Haslemere to Farnham walk

A wooded ridge, Temple of the Four Winds, Gibbet Hill, Devil's Punch Bowl, Highcomb Bottom, Thursley & Hankley Commons, Atlantic Wall, River Wey, Waverley Abbey's ruins


This is a list of previous times this walk has been done by the club (since Jan 2010). For more recent events (since April 2015), full details are shown.

Date Option Post # Weather
Sun, 19-May-24 Sunday Walk - Wooded Ridges and Sandy Heathlands: Haslemere to Farnham 4
Sat, 07-Oct-23 Saturday Walk - Wooded Ridges and Sandy Heathlands: Haslemere to Farnham 5
Sat, 03-Sep-22 Farnham to Haslemere 2 overcast and showery in the morning dry and sunny in the afternoon
Sat, 10-Jul-21 Haslemere to Farnham 4 rain
Sun, 11-Aug-19 In the steps of the unknown sailor and across a heathery heath (Haslemere to Farnham) 12 beautiful sunshine and a light breeze
Sat, 15-Sep-18 Saturday Walk - Wooded Ridges and Sandy Heathlands: Haslemere to Farnham 7 sunny with a breeze
Wed, 30-Aug-17 Heather near Haslemere 8 light rain quickly turning heavier and more persistent
Sat, 25-Feb-17 Saturday Walk: Haslemere - Farnham (New Routing, With Options, Fully Written Up) !Now Bigger, Brighter, Better! 19 windy with rain late afternoon
Sat, 10-Dec-16 Saturday Second Walk - Haslemere to Farnham via Devil’s Punch Bowl 15 drizzly early and late dry inbetween
Wed, 27-Jun-12 Haslemere to Farnham
Length: 23.6 km (14.7 mi) [many longer and shorter options including a circular route back to Haslemere]
Ascent/Descent: 433/496m
Net Walking Time: 5 ¼ hours
Toughness: 6/10
Take the 09.30 Portsmouth Harbour train from Waterloo (09.39 CJ, 10.12 Woking, 10.18 G’ford), arrives Haslemere 10.29.
Return trains from Farnham are on xx.00 (69 minutes) and xx.30 (64 minutes).
Buy a Haslemere return, you may then have to buy a separate Farnham – Woking single.
The route leads out of Haslemere in a northerly direction along the quietest and shortest possible route to ascend through Coombswell Copse and along the wooded Invall ridge up to Hurt Hill and the Temple of the Four Winds, the ruin of an early 20th century belvedere, and one of several viewpoints with striking vistas. Turn westerly up to Gibbet Hill (the second highest top in Surrey), with more far reaching views, out to the North Downs and London, as well as back to Black Down and to the South Downs.
Skirt around the Devil’s Punchbowl along the course of the old A3 and descend into the remote Highcomb Bottom, a stunning sandy heathland valley to re-join the Greensand Way to Thursley.
Its common (a NNR) is one of the largest heathlands as well as one of the last lowland peat bogs in southern Britain and an optional extension gives you prolonged exposure to it. Next up is Hankley Common, another large heathland, and mostly MOD terrain, for an exploration of a D-Day training site with a replica section of The Atlantic Wall and assorted other defensive structures.
On to the picturesque village of Tilford with its pub and cricket pitch on the green, followed by quiet woodland paths and lanes along the River Wey’s North Branch into Farnham, with an optional extension past Waverley Abbey House to Waverley Abbey’s ruins along the way.
Elenvenses/Lunch: Café and Hotel Pub at The Devil’s Punch Bowl, The Three Horseshoes in Thursley (10.5 km/6.5 mi, food to 15.00), or The Duke of Cambridge in Tilford Common (15.9 km/9.9 mi, food all day) or The Barley Mow in Tilford (17.5 km/10.9 mi, food to 16.00).
Tea: Tilford Village Shop, The Mulberry (food to 20.00), The Lamb or The William Cobbet.
For summary, map, height profile, photos, walk directions and gpx/kml files click here. T=swc.144
  • 22-May-24

    4 , I hear

  • 25-May-24

    Four at the station but intrepid 3 departed and walked the full length of the walk. Lovely weather, with not a cloud in sight. On we went, climbing the hills and crossing the fields until lunch in the Three Horseshoes. It was tasty, but pricy. Future walkers of a smaller stature or appetite may opt for children’s portions as they are available even to those who left their childhood far behind. We took a small shortcut to visit the church just before lunch and admired Saxon parts of the building. Off we went again, though the reserve and the golf course, before taking a break in Tilford Village Green where we caught the very last of a cricket match. After a solid trod of nearly 23km we reached the station and departed for London. Solid walk, with 4h45m walk time (plus lunch break), so not for the faint of heart or legs.

Length: 23.6 km (14.7 mi) [many longer and shorter options]
Ascent/Descent: 433/496m
Net Walking Time: 5 ¼ hours
Toughness: 6/10
Take the 09.27 Portsmouth Harbour train from Waterloo (09.55 Woking, 10.03 G’ford), arrives Haslemere 10.20. From Clapham J take the 09.27 Axminster train to Woking (09.47/09.55).
Return trains from Farnham are hourly xx.04 (chg Guildford), xx.28 (direct, but save 14 mins by changing at Woking) and xx.58 (direct, but save 20 mins by changing at Woking).
Buy a Haslemere return, you then may have to buy a separate Farnham – Woking single.
The route leads out of Haslemere in a northerly direction along the quietest and shortest possible route to ascend through Coombswell Copse and along the wooded Invall ridge up to Hurt Hill and the Temple of the Four Winds, the ruin of an early 20th century belvedere, and one of several viewpoints with striking vistas. Turn westerly up to Gibbet Hill (the second highest top in Surrey), with more far reaching views, out to the North Downs and London, as well as back to Black Down and to the South Downs.
Skirt around the Devil’s Punchbowl along the course of the old A3 and descend into the remote Highcomb Bottom, a stunning sandy heathland valley to re-join the Greensand Way to Thursley.
Its common (a NNR) is one of the largest heathlands as well as one of the last lowland peat bogs in southern Britain and an optional extension gives you prolonged exposure to it. Next up is Hankley Common, another large heathland, and mostly MOD terrain, for an exploration of a D-Day training site with a replica section of The Atlantic Wall and assorted other defensive structures.
On to the picturesque village of Tilford with its pub and cricket pitch on the green, followed by quiet woodland paths and lanes along the River Wey’s North Branch into Farnham, with an optional extension past Waverley Abbey House to Waverley Abbey’s ruins along the way.
Elenvenses/Lunch: Café and Hotel Pub at The Devil’s Punch Bowl, The Three Horseshoes in Thursley (10.5 km/6.5 mi, food to 14.30), or The Duke of Cambridge in Tilford Common (15.9 km/9.9 mi, food all day) or The Barley Mow in Tilford (17.5 km/10.9 mi, food to 15.00).
Tea: Tilford Village Shop, The Mulberry, The Lamb or The William Cobbet.
For summary, map, height profile, walk directions and gpx/kml files click here. T=swc.144
  • 07-Oct-23

    Unofficial walk report (walk Author notified)

    3 disembarked the train at Haslemere which soon became 1(me) and a group of 2. The solo walker took the gentle approach to Gibbet Hill via Devils Punchbowl and the National Trust cafe. The weather was a treat (barmy October) and solo walker was treated to amazing views (though probably not the best view as those might have been reserved for the hot air balloon trips). Spending more time around Hindhead common areas and wishing to see the A3 tunnel I made by way onto Thursley via some diversions. Here some of the walkers had finished lunch (Three Horse shoes) and we were briefly together before again separating. Post Thursley with numerous options available to the walkers, I visited the Atlantic Wall before heading towards Hankley common golf club and a late lunch stop (the Duke of Cambridge). Onwards replenished and rehydrated I headed to Tilford (an idyllic village green although no sports were being played). Village Pubs were open but needing to press on I continued to Waverley and took opportunity to visit the amazing Waverley abbey ruins. The final stretch beckoned and the route rolled into Farnham smoothly. Overall with this walk being filled with many options group cohesion was hindered. However it was an opportunity to improve navigational skills which I enjoyed.

    Late submission from our adventurous walker who did the main walk as he felt in good walking form:

    Three started the walk together at Haslemere Station with one driver joining a few minutes after the start and another who had parked nearer the lunch stop making 5 in total. The 5 never walked together though as one walker ventured out alone on the early extension towards Devil’s PunchBowl which by all accounts (1!) was worthwhile and was only seen again once, fleetingly. 4 stuck to the main walk until lunch coming across other walking groups and several DoEers.

    3 lunched at Three Horse Shoes where multiple species of butterfly were observed in a sun drenched beer garden, 1 diverted to picnic at the church and was not seen again, the adventurous one had a late lunch at Duke of Cambridge.

    With one driver departing after lunch and the picnicker not seen again, 2 set off towards Farnham meeting the lone walker shortly after the pub. Short extensions to Hankley Common and Waverley Abbey were worthy additions.

Sat, 03-Sep-22 : Farnham to Haslemere 2

Length: 24km (15m)
Toughness: 6 / 10
Transport: Take either the 8:54 from London Waterloo (destination Alton), arriving in Farnham at 9:55, or the 9:00 (destination Portmouth Harbour) and change in Woking onto the earlier train. Trains from Haslemere at xx:02, xx:14 and xx:30. Farnham and Haslemere are on two different lines diverging at Woking, so you might be asked to buy a single from Haslemere to Woking on your return.

This is an interesting and varied walk passing an Abbey ruin, heathland, peat bogs and in the end climbing up to Gibbet Hill on Hindhead Common with great views. This posting is the reverse of SWC.144 for the simple reason that the poster prefers to end the walk in Haslemere with its options of Tea rooms and pubs. Lunch can be had after 7km at The Duke of Cambridge in Tilford or after 14km at the Three Horseshoes in Thursley. Booking recommended for either of them if you want to sit inside.

  • 03-Sep-22

    2 walkers met in Farnham. After a quick detour to the atmospheric Waverley abbey ruins we walked to Thursley for lunch. The heather on Hankley and Thursley commons is partially burned. Random natural event or a carelessly thrown cigarette butt or carelessly used barbecue ? After lunch we climbed through lovely woodlands up to Gibbet Hill and Hurt Hill (Temple of the Four Winds) and then descended into Haslemere for a relaxing cup of tea and slice of cake at Hemmingways. overcast and showery in the morning dry and sunny in the afternoon .

Sat, 10-Jul-21 : Haslemere to Farnham 4

Length: 23km
Toughness: 7 / 10
Transport: Take the 9:00 from London Waterloo arriving in Haslemere at 9:53. Returns from Farnham at xx:28 and xx:58. Buy a day return to Haslemere. You might need to buy a single from Farnham to Woking on return.

This is a varied and interesting walk across the hills north of Haslemere including the devil's punchbowl, heathland, MoD land with replica of the atlantic defense wall and finally a ruined abbey.

You can register for this walk for track+trace purposes at https://www.lwug.co.uk/

  • Anonymous

    Despite the weather forecast or due to a desination with the less rain forecast, 4 turned up at Haslemere station (three regulars, reunited after some weeks apart, and one new walker who missed us at the station, but whom we bumped into later). The woodland provided some cover from the rain, along with the scent of pines and the sound of raindrops. Muddy paths not too bad. Strange to imagine the A3 once cut through the valley. Not many views to be had in the morning due to the mist and trees in full leaf, except from Gibbet's Hill, but weather cleared up later. Three picnicked in Thor's Thursley, the fourth sped off for a pub lunch booking. Quite a long stretch after lunch, including through the eerie MOD land and the lovely, quiet Thursley Common NNR (with flowering heather and white bog cotton or cotton grass seen near the ponds part of which had been closed off). Heard/saw a couple of stonechats there, but not much other wildlife, such as the damsel or dragonflies. Later, took a break at The Barley Mow where there was a cricket match underway no less (is it always there?) and the sun got quite hot (talk about extremes) before the final stretch. A long walk (15m?) but needed and in good company.

    rain (medium) and humid / muggy with some sun later.


SWC Walk 144: Haslemere to Farnham via remote heathery heathlands T=swc.144

Length: 14.7 Miles or 23.6 km for those more metrically minded (various options exist to lengthen or shorten the walk – see walk instructions for details)

Difficulty: 7 out of 10

Train: Take the 9:30 AM South Western Portsmouth Harbour train from London Waterloo arriving in Haslemere at 10:32. Return trains from Farnham are hourly and half-hourly until 23:00. Buy a day return to Haslemere (you may then need a separate Farnham to Woking single).

This walk is chalk full of variety and interest….from the fine view points of the Temple of the Four Winds and Gibbet Hill (the second highest point in Surrey) around the Devil’s Punchbowl then across heathery heathland with interesting World War II relics and finally to the romantic ruins of Waverley Abbey before arriving in Farnham. Fortunately, there are plenty of opportunities for resting and rehydrating along this journey….Also, interestingly, the early part of the route passes by a few landmarks associated with the poignant tale of the unknown sailor. More information and the walk instructions can be found here.

The suggested lunch stop is the Three Horseshoes in Thursley, 6.5 miles/10.5 km into the walk (a booking has been made) and suggested afternoon refreshment stop is the Barley Mow in Tilford. On arrival in Farnham, there are numerous options for post walk bevies….the Mulberry near the station and the William Cobbett a short distance further on are two recommendations….See walk instructions for details….

Enjoy the walk!
  • Sandy

    12 on this great walk, including 1 or 2 newcomers I think. We enjoyed beautiful sunshine and a light breeze and impressive heathery colours. Most partook of refreshments of some kind in the nice garden of the 3 Horseshoes at lunchtime, where Sunday roasts went down well I believe. Everyone did both Thursley Common extensions and at least half the walkers also visited the "Atlantic Wall." There were some weary legs by the time we got to a welcome afternoon stop in the garden of the Barley Mow, after which the group I was with made good time on the final leg from Tilford to Farnham where the William Cobbett was also visited before we got the 1900 train. Thanks to all for a top day out.

  • 12-Aug-19

    To echo Sandy's report, it was a real delight to do this walk with her best finery on show...seas of purple glimmering in the sun...but also lots of variation along the route....a really great day out....

Length: 23.6 km (14.7 mi) [many longer and shorter options]
Ascent/Descent: 384/447m; Net Walking Time: 5 ½ hours
Toughness: 7/10
Take the 09.30 Portsmouth Harbour train from Waterloo (09.55 Woking, 10.03 G’ford), arrives Haslemere 10.22. From Clapham take the 09.27 Salisbury/Exeter St. David’s train to Woking (09.46).
Return trains from Farnham are hourly xx.27 to 20.27 (change at Woking). [Later in the evening a bus replacement service kicks in from Farnham.]
Buy a Haslemere return, you then may have to buy a separate Farnham – Woking single.

The route leads out of Haslemere in a northerly direction along the quietest and shortest possible route to ascend through Coombswell Copse and along the wooded Invall ridge up to Hurt Hill and the Temple of the Four Winds, the ruin of an early 20th century belvedere, and one of several viewpoints with striking vistas. Turn westerly up to Gibbet Hill (the second highest top in Surrey), with more far reaching views, out to the North Downs and London, as well as back to Black Down and to the South Downs.
Skirt around the Devil’s Punchbowl along the course of the old A3 and descend into the remote Highcomb Bottom, a stunning sandy heathland valley to re-join the Greensand Way to Thursley.
Its common (a NNR) is one of the largest heathlands as well as one of the last lowland peat bogs in southern Britain and an optional extension gives you prolonged exposure to it. Next up is Hankley Common, another large heathland, and mostly MOD terrain, for an exploration of a D-Day training site with a replica section of The Atlantic Wall and assorted other defensive structures. On to the picturesque village of Tilford with its pub and cricket pitch on the green, followed by quiet woodland paths and lanes along the River Wey’s North Branch into Farnham, with an optional extension past Waverley Abbey House to Waverley Abbey’s ruins along the way.
Lunch: The Three Horseshoes in Thursley (10.5 km/6.5 mi, food to 14.30), or The Duke of Cambridge in Tilford Common (15.9 km/9.9 mi, food to 15.30) or The Barley Mow in Tilford (17.5 km/10.9 mi, food to 15.00).
Tea: Tilford Village Shop, The Mulberry, The Lamb or The Waverley Arms.
For summary, map, height profile, walk directions and gpx/kml files click here. T=swc.144
  • 13-Sep-18

    Trains times amended with the Strike Timetable's Info. Clapham Junction options not yet clear. Will check again tomorrow.

  • 14-Sep-18

    Clapham option added as per the SWT Strike Timetable.

  • 15-Sep-18

    7 walkers (only) in sunny with a breeze weather on this varied walk. The early woods felt quite autumnal in fact, despite the leaves not quite turning, but the mushrooms/fungi were out in force, in all shapes and colours (bright red!). The views from the various viewpoints from the wooded ridges, the Temple of the Four Winds, Gibbet Hill and Highcomb Bottom were clear and far (although not quite good enough to see London). The heather and gorse were colourful, the long-horned Highland Coos (if that's what they were) pretty and docile. In Thursley 3 went to the Three Horseshoes for very taste lunch in the large garden, joined there later by the picnickers. And on we strode: through Thursley Common (incl. the extension and the extension-within-the-extension were walked and much enjoyed by all), then on to The Atlantic Wall, which 3 had a close look at. 6 stopped at The Barley Mow for refreshments in the riverside garden and all those also walked the extension to the Waverley Abbey ruins. 18.27 train for all. Back in London b4 half seven. All journeys were on time as per the revised strike day schedule. A brilliant day.

Wed, 30-Aug-17 : Heather near Haslemere 8
SWC Walk 144: Haslemere Circular

Distance: Approximately 15.5 miles or 25 km for those more metrically minded

Difficulty: 7 out of 10

Train: Take the 10:00 AM Portsmouth Harbor train from London Waterloo to arrive at Haslemere at 10:48. Return trains from Haslemere are three or four times an hour until about 22:00. Buy a day return to Haslemere.

The height of heather season seemed the perfect opportunity to explore this particular walk option which has never been done before….. Initially, we will follow the “main route” of walk SWC 144 from Haslemere to Thursley via Gibbet Hill. After lunch, we will then continue along the route to Thursley Common and explore the “extension within the extension” which should -- at this time of year -- be ablaze in purple heather. At the end of the extension, we will then mostly reverse walk the various “short cuts” and “alternate start” back to Halsemere via the Devil’s Punch Bowl (with one little exploratory stretch to avoid repeating the Greensand Way). You can find more information about the walk and download the walk instructions here.

The recommended lunch spot is the lovely community-owned Three Horseshoes (01252 703 268) in Thursely (6.5 miles/10.5 km into the walk) which serves food until 3:00pm. Tea and late afternoon refreshments can be had at the Devil’s Punchbowl Café (2.8 miles/4.5 km from the end of the walk). Further post walk libations can be had at a number of hostelries in Haslemere.

Enjoy the walk!

  • Anonymous

    I did a walk across the heathlands in Haslemere last week and can report the heather is in full bloom and looking fantastic.

  • 29-Aug-17

    Looks wet tomorrow so we plan to shorten it a bit by joining you somewhere around NT cafe / Gibbet Hill and also finishing at NT Punchbowl cafe. J and J

  • 31-Aug-17

    On yet another wet Wednesday, 6 walkers assembled on the platform in Haslemere to explore a new circular variant of this walk (taking advantage of the various options in the instructions) in light rain quickly turning heavier and more persistent requiring a pit stop to don waterproof trousers under the rail bridge...We took the main route up to Gibbet Hill where the views were muted but still expansive -- all looking quite different dressed in the foliage of high summer (as compared to mid-winter -- when the walk was last done). As we approached the Devil's Punch Bowl the floral highlight of the walk became apparent as the hillsides where covered in heather -- slightly passed its prime, making a mottled collection of purple and orange hues. Arriving in Thursley (a bit damp) we found 2 others comfortably ensconced in the pub, making for a total of 8 on the walk. After a leisurely lunch we set off in lighter drizzle to explore the extension within the extension and were treated with another wonderfully colorful display of heather and other heathland flora. The route interestingly took us on a boardwalk out over the heart of a very watery looking bog. Heading back to Haslemere we explored an alternate route where we encountered some frisky young bulls and also navigated most of the short-cuts backwards to avoid overlap with the outward journey. Somewhere along the way the rain stopped and skies started to clear generating some good views from the various viewpoints on the return leg. Back in Haslemere around 18:00 -- most headed for the train while two enjoyed a gin and tonic at the nearby railway inn pub and caught the 19:02. All in all an enjoyable day out on an interesting and varied variant of the walk.....

A wooded ridge out of town, Invall Wood, Hurt Hill, The Temple of the Four Winds, Gibbet Hill, the Devil’s Punchbowl, Highcomb Bottom heathland valley, Thursley and Hankley Commons, lowland peat bog, The Atlantic Wall, Thursley and Tilford villages, the Wey Valley, Waverley Castle, the North Downs Way into Farnham [Walk-Check]
Length: 24.0 km (15.0 mi) [longer and shorter walk possible]
Ascent/Descent: 407/470m; Net Walking Time: 5 ½ hours
Toughness: 7/10
Consult the pdf for details of the walk options.
Take the 09.00 Portsmouth Harbour train from Waterloo (09.25 Woking, 09.34 G’ford), arrives Haslemere 09.48.
From Clapham J take the 08.52 stopping service (arrives H’mere 09.45) or the 08.57 fast train to Woking and change there onto the Waterloo train.
Return trains from Farnham are on xx.28 and xx.58, journey time just short of an hour.
Buy a Haslemere return ticket, you then may have to buy a separate Farnham – Woking single.

The route leads out of Haslemere in a northerly direction along the quietest and shortest possible route to ascend through Coombswell Copse and along the wooded Invall ridge up to Hurt Hill and the Temple of the Four Winds, the ruin of an early 20th century belvedere, and one of several viewpoints with striking vistas. Turn westerly up to Gibbet Hill (the second highest top in Surrey), with more far reaching views, out to the North Downs and London, as well as back to Black Down and to the South Downs.
Skirt around the Devil’s Punchbowl along the course of the old A3 and descend into the remote Highcomb Bottom, a stunning sandy heathland valley to re-join the Greensand Way to Thursley.
Its common (a NNR) is one of the largest heathlands as well as one of the last lowland peat bogs in southern Britain and an optional extension gives you prolonged exposure to it. Next up is Hankley Common, another large heathland, and mostly MOD terrain, for an exploration of a D-Day training site with a replica section of The Atlantic Wall and assorted other defensive structures. On to the picturesque village of Tilford with its pub and cricket pitch on the green, followed by quiet woodland paths and lanes along the River Wey’s North Branch into Farnham, with an optional extension past Waverley Abbey House to Waverley Abbey’s ruins along the way.

Lunch: The Three Horseshoes in Thursley (10.5 km/6.5 mi, food to 14.30), or The Duke of Cambridge in Tilford Common (15.9 km/9.9 mi, food to 15.30) or The Barley Mow in Tilford (17.5 km/10.9 mi, food to 14.30). Tea: Tilford Village Shop, The Mulberry, The Lamb or The Waverley Arms.

For summary, map, height profile, walk directions and gpx/kml files click here.T=swc.144
  • 21-Feb-17

    Intend going.

  • Sandy

    Me 2

  • 25-Feb-17

    19 on this walk, impressive given its 9am train departure, though I hear one went to the wrong platform and ended up on the next train. This is a very "wild" walk for the South East - a big range of hills to cross to start and then acres of heath: not that many green fields. One might almost have been in Scotland, especially as the weather was windy with rain late afternoon . It would be a wonderful walk in August when the heather is in flower.

    There were lots of walk options, starting just 250 metres from the station and coming thick and fast thereafter. I think we all stuck to the main walk but I confess I was inattentive to the directions for long periods. Some certainly succumbed to extensions and diversions and even extensions to extensions. Interesting to see the "Atlantic Wall" where D-Day was practised and I hear that the ruins of Waverley Abbey were worth the 1.5km sidetrack. This is another reason it would be nice to do this walk in summer, when there would be more daylight to take it all in.

    Lunch was delayed to the Duke of Cambridge, 10 miles into the walk. It was full to the brim but we squeezed in here and there and eventually parlayed a sizeable table. Nine of us went to the William Cobbet pub in Farnham and had a long and interesting discussion about this and that. I also hobbled on my blisters to Cafe Nero in the High Street for tea.

    Wine was drunk on the train home.

  • 25-Feb-17

    Being a bit hungover and so ever so slightly anti-social I decided to attempt the afternoon alone with just a GPX track for company, and found the walk very easy to navigate, heavily wooded, tranquil and a balm to the soul in doubled times. Thank you for posting

  • Karen

    Would highly recommend walkers follow the extension (to the extension) along the boardwalk out across the marshland on Thursley Common. A very lovely environment to wander through. Might be a nice re-post for the longer summer days when the heather is in bloom and the dragonflies in flight.

    Lovely day out.

  • Anonymous

    Wonderful walk. Hope to do it again soon.

Length: 21.8 km (13.6 mi) [cut out 800m by omitting Waverley Abbey]
Ascent/Descent: 301/364m; Net Walking Time: 5 hours
Toughness: 5/10
Take the 09.00 Portsmouth Harbour train from Waterloo (09.25 Woking), arrives Haslemere 09.48.
From Clapham take either the 08.52 stopping service (arrives H’mere 09.45) or the 08.57 to Woking, and change onto the 09.00 Waterloo departure.
Return trains are on xx.28 and xx.58, journey time from 57 mins (shave off a few mins by changing at Woking).
Buy a Haslemere return, but you may have to buy an additional Farnham – Woking single on the way back.
This is a map led walk.
This walk follows the Greensand Way from its start in Haslemere to Hindhead Common and the Devil's Punch Bowl, from where it is a short and easy stroll to the summit of Gibbet Hill (272m), which has fine views and a memorial to a murdered sailor who was waylaid here. The walk then follows the Greensand Way to Thursley, along a ridge of the hill vacated by the A3 (which now runs in a tunnel). The route then crosses the remote Thursley, Hankley and Elstead commons through heather and bracken to lunch in Tilford. You now follow the route of the Book 1 Farnham walk in reverse along a series of forested trails to Waverley, where you can optionally visit the ruined Waverley Abbey, and then along the North Downs Way through a very pretty forested river valley to Farnham.
Elenvenses: The National Trust’s Devil’s Punch Bowl Café (4.1 km/2.6 mi).
Lunch: The Duke of Cambridge in Tilford Common (13.2 km/8.2 mi, food to 15.30) or The Barley Mow (15.1 km/9.4 mi), food to 14.30) in Tilford.
For summary, map, height profile and gpx/kml files click here.
  • 04-Nov-16

    Intend going.

  • pia

    will only come if there are guaranteed and generous stops at Hell's corner for large latte, Countess of Cambridge for some posh luncheon, and a some creamy cakes at the barracks. all this done at my leisurely pace.

  • 08-Dec-16

    That's the idea, although not sure about the 'latte', surely that will just slow you down? how about a Red Bull instead?

  • 10-Dec-16

    15 walkers on this map-led walk, in drizzly early and late dry inbetween weather, the routing of which we immediately agreed to amend, trying to avoid some of the tarmac-heavy stretches. So through Haslemere to connect to the Greensand Way as quickly as possible, then up onto Hindhead Common. The 4 fast walkers had already taken a wrong turning by then and were not seen again (they got to Farnham in tine for the 14.58 train, apparently, so God knows what route they took).

    The rest of the group then stopped at the Devil's Bowl Cafe for the promised elenvenses and were surprised to get some views into the Bowl after the break, as the clouds had lifted sufficiently. Follow the old course of the A3 around the Bowl and descend to Thursley, where most of us then avoided the long tarmac lane through the village, and instead took the alternative, and longer, field boundary route.

    2 had been ahead and followed the tarmac to then dive into the 3 Horseshoes for 'aperitifs'.

    On through Hankley Common (how nice!) to Tilford Common and the Duke of Cambridge (only tables outside available), so after some debate, on we moved to the Barley Mow on the green in Tilford in a great setting (think Lurgashall with a bit more traffic) and a lovely and fast lunch.

    Just a bit more walking left to deal with, for 5 of us including the out-and-back to Waverley Abbey (always worth a detour, methinks), and the North Downs Way route into Farnham rather than the gpx-prescribed through-the-town route and then a drink for 6 of us at either the Waverley Arms or the Mulberry.

    A very nice route, if a bit heavy on tarmac, some of which could probably be tweaked out. 3 good pubs en route. What's not to like? Will be great in better weather and with views, or when the heather is at its best. 24 km walked. 17.28 train for the last of us.

  • pia

    c.14? with light rain in the morning and surprisingly dry sky the rest of the day.

    Great walk not quite at a leisurely pace but TG kept the group together, as far as people wanted to (there were the usual runaways) and his promise: we had teas/coffees and mince pies in some pristine NT Caff; here we instantly lost c. 4 walkers who do not appreciate the occasional social stop and refuel; then onwards to the Duchess of C who was having a rest after a stressful morning playing with George and Charlotte, so we went to the miao miao which, contrary to its name, had three huge dogs visiting and excellent beers (hearsay) and food, brought at great speed (the only time I actually appreciate speed; it was 2pm mind you). Onwards for the last leg, and at the abbey ruins we lost the head party, TG & Co, while Pete, Jacky, Martin, Caroline & friend decided to head for the station to make it in daylight. Martin, who was reading the instructions backwards and no doubt correctly, stuck to wonderful paths, while Pete & I, following the familiar pink line, aka that trustworthy instrument GPS, headed a slightly more direct way to Farnham station, where I left Pete in the Mulberry Pub, and I ended up with Jacky & co at the tea counter of the station catching the 4.30pm. Thanks TG and all of you all for a lovely day, and the stops!!!

  • pia

    I should like to add that at Pete's (and TG's) suggestion, we diverted from the tarmac heavy gps route and followed the North Downs way after Moor Park into Farnham; and very nice it was.