Witley to Haslemere walk

A gentle walk to Chiddingfold and the Crown Inn


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  • Witley to Haslemere. 2/3/23
    amib, Mar-23

    This was another re-walk of a wonderful 9 miles in the Surrey Hills. Last done in 2010, this time the walker chose to do the walk in reverse, i.e. Haslemere to Witley.

    It was a good day for walking, with sunny intervals and just a slight northerly breeze.

    Much of the early walking from Haslemere is on National Trust land, through woods, with decent paths (today), though they can be muddy.

    Lunch was had at the interesting St Mary's church in Chiddingfold (the message on the door meaning, 'May Christ Bless the house'), though two pub alternatives exist (one 12th Century!)

    A slight deviation is made to see the former '70s home of the band, 'The Stranglers', prior to walking through some more open country, The Downs, interspersed with more woods to reach the rail line.

    Thereafter, it's through Ash and Sweet Chesnut copses (for the former walking-stick industry) on the Greensand Way to reach Witley station

    (one slight short-coming of doing the walk in reverse is that the trains from Witley are not very frequent and there's little there to kill the time).

  • Witley to Haslemere, Part 1. 28/11/10.
    amib, Nov-10

    Around nine and a half miles through the delightful Surrey Hills.

  • Witley to Haslemere, Part 2. 28/11/10.
    amib, Nov-10

    Continuing on after lunch in Chiddingfold,