Eynsford Circular via Otford Walk

A contrast between hidden valleys in the North Downs and the Darent Valley Path through three interesting villages.


This is a list of previous times this walk has been done by the club (since Jan 2010). For more recent events (since April 2015), full details are shown.

Date Option Post # Weather
Sat, 15-Mar-25 Eynsford Circular via Otford 11 sunny with an icy northerly wind
Wed, 15-Jan-25 c Eynsford circular via Shoreham - take two 18 cloudy mild some fog
Sun, 08-Dec-24 c Eynsford Short Circular (omitting Otford)
Wed, 05-Jun-24 Eynsford circular: orchids, a castle, birds of prey . . . 15 mixed cloud and sun
Wed, 07-Jun-23 Eynsford circular 15 initially overcast then sunny
Sat, 18-Mar-23 Eynsford Circular 5 sky cleared sun came out
Sun, 24-Jul-22 b Eynsford Circular 16 sunny and warm
Sun, 05-Jun-22 Eynsford Circular 5 dry day with atmospheric mist
Sat, 09-Apr-22 Eynsford to Shoreham 12 beautifully sunny and surprisingly warm
Sun, 02-Feb-20 d – The Darent Valley between Eynsford & Shoreham 10 mild
Sat, 16-Mar-19 Eysnford Circular - varied downland and a flexible afternoon 21 drizzly and windy
Sun, 09-Jul-17 Around the Darent Valley in north Kent 13 hot and sunny
Sat, 26-Nov-16 c Saturday Third Walk – Wine tasting in the Darent valley 25 started grey and misty gradually clearing in the afternoon
Mon, 30-May-16 Bank Holiday South - Hidden valleys in the North Downs 15
Sun, 27-Sep-15 1 Kent's Downs 9 Sunny
Sun, 26-Apr-15 Eynsford Circular via Otford Walk 6
Sat, 13-Sep-14 Eynsford Circular via Otford Walk 4
Sun, 20-Apr-14 Eynsford Circular via Otford Walk 0
Sun, 04-Aug-13 Eynsford Circular via Otford Walk 11
Sun, 04-Aug-13 c Eynsford Circular via Otford Walk
Sun, 13-Jan-13 c Eynsford Circular via Otford Walk 16
Sat, 21-Jul-12 Eynsford Circular via Otford Walk
Sat, 04-Feb-12 Eynsford Circular via Otford Walk
Sat, 04-Feb-12 Eynsford Circular via Otford Walk
Sun, 21-Aug-11 Eynsford Circular via Otford Walk
Sat, 05-Feb-11 Eynsford Circular via Otford Walk
Sun, 16-Jan-11 c Eynsford Circular via Otford Walk
Sat, 03-Jul-10 c Eynsford Circular via Otford Walk
Sun, 13-Dec-09 Eynsford Circular via Otford Walk
Sat, 21-Nov-09 c Eynsford Circular via Otford Walk
Sat, 08-Aug-09 b Eynsford Circular via Otford Walk
Sun, 29-Mar-09 c Eynsford Circular via Otford Walk
Thu, 01-Jan-09 Eynsford Circular via Otford Walk

Saturday 15-Mar-25


Length: 21.5km (13m) for the full walk; there are innumerable shortcuts and walk options
Toughness: 7 / 10
Transport: Take the 9:38 train from London Bridge, change at Swanley for the 10:06 train to Eynsford or take the 9:16 train from London Blackfriars direct to Eynsford arriving at 10:11. Return trains at xx:05 and xx:35.

A fine walk around and through the Darent Valley with great views, the river Darent and the ruin of a Bishop's palace. Allegedly, there is a large patch of celandines in one of the woodlands, if they will be out by then. The recommended lunch stop is The Bull in Otford. There are innumerable walk options to shorten the walk or to choose a different experience of the Darent Valley.

  • Fri, 14-Mar-25

    I hope to do this walk but might get later train. Catch u up lunchtime

  • Fri, 14-Mar-25

    I will probably get there 10.39 if anyone cares to join me

  • Sun, 16-Mar-25

    8 walkers met at the station. We set off at a fast pace. 5 visited the aviation pioneer Pilcher monument just off the route. 6 then had lunch in The

    Bull while 2 walked on to have picnic on top of Polhill Bank Reserve. 3 more showed up at the Bull who took a train half-an-hour later and walked

    along the river to Otford for a total of11 walkers. After lunch 3 raced ahead at a fast pace. In Eynsford 2 of those went straight for the train while

    your correspondent visited Eynsford castle (having walked in the Darent valley for 15 years I've never before made an effort to visit the

    castle) and had a drink at the Five Bells. 2 walkers had a drink at the Plough, 2 more idled away some time in the church and the 5 of us then met up

    again at the station for the 17:05. The others, I presume, caught an earlier train. Only a few celandines were spotted.

    sunny with an icy northerly wind

Wednesday 15-Jan-25

14 km (8.7 miles) or 21.5 km/13.4 miles if you feel like a longer walk; 4-7/10

This walk was posted on one of the Storm Darragh days, and the trains weren't running. So I hope you don't mind if we give it another try. There have been other recent walks in the Darenth Valley, but not much overlap with this one which in my opinion covers the best bits at this time of year.

There are a number of options on the main walk page. Option C is suggested, with lunch in Shoreham and missing out Otford, partly because it leaves out some of the potentially muddiest parts, but by all means give the full walk a try if you fancy a longer outing.

Travel: the quickest option is the 0955 from Victoria, changing at Bromley South on to the 1023 to Sevenoaks, arriving Eynsford at 1041. This second train is a Thameslink stopping service so you could pick it up from St Pancras (0937), Blackfriars (0946), Denmark Hill (0958) or numerous other stops. Returns at 05 and 35 - there will be options to change on to quicker trains on the way back too.

Lunch: plenty of choice in Shoreham – the options are described in detail on the main walk page.

Tea : We might get to the Lullingstone Café in the Country Park Visitor Centre (01322-865995; open to 3pm weekdays in winter) in time for a tea stop. In Eynsford, the Plough Inn (01322-862281) has a fine riverside location. On the main road towards the station there is The Malt Shovel (01322-862164) The detour towards the Castle passes The Five Bells (01322-863135) and the Castle Hotel (01322-633917).

For walk directions, map and GPX click here and choose option C


  • Tue, 14-Jan-25

    I should have mentioned that there are a number of other options in between the short posted walk and the full 21km circular, for instance option D would give a longer afternoon after going to Shoreham for lunch (but would miss out the Lullingstone Visitor Centre cafe)

  • Wed, 15-Jan-25

    Stop press - the Thameslink train is starting at Blackfriars 0946 so will not be calling at St Pancras or anywhere else north of Blackfriars

  • Thu, 16-Jan-25

    There were16 on this walk one on early train and one on a later train. cloudy mild some fog . It was not too muddy but guite slippery in places. Five had lunch at the Kings Arms some of us had the 2 course pensioners lunch for £14:00 and the beer was back on so all is forgiven from my last report of eating here. School netball pick up duty and other commitments left no time for the afternoon so three got the train back from Shoreham. As always the Darenth Valley is a pleasant walking area close to London

  • Thu, 16-Jan-25

    Many of us picknicked at the church in Shoreham where a 17th walker caught us up having been on a later train. As it was before 1, nearly all decided to do a longer afternoon route but I needed to get back so two of us carried on the shorter valley route.

    Near Castle Farm we met walker18 who had started from Shoreham. Having missed the morning she wanted a longer walk so we parted company again and the two of us headed home on the 1505. I hear others visited at least one pub in Eynsford.

Sunday 08-Dec-24

14 km (8.7 miles) difficulty 4/10
This walk in the Darenth Valley has several options.
I've homed in on one, the Short Walk, omitting Otford (option c) but suit yourself. This stops for lunch in Shoreham.

Trains: get the 09:45 from Victoria arriving Eynsford at 10:35 (this train visits quite a few stations on the way, including Denmark Hill 09:54, Peckham Rye 09:57 and Catford 10:06)..
Trains return from Eynsford at xx:41
Trains return from Shoreham at xx:38 (for an even shorter walk).
Get a return to Eynsford or, to finish there, Shoreham (the next stop along).
In Shoreham: The Samuel Palmer (01959-525442), an up-market pub / restaurant on the route. There's a coffee shop at The Mount Vineyard (01959-524008;). Also, in the village, the Kings Arms (01959-523100) on Church Street, and The Crown (01959-522903) at the northern end of the High Street..
The Plough Inn (01322-862281) has a fine riverside location. On the main road towards the station there is The Malt Shovel (01322-862164) The detour towards the Castle passes The Five Bells (01322-863135) and the Castle Hotel (01322-633917).
Directions: here
click on option c T=swc.59.c
A detour near the end will take you to the ruins of Eynsford Castle Open till 4.

  • Sun, 08-Dec-24

    Train cancelled at Victoria. All Southeastern services out of Victoria affected, so I am giving up!

  • Sun, 08-Dec-24

    I am now on my way to Leatherhead, to walk to Dorking. I’m wondering if anyone will manage to get to this walk, or the St Margaret’s one. So far this weekend is busting all records for the least attendance on SWC walks in its 26 year history - just three walkers so far!

  • Sun, 08-Dec-24

    The Southeastern woes seem to have been a major malfunction, lasting all afternoon. I walked from Leatherhead to Polesden Lacey (lunch with the car-driving kiddie families) and then to Denbies for tea. For the record, unremarkable winter weather: grey skies, mostly just drippy rain, light winds. Rain marginally more organised towards the end of the day.

  • Sun, 08-Dec-24

    Pedants corner here Peter- the official birthday of SWC is May 1997 so 27.5 years

  • Sun, 08-Dec-24

    I didn’t know that we had an official birthday!

Wednesday 05-Jun-24

Length: 21.5 km (13.4 miles) 7/10 but several shorter options

I posted this walk last year for orchid-spotting purposes and there should be prolific wild flowers in the first half of the walk on the east side of the Darent valley. There are numerous other attractions including picturesque villages, a vineyard, lavender fields and if you walk fast enough to make the entry times, a birds of prey centre and a Roman villa. There is a shorter afternoon option staying in the valley which goes last Lullingstone Castle (cutting out 2.7 km).

Travel: the quickest option is the 0955 from Victoria, changing at Bromley South on to the 1023 to Sevenoaks, arriving Eynsford at 1041. This second train is a Thameslink stopping service so you could pick it up from St Pancras (0937), Blackfriars (0946), Denmark Hill (0958) or numerous other stops. Returns at 05 and 35 - there will be options to change on to quicker trains on the way back too.

Lunch: the suggested place to stop for lunch is Otford, after 8½ km. The route joins the High Street opposite The Bull (01959-523198); the alternative is a traditional village pub overlooking the pond, The Woodman (01959-522195). If you do a shorter route, there are several options in Shoreham.

Tea: in Eynsford, the suggested place is The Plough (01322-862281) which has a fine riverside location. A short detour along the main road will reveal the Malt Shovel Inn (01322-862164), the Five Bells (01322-863135) and the Castle Hotel (01322-863162).

On the shorter route a convenient place for a mid-afternoon break is the Lullingstone Café in the Country Park Visitor Centre (01322-865995; open to 5pm summer).

Short walk options: there are a number of variations on the walk page including the shorter afternoon mentioned above. But as the walk passes through Otford and close to Shoreham, both of which have stations, it would be possible to finish at either of these. You could also miss out Otford by going directly from Romney Street to Shoreham on the route of the Otford Circular walk (CW1–43) and continuing with the afternoon route from there (14km).

For walk directions, map and GPX click here


  • Thu, 06-Jun-24

    13 at the station, a number that had increased to 15 by the time Otford was reached.

    The group split into slow and fast. Guess who was at the back. (Apart from a late starter).

    There was orchids on the morning route, just the ordinary pink ones, but some, who ventured into a nature reserve, claim to have seen bee orchids.

    In Otford, there was a reunion of sorts at the recreation ground’s picnic tables, but blink if you missed it. One minute, loads, the next minute, one or two. Vshoom, gone! Of those, two wanted to explore cakes in the hospice tearoom, and one went on.

    Most, if not all, took the river route back. Stunning displays of hemlock water dropwort (Britain’s most poisonous plant ) along the river bank. Other stuff as well. And a glimpsed kingfisher.

    The Roman villa is closed indefinitely for ‘refurbishment’. Has been for some time.

    In Eynsford, I looked in the Plough, looked as dead as a dodo. Moved on to the Malt Shovel. Closed. Backtracked to the Five Bells. Joy oh joy, open, and, guess what readers, there were some other walkers in there. Harvey’s was consumed. The 17:35 was caught.

  • Thu, 06-Jun-24

    mixed cloud and sun Mostly mud-free

Wednesday 07-Jun-23


Length: 21.5 km (13.4 miles) 7/10 but several shorter options

Last year this walk was posted on the Jubilee weekend and we spotted at least 5 kinds of orchid (partly thanks to a nature expert in the group). Hopefully it will be the same again. The rewilded former golf course crossed early in the walk is a particular highlight for me and there are numerous other attractions incluing castles, picturesque villages, a vineyard, lavender fields and if you walk fast enough to make the entry times, a birds of prey centre and a Roman villa.

Travel: the quickest option is the 0955 from Victoria, changing at Bromley South on to the 1023 to Sevenoaks, arriving Eynsford at 1041. This second train is a Thameslink stopping service so you could pick it up from St Pancras (0937), Blackfriars (0946), Denmark Hill (0958) or numerous other stops. Returns at 05 and 35 - there will be options to change on to quicker trains on the way back too.

Lunch: the suggested place to stop for lunch is Otford, after 8½ km. The route joins the High Street opposite The Bull (01959-523198); the alternative is a traditional village pub overlooking the pond, The Woodman (01959-522195). If you do a shorter route, there are several options in Shoreham.

Tea: in Eynsford, the suggested place is the Riverside Tea Room (01322-861551; open to 4.30pm). If you get there too late or want stronger fare, The Plough (01322-862281) has a fine riverside location. A short detour along the main road will reveal the Malt Shovel Inn (01322-862164), the Five Bells (01322-863135) and the Castle Hotel (01322-863162). [Sorry - I've just been informed the Riverside cafe is sadly closed]

If you take a shorter afternoon route, a convenient place for a break is the Lullingstone Café in the Country Park Visitor Centre (01322-865995; open to 5pm summer, 4pm weekends & 3pm weekdays in winter).

Short walk options: A shorter afternoon route, passing the Lullingstone Cafe, is described in the directions. Or you could drop out at Shoreham, cutting out the last 5.5km/3.5 miles. There are a number of other variations on the walk page.

For walk directions, map and GPX click here


  • Fri, 09-Jun-23

    14 walkers arrived on the train and one started and finished at Shoreham making15 on an initially overcast then sunny day. The non-stop wildflower meadows most of the way from Eynsford to Otford did not disappoint. The Shoreham starter lunched at the Bull and waited in vain for the rest of us who had picknicked in the park with the solar system. Having met up we decided to press on in the hope of refreshments later but somehow that didn't happen (one pub in Eynsford didn't appeal as it was next to loud road works; the next was closed). The group dispersed somewhat in the afternoon and those I finished with managed to miss the 1635 train by one minute; however we figured out we could change at Sevenoaks on to a fast London Bridge train so all was not lost.

Saturday 18-Mar-23


Length: 21.5 km (13.4m) - various shortcuts are available
Toughness: 7 / 10
Transport: Take the 9:47 train from London Victoria arriving in Eynsford at 10:41. Return trains at xx:35 with last train at 17:35 !!

The walk starts along a country lane through the secluded Austin Lodge valley, climbing to the isolated settlement of Romney Street. It continues on an undulating section to a ridge with fine views of the Darent valley, from where you descend into Otford, passing its scale model of the Solar System. The village has many interesting old buildings and the full route takes you past the ruins of Otford Palace, a rival to Hampton Court in Tudor times.
There are two possible routes back to Eynsford. The longer takes a similarly undulating route along the western side of the Darent valley, weaving in and out of the Otford to Eynsford walk (1–23) on its way to Lullingstone Park, an attractive landscape of chalk grassland and ancient woodland with an internationally important collection of veteran trees. This route also goes past Eagle Heights, one of the UK's largest Bird of Prey centres; admission (2022) is £12.95 but you might be able to see something of the afternoon flying display from the public footpath.
The shorter return route mostly follows the Darent Valley Path, passing The Mount Vineyard in the attractive Kent village of Shoreham and extensive lavender fields at Castle Farm. An attractive riverside stretch then leads to Lullingstone Castle (01322-862114), a historic manor house which can be visited (but with limited opening hours). Its grounds contain an unusual parish church (open to the public at all times) and a World Garden with plants from around the globe, open Thu–Sun from April to October; admission (2022) is £9.

  • Tue, 14-Mar-23

    I did another Eynsford walk recently (Farningham Rd to Eysnford I think, in Feb), and the tea room in Eynsford had a sign up saying it was closed indefinitely. There was a group of people standing in front of it talking to a local. They were saying the owner has sadly had some personal issues and they don't know when/if it will open again.

    The cafe is Lullingstone is open, but would be a detour on this walk. And obviously, the pubs are open in Eynsford.

  • Sat, 18-Mar-23

    5, sky cleared sun came out , Five arrived by car, waited for the 10:41 which arrived on time but no one on the train except a group of Capital Walkers who seemed to be doing a similar walk. Rather muddy and slippery in places in the morning especially up to the Percy Pilcher Memorial (1896 hang glider pilot) and all decided to do the shorter option. The Kings Arms in Shoreham was welcoming with not many other customers and a good lunch was served promptly. We took the shorter route back to Eynsford and then drove to Otford to pick up one of our group who decided to walk to Sally's Cake Emporium for afternoon tea.

Sunday 24-Jul-22

Mr M Tiger
Mr M Tiger

There's been a request for a lavender walk so here you go. Options b or c are suggested but suit yourself. Long, short, whatever,.
Main walk with shorter afternoon (option b) 18¾ km , 11.7 miles.difficulty 5/10
Short Walk, omitting Otford: (option c) 14 km, 8.7 miles
In the afternoon, these go past both Lullingstone Roman Villa and the lavender fields near Castle Farm. The farm’s Hop Shop sells all things lavender - and all things hop. (There's an option to finish early at Shoreham (point 62) if you want, but there'll be no lavender or villa for you. For refreshments, detour into Shoreham first)
Trains: get the 09:45 Sevenoaks train from Blackfriars (Elephant & Castle 09:49, Peckham Rye 09:56), arriving Eynsford at 10:52
Return from Eynsford at xx:11 and xx:41 (Shoreham xx:08 and xx:38)
Get a return to Eynsford or, if you might finish there, Shoreham (the further station).
Lunch in Otford: (for option b)
The Woodman 01529 522 195 and The Bull, 01529 523 198
Lunch/Tea in Shoreham
The Samuel Palmer 01959 525442 (formerly Ye Olde George) near the church and the Crown on the High Street 01959 522903 There’s cafés in the Aircraft museum and, nearest the station, the Mount Vineyard's Coffee Box (it closes at 3)
Tea near Eynsford

There's a Café in Lullingstone Country Park Visitor Centre.
In Eynsford itself, you've got the Malt Shovel, the Five Bells, and the Castle Hotel. The Riverside tea room 01322 861551 closes at 4.
You should be able to see Castle Farm's lavender from the footpath (harvest permitting) but for real devotees, there are organised tours (£4.50 each - book in advance).
Lullingstone Roman Villa (definitely worth a visit, open till 5 cost £9),
A detour near the end will take you to the ruins of Eynsford Castle – Free entry - open till 6.
Directions: available here
click on option b or c (or, to keep all options open, don't click on nothing)

  • Mon, 25-Jul-22

    Eynsford Circular – Sun 24th July 2022

    There were12 on the platform but eventually this was increased to a total of around16 joining and separating at various points in the walk. Weather sunny and warm with a light breeze and plenty of shade along the way.

    About 8 of us opted to do Option 5 and the others did the long version I believe.

    Some of us had lunch by the riverside in Shoreham whilst 3 others had lunch in the Crown, then we all joined together to walk through the colourful and fragrant Lavender farm. Stopped in the lavender Castle Farm for shopping and icecreams, then split up again.4 of us walked to Lullington castle for tea then were joined by one of the long walkers to walk to Eynsford along the higher route (not the road). At Eynsford we took off our shoes and splashed in the ford by the bridge – joining in with the many families who were doing the same in the river in the village. We then caught the 18.41 train home. Would be good to know what the others did.

    A wonderful day out – thank you M Tiger for posting.

  • Mon, 25-Jul-22

    A cautionary tale: of the5 who opted for the longer route via Otford, 1 went to The Bull, a popular Greene King pub with a large garden full of tables, only to find that it had no chef and was not serving food. He said it was the second such pub he'd come across that week. In these times of acute staff shortages, perhaps wise to phone ahead even if it's only one diner.

    Between Shoreham and Lullingstone we came across >100 walkers on a "Ken's Events" walk from Shoreham to Eynsford - not a bad day's work at £5 each! Fortunately, we powered past them and were first in the queue at the ice cream stall at Castle Farm (lavender flavour is delicious.)

  • Mon, 25-Jul-22

    And3 intrepid walkers powered ahead taking option b. After admiring the views back toward London and Canary Wharf we arrived in Otford where seeing the Bull offering no food we ended up at the Hospices of Hope Tearoom for sanchwhiches, cakes and homemade ice cream. Of we went in the afternoon on the walk to Shoreham where we stopped again at vineyard for a mid afternoon break to sample some local wines and musical entertainment. Off we the went past the lavender fields, Lullingstone Castle and the Roman Villa before making a final turn back to the station. Lovely walk - thank you for posting.

Sunday 05-Jun-22


Eynsford Circular with options to finish in Shoreham or Otford

T= swc.59

Length: Main walk: 21.5km (13.4 miles), finishing in Shoreham:16km (9.9 miles)

Main walk with shorter afternoon: 18.75km (11.7 miles)

Toughness: 7 out of 10 (3-5 for the shorter options).

This walk starts along a country lane through the secluded Austin Lodge valley, climbing to the isolated settlement of Romney Street. It continues on an undulating section to a ridge with fine views of the Darent valley, from where you descend into Otford for lunch .

There are two possible routes back to Eynsford. One offers the opportunity to end the walk in Shoreham. See the walk instructions for details.

Trains: Catch the 10:12 Sevenoaks train from London Blackfriars arriving Eynsford 11.05).

Or, the 10:25 Ramsgate train from London Victoria changing at Swanley to connect with the Blackfriars train at 11am.

Return from Eynsford: xx:11, xx:41 to Blackfriars

xx.05, xx:35, to London Bridge changing at Bickley for Victoria.

Lunch : On the Main Walk the suggested place to stop for lunch is Otford, after 8½ km. The route joins the High Street opposite The Bull (01959-523198); the alternative is a traditional village pub overlooking the pond, The Woodman (01959-522195).

Tea: The Riverside Tea Room in Eynsford is the suggested tea stop - (01322-861551; open to 4pm). There are pub options also mentioned in the directions.

For directions, map and GPS click here

  • Sun, 05-Jun-22

    3 off the posted train and one driver at Eynsford, 1 on a later train caught up just before Otford, so 5 altogether enjoyed a dry day with atmospheric mist in the morning. The former golf course early on in the walk has completely rewilded itself and is a mass of tall grass, trees and shrubs. Several types of orchid were seen as well as daisies, buttercups and umpteen other wild flowers. There were several stretches of path through tunnels of greenery. Despite recent heavy rainfall, paths were dry. Long grasses bordering the paths wet our legs and feet but they soon dried out. Three stopped to eat sandwiches on a hill overlooking Otford, one carried on to catch a train back to London from Otford and the late starter went to the Bull for lunch which she enjoyed before continuing with the sandwichers on the second half of the walk. All four took the high route towards Eynsford with the late starter deciding to branch off to Shoreham to catch a train from there. Three carried on to Eynsford taking only a minor shortcut to the station at the end. Two caught the 17.07 Blackfriars train changing at Bromley South for a fast train to Victoria. A lovely green walk and a great time of year to do it.

  • Wed, 15-Jun-22

    I loved this walk. It was beautiful. I did the shorter afternoon walk. The only issue is that there are squiggles where the numbers for the paragraphs should be in the directions for the alternative walks, so it took me a little while to work out, what section I should be looking at.

  • Thu, 16-Jun-22

    @Unknown (15 June): I'm not sure what you mean by "squiggles". My walk documents need to run some javascript when they load to sort out paragraph numbering, cross-references, etc. If you see directions like "go to [?]", or "..." where you expect to see text, you might have a security setting which is stopping this code from running.

  • Sat, 18-Jun-22

    I suspect it's those cheeky little silcrows e.g.

    If you are doing the longer afternoon route, go to §J.

    Complete the directions at §O.

  • Sat, 18-Jun-22

    Yes the cheeky little silcrows is what I meant!

  • Sat, 18-Jun-22

    Good detective work, Mike A! Yes, I like these cheeky little typograhical symbols. I really should use both silcrows and pilcrows (§=section mark, ¶=paragraph mark)...

  • Sat, 18-Jun-22

    Oh I see! If like me you struggle with this kind of thing, too bad!! Thank you for being kind, respectful and so very clear about that.

Saturday 09-Apr-22

Eynsford to Shoreham

Length: 16 km (9.8 miles) with longer or shorter options.

This starts along a country lane through the secluded Austin Lodge valley, climbing to the isolated settlement of Romney Street. It continues on an undulating section to a ridge with fine views of the Darent valley, from where you descend into Otford , passing its scale model of the Solar System . The village has many interesting old buildings and the full route takes you past the ruins of Otford Palace , a rival to Hampton Court in Tudor times.

For the afternoon leg follow the Shoreham directions (there is also a shorter route that passes through Shoreham) . You can continue on to Eynsford with all route options.

Scroll down the walk directions page for a useful interactive map showing the various options.

Trains: Get the Thameslink 0946 Sevenoaks train from London Blackfriars, arriving 1041. Alternatively, the 0955 Ashford Intl train from Victoria, changing at Swanley arr 1023 for the above train at 1036.

Shoreham has a frequent service variously ending in Victoria, Blackfriars or London Bridge.

Buy a return to Shoreham (which is further down the line from Eynsford), or to Eynsford if doing one of the other options.

Lunch: Otford , after about 8½ km. The walk route joins the High Street opposite the Bull (01959-523198) or a traditional village pub overlooking the pond, the Woodman (01959-522195).

Tea: Shoreham has some pubs & tea rooms, as does Eynsford


  • Sun, 10-Apr-22

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • Sun, 10-Apr-22

    11 off the train, 1 early starter caught up with, so12 altogether on this beautifully sunny and surprisingly warm day in the Darenth Valley. Very little mud made for pleasant walking up to Romney Street and Mount Farm, shortly after which we were rewarded with a magnificent view of Otford and Sevenoaks in, I am convinced, clearer skies than pre-covid. I know a lot of holiday makers were disappointed by their cancelled flights, but it's an ill wind that blows no-one any good.

    Lunch was taken variously at the Bull in Otford or on benches overlooking England's only listed pond, several local cafes providing sandwiches for those who had originally thought it too cold for a picnic lunch. Then, by common consent all (?) took the longer route up the west side of the valley, passing Uranus on the way. (Otford has a large scale model of the solar system scattered around the village and its surroundings - Pluto is about a mile away.) Two newborn lambs and their mother were spotted before tackling the ascent (well, some of us did) to Polhill Bank with, again, great views, before strolling on to Shoreham. A few called it a day here, but it was a beautiful afternoon so others took either the high or low road to Eynsford, those taking the low stopping to admire St Botolph's church in the grounds of Lullingstone Castle, free admission being the main draw.

  • Sun, 10-Apr-22

    I forgot the Nature Notes: as well as white wood anemones, there were plentiful displays of yellow celandines and, in sheltered spots, sheets of bluebells. A kestrel was spotted above Otford, earning its soubriquet of "windhover." A few early butterflies (brimstones) were seen near Shoreham.

Sunday 02-Feb-20

Extra Walk 59c – Eynsford (Short) Circular
Length: 14 km (8.7 miles), with longer afternoon possible (see * below). Toughness: 4/10

10:12 Sevenoaks train from Blackfriars, calling at lots of stations in south London and arriving Eynsford at 11:05.

Alternatively, take the 10:25 Canterbury West train from Victoria and change at Bromley South (arr 10:41, dep 10:48) for the train to Eynsford.

Trains back to Blackfriars are half-hourly at xx:11 & xx:41; change at Bromley South if you want to return to Victoria.

This is a straightforward walk in the Darent valley, southwards along its eastern flank as far as Romney Street and then across an abandoned golf course to the pretty village of Shoreham. This has four pubs competing for your custom so you should be able to get lunch at one of them without difficulty, but pick one and call ahead if you want to be sure of a table.

* The standard afternoon route is along the valley floor back to Eynsford, but if your New Year's Resolution calls for something a little more strenuous you could try the longer afternoon route (option d, an extra 2 km) up the western flank of the valley and along the top of Lullingstone Country Park.

If you want a mid-afternoon stop the standard route passes a café in the Country Park Visitor Centre. Both routes pass a nice tearoom by the river in Eynsford, but if you want to celebrate the end of a dry January there are several pubs nearby.

You'll need to bring the walk directions from the Eynsford Circular walk page. Clicking 'Short' in the Walk Options heading (or the line for options c or d) will hide the directions for the longer walk options via Otford. T=swc.59.d
  • Anonymous
    Tue, 28-Jan-20

    The Mount Vineyard at Shoreham may also be worth a visit and appears to serve food as well as more liquid sustenance...

  • Sun, 02-Feb-20

    On a mild winter's day 10 walkers set off from Eynsford, plus a dog with boundless energy which shot off ahead and seemed to know the route rather better than some of the human participants. Once off the quiet lane away from the station we had to contend with the expected muddy stretches, but nothing was too awful. It was interesting to note that the defunct golf course on the first leg had almost completed reverted to nature, with hardly any trace of its tees and greens. A stiff climb out of the valley here would normally have reduced me to a crawl, but by cunningly offering to take the dog's lead I was whisked up the hill with no effort at all.

    Arriving at Shoreham just before 1pm the pub lunchers plumped for the first hostelry which appeared. I haven't tried the George for a while but the Sunday roasts were excellent; they might have arrived a bit quicker if one of our group hadn't ordered something exotic which took a little longer to prepare, but no-one seemed to be in too much of a hurry.

    Some of the sandwichers had gone on ahead and one or two others seemed to disappear after lunch, but a core group of six set off on the afternoon leg. At the other end of the village the two routes diverge and there was a palpable shock when the walk author announced his intention of doing the longer and hillier option. This didn't meet with unqualified approval but all acquiesced and we returned to Eynsford along the other side of the valley, pausing to admire the magnificent veteran trees in Lullingstone Park and trying to blot out the road noise from the M25, made worse by the stiff breeze coming from that direction. Three went for the 16:41 train, three stopped for a quick reviver in the Plough.

Saturday 16-Mar-19

Length: 21.5km (13.4 miles), but shorter options after lunch of 15.8km (9.8 miles) or 18.8km (11.7 miles)
Toughness: 5 out of 10 T=3.59

9.45 train from Blackfriars (9.50 Elephant & Castle) to Eysnford, arriving 10.41. This train also calls at Denmark Hill 9.58, Peckham Rye 10.01....and lots of other places in south east London.

Alternatively get the 9.55 (Ashford-bound) train from Victoria and change at Bromley South, arriving 10.11, departing 10.23, for the above train.

Buy a day return to Eynsford ("Ains-fud") if you intend to do the whole walk, or Shoreham (Kent) if you want the option of finishing there. Cheaper Thameslink only tickets would be valid, if such are offered, and since lots of the train journey is inside London, boundary zone six tickets give you a huge discount.

For walk directions click here. To save on paper, click the Main link just below the map, or select the individual option that you plan to do. For GPX click here.

We have a lot of walks in the Otford/Shoreham/Eysnford area, but this particular one has rather surprisingly not had a Saturday outing since 2016. It offers lots of options - and I know how some of you love them!! - but for simplicity today I suggest you ignore the shorter ones lunching in Shoreham and do the main walk, which for all walks means an 8km/5 mile morning up over the hills to Otford, where there are two pubs and also a couple of tea rooms (the one by the pond and the one in the Hospices of Hope shop).

After lunch you can either do the main walk (the 13.4 mile option), or curtail it at Shoreham (9.8 miles), or take a flatter route, more directly along the Darent Valley (11.7 miles).

Eysnford has plenty of refreshment opportunities as outlined in the walk directions.

Trains back from Eysnford are at 05 and 35 past. (Allow 15 minutes or so to walk up to the station from the village - it is a bit further than you remember...)
  • Anonymous
    Fri, 15-Mar-19

    There are now 3 tea rooms in Otford, the 3rd being opposite the Hospices of Hope.

  • Sat, 16-Mar-19

    Soon it will be spring. Very very soon. Today it was drizzly and windy , but nicer weather is coming. Nature is on the rise. There are lots of leaf shoots appearing in the hedgerow and we saw plenty of wood anemones and primroses. Larks sang bravely against the grey skies.

    There were 21 of us and as far as I aware we all kept pretty much together until lunch in Otford. There we split a bit. Many went to the largely empty Bull where chain pub meals (perhaps a bit skimpy on the portions) were dispensed speedily by staff in ludicrous St Patrick’s Day hats. Two at least went to the Woodman and we did not see them again (alas). At least two went to the Hospices of Hope tea room.

    After lunch two set off to walk to Sevenoaks, one went off to do her own thing, four or five continued on the main 13 mile walk and nine of us chose the alternative afternoon along the Darent Valley, hoping thus to be somewhat out of the wind. This route was perhaps a bit too easy because we got to the deserted Lullingstone cafe at 3pm. We drank tea, ate cake, added lots more mud to the considerable amount already on their floor, and generally dawdled a bit so as not to finish the walk too early. To salve our honour we climbed up onto the hill before the Roman villa to rejoin the main walk route with its fine view of the railway viaduct.

    After a cosy drink in the Malthouse pub (much smartened up since I last was in it) we got the....whatever train it was we got. It was getting dark anyway so I guess we made full use of the day.

Sunday 09-Jul-17

Extra Walk 59 – Eynsford Circular
Length: 21.5km (13.4 miles) Toughness: 7/10

10:12 Sevenoaks train from Blackfriars (stopping at numerous stations in south-east London, incl Bromley South 10:44) arriving at Eynsford at 11:00.

Or 10:12 Ramsgate train from Victoria, changing at Bromley South (arr 10:30, dep 10:44) arriving at Eynsford at 11:00.

Return trains to Blackfriars are at xx:13 and xx:43 (journey time 51 mins). Change at Bromley South (on the xx:13) or at Swanley (on the xx:43) for a fast train to Victoria. In the afternoon it is possible to shorten the walk by returning from Shoreham station (trains at xx:09 and xx:39). Buy a return to Shoreham if you plan to do this.

Several of our walks are located in the ever-popular Darent Valley and this one intersects in places with some of the others after starting up a secluded valley and along a ridge with fine views around. For lunch there are several pubs and a cafe in Otford. A longer and more varied afternoon route was added to the Main Walk in 2017, and this appears to be its first outing. The original route along the Darent Valley Path has been retained as the ‘shorter afternoon’ option. Other options for shortening the walk are also provided.

Among the interesting buildings passed on the walk, Lullingstone Castle has a Fire Engine Rally today, with historic engines and live fire displays.

You will find the walk directions and other information on the Walk 59 page. Click on your preferred option just below the map to suppress the parts that you won’t need. Or you can download the pdf here.
  • Anonymous
    Thu, 06-Jul-17


    I would love to attend.

    Anyone else with can commit and is "ok" with directions?


  • Sun, 09-Jul-17

    Zak I will be going

  • Anonymous
    Sun, 09-Jul-17

    Coming from Victoria station

  • Sun, 09-Jul-17

    13, hot and sunny , Three opted for a shorter version with lunch at Shoreham. The rest went on for lunch at the Bull in Otford which has a large garden with shady tables and is reasonably efficient on a busy Sunday lunch time. Food is better than many of these larger pub chains. After lunch we took the shortest route to Shoreham hoping for tea and cakes at the church, sadly none this Sunday. Some then took the Darenth Valley path to Eynsford and others got the train from Shoreham. As always a pleasant day out in the Darenth Valley with a walk length to suit all tastes on a hot day.

Saturday 26-Nov-16

Extra Walk 59c – Eynsford (Short) Circular
Length: 14 km (8.7 miles). Toughness: 4/10

10:12 Sevenoaks train from Blackfriars, calling at lots of stations in south London and arriving Eynsford at 11:00. Or take the 10:22 Ashford International train from Victoria and change at Bromley South (arr 10:38, dep 10:44) for the train to Eynsford.

Trains back are half-hourly, at 13 & 43 minutes past. You can change at Bromley South for a fast train to Victoria.

As we were passing a vineyard last month a fellow-walker encouraged me to look for walks with the opportunity to taste some English wines. I'd noticed a new vineyard in the pretty Kent village of Shoreham and the website for The Mount Vineyard could hardly be more welcoming: “why not pop in for a drink mid-walk?” it says, stating that its tasting room is open every Saturday afternoon until Christmas.

This short version of the Eynsford Circular has its lunch stop in Shoreham, so now you've got an extra choice for some mid-walk refreshment. The vineyard isn't (yet) mentioned in the Walk Directions but look for its entrance on the right as you go down Church Street; it's just beyond Ye Olde George Inn, the first of the village's three (or is it four?) pubs. The walk author has carefully made navigation on the afternoon stretch relatively undemanding, so you can afford some thorough research into the wines on offer. And why not buy a bottle or two for Christmas?

There are cafés and tearooms along the afternoon route to revive you, and more pubs too. If you're running out of daylight at the end (sunset is at 4pm) there are a couple of shorter endings you can take.

You'll need to print the walk directions from the Extra Walk 59 page. Clicking 'c. Shorter Circular Walk' under Walk Options will hide the directions for the longer variations via Otford. T=swc.59.c
  • A fellow-walker
    Sat, 26-Nov-16

    Sean, thanks for posting - sorry I won't be joining you on this occasion. Cheers!

  • Anonymous
    Sat, 26-Nov-16

    25 people got off the train with some of them certainly interested in the wine tasting at lunch time. This had been briefly alluded to in the walk posting.

    For all their enthusiasm the pace was relaxed and after about 100 minutes most of us tried the pubs in Shoreham - 12 lunched at The Crown and by general consent reckoned good food with good attitude and good prices and A N Other x 2 said the beer was good - the Crown was good then.

    Whilst we were there we had a report that one walker had gone astray and ended up in Otford for lunch but then rejoined us in the early afternoon by jogging back - so an extra 2 to 3 miles ( or more maybe - we don't know how lost he really was ) and by jogging used about twice the calories that we all did.

    After lunch it seemed that some had enjoyed the wine tasting as they greeted us with beaming smiles and a bit of giggling and possibly a stumble or two - this included the walks author and someone who had driven but by the time we had got back to Eynsford and had tea and cake surely the tippling had worn off.

    Speaking of tea - the Riverside tea room ( not actually on the riverside ) in Eynsford was good with a selection of teas, coffees, cakes and ice cream which was enjoyed by many but not really needed it only being an hour or so since lunch.

    A 15 minute walk back to the train meant that 12 of us caught the 16.43 back home ( and three went off by car ) - bit of an old cattle truck of a train but at least it was running

    The other 10 - no idea what happened to them but trust that they either had a longer imbibing session in Shoreham or a shorter lunch time and got a train before us

    The views throughout the day were nice though visibility was poor at times but most of the autumnal leaf colour is now on the ground .

    A little muddy in places but surprisingly pleasant for this time of year with only one that I know of taking a tumble - but he took it in good heart and didn't seem any worse for it though by all accounts it was quite decorative.

    That'll do then - signing off - TTFN as JY used to say

    Pa King

    PS the weather started grey and misty gradually clearing in the afternoon and it wasn't too cold

  • Sat, 26-Nov-16

    To add to Pa King's slightly scurrilous report, about ten lunched at the George in Shoreham and this pub too got good marks. Several then made the small detour to The Mount Vineyard which couldn't have been more welcoming (sorry you missed this, 'fellow-walker'). They offered free tasting of their five wines with no pressure to buy, but as the product proved to be eminently drinkable it was no hardship to purchase a couple of bottles. Other visitors were enjoying plates of nibbles and the owners plan to open a restaurant on the premises, so this could even become an up-market lunch stop.

    A little later, another detour into Castle Farm's Hop Shop led to more foodie purchases. And finally, full marks to the Riverside Tea Rooms for welcoming a large influx of walkers ten minutes before their published closing time and cheerfully staying open an extra half-hour to serve everyone tea, cakes and scones.

  • River Lady
    Sun, 27-Nov-16

    Four enjoyed lunch at the friendly King's Arms and two visited the ruins of Eynsford Castle before arriving at the tea shop at the same time as the others.

Monday 30-May-16

Extra Walk 59: Eynsford Circular – A Contrast between hidden valleys in the North Downs and the Darent Valley Path through three interesting villages.

Distance: 12.1 Miles

Difficulty: 5 out of 10

This walk has been moved from its original spot on Saturday to Bank Holiday Monday to even up numbers while SWC walkers are in Scotland.
Train: Take the 9:42 Thameslink train towards Sevenoaks from London Blackfriars, arriving at Eynsford at 10:30.

You can also get the 9.52 from Victoria to Bromley South, arriving 10.08, to connect with the Blackfriars train there at 10.14.

Buy a day return to Eynsford.
This walks explores some hidden valleys in the North Downs and also takes the Darent Valley Path through three interesting villages along the river. There are options to extend and shorten the walk. More information and the walk instructions can be found here.
Lunch is in Otford (about 5.5 miles into the walk) where there are a couple of pubs from which to choose. The recommended tea stop is the Riverside Tea Rooms and there are also several pubs in Eynsford for stronger refreshment.

Return trains from Eynsford are at 13 and 43 minutes past the hour until 22:13.
Enjoy the walk!
  • Marion
    Fri, 27-May-16

    Intend going

  • Anonymous
    Sun, 29-May-16

    anyone interested in taking the short cut to Shoreham?

  • Marion
    Wed, 01-Jun-16

    13 started in dry, cloudy weather at a fast pace. 2 joined later at lunchtime in the Bull, having been denied boarding at Victoria due to defective ticket machines The Woodman could only offer burgers and hotdogs as the Otford village fair was in mid-swing but the Bull was fully booked in the restaurant but made up a table for 9 in the bar.. Fast and reliable food service.

    2 walkers were sporting deep tanned complexions from the Scottish trip which seems to have had the best weather in the UK and a jolly good time in the heat of the bare and boggy munros. Very pretty walk with lots of buttercups. 2 took the short cut to Shoreham.

  • Anonymous
    Wed, 01-Jun-16


Sunday 27-Sep-15

Mr M Tiger
Mr M Tiger
Eynsford Circular SWC walk 59
12.5 miles 19.5km Difficulty 5/10
8.7 mile 14 km Difficulty 4/10
A walk in the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty returning along the Darent Valley.
The standard version of this walk (M) is 12.5 miles with lunch in Otford. There's also a shorter 8.7 mile version (c) that skips Otford and heads to Shoreham for lunch.
Attractions en route include Castle Farm's Hop Shop which sells hoppy and lavendery stuff – good ice cream too, so people say. Lullingstone Roman Villa (definitely worth a visit and open till 6 in summer, cost £6:60), Eagle Heights Bird of Prey Centre open to 5, cost £8.95. If you're lucky, you may see the occasional bird flying over the walk. A detour nearer the end will take you to the ruins of Eynsford Castle.
Train 09:36 Canterbury West train from Victoria (Bromley South, 9:53) arriving Eynsford 10:09
Return from Eynsford at xx:48. If you decide to finish at Shoreham, trains return at xx:45
Long walk: Reports suggest the Crown in Otford has closed. There are still two pubs nearby The Woodman 01529 522 195 and The Bull, 01529 523 198. We've not used either recently so feedback would be appreciated.
Short walk: Ye Olde George Inn 01959 522017 in Shoreham is on the walk route. You also have the Kings Arms 01959 523100 and The Crown 01959 522903 round the corner on the High Street
Lullingstone Park Visitor Centre has a café 01322 865995 open till 5.
In Eynsford ,you have the Riverside tea room 01322 861551, the Malt Shovel 01322 862164, the Five Bells 01322 863135 and the Castle Hotel 01322 863162.
Directions available here
  • Fri, 25-Sep-15

    I can't make it so early, but definitely going to do it two hours later, arriving Eynsford at 12:09. If anyone interested and would like to join me.

  • Sat, 26-Sep-15


    I'm a first timer, could you just confirm where we're supposed to meet? Is it at the station?


  • Anonymous
    Sat, 26-Sep-15

    I am also interested in doing this walk later but not definite as stomach is upset todayjfk

    Can you bring instructions B arbara Thanks

    This computer is up the spout

  • Red Rambler
    Sat, 26-Sep-15

    Hello Sofia, yes people meet at the station on the platform,

    I hope to walk tomorrow,


  • Sat, 26-Sep-15

    Sorry for the late reply,

    yes, the train from Victoria at 11:36 arriving Eynsford at 12:09

    Looking forward to meet you at the platform.

  • Sat, 26-Sep-15

    Thanks Maggie!

    I'm intending to go at 10:09, hope some else too?

    See you tomorrow!

  • Tue, 29-Sep-15

    SWC Inspector's Report 2015/09/27/3/59/Eynsford Circular. 9 walkers. Sunny .

    Yet again this inspector failed to rendezvous with a punishingly early train. Instead he plotted a cunning route from a different starting point, aiming to intercept the group shortly before Otford. This worked perfectly and contact was duly made with eight walkers (including a few newcomers), who reported that a ninth had sped on ahead. There were also rumours of a small group two hours behind, but no sightings.

    As the Crown was reported to be closed we tried the Bull for lunch. At this Chef & Brewer inn food comes off a suspiciously fast production line; after ordering at the bar some walkers found their order defrosted, cooked and assembled almost before they'd returned to the table. Quality nothing special, but acceptable. On our way out of the village we then discovered that a new tenant had just taken over at the Crown, but its kitchen won't be up and running for at least a month. Until then, the Woodman might be worth a try.

    In the afternoon the inspector honoured the group with his presence as far as Shoreham, decided his job was done and left them to it.