Rye, Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea Walk
Interesting coastal walk past an extra wide beach framed by sand dunes and an army range to an eerie shingle desert landscape with decommissioned nuclear power stations. Return by bus.
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Camber Sands
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular [taken by Emma P]
Feb-18 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 40211472601
Camber Sands from the Sand Dunes
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular [taken by Emma P]
Feb-18 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 40211625051
Big Sky, Cloud Scapes and Waves: Camber Sands
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular [taken by Emma P]
Feb-18 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 28431822529
Big Sky and Cloud Scapes over Camber Sands
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular [taken by Emma P]
Feb-18 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 walkicon 40178922602
Dark Clouds and Wind Farm
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular (Wind Farm Extension of Rye Ending) [taken by Emma P]
Feb-18 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 28431785229
Rainbow and Wind Farm
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular (Wind Farm Extension of Rye Ending) [taken by Emma P]
Feb-18 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 26338977698
Mysterious building plus wind farm
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular (Wind Farm Extension of Rye Ending) [taken by Emma P]
Feb-18 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 40211361191
Birdlife in Reed-Ringed Water-Filled Pit, Dungeness RSPB Nature Reserve
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular (Long Lydd Ending)
Dec-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 24507651837
Birdlife in Reed-Ringed Water-Filled Pit, Dungeness RSPB Nature Reserve
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular (Long Lydd Ending)
Dec-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 walkicon 39342328572
At Edge of Lydd Ranges
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular (Long Lydd Ending)
Dec-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 39371894601
Sheep on Seawall, near Camber
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular (Rye Ending)
Dec-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 25502830358
Creek on other side of Seawall, near Camber
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular (Rye Ending)
Dec-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 38663803844
Sheep in Marsh
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular (Rye Ending)
Dec-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 24507529247
Sheep in Marsh
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular (Rye Ending)
Dec-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 walkicon 39371820551
St. Mary, East Guldeford
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular (Rye Ending)
Dec-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 38663754854
Former Copper Tub, by Penny Cottage
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 38836635541
Penny Cottage
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 23971307937
Prospect Cottage and Derek Jarman's Garden
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 38836598801
Dungeness Fish Hut
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 23971270387
The Lighthouse, Dungeness
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 23971260017
Cottage near Britannia Inn, Dungeness
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 38120536794
The Old Lighthouse, Dungeness
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 23971229397
Dungeness Power Plant, from Tsunami Defence Shingle Wall
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 23971212027
Dungeness Bird Hide on Tsunami Defence Shingle Wall
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 38805464882
The Setting Sun, Dungeness Beach
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 38836529681
Cliffs towards Hastings from Dungeness Beach
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 38836514291
That's How All Pylon Lines Start
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular (Lydd Ending)
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 27060046349
The UK's Only Desert: Dungeness NNR
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular (Lydd Ending)
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 38805426812
The UK's Only Desert: Dungeness NNR
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular (Lydd Ending)
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 38805413602
Dungeness Power Plant from Dungeness NNR
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular (Lydd Ending)
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 38120427544
Broom Bush Patch, Dungeness NNR
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular (Lydd Ending)
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 38120416154
The Path (the red/brown-ish strip), Dungeness NNR
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular (Lydd Ending)
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 walkicon 23971082347
Water Tower, Dungeness NNR
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular (Lydd Ending)
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 38805351502
Reed-Ringed Water-Filled Pit, Dungeness RSPB Nature Reserve
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular (Lydd Ending)
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 38120374744
Bonfire prepared (Fair and Bonfire Salts, Rye)
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 27059961109
River Rother at A 259 bridge, Rye
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 38836387991
River Rother at low tide, Rye
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 23971019037
Muddy Channel, off River Rother
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 38805265702
Rye across the marsh
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 37949442585
Wrecked Boat, River Rother
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 23970968747
Muddy Inlet, River Rother
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 23970960697
Rye and Camber Tramway
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 38120229154
Golf Links Halt, Rye and Camber Tramway
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 27059899309
Outflow from Rye Harbour Nature Reserve
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 38836266311
Shed in Rye Harbour Nature Reserve
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 27059873849
Gun Emplacement across the Rother
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 38120132384
River Rother Mouth on Rye Bay
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 23970877687
Camber Sands, with Dungeness Power Plant in Distance
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 38805126512
Camber Sands/River Rother Mouth
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 27059839269
Camber Sands
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 walkicon 38805100072
Camber Sands
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 38805090672
Camber Sands and Cliffs towards Hastings
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 38836133801
Beachfront Holiday Cottages in Camber
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 38805065902
Sand Dunes in Camber
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 38805055872
See the Sea through Sand Dunes in Camber
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 banner 24963531718
The Sea through Sand Dunes in Camber
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 24963522588
Horse Riders on Camber Sands
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 24963510748
Surfer off Camber
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 23970711107
Furniture off Seawall Flood Defence, Camber
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 37949215845
Flood Defence Seawall
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 38836045861
Water-Filled Pits, Lydd Ranges
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 38804976192
Water-Filled Pits, Lydd Ranges
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 23970661007
Target Railway, Lydd Ranges
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 24963463168
Target Tanks, Lydd Ranges
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 38804938402
Target Tank, Lydd Ranges
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 23970600697
Concrete Structure for Combat Training, Lydd Ranges
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 37949131825
Bunkers, Lydd Ranges
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 27059606559
Dungeness Nuke Plant in the Distance
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 27059592749
Fishing on the Shingle Beach at end of bridleway, Lookout
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 24963382498
The Endless Shingle Beach
SWC 154 - Rye to Dungeness and Lydd-on-Sea or Lydd or Circular
Nov-17 • thomasgrabow on Flickr
swcwalks swcwalk154 38119802844