Little Kimble to Saunderton Walk

Easy Chilterns walk with lunch at a favourite inn of the poet Rupert Brooke


This is a list of previous times this walk has been done by the club (since Jan 2010). For more recent events (since April 2015), full details are shown.

Date Option Post # Weather
Sun, 16-Mar-25 Little Kimble to Saunderton 4 mostly cloudy
Sun, 03-Nov-24 Little Kimble to Saunderton
Sun, 03-Mar-24 Little Kimble to Saunderton 6 sunny
Sun, 19-Nov-23 Little Kimble to Saunderton 3 cool blustery
Sun, 20-Aug-23 Little Kimble to Saunderton 2 largely sunny
Sun, 05-Mar-23 Little Kimble to Saunderton 3 dry
Sat, 10-Sep-22 Little Kimble to Saunderton 12 cloudy dry
Sat, 28-Aug-21 Little Kimble to Saunderton 5
Sun, 25-Oct-20 Little Kimble to Saunderton 18 sunshine and blue skies
Sun, 03-Nov-19 Little Kimble to Saunderton 10 dry start then very light rain getting heavier then fine pm
Sun, 06-Jan-19 Glorious Chilterns: Little Kimble to Saunderton 14 dry and warm for the season but greyish
Sat, 21-Oct-17 A Chilterns Combo (Saunderton to Wendover) 14 mostly sunny and breezy with Storm Brian
Wed, 19-Apr-17 Something New: an early start (with later option), Chiltern Hills and Woods with a very nice pub 13 brilliant sunshine
Sun, 23-Oct-16 1 Autumn in the Chilterns
Sat, 13-Feb-16 Third walk 4 drizzle all day
Sun, 01-Nov-15 Sunday Second Walk - Chiltern beech woods 5 brilliantly sunny day with fog at the end
Sun, 14-Sep-14 Little Kimble to Saunderton Walk 7
Sat, 16-Nov-13 Little Kimble to Saunderton Walk 17
Sun, 14-Jul-13 Little Kimble to Saunderton Walk 4
Sun, 19-Aug-12 Little Kimble to Saunderton Walk
Mon, 09-Apr-12 Little Kimble to Saunderton Walk
Sun, 06-Nov-11 Little Kimble to Saunderton Walk
Sat, 22-Oct-11 Little Kimble to Saunderton Walk
Sat, 21-May-11 Little Kimble to Saunderton Walk
Sun, 25-Apr-10 Little Kimble to Saunderton Walk
Sat, 05-Dec-09 Little Kimble to Saunderton Walk
Wed, 07-Oct-09 Little Kimble to Saunderton Walk
Wed, 04-Mar-09 a Little Kimble to Saunderton Walk
Sun, 22-Feb-09 Little Kimble to Saunderton Walk
Mon, 05-May-08 Little Kimble to Saunderton Walk
Sat, 23-Feb-08 Little Kimble to Saunderton Walk
Sun, 26-Aug-07 Little Kimble to Saunderton Walk
Sun, 18-Feb-07 Little Kimble to Saunderton Walk

Sunday 16-Mar-25

Mr M Tiger
17 km 10.6 miles Difficulty 5/10
A Chilterns walk. Starts off flat, gets hilly.
Directions: here t=swc.10
In the woods after lunch (Monkton Wood), keep to the track at the right-hand edge – this track is not obvious on entry.
🐎 Option c, a shorter ending (by about a mile), would take you through the Horse Trust sanctuary on a public footpath. There’s a £1 entry fee to visit. For time to look round, leave the Pink and Lily by 2:30. (visiting ends at 4).
Trains: Get the 9:53 Aylesbury train from Marylebone, arriving Little Kimble at 11:06.
Trains return from Saunderton direct at xx:57. (or change at High Wycombe for a faster journey)
Get a return to Little Kimble.
Lunch: The Pink and Lily 01494 489 857
An earlier option would be the Plough 01844 343 302
The Golden Cross is handy for the station
There is a tea room at the Horse Sanctuary if you take that ending.
  • Sun, 16-Mar-25

    4 on a mostly cloudy day. Largely dry underfoot, occasional bit of clag. (Hope we’re not heading for a drought).

    Poor Mr Tiger was soon lagging behind. It’s the hills, see. He had hoped to catch the others up at the Pink and Lily but ‘gasp’ ‘horror,’. A blackboard outside said it all. “Closed. Sorry for any inconvenience” (Looked like an impromptu ‘closed’, rather than closed ‘closed’).

    So next stop Horse Trust tearoom. Getting very close to it and then what happened? I’ll tell you what happened. A group of about 20 walkers appeared in front and practically ran up that hill. (Must have been the Kate Bush group). This meant the tearoom was clogged. Went for a look round the gee gees, came back, still clogged. On to Saunderton. Time for a quick one.

    Met one of our group on the platform, turned out they had bypassed the P&L anyway.

    Got the 15:57. No sign of the other 2.

Sunday 03-Nov-24


SWC 10: Little Kimble to Saunderton t=swc.10

Length: 17km (10.6 miles).

Difficulty: 4 out of 10

Trains: Take the 9.53AM train from Marylebone arriving at Little Kimble 11.06. Return trains from Saunderton are at xx:57. Buy a return to Little Kimble .

This is a gentle Chilterns walk, with lots of fine beech woods, which should be starting to show their autumn colour.

Lunch: The Pink and Lily Pink Road, Parslows Hillock, HP27 0RJ (01494 489857). Located 7.5 km from the start of the walk, this is the suggested lunch stop.You may need to book if you wish to eat there.

Tea: The Golden Cross Wycombe Road, Saunderton, HP14 4HU (tel 01494 565974) is the suggested tea stop.

Enjoy the walk!

Sunday 03-Mar-24

Mr M Tiger
17 km 10.6 miles Difficulty 5/10
A Chilterns walk. Starts off flat, gets hilly.
Train: Get the 9:53 Aylesbury train from Marylebone, arriving Little Kimble at 11:06.
Trains return from Saunderton direct at xx:57.
Get a return to Little Kimble.
Lunch: The Pink and Lily 01494 489 857 (a pub once favoured by Rupert Brooke)
An earlier option would be the Plough at Little Cadsden 01844 343 302.
The Golden Cross is handy for the Station.
Directions: here
In the woods after lunch (Monkton Wood), keep to the track at the right hand edge – this track is not obvious on entry.
Last year a few of us were led on an interesting diversion through the Horse Trust's sanctuary near Speen Farm. It’s not yet in the SWC walk directions, but the route has recently been added to the gps file. Note that it involves a bit of (quiet) road walking, If you’re interested, I’ve included rudimentary directions as a comment. T=swc.10
  • Sun, 25-Feb-24


    Via the Horse Sanctuary…

    Follow the main walk to the top of page 4 but, after descending the hill (paragraphs 1-2) turn right along the lane (Flowers Bottom Lane) instead of crossing it).

    On reaching a small settlement, take a footpath left into a steep field. Veer right, climb to the top and go through gates into the back of the horse sanctuary. Follow the path to the main visitor area and tea room. (You’re on a public footpath, but to explore the centre there’s a £1 entry fee). The sanctuary closes at 4.

    After your visit, follow the main entrance drive to a road (Slad Lane). There’s a stile by the gates if shut. Turn left down the lane and at a crossroads with New Road, go straight over, down a quiet, winding lane (Smalldean Lane).

    This lane would lead you all the way to the Golden Cross near the station, but, after about a mile, with a redbrick house to your right and farm buildings to your left (Small Dean Farm), turn left down a footpath, eventually turning right into a large field. Turn left at the corner, to follow the hedge alongside the road. Soon, you rejoin the main walk ( point [14] p 6) which you follow to the Golden Cross and station. Knocks about a mile off.


  • Sun, 03-Mar-24

    6 on a sunny day. Quite muddy underfoot but a dry sock day. We reached the Pink and Lily about 1:30 5 ordered gargantuan feasts. And then, readers, they ordered puddings. All this meant that we didn’t leave until 3. Off we trotted and all decided to take the Horse Sanctuary route despite the realisation that there would not be time for a look round. (You would need to leave the pub by 2:30 for a look round. It still served as a shorter route to the station, handy for some who were getting weary. And there were one or two horses to say Hi to. We just made it back in time for the 16:57 No time to stop at the Golden Cross. All enjoyed the walk.

Sunday 19-Nov-23


Length : 17km (10.6 miles).

Difficulty 4 out of 10

This is a gentle Chilterns walk, with lots of fine beech woods, which should still have plenty of autumn colour.

Trains: Take the 9.53 train from Marylebone arriving at Little Kimble 11.06. If you just miss that train, take the 10.00 fast train to High Wycombe and change to wait for the above slower train.

Return trains from Saunderton are at xx:57 )

Buy a return to Little Kimble.

Lunch: The Pink and Lily Pink Road, Parslows Hillock, HP27 0RJ (01494 489857). Located 7.5 km from the start of the walk, this is the suggested lunch stop.You may need to book if you wish to eat there.

Tea: The Golden Cross Wycombe Road, Saunderton, HP14 4HU (tel 01494 565974) is the suggested tea stop.


  • Sun, 19-Nov-23

    3 turned out on a cool blustery day for this lovely walk. The ground was covered with fallen leaves but there were enough left on the trees to catch the light and create endless compositions of autumn colours throughout the walk. There were some muddy patches which we were able to skirt around but the paths were generally good and firm.

    There is no obvious picnic spot on this walk so we went to the Pink and Lily for drinks and took them out to the garden and into a pod where we were able to discreetly eat our sandwiches. The weather felt cooler and windier when we set off again but we soon warmed up on the many uphill stretches which made us wonder if the walk should be graded 5 out of 10 rather than 4. We reached Saunderton just after the 15.57 had departed so went to the pub for tea. Very friendly service. We caught the 16.57 back to London.

Sunday 20-Aug-23

Mr M Tiger

17 km 10.6 miles Difficulty 5/10
A Chilterns walk. Starts off flat, gets less flat. There are one or two stretches where gps would be useful but here’s a tip from Mr Tiger.
In the woods after lunch (Monkton Wood), keep to the track at the right hand edge – this track is not obvious on entry.
Last year a few of us were led on an interesting diversion through the Horse Trust's Sanctuary. If you're feeling adventurous, I’ve included rudimentary directions below. Optional. of course.
Trains: Get the 9:12 Oxford train from Marylebone, arriving Princes Risborough at 10:04 .From there, get the10:15 bus replacement 😠for the short journey to Little Kimble arriving at 10:30.
Trains return direct from Saunderton at xx:54. Get a return to Little Kimble.
Lunch: The Pink and Lily 01494 489 857 (a pub once favoured by Rupert Brooke)
An earlier option would be the Plough 01844 343 302
Tea: The Golden Cross is handy for the Station
Directions: here T=swc.10

An unofficial afternoon diversion would take you through the Horse Trust Sanctuary. The sanctuary closes at 4. Knocks about a mile off.the walk.
From memory: Not on our gps, not walk-checked. Follow the main route to the top of page 4 but, after descending the hill in paragraph 1 and “after 40 metres cross a stile” (end of para 2), don't cross the road but turn right up it (Flowers Bottom Lane). This takes you through a small settlement. Take the 2nd footpath left into a steep field. I think there's a Horse Trust sign. Climb to the top and cross a stile into the back of the sanctuary. Follow the path to the main visitor area and tea room. (It’s a public footpath, but to explore the centre, there’s a £1 entry fee). After your visit, follow the main entrance drive to a road (Slad Lane). There’s a stile by the gates if shut. Turn left down the road and at a crossroads with New Road, go straight over, down a quiet, winding lane . You’ll pass a National Trust sign for Bradenham Down off to the left but keep going down the road. At a farm, (Small Dean Farm on the map) turn left down a footpath, eventually turning right into a large field . Follow the right hand boundary for some way. This meets the end of the main walk, at [14] in the text. Keep straight on to the station. Feedback appreciated.

  • Mon, 21-Aug-23

    2 on a largely sunny day. The bus replacement wasn’t so bad. Only us 2 on it as it rattled along to Little Kimble.

    A pleasant walk with no wrong turns. Saw plenty of flowers, some butterflies, and a small deer hiding in the undergrowth. Early on, there was a whole flock of red kites circling low overhead. If they were waiting for me to keel over, they were to be disappointed.

    Lunch for one at the Pink and Lily. Cider for the other. Then on. We took the diversion to the Horse sanctuary which worked well but maybe needs a few tweaks. Although the sanctuary only requires a donation of £1, they made at least £3.60 out of me after I’d seen their sad little faces.

    We didn’t stop at the tea room there but we did stop at the Golden Cross. More cider, sigh.

    We were aiming for the 15:54 but managed to get the delayed 14:54 a few minutes earlier. Thought we’d struck lucky. Then they announced the 15:54 was going fast to London and we were following slow behind. Win some lose some.

Sunday 05-Mar-23

Mr M Tiger
17 km 10.6 miles Difficulty 5/10
This walk starts off flat and gets bumpy. As you might expect in the Chilterns, you’ve got hills, views and woods.
Train: Get the 9:53 Aylesbury train from Marylebone, (Wembley Park 10:02, West Ruislip 10:18) arriving Little Kimble at 11:06
Trains return from Saunderton at xx:57.
Get a return to Little Kimble.
Lunch: The Pink and Lily 01494 489 857 (a pub favoured by Rupert Brooke in days gone by). An earlier option would be the Plough 01844 343 302
Tea: The Golden Cross is handy for the station.
Directions: here There are a couple of tricky bits where gps would be handy but here’s a tip for one of them…..
In the woods after lunch (Monkton Wood), keep to the track at the right hand edge – this track is not obvious on entry.
  • Sun, 05-Mar-23

    In dry weather, just 3 walkers were up for what is one of my favourite short walks. We split at Redland End into 2 going to the Pink & Lily for lunch and 1 walking on to The Black Beauty Tea Room at the Horse Trust in Flowers Bottom, and improvising the route from there.

    A long lunch at the Pink followed and we got to The Golden Cross with half an hour to spare before the 16.52 train, for cake/tea/beer (delete as appropriate).

    Fine views from the wooded and not wooded ridges, no mud worth speaking off, interesting woods, great vistas down lonely U-shaped valleys, plenty of red kites to ogle at. Always a good walk.

Saturday 10-Sep-22

Little Kimble to Saunderton T=swc.10
Length: 10.6 miles (17km) 4 out of 10 (some comments say 5)

"This is the Chilterns, showing all the characteristics of this range of hills. In particular, there are lots of fine beech woods on the walk, The walk is not all wooded, however, and has some good open stretches and a number of fine views. Though the terrain is undulating, gradients are in general not taxing."


G et the 0953 Aylesbury train from Marylebone arriving Little Kimble 1106 ( Wembley Stadium 10:02, Northolt Park 10:07, South Ruislip 10:11, West Ruislip 10:17). Return trains are xx57 . Buy a Little Kimble return.

Lunch: The Pink and Lily (01494 489857). Good food, large garden, welcomes walkers. Located 5 miles, 7.5 km from the start of the walk,

Tea: The Golden Cross by Saunderton Station

  • Sun, 11-Sep-22

    12 today. A cloudy dry day. A brisk pace on a walk tougher than I remember, with stiles and plenty of ups and downs. In places there was this brown sticky stuff on the ground. Someone said it was called ‘mud’. Thankfully, not a lot of it.

    There was an unexpected detour in the morning. I hate to use the L word as you know. But we were, briefly. Not my fault of course. I blame the others. I was merely following.

    We eventually got to the Pink and Lily, where people were impressed with the quality and presentation of their meals.

    After lunch, i fell into bad company and was persuaded to follow three others on an unscheduled shortcut that took us to the Horse Trust’s Sanctuary near Speen. Lots of retired or rescued horses, all with their life stories displayed. And a tea room. This would make a great alternative ending. Scenic too. If only I could remember the route ‘sigh’.

Saturday 28-Aug-21

Little Kimble to Saunderton T=swc.10
Length: 10.6 miles ( 17km) 4 out of 10 (some comments say 5)

"This is the Chilterns, showing all the characteristics of this range of hills. In particular, there are lots of fine beech woods on the walk, The walk is not all wooded, however, and has some good open stretches and a number of fine views. Though the terrain is undulating, gradients are in general not taxing.

There are a couple of sections through woodland, where in the absence of other distinguishing landmarks, having a compass will help."

Trains: Get the 0953 Aylesbury train from Marylebone arriving Little Kimble 1106 There is a 1000 with a change at High Wycombe, but it has a warning of being very busy. Return trains are xx57. There may be an option to change at High Wycombe for a faster train coming from Birmingham. Buy a Little Kimble return.

Lunch: The Pink and Lily (01494 489857). Food served noon - 2.30pm. Located 5 miles, 7.5 km from the start of the walk,

Tea: The Golden Cross by Saunderton Station

  • Sun, 29-Aug-21

    Just 5 off the quiet train for this lovely walk. The Lily & Pink had good service, as did the Golden Lion before the 1657 train home.

  • Adam
    Mon, 30-Aug-21

    Enjoyed a nice walk

Sunday 25-Oct-20


Little Kimble to Saunderton walk

Length : 17km (10.6 miles). 5 hours.

Difficulty 4 out of 10

This is a gentle Chilterns walk, with lots of fine beech woods, which hopefully, will be showing their autumn colours. The walk also has open stretches and a number of fine views.

Trains: Take the 10:05 train from Marylebone arriving at Little Kimble 11.08. Return trains from Saunderton are at xx:51 and xx:54. The latter is a slower train. Buy a return to Little Kimble.

On arrival, set off in groups of six or less, allowing gaps between each departure. You will be asked to provide your email address for contact tracing purposes. In the event that you develop COVID symptoms in the week following the walk, please email Your contact details will not be shared with anyone.

Lunch: The Pink and Lily Pink Road, Parslows Hillock, HP27 0RJ (01494 489857). Food served noon - 2.30pm on Sunday. Located 7.5 km from the start of the walk, this is the suggested lunch stop.

The Plough Cadsden Road, Lower Cadsden HP27 0NB (01844 343302) Food served noon - 2.30pm Sun) Located 3 km from the start of the walk, this is an earlier possible lunch stop.

The Whip Inn Pink Road, Lacey Green, HP27 0PG (01844 344060) Food served noon – 14.30. Their website is not working but there are recent reviews on the web. This pub is off route, about a mile down the road from the Pink and Lily but you could follow the Chilterns Way or plot a shorter route to get back on track.

Tea: The Golden Cross Wycombe Road, Saunderton, HP14 4HU (tel 01494 565974). Open all day. This is the suggested tea stop.


  • Sat, 24-Oct-20

    Note change of train time - departing Marylebone 10.05

  • Anonymous
    Sat, 24-Oct-20

    The return train, to clarify, is a choice between a direct stopping service (xx.51) or taking a northbound service to Princes Risborough and changing there for the fast train from Birmingham Moor Street to Marylebone (xx.54)

  • Anonymous
    Sat, 24-Oct-20

    However, the slower, stopping train @ .51hrs will return you to London 15 minutes earlier than the faster .54 train.

    This is due to a 21 minute wait to change to the fast train at Princes Risborough.

  • Mon, 26-Oct-20

    18, maybe more.All dutifully dispersed before they could be counted.Despite torrential rain at dawn, we had sunshine and blue skies throughout the day with one very brief shower after lunch. This is a beautiful walk.The autumn colours were at their best with infinite shades of yellow, gold and brown transforming the woods and colouring the landscape from afar. Most people stopped at the Pink and Lily for lunch, some having a drink outside and one or two ordering food. Service was friendly and efficient and they tolerated some of us eating our sandwiches at some tables in their car park.

    Three of us had tea at The Golden Cross and one got some cake to take away. Efficient service and reasonable prices. One group caught the 3.51pm train, others the 4.51. Hopefully everyone finished before dark.

  • David
    Mon, 26-Oct-20

    A couple of comments about the walk:

    I may have lost some fitness over the last few months, but I would describe this walk as "moderately strenuous in places" rather than "a gentle walk" and would upgrade it to a 5 out of 10.

    I would say it's essential to have a compass, in a couple of places. Fortunately, I'd downloaded a compass app the night before.

    It was a great walk, though!

  • Wed, 28-Oct-20

    I agree about the difficulty rating. A couple of others remarked that it was strenuous too.

Sunday 03-Nov-19

Mr M Tiger
SWC walk 10
17 km 10.6 miles
Difficulty 5/10
This chilterns walk is good for autumn colour. Starts off flat, gets bumpier.
Train: Get the 10:13 Aylesbury train from Marylebone, arriving Little Kimble at 11:08.
Trains return from Saunderton at xx:50 platform 1.
Get a return to Little Kimble.
Lunch: The Pink and Lily 01494 489 857 (a pub once favoured by Rupert Brooke).
An earlier option would be the Plough 01844 343 302 (where David Cameron left his daughter).
Tea: The Golden Cross is handy for the station.
Directions: here
There are one or two minor navigational challenges en route. The notes recommend using a compass but here’s a few tips.
  • Entering the woods after lunch (Monkton Wood), turn right and keep to the track at the right hand edge – this track is not immediately obvious.
  • Later on, after point [13], near the corner of the wire fence (top of p6), your direction of travel is onward down the escarpment to a wooden gate. Use the path a little to your left to get down.
  • Shortly after this descent, you reach a car wide track (2nd para page 6). If concerned about the light, you could follow this track down to the A4010 and turn right along the pavement towards the Golden Cross and station (about 1 km.).
  • Sun, 03-Nov-19

    10 today. dry start then very light rain getting heavier then fine pm . At lunch, one of our number headed off for Princes Ris fearing more rain. And what happened? The sun came out. We were so smug.

    A varied and very pretty walk. Wonderful colours in the beech woods. There were some comments about the directions being vague in places. It could do with a clarity check. Like that corner of the wire fence top of page 6. And a bit I noticed today, approaching Solinger farm. The directions say “follow the bridleway for 700 m ignoring ways off” But at one point there’s a fork. Which fork’s the way off? Eh? Eh?(You take the right fork actually).

    The Pink and Lily fine. The Golden Cross fine. But when is this fad for pale ale going to die out? Soon I hope.

Sunday 06-Jan-19

Length: 17.3 km (10.8 mi)
Ascent/Descent: 400/385m; Net Walking Time: 4 ½ hours
Toughness: 4/10
Take the 10.13 Aylesbury train from Marylebone (Wembley Stadium 10.22, Gerrards Cross 10.35), arrives Little Kimble 11.08.
Return trains from Saunderton are on xx.50. Just missed it? Take the xx.54 in the other direction and change at Princes Risborough…
Buy a Little Kimble return.
This is a little gem of a walk, showing all the characteristics of the Chiltern range of hills. In particular, there are lots of fine beech woods on the walk. The walk is not all wooded, however, and has some good open stretches and a number of fine views. Though the terrain is gently undulating most of the time, gradients are in general not taxing.
Note : there are many paths in the woods, more than on the OS maps, so taking a compass is recommended.
Lunch : The Pink & Lily in Parslow's Hillock (7.8 km/4.8 mi , last food orders 14.45 ), a favourite inn of the poet Rupert Brooke (1887-1915) . This pub has gone through a welcome transition to a walker-friendly, yet nicely refurbished bright pub with an interesting good quality menu. The Plough at Cadsden is an early option (famous for a recent British PM forgetting his small child there).
Tea: The Golden Cross , which usually has a fine selection of cakes and serves proper tea.
For summary, map, height profile, some photos, walk directions and gpx/kml files click here . T=swc.10
  • Sun, 06-Jan-19

    14 walkers (4 of those had driven to Saunderton and left their cars there) in dry and warm for the season but greyish weather.

    This is one of my favourite short walks, so you won't hear anything negative from me.

    Today it was also virtually mud-free and with the benefit of being able to peek through the leafless trees from the wooded ridges into the valleys. Quite a bit of up-and-down en route, but despite that almost all kept together to the lunch pub (bar SWC's most regular backmarker). Upon calling The Pink & Lily, the pub had already given us the dreaded "we're fully booked and don't really fancy 8 lunchers turning up w/o a reservation and further clogging up the orders for the kitchen on a very busy day"-message, but upon arrival there - magically - was a table for 6 and another small one in a snug in the bar, and enough space also for the picknickers to sit around it.

    We reached Saunderton just after 4 and - with the 15.50 just gone - most retired to The Golden Cross. All bar the car drivers were then on the 16.50 train.

Saturday 21-Oct-17

SWC 10 (in reverse)/Book 1 Walk 52: Through the turning beech woods and over the rolling Chiltern Hills from Saunderton to Wendover T=swc.10

Train: Take the 9:13 AM Aylesbury train from London Marylebone to Saunderton, arriving at 9:55. Late risers who prefer a shorter walk can take the 10:43 AM Banbury train from London Marylebone to Princes Risborough, arriving at 11:27 and just do Book 1 Walk 52 in its entirety. If all goes smoothly you should rendez-vous with the Saunderton starters at the Plough – probably arriving about 20 minutes before the earlier starters. Return trains from Wendover are at 23 and 53 minutes past the hour until 22:23. Buy a day return to Aylesbury.

Distance: 14ish miles or 22.5ish km for those more metrically minded and 8.4 miles/13.5 km for the later/shorter route.

Difficulty: 7 out of 10 (6 out of 10 for the shorter option)

As something a bit different in the Chilterns, I thought this combination of two trusted favorites would make an enjoyable extended foray through the Chiltern hills and woods. We will set off doing SWC 10 in reverse from Saunderton to Lower Cadsden for lunch. After lunch, we will swap over to the instructions for Book 1 Walk 52 to complete our journey from Lower Cadsden to Wendover. Both morning and afternoon routes pass through beech woods which should hopefully be tinting nicely. The walk also includes a couple of nice panoramic views from which to survey the surrounding autumnal countryside. More information and the instructions can be found here and here. Don't forget both sets of instructions and it will also be useful to print the map for the morning section!

Lunch will be at the Plough in Lower Cadsden (01844 343 302), a popular pub. If numbers are very large, some could also have an early lunch at the Pink & Lily in Parslows Hillock. Recommended tea places in Wendover include Rumsey's Chocolaterie open until 18:00 (on the High Street about 5 minutes from the station) and the Shoulder of Mutton Pub (next to the station).

Enjoy the walk!
  • Anonymous
    Wed, 18-Oct-17

    This walk sounds very interesting and I am keen to do the full 14 miles. I know the weather is light rain but rather windy. Any takers?


  • Wed, 18-Oct-17

    At least three of us will be doing the longer (main) option, whatever the weather....(though let's hope it is not too horrid...)

  • Anonymous
    Wed, 18-Oct-17

    Great and see yo all at Marylebone train station for 09.15 train. Looking forward for some autumn colours and fungi spotting too.


  • Anonymous
    Fri, 20-Oct-17

    The weather looks better in The Chilterns. Two of us intend to do the late start short cut. Anyone else interested?

  • Marion
    Fri, 20-Oct-17

    Hoping to do the shorter option

  • Anonymous
    Sat, 21-Oct-17

    Karen thanks very much the walk it was a lovely walk and we escape the 'so called storm Brian'. Sorry I had to dash off in the end and caught the 16.53 train with 2 minute to spare.

    Thanks for the company guys.


  • Sun, 22-Oct-17

    So after all the hoo-ha about Storm Brian it was a perfectly nice day , mostly only a bit breezy, with stronger gusts just once or twice, good amounts of sun, especially in the morning, one shower near the start - “nothing out of the ordinary for October” as the BBC forecast finally said the night before, after a week of much more apocalyptic warnings that probably put off a lot of walkers for this and other walks today.

    Still, 8 turned out for the longer Saunderton start and 6 for the shorter Princes Risborough one, so w=14 in all. Two faster walkers on the Saunderton start soon whizzed off and were lost to history. The rest of us met up with the Princes Risborough group in the Plough Inn and walked together with them in the afternoon.

    The longer, combo walk worked very well. Doing the walk directions backwards occasionally led to some minor detours - beechwoods are in any case rather confusing - but we managed well enough, aided by map, gps and fuzzy memories from doing the walk before in the normal direction. It was quite a long morning (for the record we got to the pub at 1.30pm). The Plough is now smart and efficient under Chinese ownership - an omen for the future, perhaps. For those who do not yet know, David Cameron (remember him?) took Chinese President Xi there for a pint. It thus has become a place of pilgrimage for the Chinese (I kid you not), was bought by the a Chinese company, and a complete copy of the place has now been erected in China. The food was very nice and the service cheerful. Perhaps a world dominated by China won’t be so bad after all....

    In the afternoon we passed Cameron’s former country estate: some walkers stepped off the path here to be photographed beyond the signs saying that if you step off the path you are breaking the terrorism act or somesuch. Let’s hope they don’t put the pictures on social media or they might be getting a visit from Special Branch.

    The beechwoods on this walk were still green at path level but lots of treetops (particularly ash) were bare when seen from above. Enough bits and pieces of other autumn colour to make it interesting. Coombe Hill was cold and windy as it always is. The cakes in Rumseys were as chocolatey as ever and the Shoulder of Mutton was cosy and christmasy. Conoisseurs went to both.

    We talked of many things - Brexit, how best to learn Italian, whether it is OK to vote on Strictly when you did not get home in time to watch all the performances... We got a train home at whatever time we did. It was dark anyway.

  • Sun, 22-Oct-17

  • Anonymous
    Sun, 22-Oct-17

    The two fast walkers arrived at the Plough same time as the late risers and had lunch together, then sped off again before the slow party from the early group arrived at the pub.

  • Tue, 24-Oct-17


    mostly sunny and breezy with Storm Brian


Wednesday 19-Apr-17

SWC Walk 10 Little Kimble to Saunderton
Length: 17.3 km (10.8 mi)
Ascent/Descent: 400/385m; Net Walking Time: 4 ½ hours
Toughness: 4/10
Take the 09.15 Aylesbury train from Marylebone, arrives Little Kimble 10.04. [Full Price £21.20, with SRC etc. £14.00]. For a later start (but with a much longer journey): 10.13 Aylesbury train, change at Aylesbury onto the 11.29 Marylebone service (via Princes Risborough), arrives 11.37.
Return trains from Saunderton are on 15.50 (48 mins), 15.53 (76 mins), 16.50 (49 mins), 17.26 (44 mins), 18.26 (42 mins) etc. Buy a Little Kimble return.
This is a little gem of a walk, showing all the characteristics of the Chiltern range of hills. In particular, there are lots of fine beech woods on the walk, which show display vibrant autumn colours in late October or early November. But more importantly this time of year: several of the woods, particularly in the later part of the walk, also have bluebells. The walk is not all wooded, however, and has some good open stretches and a number of fine views. Though the terrain is gently undulating most of the time, gradients are in general not taxing.
Note : there are many paths in the woods, more than on the OS maps, so taking a compass is recommended .

Lunch : The Pink & Lily , Parslow's Hillock (7.8 km/4.8 mi), a favourite inn of the poet Rupert Brooke . This pub has gone through a welcome transition to a walker-friendly, yet nicely refurbished bright pub with an interesting good quality menu and long weekday lunch hours (last food orders 14.45). For the late starters, The Plough at Cadsden is an early optio n.
Tea: The Golden Cross , which usually has a fine selection of cakes and serves proper tea.

For summary, map, height profile, some photos, walk directions and gpx/kml files click here .T=swc.10

Next Week: Tue sday SWC 8 Billingshurst to Amberley & Wednesday Book 1 Walk 9 Shiplake to Henley
  • Anonymous
    Mon, 10-Apr-17

    getting the later starting train in accordance with swc midweek walks tradition ! anyone else?

  • Wed, 19-Apr-17

    8 walkers off the early train in brilliant sunshine , which stayed with us all day. 1 more was met at the lunch pub, she had driven to Saunderton but arrived too late to catch the scheduled train due to the rush hour traffic, so made her way to the pub by foot and bus to pick up the walk there. 1 of us was 'on-call' and unfortunately got that 'call' some time between ordering lunch and getting it. He had to call a taxi to get to work.

    As for the walk: a nicely undulating route through very quiet countryside, with a fair mix of varied woods, with the sun breaking through the tops, very pretty indeed.

    We arrived at the pub bang on 12 o'clock, so were the first to order food, but it still took an age to arrive. So much so that the 4 who took the later train arrived before we had left. They were helped by their own ingenuity in getting off the Aylesbury train at Monks Risborough and improvising an alternative start for the walk (rather than travelling all the way to Aylesbury and then back to Little Kimble).

    The afternoon route had some very pretty valleys and more woods to offer, incl. 1 that was dominated by blue carpets in every direction (not quite at their best yet), before the final prolonged descent to Saunderton. 3 paid a visit to the Golden Cross's sunny back garden for tea & cake and/or beer. The rest went for the 15.50 train. 13

Sunday 23-Oct-16

Mr M Tiger
Little Kimble to Saunderton SWC walk 10
17 km 10.6 miles
Difficulty 5/10
This chilterns walk is good for autumn colour, particularly in Monkton Wood. Lets hope there is some. Starts off flat, ends hilly.
Train: Get the 10:13 Aylesbury train from Marylebone, arriving Little Kimble at 11:08.
Trains return from Saunderton direct at xx:50, platform 2.
If missed you can take the xx:54 from platform 1 and change at Princes Risborough for the next London train.
Get a return to Little Kimble.
Lunch: The Pink and Lily 01494 489 857 (a pub once favoured by Rupert Brooke).
An earlier option would be the Plough 01844 343 302 (where David Cameron left his daughter).
Tea: The Golden Cross pub is handy for the station.
Walk Directions: here
There are one or two navigational challenges en route. The notes recommend using a compass but here’s a couple of Mr Tiger's Tips to see you through.
In the woods shortly after lunch (Monkton Wood), keep to the track at the right hand edge – this track is not obvious on entering the wood but is plain sailing once you're on it.
Later in the walk, 450 metres after point [12] "by the corner of wire mesh fencing, 20 metres to your right" your route is onward down the escarpment to a wooden gate. Use the path slightly to your left to get down.

Saturday 13-Feb-16

SWC Walk 10 - Little Kimble to Saunderton
Length: 16.6 km (9.9 miles). Toughness: 3/10

Take the 9:13 train from London Marylebone to Little Kimble, arriving 10:10. Buy a day return to Little Kimble. Return trains from Saunderton: xx:50 until 21:50, 23:00. T=swc.10

  • Mon, 08-Feb-16

    Intend going.

  • Mon, 15-Feb-16

    4 of us on this walk (2 catching up later on) drizzle all day . Great lunch at the Pink & Lily, ending with drinks at the Golden Cross. The walk directions held up well vs. last time walked / checked in 2009.

    The good news is that the Black Lion re-opened quite a while back summer 2011 - I had assumed that it had gone for good as is so often the case. So a possible v. late lunch stop for this walk or an earlier lunch stop to be re-inserted for CW2 walk 3.

Sunday 01-Nov-15

Extra Walk 10, Little Kimble to Saunderton
Length: 16km (9.9 miles) Toughness: 4/10

10:10 Banbury train from Marylebone, changing at Princes Risborough (arr 10:53, dep 11:00) arriving at Little Kimble at 11:07.

Return trains from Saunderton to Marylebone are at xx:59 (journey time 46 minutes).

Although there are no direct trains to Little Kimble on Sundays at present, the outward journey with a change takes only two minutes longer than normal.

This is a gentle Chilterns walk through some fine beech woods which should be displaying splendid autumn colours right now. There are also some good open stretches and a number of fine views>

Lunch is at one of the poet Rupert Brooke’s favourite inns, the Pink & Lily (01494 489857) at Parslows Hillock, which serves food all afternoon on Sundays.

You will need to download the Walk Directions.
  • Wed, 28-Oct-15

    This is a lovely but fairly complex walk. Check out the walk comments for some useful info.

  • Ian T
    Mon, 02-Nov-15

    5 on this walk. A brilliantly sunny day with fog at the end in fact, a bit of a fog sandwich. It had lifted by the time we reached Little Kimble but returned again when we descended to Saunderton. If you haven't realised yet, we are having a good autumn. The woods were wonderful. Ablaze with colour caught by the low sunlight. Even more dramatic than Box Hill the day before. I took over 300 photos - a record- (don't worry I wont bore you with ALL of them, maybe just the best 100) There were some tricky bits, not helped by the leaf fall obscuring paths. A stretch I've previously crossed without problem sent me round in a circle! And there were a few of those moments when you feel you can't possibly still be on the right path but it turns out you are. And there was occasional mud. The Pink and Lily was fine but I think we was all sandwich eaters. We sat outside. Later, much later, on leaving the woods for the descent (top of last page) we were hit by a wall of inpenetrable fog. The other 4 elected to follow the official hilly home stretch (or their compasses and GPSes) to Saunderton. I didn't see them again. Doo doo doo doo. Doo doo doo doo. Mr Safe here decided to descend to the road and follow the pavement. This resulted in Mr Safe (just)catching the 16:59 and the others not catching it.