Sheffield to Bamford or Moscar Lodge via Burbage Rocks and Stanage Edge Walk
From Sheffield's urban centre through narrow valleys and across wild moorland to the Dark Peak's gritstone edges, and a lush finish into the Hope Valley
Try disabling your ad-blocker if the map doesn't appear.
GPX Editor
Record map clicks
Reload map
GPX loaded.
Map Help
Switch to: OS Explorer 1:25K, OS Landranger 1:50K
Switch to: OpenStreetMap - global, free, volunteer created maps. We use the OpenTopo map tile server.
Switch to: road map, streetmap, satellite.
OS Data Hub
Switch to: OS Explorer 1:25K, Landranger 1:50K, "road atlas" 1:200K.
Change map size: full screen, normal
Print. Select
(landscape) or
(portrait). Disabled for Bing as printing is against OS T&C's. It is allowed in OS.
Hints: Use 'Print Preview'. You may need to reduce scaling ('shrink to fit'), and remove headers / footers / borders.
Move the map to my location
When zoomed in, click a place to get postcode
Tweets and Instagrams near here
Show waypoints with distances.
Click the map (not on a line or marker) to update the OS and GPS coordinates
Ordnance Survey (OS) mapping covers England, Wales and Scotland - not Northern Ireland or the Channel Islands. Isle of Man is 1:50K only.
Legend : OS 1:25Kpdf,
OS 1:50Kpdf.
There are paper 1:25K maps for both Isle of Man and the Channel Islands
OSI and OSNI produce paper 1:50K and some 1:25K maps. OSI isn't online. OSNI (then Basemap Gallery / 4 squares icon, then 25K or 50K)
OpenStreetMap is an opensource global crowd sourced map. It is better at showing footpaths than the OS in some places.
Screen Capture
(On Windows) To copy a map to the clipboard : use CRTLPRINT-SCREEN (thats press and hold the CTRL key, then press PRINT SCREEN). You can then paste it into MS Word.
(On Android) Varies by device. Try press and hold Power then Volume -, or try press and hold Power