Riddlesdown to Coulsdon South Walk
Happy Valley and Farthing Down, close to London (Zone 6)
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Riddlesdown - Greater yellow rattle
Riddlesdown to Coulsdon South
swcwalks book2 walk15 pretty 51316847000

Farthing Down - GY rattle and scabious
Riddlesdown to Coulsdon South
swcwalks book2 walk15 pretty 51316568359

Happy Valley GY rattle and orchids
Riddlesdown to Coulsdon South
swcwalks book2 walk15 pretty 51315103552

Near Farthing Downs
Buttercups prevail, rain like stair rods
May-16 • quitenearmike on Flickr
book2 walk15 swcwalks 26694424580

Cow, Farthing Down
These small docile animals are used to graze the common. Riddlesdown to Coulsden South
book2 walk15 swcwalks 15453733828

Kenley from Riddlesdown Panorama 4b
View from Riddlesdown looking SW towards Kenley. The fields and woods of Kenley Common surround the houses on Hilltop Road and below that Beverley Road. New Barn Lane can be seen as it disappears into the woods and appears again as the footpath across the field leading to Kenley Airfield. The new houses on the far side of the airfield can be seen in the clearing in the trees top centre of the picture.
Aug-09 • Brett Oliver on Flickr
downs northdowns book2 kenley walk15 riddlesdown swcwalks kenleycommon swcwalksbook2walk15 3848059640

Lunchtime in the Fox
Only joking but I had you for a minute didnt I? Detail from Chaldon church wall-painting, of course. Riddlesdown to Kingswood
book2 swcwalks walk15bvariant 3244344953

Punishment for usury
A hot bot and sore ears Chaldon church wallpainting. Riddlesdown to Kingswood
book2 swcwalks walk15bvariant 3244345707

Heading to Coulsdon Common
happy valley book2 walk15 swcwalks coulsden 3013421573

Many-zoned Polypore (Coriolus Versicolor)
happy valley book2 walk15 swcwalks coulsden 3013423441

Many-zoned Polypore (Coriolus Versicolor)
happy valley book2 walk15 swcwalks coulsden 3014258364

Yellowdrop Milk Cap - Lactarius chrysorrheus
happy valley book2 walk15 swcwalks coulsden 3013424539

Yellowdrop Milk Cap - Lactarius chrysorrheus
happy valley book2 walk15 swcwalks coulsden 3013424675

Coulsdon from Farthing Downs
happy valley book2 walk15 swcwalks coulsden 3014262192

The Ladder Of The Salvation Of The Human Soul 1
This is 13C wall painting in Chaldon Church. Couldson South Circurlar walk. Details here www.surreycommunity.info/chaldonpc/history-of-chaldon-church/ www.surreycommunity.info/chaldonpc/history-of-chaldon-chu...
Feb-08 • msganching on Flickr
art wall painting walks churches pot devil boiling book2 13c walk15 swcwalks tocw215 2260944418

Book 2 Walk 15b Riddlesdown to Coulsdon South
Observatory on the London Loop near the Wattenden Arms. Dave A. Vivitar 5199mp
Dec-07 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
south observatory coulsdon book2 riddlesdown swcwalks walk15b 2148150135

On Farthing Down
Riddlesdown to Coulsdon The dog's a Schnauzer / Labrador cross by the way.
book2 swcwalks walk15b 1793746731

JSSL Blue plaque
Exterior of The Fox Public House, Coulsdon Common. D.Allen. Camera: Vivitar 5199 mp
Oct-07 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
plaque fox coulsdon book2 walk15 swcwalks 1751065819

Betts Mead Kenley Surrey UK IMG_2006-01
Jun-07 • Brett Oliver on Flickr
landscapes book2 walk15 swcwalks 668952266

Kenley Common IMG_1588-01
The footpath on Kenley Common leading to New Barn Lane. Background Riddlesdown Common and chalk pitt.
May-07 • Brett Oliver on Flickr
landscape northdowns book2 downland commonland kenley walk15 swcwalks 669798921

Kenley Common IMG_1596-01
The footpath on Kenley Common leading to New Barn Lane. Background Riddlesdown Common
May-07 • Brett Oliver on Flickr
landscape northdowns book2 downland commonland kenley walk15 swcwalks 670688636

Kenley Common IMG_1297-01
May-07 • Brett Oliver on Flickr
trees field common book2 kenley walk15 swcwalks kenleycommon 1516793891

Bluebell Wood IMG_0589-01
Bluebells in the woods Kenley.
Apr-07 • Brett Oliver on Flickr
flowers blue woods bluebell bluebellwoods book2 walk15 swcwalks kenleycommon 1351100285

Map of Happy Valley and Farthing Down
Mar-07 • Andrew Murphy on Flickr
coulsdon book2 walk15 swcwalks 432676169

View from Farthing Down towards London
Mar-07 • Andrew Murphy on Flickr
coulsdon book2 walk15 swcwalks 432676485

Book 2, Walk 15b, Riddlesdown to Coulsdon South
The Route. Opposite where the recently demolished Rose & Crown stood. D.Allen Vivitar 5199mp
Jan-06 • magyardave2002 on Flickr
south coulsdon book2 walk15 riddlesdown swcwalks walk15b 2172842415

Dec-04 • Peter Conway on Flickr
swcwalks book2 walk15 36487165554