Effingham Junction to Westhumble Walk

Polesden Lacy (dramatic NT country house) for lunch, steep woods opening out onto the North Downs Ridge, and an English vineyard for tea


This is a list of previous times this walk has been done by the club (since Jan 2010). For more recent events (since April 2015), full details are shown.

Date Option Post # Weather
Wed, 01-Jan-25 b New Year's Day walk - South: Westhumble circular via Polesden Lacey 10 wind and drizzle then heavier rain
Wed, 30-Oct-24 Effingham Junction to Westhumble or Dorking 14 mild dry
Mon, 01-Jan-24 b New Year's Day Walk South - Westhumble Circular 27 dry and quite mild
Wed, 01-Nov-23 Effingham Junction to Westhumble or Dorking 9 Some heavy showers and sunny intervals
Wed, 25-Jan-23 Effingham Junction to Box Hill and Westhumble 18 chilly foggy
Sat, 12-Nov-22 b Westhumble Circular 23 warm and sunny
Wed, 29-Jun-22 Box Hill Circular Walk - Polesden Lacey, Ranmore Common, Steers Field, and Denbies Vineyard 12
Wed, 01-Dec-21 b Westhumble Circular 27 sunny spells clouding over later
Sun, 24-Oct-21 Effingham Junction to Westhumble or Dorking 9 mild sunny weather
Sun, 09-Feb-20 b Westhumble Short Circular Storm Ciara
Sat, 25-May-19 Effingham Junction to Boxhill and Westhumble via Polesden Lacey 15 warm and sunny getting hotter as the day went on
Sun, 24-Feb-19 Effingham to Westhumble 17 Perfect warm and sunny weather
Sun, 14-Jan-18 b Westhumble Circular 16 cloudy dry and still
Sat, 23-Dec-17 Effingham to Westhumble (or Dorking) - pretty bits of Surrey 18 mild and grey
Sun, 05-Nov-17 Englands largest vineyard - Effingham Junction to Boxhill and Westhumble 15
Sat, 31-Dec-16 Saturday Second Walk - A North Downs gem 25 grey with a smidgen of sunshine
Sun, 20-Nov-16 1 Surrey Hills: walking to Dorking 4 dry
Sun, 24-Apr-16 Book 2 Walk 14 - a lovely walk along the North Down escarpment 8 Fractionally cold but no rain
Sun, 13-Mar-16 b 1: The Surrey Hills and a stately pile
Sun, 22-Nov-15 1: A walk in the Surrey Hills 12 dry bright cold still
Wed, 18-Mar-15 Effingham Junction to Westhumble Walk
Thu, 01-Jan-15 b Effingham Junction to Westhumble Walk
Sun, 02-Nov-14 Effingham Junction to Westhumble Walk 5
Sun, 19-Jan-14 b Effingham Junction to Westhumble Walk 16
Wed, 01-Jan-14 b Effingham Junction to Westhumble Walk 4
Sun, 03-Nov-13 Effingham Junction to Westhumble Walk 13
Sat, 22-Dec-12 b Effingham Junction to Westhumble Walk
Sat, 07-Jul-12 Effingham Junction to Westhumble Walk
Sun, 22-Jan-12 b Effingham Junction to Westhumble Walk
Sun, 31-Jul-11 Effingham Junction to Westhumble Walk
Sat, 04-Dec-10 b Effingham Junction to Westhumble Walk
Sat, 11-Sep-10 Effingham Junction to Westhumble Walk
Sat, 24-Apr-10 Effingham Junction to Westhumble Walk
Sun, 14-Mar-10 b Effingham Junction to Westhumble Walk
Tue, 29-Dec-09 Effingham Junction to Westhumble Walk
Sat, 28-Feb-09 b Effingham Junction to Westhumble Walk
Sun, 08-Feb-09 b Effingham Junction to Westhumble Walk
Wed, 07-Jan-09 b Effingham Junction to Westhumble Walk
Sat, 08-Nov-08 Effingham Junction to Westhumble Walk
Sat, 02-Aug-08 Effingham Junction to Westhumble Walk
Wed, 19-Mar-08 b Effingham Junction to Westhumble Walk
Sat, 17-Nov-07 b Effingham Junction to Westhumble Walk
Sun, 18-Mar-07 Effingham Junction to Westhumble Walk
Sat, 10-Mar-07 Effingham Junction to Westhumble Walk
Sun, 21-Jan-07 b Effingham Junction to Westhumble Walk
Fri, 01-Dec-00 b Westhumble Circular

Wednesday 01-Jan-25

This looks like a good walk for new year's day as it's not too far, very scenic and the train service looks reasonable. It is customary to have a stop in the morning for nibbles and possibly champagne – please bring along whatever you wish to share. There's a good place with a fine view of Polesden Lacey about 4 km/2.5 miles into the walk.

Travel: 1002 from Waterloo (Vauxhall 1006, Clapham Junction 1012, Epsom 1038) to Box Hill and Westhumble arriving at 1051. You could get a 0940 service from Victoria arriving 1034, but if starting there you could leave a bit later, go to Vauxhall and pick up the above train.

Return trains at 10 past the hour to Waterloo or 16 and 46 to Victoria.

Lunch: Polesden Lacey (after 6 km, just under half way) has the Granary Cafe in Stable Courtyard for a sit-down self-service lunch and a coffee shop at the entrance with take-away sandwiches and plenty of (mainly outdoor) picnic seating. They are open from 10 to 4 on New Year's Day.

Tea: Unfortunately Denbies is closed on New Year's Day, but the Stepping Stones (01306-889932) pub, about five minutes beyond Westhumble station, is open.

For walk directions, map and GPX click here.


  • Wed, 01-Jan-25

    Bad news: Polesden Lacey is CLOSED including cafes

  • Wed, 01-Jan-25

    10.02 from Waterloo only running to Raynes Park. Some got the 9.40 from Victoria. If reading this at Waterloo get a train to Clapham Junction and get the 10.17 from there to Dorking. This is the 10.10 from Victoria. It does not stop at Box Hill but we can walk from Dorking, which is no big difference. I will be on this train.

  • Wed, 01-Jan-25

    Thanks Walker. I was going to pick up the posted train at Winbledon and am now teying to get to CJ for your suggestion

  • Wed, 01-Jan-25

    I'm at Boxhill. I'll walk across to Dorking now should be there in 20 mins

  • Wed, 01-Jan-25

    Well somehow, despite the train cancellation10 of us made it - the four on Walker's suggested train met another waiting at Dorking and soon three more appeared through the drizzle having walked from Westhumble station. To their possible dismay we made them walk back again though Denbies to join the planned route, passing many runners, some on fancy dress, participating in an event there.

    The weather improved enough for many to take some layers off before continuing, but that was just an illusion as we headed out into the wind and a torrential shower 10 minutes before we reached the appointed celebration spot. There we met two more who had driven to Westhumble and were about to give up on us appearing.

    Bubbles, chocolate, biscuits and sandwiches and convivial chat were enjoyed at Prospect Lodge where the rain eased and we put a brave face on the conditions. Then back to Westhumble, omitting Polesden Lacey, in now steady rain which meant we were pretty soaked by the time we got to Westhumble. So wind and drizzle then heavier rain .

    All fell into the welcoming warmth of the Stepping Stones pub which had just enough room for us to sit at three adjoining tables and enjoy more drinks and chat before getting various trains or buses home. I think everyone was pleased to have ventured out and many thanks to all who provided provisions or indeed just showed up.

Wednesday 30-Oct-24

T=2.14 Polesden Lacy (dramatic NT country house) for lunch, steep woods opening out onto the North Downs Ridge, and an English vineyard for tea.

Length: 15.2km (9.4 miles)

Toughness: 4 out of 10
Trains: 10.03 from London Waterloo (10.12 Clapham Junction, 10.27 Surbiton) arriving Effingham Junction 10.51.
Return from Westhumble: xx.33 to Waterloo and xx.46 to Victoria
Buy a day return to Effingham Junction and a single from Westhumble to Leatherhead for the return journey.
Lunch: Polesden Lacey coffee shop has snacks and cakes and tables in the courtyard that picnickers often use. Its Granary cafe has more substantial plates.
Tea: Denbies Vineyard visitor centre has tea/coffee and cakes. The Stepping Stones pub near Westhumble station is another possibility.
For more details click the link L=2.14
  • Wed, 30-Oct-24

    12 started the walk from Effingham Junction and were joined at Polesden Lacey by 2 who started from Box Hill station making a total of 14 on a w= mild-dry autumn day. Walking conditions were good- just a bit squelchy in fields and a a few puddles on paths but all easily avoided. Lots of autumn colour in the woods. All picnicked in the courtyard at Polesden Lacey. We split into 10+4 in the afternoon, taking two different routes to Ranmore Common where we reunited and carried on to Denbies. 13 managed to squeeze around a large table with teas/coffees and large slices of cake. Two went to take buses home, 11 caught the 15.33 Waterloo train and one waited for the 15.46 Victoria train. A very enjoyable day.

  • Wed, 30-Oct-24

    mild dry

Monday 01-Jan-24

Westhumble Circular

Length: Length: 13.3 km (8.2 miles). Toughness: ~4/10

10:38 Dorking train from Victoria (Clapham Jct 10:45, Balham 10:50 etc ...), arriving Box Hill and Westhumble at 11:34

Buy a return to Box Hill and Westhumble, or Dorking Stations (same price) if you want the option to finish there.

Return trains from Boxhill are xx:16, xx:46 to Victoria (leaving Dorking Main 4 minutes earlier) and xx.10 to Waterloo (leaves Dorking Main 3 minutes earlier)

A walk in the Surrey Hills, featuring the Polesden Lacey estate. Today it's option b, starting and finishing at "Box Hill & Westhumble" station. View Across Mole Valley

For lunch, The National Trust Granary Cafe in Polesden Lacey has plenty of inside and outside space and should be able to accommodate a group of walkers.

End of walk refreshments are available at Denbies, which has both a cafe and The Surrey Hills Brewery, or there's the The Stepping Stones pub, near Boxhill and Westhumble train station.

Please remember that these walks don't have a leader so you'll need to download your copy of the route from the L=2.14.b page.

  • Mon, 18-Dec-23

    What about we plan a Walk from somewhere in like Islington to Archway. By walking along the Canal in Camden or something like that?

  • Mon, 18-Dec-23

    Thanks for the suggestion, Marc. I plan to post a country walk south of London a little nearer to the time, once the weather report is available.

  • Mon, 01-Jan-24

    There were about #25 at the start with two joining later making about #27 in all. It stayed # dry and quite mild for most of the day with rain once we were back near the station. The new year celebrations were more extensive than in previous years with an outdoor party atmosphere and walkers consuming large quantities of fizz, cake and nibbles. Eventually we moved on to Polsden Lacy for lunch under the tent in the courtyard where high tech dongles help the staff bring your hot food to the right table. It was mostly firm under foot with a few muddy stretches in the woods up to Ranmore. Denbies tearoom was closed but we got a warm welcome at the Stepping Stones for further refreshment before catching the 17.14 back to London. An enjoyable start to the walking year!

  • Tue, 02-Jan-24

    Did anyone leave a lime green keep-cup lid at the fizz consumption point on this New Years Day walk ? We took it with us.

Wednesday 01-Nov-23

Length 15.2km (9.4 miles)
Toughness 4 out of 10
Trains: 10.03 from London Waterloo (10.12 Clapham Junction, 10.19 Surbiton) arriving Effingham Junction 10.49.
Return from Westhumble: xx.33 to Waterloo and xx.46 to Victoria
Buy a day return to Effingham Junction and a single from Westhumble to Leatherhead for the return journey.
Lunch: Polesden Lacey coffee shop has snacks and it's Granary cafe has more substantial plates.cakes
Tea: Denbies Vineyard visitor centre has tea/coffee and cakes.
The Stepping Stones pub near Westhumble station is another possibility

  • Wed, 01-Nov-23

    7 met on the platform at Effingham with 2 more joining the group at Polesden Lacey, so9 in total.

    The morning was showery, but shortly after Polesden Lacey the skies cleared for a sunny afternoon.

    The group became splintered after lunch, but at least 4 had tea and cake at Denbys before hoping on the 15.33 from Boxhill bound for Waterloo.

    A nice autumn stroll!

  • Wed, 01-Nov-23

    I was a bit behind the others getting to Denbies as I had got separated at a confusing junction in the woods. Fortified by an enormous slice of cake, I dallied in the cafe waiting for the bus back to Kingston, and was joined by the two who had started from Westhumble: they had stopped to look in the orchard by Yew Tree Farm. There were a few apples left I hear.

    Meanwhile, the walk author had been with us at the start, but left to investigate the route to and from the pub in Effingham. Maybe he was lured inside . . .

    Some heavy showers and sunny intervals

  • Thu, 02-Nov-23

    The walk poster had a very successful day, despite some showers making his walk-checking task difficult. The pub in Effingham has re-opened and is very smart. A somewhat cafe-ish menu of burgers, pizzas and so forth, but worth leaving in as a walk option, I think. The walk to and from the village is very pleasant.

    I didn’t eat there, though. I got to Polesden Lacey at 1.30pm, just after the sun came out, and had lunch there. This meant I spent most of the sunshine inside, or in the Ranmore woods, as by the time I got to the escarpment the clouds were building again. I had one heavy shower just before Denbies. I met two other SWCers there, just leaving. I just scraped in to get a takeaway tea before the cafe closed.

    Autumn colour is starting to shape up nicely. Good colours on lime, hazel, the exposed faces of beech, and some glorious golds and red on Norway Maple. Oh and the vines at Denbies are now all yellow.

Wednesday 25-Jan-23

Length: 15.2km (9.4 miles). Ending in Dorking: adds 1.1km (0.7 miles)

Difficulty: 4 out of 10

Trains: Take the 10.03 train from London Waterloo, (10.12 Clapham Junction) arriving Effingham Junction at 10.49,

Return trains from Box Hill and Westhumble at xx.35 to Waterloo and xx:46 to Victoria.

Tickets: Buy an off peak day return to Effingham Junction plus a single for the short distance from Westhumble to Leatherhead for the return journey.

Lunch:The Cafe at Polesden Lacey (01372 452048). 7.4km/4.6 miles into the main walk serves hot meals from 12-4pm. The coffee shop serves tea, cakes and snacks until 4pm.

Tea: Denbies Wine Estate Visitor Centre (tel 01306 876616), which is open till 4.30pm.

The Stepping Stones pub (01306 889932, http://www.steppingstonesdorking.com/) is a possible tea option near 400 metres beyond Box Hill station.

For walk directions, map and GPS click here


  • Wed, 25-Jan-23

    18 assembled on the platform at Effingham Junction undeterred by chilly foggy conditions that prevailed throughout the walk though the sun tried hard at times to break through. The first stretch of the walk through Effingham Common would have been soggy if ice on the many large puddles had melted but the ground was still firm as we walked. Paths from there to Polesden Lacey were also very manageable and we made good progress,arriving there at 12.30. The main restaurant was closed but the cafe was open for coffee, soup and snacks. Most of the group had sandwiches at the picnic tables outside the cafe but didn't linger for long as the damp coldness quickly seeped into us. Luckily there was a little hill to get the circulation going as we resumed the walk. The group fractured a bit in the afternoon with some heading straight for the station. 10 -12 went for tea at Denbies. Some of these carried on to Dorking station, one caught a bus from the main road and five caught the 16.35 train from Westhumble.

Saturday 12-Nov-22

7.7 miles / 12.4 km
A walk through the Surrey Hills, including the Polesden Lacey estate and Denbies Vineyard.
Trains: 10:24 London Waterloo (10:33 Clapham Junction), arrives at Box Hill & Westhumble at 11:11. Return trains at xx:33 for London Waterloo, xx:46 for London Victoria. Buy a return to Box Hill & Westhumble - or for the same price you can get a return to Dorking, another possible return point with more trains.
Lunch: National Trust cafe at Polesden Lacey.
Tea: Denbies Vineyard, and/or the Stepping Stones pub near the station.
Walk directions and full details are here - this route is option B of the Main Walk
  • Sun, 13-Nov-22

    I counted 19 but someone more numerically proficient made it 21. Another hiding outside and a late joiner makes 23 A warm and sunny day Trees autumnal. The group split into fast and not-so-fast and, over lunch, fragmented further. The group I was in, 5 in number, reached the station at 3:10. No sign of the others.

Wednesday 29-Jun-22

Book 2 Walk 14b - Box Hill Circular Walk

Length: 12 km (7.5 miles)
Toughness: 4 out of 10 Several ups and downs
London Victoria: 10-25 hrs Southern service to Horsham CJ 10-32, Sutton 10-54 hrs
Arrive Box Hill & Westhumble: 11-18 hrs
London Waterloo: 10-24 hrs South Western service to Dorking CJ 10-33, Wimbledon 10-40 hrs
Arrive Box Hill & Westhumble: 11-11 hrs
Would Waterlooers please wait in the station car park for the arrival of Victorians

Box Hill to Victoria: 15-39, 16-39, 17-39 and 18-10 hrs
Box Hill to Waterloo: 15-35, 16-35 and 17-35 hrs
A lovely short walk today - Wednesday walkers gave it a spin on a crisp, sunny day last December, so let's now dust it off and give it a go in summer.: and being a short walk, you should be back in London in plenty of time to attend tonight's SWC Social at the Science Museum.
Leaving Box Hill station we soon cross fields and go through woods to enter the vast grounds of the Polesden Lacey estate ( a National Trust property). The woodland walk uphill to the main house is quite lovely. We stop for lunch in the main house at its very acceptable cafeteria before setting out on the afternoon leg of the walk. Leaving the estate's grounds we head through wore woods all the way to Ranmore Common and Steer Field, where we enjoy panoramic views of Dorking below us. On then along the North Downs Way to drop down through the vast Denbies Vineyard to stop for tea in its Visitor Centre and comfortable, large Cafe. Allow twenty minutes from here through the vineyard to Box Hill railway station for your journey home.
Walk Directions are here (option b of the main, longer walk): L=2.14
  • Wed, 29-Jun-22

    I hope this walk is still going ahead despite the showers in London. Hope to see you at Boxhill station

  • Wed, 29-Jun-22


    We're a self led group so walks go ahead if anyonee turns up if you're new to the group please see the guide for new members.

  • Wed, 29-Jun-22

    Whether the weather is cold

    Or whether the weather is hot

    We weather the weather whatever the weather

    Whether we like it or not

  • Sat, 02-Jul-22

    12 on this enjoyable short walk. We lost one before lunch to a shortcut to Denbies for the beer.

Wednesday 01-Dec-21

Mr M Tiger
Mr M Tiger

7.7 miles 12.4 km. Difficulty 5/10
A walk in the Surrey Hills, featuring the Polesden Lacey estate. We are doing option b, starting and finishing at "Box Hill & Westhumble" station.

Transport: Get the 10:25 Horsham train from Victoria (Clapham Jct. 10:32), arriving "Box Hill & Westhumble" 11:18.
A return to "Box Hill & Westhumble" will do you. A return ticket to Dorking Main costs the same and gives you the option of returning from either station.
Trains return from "Box Hill & Westhumble" at xx:33 for Waterloo and xx:40 for Victoria. Trains leave Dorking 3 minutes earlier, should you choose to finish there.
It is also possible to travel from Waterloo. The 10:24 (Clapham Jct. 10:33) to Dorking Main would get you to Box Hill & Westhumble for 11:11. Wait for the others ….or else! Travel from Waterloo costs slightly more.
Lunch: The National Trust tea-room Polesden Lacey is accessible without paying the entrance fee. (£15 or free for NT members). Note that the former alternative lunch stop, the Sir Douglas Haig, is permanently closed.
Tea: First, you’ve got the Visitor Centre at Denbies Vineyard. Nearer "Box Hill & Westhumble" station, you have the Stepping Stones pub.

Walk Directions: here

  • Wed, 01-Dec-21

    Many thanks to Marcus for today, you're really doing a great job with all the walk posts,appreciated👍few drinks should come your way at Christmas!

  • Wed, 01-Dec-21

    It must be the way Ian writes them up, for today his walk attracted a near-record attendance for a mid-week SWC walk. 25 assembled on Boxhill & Westhumble railway station, having travelled on services from Waterloo and Victoria. 2 other later starters caught us up during the morning, so that makes 27 . Not bad for the first day of meteorological winter.

    As for the weather today, we had sunny spells clouding over later . It was not cold, although in open areas the wind was a bit chilly and most of us wrapped up well. Late finishers enjoyed a fabulous light show as we descended to Denbies, with the complex lit up by the late afternoon sun - and an impressive double rainbow as rain started to fall. We were comfortably inside the tea room when rain fell heavily, but Lady Luck was with us today as the rain had stopped by the time we left snd headed for Boxhill station.

    Earlier in the day the opening leg of the walk over grassy fields was lovely, with fine views of Boxhill along the way. There was still some good leaf colour in the woods as we approached Polesden Lacey, where half stopped for picnics in the complexes courtyard and half dined in the cafeteria. The hot food on offer was rather limited today but all of us managed to find something to our liking. Per usual these days, I find myself with the late post luncheon leavers, and so it was six of us set off to tackle the afternoon leg, in sunshine at first. We soon caught up some others who had opted for an (unintentional) scenic route and we stayed together until we reached Denbies.

    Today's choice of walk by Ian was near perfect for the time of year - and so today's walkers extend a thank you to Ian. We enjoyed a fine day out.

  • Wed, 01-Dec-21

    Many thanks Anon, but today's walk was posted thanks to Mr M Tiger - I just bumbled along, per usual.

Sunday 24-Oct-21

Length : Main walk: 15.2km (9.4 miles)

Ending in Dorking : adds 1.1km (0.7 miles)

Difficulty: 4 out of 10

This walk has something to offer at almost any time of the year. Despite being relatively close to London, it offers a deep rural tranquility.

Trains: Take the 10.32 Guildford train from London Waterloo,( arriving at Effingham Junction at 11.25. Return trains from Box Hill and Westhumble are at xx:05 ( Victoria) , xx:09 (Waterloo) and xx:35 (Victoria - change at Epsom for the xx:53 to Waterloo)

Buy a day return to Effingham Junction. You will then need to buy a single for the short distance from Box Hill & Westhumble or Dorking to Leatherhead on the return journey.

Lunch: Granary Cafe, Polesden Lacey ( 01372 452048 ). 7.4km/4.6 miles into the main walk, This self-service National Trust eatery is currently the only lunch stop on this walk. It serves hot meals from 12-3pm and tea and cakes to 5pm. It may be busy so bring some snacks just in case.

Tea: The self service restaurant in the Denbies Wine Estate Visitor Centre (tel 01306 876616 ), serves food until 4pm. The Stepping Stones pub ( 01306 889932 , is a possible tea option 400 metres beyond Box Hill and Westhumble station.

Pilgrim Cycles ( 01306 886958 ) cafe at Box Hill station is closed at weekends according to its website.


  • Margaret
    Sun, 24-Oct-21

    I'm doing the Westhumble start. Will look out for the group at Polesdon Lacey.

  • Mon, 25-Oct-21

    7 and a dog at the station and 2 catching up later makes 9 And a dog. The day was unexpectedly sunny

    It was a bit boggy crossing Effingham Common but I don't think we lost anybody. The woods were full of colour but not yet in an autumnal way.

    Eventually, Polesden Lacey was reached. The Granary was busy and I don't think any of ours bothered queuing. Most had brought their own, anyway.

    After lunch, the group split into segments. I, of course, was in the fast group. I don't know if any visited Denbie's but I heard of one visiting the Stepping Stones. I arrived at Westhumble station at 4 and, with a train due at 4.05, was unable to deploy the 'waiting for train' excuse. The majority caught the same train.

  • Mon, 25-Oct-21

    Seven set off from Effingham Junction and were later joined by a later starter and the walker coming from Westhumble, making a total of 9 plus dog in mild sunny weather , a perfect autumn day. We walked through lots of lovely woodland strewn with fallen leaves, sun shining through the thinning canopy. All stopped at Polesden Lacey to eat packed lunches. The cafe was closed. The restaurant was open but nobody ate there. Four faster walkers set off ahead of the rest. One walker stayed to have a look around Polesden Lacey. The last four set off admiring the sunlit scenery and feeling the chill in lengthening shadows. A gap developed in the group with one dropping out of sight. Three stopped for tea from a serving hatch at Denbies. One then carried on to Dorking and two went for the 17.05 from Westhumble. I don't know whether others went to the Stepping Stones pub. No sign of anyone else at the station.

  • Pebbles
    Mon, 25-Oct-21

    Lovely posting. Beautiful carpets of fallen leaves the sunshine coming through the not yet fallen making a sunny dappled walk. Gorgeous peeks through woodland of sun soaked wet meadows looking limey green in sunshine with flattering red/brown cattle grazing. The temperature was temperate bordering on warm and the evening chill arrived just as the walk was ending. Transport home for me in driving rain, no probs’

Sunday 09-Feb-20

Mr M Tiger
Book 2 walk 14b
7.7 miles 12.4 km. Difficulty 5/10
A walk in the Surrey Hills, featuring the Polesden Lacey estate. We are doing option b, starting and finishing at "Box Hill & Westhumble" station.
Transport: Get the 10:12 Dorking train from Victoria (10:20 Clapham Junction) to Box Hill & Westhumble, arr 11:07.
A return to "Box Hill & Westhumble" will do you. A return ticket to Dorking (main) costs the same and gives you the option of returning from either station.
Trains return from "Box Hill & Westhumble" at xx:18 and xx:48. Trains leave Dorking 2 minutes earlier, should you choose to finish there.
It is also possible to travel to/from Waterloo but that return costs a little more. (The 10:02 would get you to Box Hill & W for 10:51).
Lunch: Polesden Lacey and its teashop will be closed today due to the predicted high winds . See Walker's comment below.
If you want a pub lunch, you can detour to the Sir Douglas Haig. This adds 1.7km 1.1 miles onto the walk length.
Tea: First, you’ve got the Visitor centre at Denbies Vineyard. Later, there’s a cafe in the Pilgrim Cycles shop (01306 886958) at Box Hill & W station that usually stays open till 4. Nearby, you have the Stepping Stones pub.
Walk Directions: here
It might get a bit blowy today, A storm is coming. Trains may be affected. Trees could blow over. Do you want to be out in it?
  • Sat, 08-Feb-20

    I am told the Polesden Lacey cafe will be shut today due to the high winds.

  • Sat, 08-Feb-20

    I am still considering this walk.

  • Anonymous
    Sun, 09-Feb-20

    'Considering' is not commitment.

  • Anonymous
    Sun, 09-Feb-20

    Anonymous will you stop bullying people please!

  • Tue, 11-Feb-20

    Storm Ciara

Saturday 25-May-19

With many of our regular walkers away on the Scottish trip, here's a leisurely alternative with a brief excursion onto the North Downs escarpment before descending through Denbies vineyard for tea and Boxhill and Westhumble station.

Getting there

Catch the 10:33 Guildford train from London Waterloo (10:41 from Clapham Junction) to Effingham Junction, arriving there at 11:15

Getting back

Direct trains depart from Boxhill and Westhumble to London Waterloo at 5 minutes and 35 minutes past. There's also a cheeky little hourly train to London Victoria at 40 minutes past the hour. Both services stop at Clapham Junction and the Waterloo service also calls at Wimbledon. Journey time is about 50 minutes.


Buy a return ticket to Effingham Junction, and be prepared to buy a single from Boxhill and Westhumble to Leatherhead on the return journey

Length 9 and a bit miles (15 km)
Toughness 3/4 out of 10


After a fairly flat beginning across common and woodland, the walk crosses a golf course before arriving at Polesden Lacey a magnificent Edwardian House run by The National Trust. Non-members may eat at the Granary cafe here and there's some meadow land before the house for those with packed lunches. NT members may wish to take the opportunity to visit the gardens at the house.
The afternoon is slightly more hilly with good views back to the house after climbing the first hill. After Ranmore Common, there are fine views from the North Downs Way before the walk descends through Denbies Vineyard where tea can be taken at the visitor centre there.

Click the link below for all the details

  • Anonymous
    Sat, 25-May-19

    n+15 walkers, including two second timers. It was warm and sunny getting hotter as the day went on . The shady bits were welcome and there were just enough open stretches to enjoy the sun. The morning section offered lots of buttercups on Effingham Common, skylarks singing and an atmospheric walk through Great Ridings Wood. We all opted to head to Polesden Lacey for lunch and those who ate in the restaurant seemed happy with their fare (the fruit crumble is highly recommended). Afterwards, one peeled off to do an alternative afternoon route with tea at Pilgrim Cycles and the rest followed the usual route to Denbies, where some sipped bubbly and others tea. Thanks to Mike for posting and to everyone for the company.

  • Anonymous
    Sat, 25-May-19


Sunday 24-Feb-19

Mr M Tiger
Mr M Tiger
15.2km (9.4 miles) Difficulty 5/10
Hidden valleys pretty woodlands, and gentle pastures evoking echoes of a golden yesteryear. The estate of Polesden Lacey is a prominent feature.
Trains: 9:57 Hampton Court train from Waterloo. Change at Surbiton for the 10:32 Clandon train (platform 4) arriving Effingham Junction at 10:50. The first train stops at plenty of intermediate stations, inc. Vauxhall 10:01, Clapham Jct. 10:06, Wimbledon 10:13,
From "Box Hill & Westhumble" station, return to Waterloo at xx:10 or to Victoria at xx:19 and xx:49
Trains leave Dorking three minutes earlier, should you wish to finish there.
The walk's start and finish are on divergent train lines. Your best bet is a return to Effingham Junction plus a single for the short hop from Westhumble (or Dorking) to Leatherhead where the lines re-join.
Lunch: National Trust tea-room Polesden Lacey - accessible without paying the entrance fee. If you do want to visit, it's £13 60 (free for NT members). If you prefer a pub, there are directions to the Sir Douglas Haig 01372 456886. This adds a further 1.2 miles on to the walk.
Tea: The Visitor centre at Denbies Vineyard does tea. They also have a gift shop and sell their wine. Denbies is open till 5 in winter. There's a caff in the Pilgrim Cycles shop at Box Hill & Westhumble station that closes at 4 and, nearby, you have the Stepping Stones pub.
Directions: here. (This online version recommended – many changes since the heady days of Book 2).
  • Anonymous
    Mon, 18-Feb-19

    Hi Chris,

    Request for walk for Sunday 24th Feb

    Could a Sussex/Berks/Hants walk be put on for the 24th that is a few miles longer than the current Effingham offering for that day, please? Thank you.

  • Mon, 18-Feb-19

    It's not my turn to post walks for the 24th, but you'll see that another walk poster has promised a longer walk for that day, though not in the area you requested. It's fairly normal on Sundays to balance the walks on offer by having one to the south of London and one to the north.

  • Anonymous
    Sat, 23-Feb-19

    I can't see any train ticket details in this walk's instructions. What's the best ticket to get please?

  • Anonymous
    Sat, 23-Feb-19

    Buy a day return to Effingham Junction. Technically you also need a single from Box Hill to Leatherhead (one stop) on the way back, but it would be a hard-hearted ticket inspector who made an issue of this.

  • Sat, 23-Feb-19

    I suspect you havent clicked on the post's heading to expand the text. There's quite a lot about trains & tickets there.

    But in case you've got some sort of viewing problem, Ive re-pasted it here.

    "9:57 Hampton Court train from Waterloo. Change at Surbiton for the 10:32 Clandon train (platform 4) arriving Effingham Junction at 10:50. The first train stops at plenty of intermediate stations, inc. Vauxhall 10:01, Clapham Jct. 10:06, Wimbledon 10:13,

    From "Box Hill & Westhumble" station, return to Waterloo at xx:10 or to Victoria at xx:19 and xx:49

    Trains leave Dorking three minutes earlier, should you wish to finish there.

    The walk's start and finish are on divergent train lines. Your best bet is a return to Effingham Junction plus a single for the short hop from Westhumble (or Dorking) to Leatherhead where the lines re-join."

  • Sun, 24-Feb-19

    15 off the train but we picked up another 2 at Polesden Lacey so 17 in all. Perfect warm and sunny weather throughout. The off-route pub comes a little early in this walk so we all ambled to the NT teas-rooms at Polesden Lacey where a significant proportion of SE England had decided to make this their Sunday outing. A group of managed to commandeer an outside table on which the sun was just about to shine where we enjoyed our sandwich lunches whilst marvelling at children and families in summer t-shirts in February!

    After lunch a group of about 8 of us set off with a number lingering to visit the hall and its grounds. We enjoyed the glorious viewing point just after lunch and then continued on the familiar route to Denbies where most of us opted to continue on the N Downs way to reach the Pilgrims Cycles shop for excellent tea and cakes and then the 15.10 train home.

    This is a pleasant amble through some attractive woodland but with a fair bit of tarmac. Despite my dodgy knees this walk is over-rated at 5/10; 4 is more appropriate. A superb day out with the usual anaarchic chat including one strongly held view that Denbies white wines are not up to snuff. Discuss.........

Sunday 14-Jan-18

Mr M Tiger
Mr M Tiger
Westhumble Circular Book 2, walk 14b
Length: 13.3km (8.3 miles) Toughness: 4 out of 10

The Polesden Lacey estate is the highlight of this walk - a landscape of hidden valleys and pretty woodland. This option ventures into a quiet valley not visited by the main walk. After Polesden Lacey, the route follows the main directions back to Westhumble. (The station there, "Box Hill & Westhumble" is referred to as Box Hill in the text).
Trains from Victoria:
Southern services from Victoria are cheapest.
From Victoria the 9:40 (Clapham Jct. 9:48) gets to Box Hill station at 10:36.
Return from Box Hill to Victoria at xx:18 and xx:48.
Return from Dorking to Victoria at xx:15 and xx:45.
Trains from Waterloo:
For a few dollars more, you could get the 10:02 from Waterloo (Clapham Jct. 10:12) arriving Box Hill at 10:50.
Return to Waterloo from Box Hill at xx:10 or from Dorking at xx:07.
Lunch: is at Polesden Lacey. The Granary Cafe there is accessible without paying the entrance fee.
(Unless you're an NT member, you have to pay to visit the house & gardens).
Tea: Denbies Vineyard, serves teas, closing at 4:30. Pilgrim Cycles at Box Hill station have a cafe that closes at 4.There's also the Stepping Stones pub nearby.
Directions can be found here. There have been substantial changes since the book, so use the online version. Start at "Box Hill station to Polesden Lacey" following paras 58-99 then 109 to 141. A final section diverts anyone so inclined towards Dorking.
  • Mon, 15-Jan-18

    Seems like Sunday walkers headed south this week with at least 16 on this short but attractive walk through woodlands and valleys. Weather ideal for a winter amble, cloudy dry and still with little mud to fret about. The group fragmented at Polesden Lacey with some NT members staying to view the house and grounds whilst nine of us strolled back to Westhumble, bypassing Denbies Vineyard for refreshments with some of us having tea and cake at Pilgrim cycles by the station and then an early train home. Many familiar faces and long-standing SWCers made for a chatty day out and I got home in time to see the 2nd half of the Liverpool v Man City classic.

Saturday 23-Dec-17

Effingham to Westhumble (or Dorking) (Book 2, walk 14)
Length: 15.2km (9.4 miles) to 18km (11.2 miles)
Toughness: 4 out of 10

10.03 train from Waterloo (10.07 Vauxhall, 10.12 Clapham Junction, 10.19 Wimbledon) to Effingham Junction, arriving 10.45. Be warned: I have a feeling that neither this train nor the arrival station has a loo.

Buy a day return to Effingham Junction. On the return leg you might be liable to pay the short hop fare from Box Hill or Dorking to Leatherhead, or the Effingham return might be accepted.

For walk directions click here. For GPX click here.

I realise that this walk had an outing on a Sunday not too long ago, but it is an easy outing, not too far from London, and has the advantage at this time of year that both Polesden Lacey (lunch) and Denbies Wine Estate (tea) will be in festive mood. Who knows, you might even find time for some last minute present shopping. A bottle of Surrey Hills, maybe??

The range of lengths for this walk is explained by the two possible add-ons. If you want a pub lunch, the Sir Douglas Haig in Effingham village is reached by a 1.7km (1.1 mile) diversion, just 4.2km (2.6 miles) into the walk. If you end in Dorking rather than at Box Hill station you add 1.1km (0.7 miles) to the walk. If you do both, you walk 18km (11.2 miles).

Or you can simply opt for lunch at Polesden Lacey, whose self-service restaurant seems to have upped its hot food offering recently (at least, it has a more impressive hot food counter than it used to). Meanwhile Denbies is a great place for tea, with a good range of cakes, so long as you get to it before 4.30pm or so (the centre closes at 5pm, the cafe a bit earlier).

The advantage of finishing at Dorking* is there are more trains:

Trains back from Box Hill go at 28 past until 18.28, then 19.01 and hourly at 01 past. If you miss a train, take refuge in the nearby Stepping Stones pub.

Trains back from Dorking are at 04 and 34 past to Waterloo and 26 and 58 past to Victoria. Journey times are similar but they take different routes through South London. You may encounter automatic ticket barriers here, meaning you may have to pay a supplement on your Effingham return: but it is Christmas, so if you ask nicely, who knows....?

* If it is dark when you come out of Denbies and you want to finish at Dorking, follow its car driveway down towards the main road, turning right with it just after the railway bridge. This brings you to a big roundabout, where you go straight ahead. Dorking station is on the left in a few hundred metres. This route is probably not hugely longer than the Box Hill ending. T=2.14

  • Anonymous
    Sat, 16-Dec-17

    Another refreshment stop would be The Stepping Stones pub, about 50 metres from Boxhill station or the small cafe in the old station house at Boxhill station. Or, if you're feeling energetic towards the end, you could follow the example of a few walkers on this walk's last outing and nip up Boxhill to have tea at the NT cafe at the top.

  • Anonymous
    Sun, 17-Dec-17

    Polesden Lacey self service restaurant was serving good sized helpings of hoe cooked food recently. The small farm shop there and the one later on at Denbies are handy for last minute "foodie" Christmas presents.

  • Anonymous
    Sun, 17-Dec-17

    Regarding Walker's note about the loo, you pass toilets on the right just after you leave Effingham Junction station platform.

  • Sun, 24-Dec-17

    18 on this walk, including at least one late starter. The weather was mild and grey . Seven of us did the pub diversion (in my case to check the directions, so thanks to the others for coming too): we arrived at the pub at 11.45 and clearly looked in such desperate need of a drink that the pub opened early for us. Nice food, perhaps a little slow in coming but then we did catch the kitchen on the hop.

    The rest presumably lunched at Polesden Lacey, which I hear was busy but now does good-sized portions. We ran into two of them at tea in Denbies.

    Nothing much else to say (unless the PL crowd want to make a separate report): this is always a pleasant little walk and it filled the hours of daylight very well. Then we all got trains home to do other things (one even set off to do food shopping in Dorking....)

  • Anonymous
    Sun, 24-Dec-17

    Just to add, there were in fact 2 late starters both of whom met up with the group at Polesden Lacey.

    Surrey Hills Brewery has opened at Denbies. There's a point of sale at the back of the main building, where you can buy beer from the cask or to take home https://www.denbies.co.uk/visit-us/surrey-hills-brewery/

Sunday 05-Nov-17

Book 2 Walk 14 Effingham Junction to Boxhill and Westhumble

Length 14.3km (8.8m); toughness 5/10.

London Waterloo 09.32 (Clapham Junction 09.40) Effingham Junction 10.24
Return trains from Boxhill and Westhumble to London Victoria at xx:18 and xx:48 mins

This lovely excursion in the Surey Hills - an area of outstanding -natural beauty - takes you through a landscape of hidden valleys, evocative woodland and gentle pastures. A highlight is a visit to Polesden Lacy a beautiful country house. You also walk through Denbies Wine Estate a huge vineyard.

See the walks page here for lunch and tea options and click on the pdf tab at the top of the page for full walk instructions.

  • Thu, 02-Nov-17

    A week ago Denbies Vineyard looked beautiful, the vines all yellow: an unexpected source of autumn colour. Pretty good colour on the external faces of the beeches on Ranmore Common too, though still fairly green at path level.

    I did not have lunch at Polesden Lacey but it looked to have upped its food service, with a proper hot food counter, serving to 3pm. Traditionally National Trust lunches are not huge portions, which is why the pub diversion was included on this walk. The pub diversion is also perfectly pleasant scenically.

  • Anonymous
    Sun, 05-Nov-17

    Approximately 15 walkers on this really nice walk today. It was a perfect autumn day sunny_and_dry. Woods were dappled with autumn sunshine and carpeted with bronze leaves and the ground conditions dry. Everyone (as far as I know) had lunch at Polesden Lacey. A few made the most of the day, capping it off with an extension up Box Hill at the end.

Saturday 31-Dec-16

Book 2, Walk 14 - Effingham to Westhumble (or Dorking)
Length: 14.3km (8.8 miles) or 16.3km (10.1 miles)
Toughness: 5 out of 10

10.03 train from Waterloo to Effingham Junction (10.12 Clapham Junction) to Effingham Junction, arriving 10.45.

There is also a 10.09 from Waterloo (10.18 Clapham Junction) but this is slightly slower, arriving Effingham Junction at 11.03: don't get this train by mistake - unless you just miss the earlier one, of course.

For walk directions click here. (These directions are more up to date than those in the book)

Buy a day return to Effingham Junction. On the way back you technically need to buy a single from Dorking to Leatherhead (two stops).

I figured that a New Year's Eve walk needs three qualities: not too far from London, a lunch stop one could rely on being open; and not involving Southern trains.

This walk ticks all three boxes, with lunch being at the National Trust self-service restaurant at Polesden Lacey (The Granary, not the little cafe by the entrance) which usually has some hot dishes, even if portion sizes sometimes leave something to be desired. If you want a pub lunch the 10.1 mile version of this walk diverts to one - the Sir Douglas Haig in Effingham Village, just three miles into the walk. But you might want to ring up on the day to check it is open/serving food.

For tea the Denbies Wine Estate Conservatory Restaurant (self-service) will be open as far as I can ascertain. Its website doesn't say it won't be open, at all events. It may close at 4.30pm, however.

Trains back: Because of the Southern dispute you may prefer to use the Dorking ending of the walk, from whence there are South West Trains services to Waterloo at 04 and 34 past. If Southern trains to Victoria are not affected by strike action, they are at 26 and 58 past. All these trains take around 55 minutes and all call at Clapham Junction.

Trains from Box Hill & Westhumble are Southern ones hourly at 28 past. I wouldn't rely on these unless your mobile phone train tracker definitely says they are running. On Box Hill station there is the Pilgrim's Cycle Shop cafe and there is the Stepping Stones pub nearby: though New Year's Eve may affect the opening/closing times of either.

  • Anonymous
    Thu, 29-Dec-16

    Pilgrim's Cycle Shop cafe on Boxhill station is open until 4pm on 31st December. Stepping Stones pub (01306 889932) claims to be open from 11am -11.00pm Monday to Saturday all year round.

  • Anonymous
    Sat, 31-Dec-16

    25 and weather grey with a smidgen of sunshine

    A good day with nothing untoward happening

Sunday 20-Nov-16

Mr M Tiger
Effingham Junction to Dorking Book 2 Walk 14 (use online version)
14.8 km, 9.2 miles
Difficulty 5/10

A Surrey Hills walk through hidden valleys, pretty woodlands, gentle pastures and the estate of Polesden Lacey. Although we would usually finish in Westhumble, the Dorking ending is suggested today, it being less reliant on Southern trains.
The main walk visits the National Trust tea room at Polesden Lacey for lunch. It is accessible without paying the entrance fee. (If you do want to visit, prices are £8.50 for the gardens, £13.60 for house and garden, free for NT members. Remember though, it gets dark not long after 4.)
For a pub lunch, branch off at point [2] and follow option (a) to the Sir Douglas Haig 01372 456886. This adds 1.2 miles onto the walk.
The Visitor centre at Denbies Vineyard does tea and is suitable for both endings. Denbies is open till 5 in winter.
Finishing at Dorking:
The Lincoln Arms is next to Dorking Station.
Finishing at Westhumble:
Pilgrim Cycles' shop at the station has a cafe (closes at 4 but may stay open later by arrangement 01306 886958). There's also a nearby pub, the Stepping Stones.
Get the 9:32 Guildford train from Waterloo, arriving Effingham Jct. at 10:24. Intermediate stations include Clapham Jct. 9:42, Wimbledon 9:49.
Returning from Dorking:
South West trains return to Waterloo from Dorking at xx:07.
Southern trains only return as far as Clapham Junction today. There's an xx:15 and xx:45 from Dorking. The xx:15 connects at Claphan Jct. for Waterloo.
Returning from Westhumble:
The same Southern trains call at 'Box Hill & Westhumble' station at xx:18 (change at Clapham Jct. for Waterloo) and xx:48 (change at Leatherhead for Waterloo).
The walk's start and finish are on divergent train lines. Your best combination is probably a return to Effingham Junction plus a single for the short hop from Dorking to Leatherhead where the lines re-join. (You could try getting waved through Dorking's ticket barrier with an Effingham return but, if it's not accepted, you risk missing your train).
Directions: Use the online version, available here. (Access to Polesden Lacey has changed since the book, causing some route changes). There is a shorter route from Polesden Lacey to the stations on the "Alternative Afternoon" button. Saves 1.2 km. 0.8 miles.
  • KathyH
    Tue, 22-Nov-16

    4 enjoyed a much better day, weatherwise, than forecast. In fact no rain at all. Lovely leaf colours, not much mud, lunch fine at Polesden Lacey as was tea at Denbies, though both establishments were almost drowning in tinsel and Christmas "goodies".

  • Anonymous
    Tue, 22-Nov-16

    4 dry

Sunday 24-Apr-16

Book 2 Walk 14. Effingham to Westhumble.
Length 14.3km (8.9m); toughness 5/10.
Trains: 10.00 London Waterloo (Clapham Junction 10.09) to Surbiton arriving 10.22 Then 10.32 from Platform 4, Surbiton arriving at Effingham Junction 10.50.
Slow stopping return trains from Box Hill and Westhumble to London Victoria are at xx:18 and 48.
A day return to Effingham Junction should be ok but as you will be returning on a different line from Boxhill and Westhumble two singles may be safer.
The idyllic estate of Polesden Lacey, a fine country house nestling just behind the North Downs escarpment, is the highlight of this walk - a landscape of hidden valleys, pretty woodland, and gentle pasture that seems lost in a golden yesterday. The walk has something to offer at almost any time of the year. In spring, it passes through a number of fine bluebell woods.
Lunch is at the self service restaurant at Polesden Lacey.Tea is usually taken at Denbies Wine Estate Visitor Centre but there is now a nice café right outside Boxhill station which hopefully should be open until 5pm.

Don’t use Book 2 for this walk; instead download the pdf file for the updated instructions which can be found here
  • David Colver
    Mon, 25-Apr-16

    8. Fractionally cold but no rain .

    I contrived to miss the appointed train and so followed on on the next one, encountering about five regulars leaving Polesden Lacey just as I arrived.

    4 out of 5 for roast potatoes at the restaurant there. I chanced to sit facing the serving hatch, and was able to witness the production line involved in plating the food to order, from which my education was broadened about the trade-off between throughput (the place was busy) and the fussier attitudes to food hygiene. I can report that the gravy was untouched by human hand.

    On leaving, I found two more plus a dog who had chosen to take their lunch in the cafe and seemed slightly wounded by the news that the rest of the group had departed some time before without finding them.

    Tea at Denbies which was satisfactory as usual. Back on 1648 train; presumably the majority were earlier as there was no further sight of them.

    Some of the GPS is off by a few tens of metres in places.

  • Mon, 25-Apr-16

    Can people stop saying that it is "slightly cold"?!? It is FREEZING. It is February temperatures in late April (look up the London climate averages if you don't believe me)

Sunday 13-Mar-16

Westhumble Circular
Book 2 walk 14b (online version).
7.7 miles 12.4 km. Difficulty 5/10

Hidden valleys pretty woodlands, and gentle pastures evoking echoes of a golden yesteryear. The estate of Polesden Lacey is a prominent feature. A shortish walk but one allowing time to visit it and Denbies Vineyard if you so wish.
Transport: For the Westhumble start, get the 10:40 Dorking train from Victoria (10:48 Clapham Junction) to Box Hill & Westhumble arr 11:36
Trains return from "Box Hill & Westhumble" at xx:18 and xx:48. Trains leave Dorking 2 minutes earlier, should you wish to finish there.
A return ticket to Dorking (main) costs the same as one to "Box Hill &Westhumble" and gives you the option of returning from either station.
Lunch: National Trust tea-room Polesden Lacey. This is accessible without paying the entrance fee.
(There's no lunch pub on this walk. The longer walk starting at Effingham Jct. incorporates an option to visit the Sir Douglas Haig)
Polesden Lacey
It is £13.50 to visit the whole property, £8.50 for the gardens only - unless, of course, you're a NT member.
Tea: First there's the Conservatory restaurant /cafe at Denbies Vineyard. Then there's a cafe in the Pilgrim Cycles shop at Box Hill & Westhumble station. (This closes at 4 but you may be able to persuade them to stay open if theres enough of you and you phone them 01306 886958). Nearby, you have the Stepping Stones pub.
Directions: This walk's directions are available on-line and those are the best directions to use. Access details for Polesden Lacey have changed significantly since the last book edition and there are one or two other alterations. There are longer options for anyone so inclined but the plan is to do option [b] starting and finishing at "Box Hill & Westhumble" station.

Starting at Effingham: Anyone wishing to do the longer 10 mile walk from Effingham Junction could catch the 9:22 from Victoria to Epsom and, from there, the 10:10 to Guildford arriving Effingham Jct at 10:26. (Note that Effingham Jct and Westhumble stations are on divergent lines. A return to Effingham Junction would probably be accepted for the trip back but you could be asked to pay extra for the short hop to Leatherhead where the lines re-join.)
  • Tue, 08-Mar-16

    If anyone would care to tackle Westhumble on a Saturday then please say the word. A walk to Box Hill maybe via Juniper Hall then back down the staircase to the Stepping Stones, then over to Denbies for refreshment; perhaps even a beer at Surrey Hills brewery?

Sunday 22-Nov-15

Mr M Tiger
Effingham to Westhumble Book 2 Walk 14
14.3 km 8.8 miles
Difficulty 5/10

Hidden valleys pretty woodlands, and gentle pastures evoking echoes of a golden yesteryear. The estate of Polesden Lacey is a prominent feature.
Trains: 9:57 Hampton Court train from Waterloo . Change at Surbiton for the 10:32 Guildford train (platform 1) arriving Effingham Junction at 10:50. You can catch the first train at plenty of intermediate stations, inc. Vauxhall 10:01, Clapham Jct. 10:06, Wimbledon 10:13, Raynes Park 10:16.
Return to Victoria from "Box Hill & Westhumble" at xx:17 and xx:47.
Trains leave Dorking two minutes earlier, should you wish to finish there.
The start and end stations are on divergent lines. A return to Effingham Junction will probably be accepted for the trip back but you could be asked to pay extra for the short hop to Leatherhead where the lines re-join.
Lunch: National Trust tea-room Polesden Lacey. This is accessible without paying the entrance fee. If you do want to visit the gardens, it's £8.50 (free for NT members). The house itself is closed today.
If you prefer a pub, there are directions to the Sir Douglas Haig 01372 456886. This adds a further 1.2 miles on to the walk.
Tea: The Visitor centre at Denbies Vineyard does tea. They also have a gift shop and sell their wine. Denbies is open till 5 in winter. There's a caff in the Pilgrim Cycles shop at Box Hill & Westhumble station that closes at 4 and, nearby, you have the Stepping Stones pub.
Directions: There are directions in Book 2 but it's best to use the improved online version available here. (Access details for Polesden Lacey have changed and other sections have been amended or clarified).

  • Anonymous
    Wed, 18-Nov-15

    Pilgrim Cycles say "We are happy to open evenings by request at no obligation. Call or email to arrange" tel: 01306 886958 email:hello@pilgrim-cycles.co.uk

  • JohnE
    Mon, 23-Nov-15

    About 12 of us. Weather dry bright cold still . Very pleasant conditions for this varied walk. In the woods, the autumn leaves are now mostly on the ground. Later in the morning we had hazy views of London in the distance - the Wembley arch was visible and the Shard could just be picked out. Most lunched at Polesden Lacey, which, although busy, had ample capacity. By this time the party had fragmented and 2 finished (as they had pre-arranged) at this stage, while the rest completed the afternoon in several groups. After pausing to look back at the Polesden Lacey House from the hill opposite, walking across Ransmore Common and admiring the view from Denbies Hillside, my sub-group of 3 took tea at Denbies Vineyard, where we encountered one walker who had started an hour later than the rest of us but, by a combination of speed, short cuts and a short lunch break, had got there before us. Others had finished the afternoon with tea at Pilgrim Cycles at Box Hill and Westhumble station where the whole party apart from the lunchtime dropouts reassembled. 15.50 train home.

Friday 01-Dec-00

Mr M Tiger
Mr M Tiger

7.7 miles 12.4 km. Difficulty 5/10 A walk in the Surrey Hills, featuring the Polesden Lacey estate. We are doing option b, starting and finishing at "Box Hill & Westhumble" station.

Transport: Get the 10:25 Horsham train from Victoria (Clapham Jct. 10:32) arriving Box Hill & Westhumble, 11:18, A return to "Box Hill & Westhumble" will do you. A return ticket to Dorking (main) costs the same and gives you the option of returning from either station.

It is also possible to get the 10:24 Dorking train from Waterloo (Clapham Jct. 10:33) arriving Box Hill & W for 11:11 (wait for the others or else!) Travel from Waterloo costs slightly more.

Trains return from "Box Hill & Westhumble" at xx:33 for Waterloo and xx:40 for Victoria. Trains leave Dorking 3 minutes earlier, should you choose to finish there.

Lunch: The National Trust tea-room Polesden Lacey is accessible without paying the entrance fee. (£14, free for NT members). Note that the Sir Douglas Haig, once an alternative lunch stop, is permanently closed.

Tea: The Visitor Centre at Denbies Vineyard is first. Then, near "Box Hill & Westhumble" station, there’s the Stepping Stones pub.

Walk Directions: here T=2.14.b