Length: 16.3km (10.1 miles)
Toughness: 3 out of 10
10.07 train from
London Bridge (10.22
East Croydon) to Buxted, arriving 11.16.
walk directions click
here, for
GPX click
here, for a
map of the route click
Because of its length, this walk has a tendency to get posted in the winter, but you have to go back to the late Middle Ages
(all right, 2012 then) to find it getting a summer posting. I thought it might be nice to try it without the slithery winter mud and to enjoy the gentle hills and woods and fields of the southern Weald in (hopefully) warmer weather.
Lunch is the
Crow and Gate, which from memory is a fairly capacious and efficient chain pub, which is located almost exactly halfway through the walk (and pretty much at its highest point too, as far as I recall).
tea you have a choice of two pubs in Buxted. The
White Hart, mentioned on the walk home page as being refurbished, seems to be in operation again, and there is also the
Buxted Inn. Both are open for drinks all afternoon, but those seeking sweet treats might like to note that the kitchen in the White Hart is closed until 6pm. The Buxted Inn may or may not do food all afternoon (its website is ambiguous).
Trains back from Buxted are at
37 past the hour.T=swc.95