morning you pass under the dramatic Ouse Valley Viaduct, which has been carrying the Brighton main line uncomplainingly since 1841 (and is now a bit of a bottleneck on the line...).
Picnic types can eat their lunch on benches by the Ardingly Reservoir and so cut out the walk up the hill to lunch, reducing the walk to 7.9 miles. Those seeking a pub lunch can try the Gardeners Arms, exclusive to this version of the walk. In the past it has been a popular pub, but we may squeeze in.
Otherwise, in the other direction, you come to Ardingly Village, where the Ardingly Arms may or may not do food. It has been reported to be no longer doing food midweek, and I have heard rumours it only does pizza on Saturday or Sunday (or neither or both). Its website is unenlightening, talking of its fine restaurant but giving no opening hours. The Ardingly Cafe next door is supposedly open to 3pm and has provided us with light lunches in the past.
After lunch it is an easy walk along the Ardingly Reservoir to Balcombe. Forget about the tea rooms here, which always seem to be closed when we arrive, but the Half Moon Inn has been known to do hot drinks and even cake.
You will probably not be lingering long in any case, with trains back being at 20 and 50 past the hour, and *** the last train at 17.20 *** due to strike action.
  • 03-Jan-23

    Another refreshment stop on this walk is the Black Hut Cafe on Ardingly Reservoir, at the Activity Centre on the south west corner of the reservoir. The route passes it just before it crosses the reservoir.

  • 06-Jan-23

    I have booked a table for 4 at the Gardeners Arms at 12:30

  • 07-Jan-23

    They are a tough lot, the Saturday Walkers. 12 turned up on this walk despite rail strikes and a forecast of heavy rain. You know what I am going to say next, right? It hardly rained at all - just a lovely mild wind and scudding clouds and yes, one short shower after lunch.

    One walker decided at the start to do the summer version of the walk and was thus lost to history. We hope he did not sink without trace into the gloopy mud. The rest of us walked along the road, passed by an irritating number of cars (normally there are none). Later we came across a Meet-Up group of about forty twenty-somethings, who helpfully waited for us to catch up before resuming their walk. Thanks for that, guys: we were feeling lonely.

    We hurried to extricate ourselves from them as we walked along the farm track, passed by another procession of cars, this time with beefy male occupants. I correctly guessed a shoot and indeed in a field soon after we came across the “guns”. They were probably as pleased to see us as we were to see them. They must have loved the Meet-Up group.

    On to the Ouse Valley Viaduct, which always takes the breath away. Bits are falling off it apparently so there was a short diversion to pass under it. Beyond we squelched along the valley and then climbed to the reservoir, where one walker lost a very nice hat (it upsets me to think of it..), whipped off by the wind onto the inaccessible lower reaches of the dam.

    Two tables of four had been booked at the Gardener’s Inn. Three more of us squeezed onto a bar table. Nine of us got our meals with astonishing speed - we had barely sat down after ordering when they arrived. Two - including hat guy, who was having an unlucky day - had a much longer wait.

    After lunch yours truly wanted to check out a supposed permissive path to Wakehurst Place. It did not exist (locked gate) but it prompted us to go off piste and pioneer a lovely route down hill, across an arm of the reservoir, and up to a lane. Most stayed on the lane into Balcombe: three of us descended to the reservoir and met two others there coming the other way (I am not sure why).

    All eleven of us ended up in the Half Moon Inn in Balcombe at around 3.30pm (near top marks for group cohesion!). Some had tea, some alcohol: all were provided by the landlord with bag covers for their boots. Some got the 4.20 train, three of us went for the 4.50, walking the back lane in the atmospheric dusk - and getting totally drenched by a torrential shower (than God it did not rain like that all day!). One got befuddled by the rain and just missed the train: hopefully the last service of the day, the 5.20, carried him home.

Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Resevoir - winter version


Length:16.2km (10 miles). Shorter walk (picnic only): 12.8km (7.9 miles)

Toughness: 4 out of 10

The winter route is suggested because it includes quite a bit of walking on quiet lanes and dry tracks, so avoiding the worst of the mud. Ardingly Reservoir is particularly beautiful in low winter sunlight, and the walk should enable you to get to the Balcombe Tea Rooms before they close at 4pm.

Trains: 09.43 train from London Blackfriars ( East Croydon 10.15) arriving Balcombe 10.49. Or, 09.59 from London Victoria , change at Gatwick Airport for the above train departing 10.38 to Balcombe. The Victoria train is more expensive than the Thameslink.

Return trains from Balcombe: xx.24 and xx.49

Lunch: The Ardingly Inn (01444 892 214), 8.8km (5.4 miles) into the Winter Walk and 10.1km (6.3 miles) into the Summer Walk, serves a basic menu, but with good quality and hearty portions. Next door is the Ardingly Cafe (01444 891 113), which serves sandwiches, salads, soups and light meals until 4.30pm Monday to Saturday and 3.30pm on Sundays and bank holidays.

The Gardeners Arms (01444 892328), is an alternative lunch option 8.9km (5.5 miles) into the Winter Walk or 10.2km (6.4 miles) into the Summer Walk. It is often fully booked at weekends, so best reserve a table in advance if you would like to eat there.

Tea: The Balcombe Tea Rooms (01444 811 777) serve great doorstop slabs of homemade cake, as well as doing simple meals such as lasagne or fry-ups. This is the recommended tea stop for the winter walk if you can get there before they close at 4pm.

The Half Moon Inn in Balcombe is a possible tea stop for both walks. Newly refurbished, it is open all afternoon and now serves tea and (sometimes) cakes. After 6pm it offers hot food, including deserts.

Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir walk (summer walk)

Length: 19.5km or 12.1 miles. 7 out of 10

"Balcombe is a great place to walk - the one stop on the Brighton line that feels truly remote and rural. The moment you leave the station you are in a Wealden wonderland of hills, woods, pasture and hidden farms. These walks also feature Ardingly Reservoir, romantically set between steep hills." This walk can be very muddy, so now should be ideal.

Trains: Get the 0945 Thameslink Brighton train from London Bridge (0958 East Croydon) arriving Balcome 1025. This train comes from Cambridge so will have other stops in London.
Return trains are xx04 xx34

Lunch: The Ardingly Inn, (10.1km (6.3 miles) into the Summer Walk, no longer serves food at lunchtime.
Next door is the Ardingly Cafe (01444 891 113), which serves sandwiches, salads, soups and light meals until 3pm. There is also a village bakery.
Picnic spots: There are many benches around Ardingly Reservoir.
Tea: Wakehurst Place 14.2km (8.8 miles) has a self-service cafe, the Seed Cafe, which is open until 5.30pm or the The Half Moon Inn in Balcombe

  • 27-Aug-22

    The 9.45 train is showing as cancelled. 9.35 and 10.15 still seem to be running.

  • 30-Aug-22

    8 ,I'm told by someone who was there. some trouble with getting food, as all options were closed/short staffed or had just stopped serving food.


Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Resevoir - winter version

T=swc.22 Length:16.2km (10 miles). Shorter walk (picnic only): 12.8km (7.9 miles)

Toughness: 4 out of 10

The winter route is suggested because it includes quite a bit of walking on quiet lanes and dry tracks, so avoiding the worst of the mud. Ardingly Reservoir is particularly beautiful in low winter sunlight, and the walk should enable you to get to the Balcombe Tea Rooms before they close at 4pm. (The summer walk is just an extra 2 miles for those who would like a longer walk. The directions cover both routes)

Trains: 09.39 train from London Bridge (St Pancras 9.24, East Croydon 9:53) arriving Balcombe 10.31. Or, 09.29 from London Victoria (Clapham Junction 9.36) to Gatwick Airport (10.06) where you change for the 10.16 to Balcombe. The Victoria train is more expensive than the Thameslink from London Bridge.

Return trains from Balcombe: 14.44, 15.34, 16.44,17.34

Lunch: The Ardingly Inn (01444 892 214), 8.8km (5.4 miles) into the Winter Walk and 10.1km (6.3 miles) into the Summer Walk, serves a basic menu, but with good quality and hearty portions. Next door is the Ardingly Cafe (01444 891 113), which serves sandwiches, salads, soups and light meals until 4.30pm Monday to Saturday and 3.30pm on Sundays and bank holidays.

The Gardeners Arms (01444 892328), is an alternative lunch option 8.9km (5.5 miles) into the Winter Walk or 10.2km (6.4 miles) into the Summer Walk. It is often fully booked at weekends, so best reserve a table in advance if you would like to eat there.

Tea: The Balcombe Tea Rooms (01444 811 777) serve great doorstop slabs of homemade cake, as well as doing simple meals such as lasagne or fry-ups. This is the recommended tea stop for the winter walk if you can get there before they close at 4pm.

The Half Moon Inn in Balcombe is a possible tea stop for both walks. Newly refurbished, it is open all afternoon and now serves tea and (sometimes) cakes. After 6pm it offers hot food, including deserts.

For walk directions, map and GPS click here

  • 21-Nov-21

    17 and a dog at the station. 2 more had set off early. With A N Other set to join at lunch, that should make 20

    A bright sunny day. Quite a surprise after yestergrey. All walk options were covered.

    Turns out the Ardingley Inn doesn’t do food on a Sunday but there was talk they allowed food from the nearby caff in. I was one of the ‘dejeuner sur l’herbe’ faction so don’t know how that worked out. They’ll have to let us know, won’t they.

    I can’t ever remember having got back to the station for 14.44 before, but it happened today. What’s more, I’d even had time to swill down a beer in the Half Moon first. Or was I dreaming? If it was a dream, I wasn’t the only one in it.

Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir walk (summer walk) swc.22

Length: 19.5km or 12.1 miles. 7 out of 10

Balcombe is a great place to walk - the one stop on the Brighton line that feels truly remote and rural. The moment you leave the station you are in a Wealden wonderland of hills, woods, pasture and hidden farms. These walks also feature Ardingly Reservoir, romantically set between steep hills.

Hopefully, the recent rain won't have been enough to turn this into a mud-fest.

Trains: Get the 0944 Thameslink Brighton train from London Bridge (0930 St Pancras, 0938 Blackfriars, 0958 East Croydon) arriving Balcome 1025.

Lunch: The Ardingly Inn (01444 892 214), 8.8km (10.1km (6.3 miles) into the Summer Walk, serves a basic menu, but with good quality and hearty portions.
Next door is the Ardingly Cafe (01444 891 113), which serves sandwiches, salads, soups and light meals until 4.30pm
Tea: Wakehurst Place 14.2km (8.8 miles) has a self-service cafe, the Seed Cafe, which is open until 5.30pm or the The Half Moon Inn in Balcombe

  • 04-Sep-20

    hello pete the leader , what time walk start ? is it 10:25? and name of station is ?

    just like to make sure.

    shira 07801 492106

  • 04-Sep-20

    The walk starts at Balcombe station at 10.25, yes. We usually meet on the arrival platform.

    We have no leaders!!! This is very important!!! Please read the following very carefully if you are new to our walks.

  • Anonymous

    Yes. No leader, Shira. You need to be independent - this is not the Ramblers. Don't offer up your personal details, helplessly. Take the instructions with you and you'll be very welcome indeed.

  • 06-Sep-20

    30 got off the train, to enjoy a fine day for this enjoyable & mud free walk. As usual, we quickly fragmented into smaller groups. The first picnic spot was by the reservoir and some in the churchyard. The Ardingly Arms wasn't doing food, but you could eat food from the Village Cafe next door in the garden. I think around 20 spent some time in the pub garden.

    Wakehurst proved too difficult even for the committed tea stop walkers, so a bit after 4, 7 of us were sat outside the community owned Half Moon Inn, later to be briefly joined by another 6 (at a distanced table), with various walkers passing by on their way to the train. The front runners reportedly caught the 1604. Some of us thought we ought to support the pub in these difficult times & made up the rear on the 1834.

  • Anonymous

    Will buy coffee in the cafe next door in future. Rip-off prices for coffee in Ardingly Arms, and very poor quality.

10 miles / 16.2 km with pub stop in Ardingly
7.9 miles / 12.8 km with picnic lunch

A walk specially designed for the winter months with (possibly) reduced mud and a chance of reaching the tea room before it shuts. Highlights include Ardingly Reservoir and an impressive close up view of the Ouse Valley Viaduct.

Trains: Bedford to Brighton train: 9:20 St Pancras, 9:29 Blackfriars, 9:35 London Bridge, 9:51 East Croydon, arrives at Balcombe at 10:17. Return trains at xx22/xx52.

Lunch: The Ardingly Inn (01444 892214). Next door is the Ardingly Cafe with sandwiches/soups.

Back in Balcombe, the Balcome Tea Rooms are open til 4pm. The Half Moon Inn also has tea, maybe cake and definitely beer.

Click here for full walk details
  • Anonymous

    If you want to do lunch at Ardingly and wish to drop out there, it appears you can catch a 272 bus to Haywards Heath at 14:11 or to Three Bridges at 15:16 see the timetable here. If you're planning on going to Haywards Heath, make sure you buy your return train ticket to that Station.

  • F

    I didn't count but at least 16 got off the train and I think all did the posted walk. It was cloudy with a short sunny spell after lunch. Lots of slippery mud along the way. Ten ate lunch by the resevoir while one newcomer was bird spotting. All moved on quickly as the cool breeze made it uncomfortably cold. Three had indicated they were going for a pub lunch and two may have joined them or lunched somewhere else. Some finished in time to catch the 13.52 train. Five went to the tea room in Balcombe which was hot and steamy. A big array of cakes on display but none of them vegan :(. Three left to catch the 14.22 train and the other two followed shortly after, abandoning teas which were not to their taste to run all the way to the station, arriving at 14.21 to find the 14.22 cancelled. No sign of the three who preceded us, apparently whisked away on an earlier, late running train. We cleaned our boots and caught the 14.52.

Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir (Summer walk) T=swc.22

Length: 19.5km (12.1 miles), with various shorter options.

"Balcombe is a great place to walk - the one stop on the Brighton line that feels truly remote and rural. The moment you leave the station you are in a Wealden wonderland of hills, woods, pasture and hidden farms. These walks also feature Ardingly Reservoir, romantically set between steep hills."

This walk has two versions, the summer one is longer with more hills and the winter one is designed to have less mud. After lunch at Ardingly you can make a choice about the return leg.

Trains: Get the 1005 Thameslink Brighton train from London Bridge (St Pancras 0950, East Croydon 1018 plus other stops) arriving 1046. Return trains xx22 & xx32. This train has an off-peak return fare of £12.50 (valid Thameslink only).

Lunch: The Ardingly Inn (01444 892 214), 10.1km (6.3 miles) into the Summer Walk, serves a basic menu, but with good quality and hearty portions. Next door is the Ardingly Cafe (01444 891 113), which serves sandwiches, salads, soups and light meals.

Tea: The Half Moon Inn in Balcombe is a possible tea stop for both walks.

  • Gabriella

    Only four hardy souls braved the bad weather forecast to meet at Balcombe, but I for one was eagerly envisioning enjoying the sight of a misty and mysterious reservoir through the drizzle.

    Unfortunately however, we never got to Ardingley, as fairly soon into the walk we went wrong and got hopelessly lost in the woods. But beautiful woods they were, of fragrant ferns and gaggles of grouse, so we voted to go with the flow and see where the path would take us, rather than retracing our steps.

    ( Although we all had paper instructions, none of us GPS or even a map, so once we were lost there was no way of knowing our location.)

    References to the Blair Witch Project were made, and much merriment was had when hopelessly hailing for help a helicopter heedlessly flying overhead. Finally we found a road, and ended up in Staplefield, a charming village on a cute green, with the added bonus of an excellent pub, the Victory Inn. Two of us savoured a delicious repast and were soon joined by the packed lunchers, forced in by the driving rain, after which a pleasant hour or so was spent chatting and imbibing. There is always a silver lining to life's disappointments, and in many ways we lucked out, as I am reliably informed that the Victory is a far better hostelry than the recommended options in Ardingly. Indeed, we all agreed that it would be wonderful if a walk could be put together including the Victory as the lunch stop. Any takers ? Eventually at 3 pm we shared a taxi to Crawley and took the train home from there. Looking at the map later it transpired that we had gone wrong at point 97 on the summer walk, by turning direct right rather than diagonally right, thus going through the wrong metal gate and taking the wrong gravel path. Lesson learnt ....

  • 16-Aug-19



10 miles / 16.2 km with pub stop in Ardingly
7.9 miles / 12.8 km with picnic lunch

A walk specially designed for the winter months with reduced mud and a chance of reaching the tea room before it shuts. Highlights include Ardingly Reservoir and an impressive close up view of the Ouse Valley Viaduct.

Trains: Bedford to Brighton train: 9:20 St Pancras, 9:29 Blackfriars, 9:35 London Bridge, 9:48 East Croydon, arrives at Balcombe at 10:17. Return trains at xx22/xx52.

Lunch: The Ardingly Inn (01444 892214). Next door is the Ardingly Cafe with sandwiches/soups.

Back in Balcombe, the Balcome Tea Rooms are open til 4pm. The Half Moon Inn also has tea, maybe cake and definitely beer.

Click here for full walk details
  • 09-Jan-19

    Oh yes, I forgot: there is at least ONE other walk created specifically to be done in January.... (Read the Guildford to Gomshall post to understand this comment). Yes, this walk has quite a lot of firm surfaces: some potential mud in places but it has been so dry this probably won’t be an issue.

  • Tony

    20 on this walk - a mild and overcast day . The group spread out quickly with a around a third skipping the pub to have a packed lunch or just walk on without a break. The Ardingly Arms was welcoming and served basic pub food without delay. Some eat at the cafe next door. Not too much mud underfoot. Those that tackled the full walk were rewarded with a wide choice of brilliant home made cakes at the Balcombe Tea Rooms where the staff were friendly and welcoming. A good day out with only delayed trains to contend with.

Length: 19.3km (12 miles) T=3.22
Toughness: 7 out of 10 - some hills

9.20 Thameslink train from St Pancras or 9.35 London Bridge (9.24 Farringdon, 9.49 East Croydon) to Balcombe, arriving 10.16.

** Missed the train option: see end of post.

Buy a day return to Balcombe. If a cheaper "Thameslink only" ticket is offered you can buy it, providing you don't plan to make any connections from/to any other services on the outward or return journey.

For walk directions click here (you only need pages 1-3 and 7-12). For GPX click here.

This walk shares the same first mile or so as the Book 1 Balcombe Circular posted four weeks ago, but otherwise is completely different, looping back around the south of Balcombe to make a brief pass of the Ardingly Reservoir, then climbing up to the village of Ardingly for lunch at the Ardingly Inn.

After lunch you are in classic Wealden territory - hills, valleys, woods, views. This is a "summer walk" because this tends to get very muddy and soggy in winter: but that will not be a problem at this time of year when the soil is still hard.

Tea is mid afternoon at Wakehurst Place. This National Trust property is crossed by a right of way, which the walk route uses, but the cafe is about 100 metres to one side of this. This is usually not a problem but try not to be too obvious about it, since the NT are naturally a bit wary about people using this as a way to visit the property without paying. If challenged, point out very politely that you only want to provide the cafe with some extra revenue and be on your way (or flash your NT card if you are a member). If you want to actually visit the gardens, please enter by the official entrance. The cafe closes at 5.30pm

Otherwise in Balcombe there is the Half Moon Inn which does hot drinks and (sometimes) cakes.

Trains back from Balcombe are at 22 and 52 past. The prettier (and not much longer) back way to the station is recommended over the prosaic shortcut down the main road.

** Missed the train option: I shouldn't encourage slugabeds, but if you miss the specified train and catch the one half an hour later, you could do the first section of the Winter walk, which is 1.4 miles shorter, to catch up with the group: see page 3 of the walk directions.
  • Anonymous

    Balcombe tea rooms is now a community run pub. They didn't seem to mind that we brought our own cakes to go with their tea last time. They do however do a great bowl of chips.

  • 29-Sep-18

    34 on this walk, including one late starter, on a lovely sunny day . Beautiful scenery, lovely weather, nice company, no mud yet: what more can one want?

    Quite a lot of people seemed to have brought sandwiches. Maybe 15 ate in the Ardingly Inn but some did not like the offering and went next door to the Ardingly Cafe (which I have never noticed before).

    Most seemed to bypass tea at Wakehurst Place, though some of us went there and enjoyed a new outside seating area in the sunshine. Groups of people coalesced at various times for drinks in the Half Moon Inn in Balcombe.

    Thameslink trains operated without incident, which made a nice change, and the Thameslink-only fare with a Network Card was only £6.55.

Length: 16.2km (10 miles)
Toughness: 4 out of 10

9.42 train from London Bridge (9.56 East Croydon) to Balcombe, arriving 10.22

From Clapham Junction get the 9.29 East Grinstead train and change at East Croydon (arrive 9.40).

Buy a day return to Balcombe: if coming from London Bridge you will be going out and back on Thameslink services, so can buy a "Thameslink only" ticket if offered one

For walk directions click here (you only need pages 1-7).

For GPX click here.

There are very few walks on the SWC website that were actually designed to be done in winter, but this is one of them. It is a winter walk because it has reasonably long stretches on firm surfaces, particularly in the first half of the morning and in the afternoon. That being said, there are some gloopy bits: just a lot fewer of them than on other walks.

The first 2.2km is all on a quiet road. A bit later there is a kilometre or so on farm tracks. Once you are out into the fields you have the distraction of passing under the wonderful Ouse Valley Viaduct which is very impressive close up (your train journey to Brighton will never seem the same again). Then there is a potentially muddy bit as far as the Ardingly Reservoir, your water feature for the day, as one of our midweek posters likes to say.

Lunch has traditionally been at the Ardingly Arms, but I have been alerted to a new option, the Gardener's Arms, which is a bit off the walk route but not much further away than the Ardingly Arms as far as I can see. To get to it, just after the right turn at the T-junction by the church in paragraph 33, turn left and keep straight ahead up the side of the agricultural show ground, with the ground to your RIGHT. 800 metres or so of walking brings you to a road and the pub.

In the afternoon you follow the edge of the Ardingly Reservoir on a largely firm (though not entirely mud-free) path. Tea is at the Balcombe Tea Rooms, which can close their doors as early as 4pm, or otherwise at the Half Moon Pub, assuming it is still open, which has in the past offered cakes as well as tea.

Trains back are 22 past. The back lane route to the station is recommended. T=3.22

  • Anonymous

    Is the Winter Walk the one marked by the red line on the OS map?

  • 17-Feb-18

    After four wet and windy Saturdays, a perfect one. Sunny . Blue skies. A big powerful sun, no longer pale and wintry. Mild, even warm temperatures. Chaffinches singing for the first time this year. Occasional primroses and daffodils: one celandine. And yes, even a butterfly. It was easy to believe that spring was round the corner. It almost certainly isn’t, but we had a sneak preview.

    30 set off from Balcombe, at a cracking pace that Mo Farah might have struggled to keep up with. Some newbies got left behind, I think. The ground was fairly muddy in places but this walk does have more than its fair share of firm surfaces. The Ouse Valley Viaduct was a wonder, as usual. Sandwichers got to picnic by the reservoir. Of the rest of us, most went to the Ardingly Arms and seemed well pleased, but six of us diverted to the Gardener’s Arms. This was a lovely place with fine food, but you need to book it. Four of us secured the last table, the other two sat in the garden. I actually envied the latter, as for the first time this year it was warm enough to sit outside.

    In the afternoon a lovely saunter along the reservoir. A bit of sitting in the sunshine on benches. About a dozen of us still got to the Balcombe Tea Rooms before their cruelly early closing time - gorgeous cakes as usual. Some got the 4.20 train: I was glad I stayed for the 5.20. On the platform as the sun dipped behind the hill there was for the first time this year layers of birdsong: several ardent song thrushes, a dunnock or two, great tits, robins.

    And at that moment a blackbird sang. Distantly but clearly. The sound of spring.

    Remember this day during the cold weather to come....

Download walk 22a Balcombe circular via Ardingly Reservoir (short walk)
Distance 16.2km (10.1m); toughness 4/10
Trains: 09.32 London Victoria (Clapham Junction 09.38, East Croydon 09.48) arrives Balcombe 10.27.
Return trains from Balcombe to London Victoria at xx:30
This is a figure of eight walk taking in some fine Wealden scenery. You will be doing the shorter winter walk option but faster walkers may wish to tackle the summer version which is 12.6m.

Click here for further information about the walk and the pdf tab giving full walk instructions and the refreshment options.
  • 31-Oct-16

    When you alight at Balcombe be careful not to get swept up by a Ramblers group (the Capital Walkers) doing a similar Wealden walk. They'll be setting off on a more northerly route via Wakehurst Place, but you'll have the opportunity for another skirmish at Ardingly when your paths cross at lunchtime.

  • 31-Oct-16

    I am not quite sure why the home page for this walk describes this as a figure of eight walk because it is no such thing. It is two interlocking circular walks. The circular walk has three segments and on each segment you have a choice of two routes. The "winter walk", as chosen here, is the recommended walk for shorter days but those wanting a longer walk could try the summer start. Whatever you choose to do you will be doing a circular walk, however, NOT a figure of eight (which would be having the same place for lunch and tea as on Saturday's Wadhurst walk).

    All this being said, it is a very nice day out.

  • Anonymous

    OMG Sean, I wont know which group to walk with!!!


Mike A
Mike A

Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir

Two interlocking walks in a figure of 8 around Balcombe (one for Summer, one for Winter), taking in Ardingly Reservoir, the Ouse Valley Viaduct, and fine Weald territory

Book 3* Walk 22 * online only

Length : 20 km or 12½ miles ( A shorter 16 km / 10 mile variant is possible if the weather is inclement)

Toughness : 8 out of 10 ( 4 out of 10 for the short 'un )

Getting there : Catch the 9:42 am Brighton train from London Bridge to Balcombe (9:56 am from East Croydon if you're travelling from Victoria or Clapham Junction )

(From Horley catch the 9:45 am Horsham train to Gatwick Airport and change there catching the 10:12 am Brighton train to Balcombe)

Meeting point : Balcombe Station at 10:22 am

Tickets : Buy a cheap day return to Balcombe

Brief Description

The trains to Balcombe are hourly (some walkers may recall that one failed to stop there on one occasion!) so a slightly earlier start today. The Ouse Viaduct carrying the London to Brighton Railway is a spectacular engineering achievement and worth a photo or two as you walk underneath.
Ardingly Reservoir and the Weald also make for great scenery and there's a chance to visit the National Trust's Wakehurst Place for an afternoon cuppa with the Millennium Seed Bank adjacent.
Mike from Vancouver may join us on this walk. If he does, please make him feel welcome.

As usual, you may find full details of this walk here and a PDF here

Suggested Lunch stop

The Ardingly Inn t: 01444 892 214

Those with a packed lunch may enjoy eating by the side of the reservoir.

Suggested Tea stops

Wakehurst Place (mid afternoon)
The Balcombe Tea Rooms t: 01444 811777 closes at 4:30 pm
The Half Moon Inn t: 01444 811582


OS Explorer : 135

Return train times

Trains return from Balcombe to London Bridge at the following times 15:22 | 16:29 | 17:28 | 18:22
Change at East Croydon for London Victoria.
  • 25-May-16

    Apologies for Southern Train services.

    The 9:42 became initially delayed then mutated into a "fast" service to Brighton.

    The next train was at 10:42 but there was no guarantees that wouldn't suffer a similar fate.

    In many ways the Southern Staff "sicknesses" are worse than a strike - at least with a strike the you know for certain your train will be cancelled!

    In the mean time I'm going to avoid posting any more walks using this train service until Southern Rail resolves this conflict.

    On a final note, I find it reassuring to have a guard/ticket inspector on longer journeys, what do you think?

  • Anonymous

    it was jinxed because you posted a pre 10 o'clock walk start Arthur !

  • Anonymous

    5 overcast cool breeze

  • 27-May-16

    When the 9:42 became a "fast" service, Thameslink heeded a protest from one walker at East Croydon and got the next Brighton-bound train to make an unscheduled stop at Balcombe. Two walkers who stayed on the original train were able to change at Gatwick and join two others who boarded the later train at East Croydon, thus starting the walk only half an hour late. Unfortunately others must have given up at London Bridge without waiting for news of the alternative service. A fifth walker coming from the south coast caught up with the rest during the morning. All did the longer "summer" version of this lovely walk in perfect walking conditions and most got back to Balcombe for the 16:29 train home.

SWC walk 22 - Balcombe Circular via Ardingly Reservoir, winter walk
Length: 16.2km (10 miles)
Longer option: 18.1km (11.3 miles): see ** below
Toughness: 4 out of 10

9.12 train from London Bridge (9.25 East Croydon) to Balcombe, arriving 9.51

For walk directions click here (you only need pages 1-8, unless you want to do the longer option).

It has been a couple of years since the Balcombe Circular winter walk had an outing. It is designed to make use of lanes and firm tracks as much as possible, but it does inevitably have some mud. You start with a walk along quiet lanes and then pass under the magnificent Ouse Valley Viaduct on the Brighton Line (more interesting than it sounds: see comments for this walk), then passing Ardingly Reservoir to climb up to Ardingly village for lunch.

Here the Ardingly Arms is now the only lunch option. Its website has gone a bit more fancy so I am not sure if the food has done the same, but in the past it served hearty meals.

I have picked a train to get us to the pub early in case there is competition for tables (though this has never been a problem in the past) and also because after lunch it is 4 miles to Balcombe village and it is nice to get to the Balcombe Tea Rooms in time. They close at 4.30pm, but will sometimes stay open a bit later for a group if you phone them to say you are coming. Otherwise, the nearby Half Moon Inn sometimes has some of the tea room's cakes on offer at its bar, plus tea.

Trains back are at 22 past the hour. In the dark it is tempting to use the main road route to the station, but the recommended route down the back roads is only a bit longer and is very atmospheric at night.

** Longer option: Hard nuts and those keen to put the mud-resistant qualities of their boots to the test can, if they wish, do the summer afternoon of this walk (pages 12-16 of the walk document). It is only 1.3 miles longer, but is a squelch-fest in winter (as the walk author can attest, having researched it in a long-ago January. He reckons this makes him the only SWC-ite who has ever done this route in winter: YOU could be the second!!). It is also much more hilly. Astonishingly, the Wakehurst Place Cafe is still open in winter (until 4.15pm), though you will have to be a speedy walker to both complete the walk route and get your chocolate cake in. Nevertheless I have given you an early train, so it might be possible.
  • 30-Nov-15

    Sounds great. A good viaduct, often travelled on it but not under it.

  • 04-Dec-15

    It is the CHRISTMAS PARTY on Thursday - don't forget!! See listing below

  • 06-Dec-15

    11 on this walk Windy cloudy mild As walk poster I have to concede that a train an hour later would probably have been better since we were leaving lunch by 1.30pm and finishing the walk by 3pm.

    Since the whole aim of the earlier start was to go to the lovely Balcombe Tea Rooms before they closed at 4.30pm, it was disappointing to find them shut. They obviously HAD been open as there were sounds of washing up coming from beyond the shutters, but they presumably had had little business that afternoon and decided to shut early. Lack of tea room caused most to go straight for the 3.20 train but four of us stayed and parlayed with the pub, who let us buy mince pies from the local shop to go with our tea, and we had nice comfy sofas to sit on as we consumed them, so maybe that was better.

    The lunch pub, the Ardingly Arms, was unchanged,despite posher website (or did I look at the wrong website?). As usual we were practically the only customers and as usual the food was hearty. In the morning the Ouse Valley Viaduct was a highlight, as ever, causing mobile phone cameras to be brought into play.

    Two did the summer afternoon route and reported it not so muddy really. They also finished easily in the daylight. We just seem to whip through these walks nowadays....

    Those of us who did the main route had to contend with gunfire from a shooting party across the water. One walker reported that stray shot came across the path in front of him. The rest of us discussed the ecology, politics and morality of hunting as a pastime.

    At least four of us took the back way to the station in the intense dark. For me, this was one of the loveliest bits of the day and all too short.

  • 06-Dec-15

    Apart from the yells and gunshot from the deranged bloodsport enthusiasts near Ardingly Resevoir, it was a very enjoyable walk!

  • Anonymous

    aha! walker 'concedes' that this walk would have been better with a later start... Some of us agree.

    a vote for later starts please..

Mark R
Mark R
Length: 20.2km (12.6 miles), Toughness: 8/10

Features: Ardingly Reservoir, Wakehurst Place

Trains: 10:12 from London Bridge to Balcombe arriving at 10:51. Buy a day return to Balcombe. Return trains are at xx:22 (40 minutes to LBG) until 19:22 then xx:57 (about 1h10 to LBG, change required).

Options: There are various options to reduce the walk length. Refer to the instructions for details.

Lunch: The suggested lunch stop is The Ardingly Inn (01444 892 214) in Ardingly about 10km into the walk. Food served 12:00 - 14:00.

Tea: About half-way through the afternoon section there's a cafe at Wakehurst Place. In Balcombe, The Balcombe Tea Rooms (01444 811 777) tends to close early. The Half Moon Inn also serves tea.

Directions: For more information including directions, maps, GPS etc. see SWC.22

  • Anonymous

    The Half Moon also serves some cakes from the Balcombe Tea room, after the tea room has closed. In the past, they have also been ok with us buying cakes from the shop next door to have with our tea.

  • PeteG

    Just checking the trains, and it seems cheaper to buy a return from London Bridge rather than a return from East Croydon (the zone 6 boundary). Odd!

  • 17-Jul-15

    Thameslink-only tickets are **much** cheaper.

  • 21-Jul-15

    10 walkers. Sunny all day . A core group of seven stayed together most of the day, with three opting for variations including one who managed to combine both the winter and summer variants of this walk. The Ardingly Inn has good variety on its menu but the quality was somewhat lacking. Tea at the Wakehurst Place cafe after having been told off (at length) for entering through the wrong door.